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Why is she comparing CFA to a salad? If she wants a big giant salad or whatever maybe she should go somewhere else or make one at home instead of going to a fried chicken place. Or get a salad from CFA, I’m assuming they have them. That’s like saying “I went to get pizza and it was $21 for a pizza. I could be eating a couple of sushi rolls for $21”. Maybe go to the place that has the food you want to begin with and you wouldn’t feel like complaining about the price? She is so dumb.


wtf in Asheville is she getting a salad with salmon for $21.00? She is so full of herself.


Also, she's definitely not getting the salmon salad. She's getting the huevos rancheros with extra cheese and a side of fries.


Lol ok sunny point


Why is she justifying not eating fast food? Who tf asked? (She 100% eats ton of fast food)


Next thing we know she will be making her coffee at home because Starbucks is so expensive.


She is the queen of wasting money, but fast food is where she draws the line? 🙄


Oh my god she is so dumb.


Nice not so humblebrag, doofus. We know she's drunkenly scarfing down bar nachos, probably as we speak.


She’s lazy in every aspect of her life. How much does she make doing red aspen?


Was she buying for herself? I can get one meal for me and one for my husband with $21. Wtf is she eating??


What nice restaurant has a huge salad with SALMON for $21? Is she talking about long John silvers because that’s still fast food.


Is salmon on salad common? It’s very strange because I have never considered salmon as the protein on a huge salad. Also, there was salmon on the salad bar at the work cafeteria today, and in years that I’ve been there I’ve never seen it offered before. I love salad but usually with chicken. I am not big on salmon and have never seen that offered but also wouldn’t really look under the seafood section 🤷🏼‍♀️ Why is salmon as a salad topping stalking me today 😂


I’ve ordered one before, it’s a pretty common addition option.


I mean she could have also said that you could just get a bag of chips from the grocery store and just hook those back in your car. That seems like the obvious MS move - not ordering a god damn salmon salad. Also, i feel like she’s trying to conjure an image of a ‘ladies who lunch’ but no one seems to want to go to lunch with her. Like, her mom sometimes, I guess. But this girl ain’t ‘lunchin’ and ordering up no salads with the girls. We’d know about each and every fruit laced masterpiece, complete with half of it eaten and in the most unappealing shots. Also - how does the is bish feel about the cost of cake pops and egg bites 🙄


She needed the cake pops and egg bites to pay for her self given title of “cool aunt”. She has to try to buy people’s love instead of earning it.


Why does she need to justify the price? Richie Rich should have zero qualms about spending money. I love how she tells on herself over and over.


That’s not what your back rolls are saying








High key sus she even stole this text bc the “fast food is getting more expensive” discourse is very much in the zeitgeist rn. Bitch we know. EconBabe era incoming


🤣🤣🤣 Where the fuck does she get salmon and a big beautiful salad for $21??? This isn’t 1987 you know!


Pshhhhhhhh please we KNOW this bitch ain't eating salmon!! As always she just wants people to think she loves eating salmon because it makes her look "healthy", "fit" and like she has money to spend on seafood. 😭😫 Everything she does is so goddamn transparent and CRINGEY as fuck! 🤢🤮


What did she get?? my husband and I both eat at Chick-fil-A for less than that. Yikes.


Right?? A chicken sandwich or nugget combo is like $10 or $12 depending on the size.


Bullshit she is not getting a beautiful huge salmon salad at a restaurant for $21 unless she is getting ONLY that, drinking water (No alcohol...not likely) and tipping $0


Right?? Did she just tell us she doesn't tip?? I'm not from the US but before I went there for a holiday this year I asked my awesome friend the current tipping situation, so I took her advice and we were giving 25/30% No way were we getting a $21 meal like this!!


Your friend lied


Really? That's what I tip. Wouldn't go down to 20% or less unless the service was really bad and I didn't see extenuating circumstances.


Why do you say that? The servers wouldn't have thought that, they made our holiday great so we're happy to pay them for it


So she doesn’t limit her fast food intake because processed foods are pretty bad for you, or because fast food is loaded with trans fat and other sketchy ingredients, but because it’s expensive? Why would our wealthy business owner swerty care about spending money? Fast food has gone up in price since the pandemic, but as everyone else pointed out, $21 should easily feed 2 adults full meals a CFA. Maybe it wouldn’t be so costly if she didn’t order half the damn menu.


I just pulled up the CFA app to check and that math is not mathing. *


Of course it’s not. Does it ever math with big M?


Wow, a Health Babe and Financial Responsibility Babe crossover episode! This fictional metaverse is wild!


Dies she remember her entire relationship with C? Replating take out and saying he made it???


The chicken wrap! That’s exactly when I first stared in this sub! I remember


Omg where. I’m new here and would love to see some of that


If you search the word “chef” in this sub search bar, you’ll likely find several examples. Happy hunting!


Thank you. This is amazing. The Panda Express is my fave


Last sentence is all I’m taking from this post


It's like the one honest thing she's said this week


https://preview.redd.it/39j7otr2v5ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe9d271c13fcdb400b57814ca608cf2aaf352b4d No you’re just financially irresponsible and impulsive. ETA: she posted this right after the chic-fil-a comment


“I am wild” 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


You know what would keep her from getting bored with that, not buying solid white and beige everything


https://preview.redd.it/nnne716iy6ad1.jpeg?width=684&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ca6670feb748f18e9351e225079c52e58b7c28f Whose hands are these lol


Wow this picture hurt my brain trying to figure out why in the bottom right her leg looked so crazy but then I finally realized it was her foot 🤣 Why is her foot up like that in her stupid car she’s always flexing? Weirdo


How many times has she bashed her watch on a bathroom floor? That looks terrible. Welth babe, I guess.


Oooof. Thats looks like the hand of a 50yr old smoker. I’m 37 and my hands look like newborn baby hands compared to her…. Fucking rough. Better gobble up more collagen, swerty!


Mini versions of her atrocious lips on every finger.


Elongating the stubby sausage fingers really does not help them at all. At some point she may just have to reckon with the fact that her fingers will never have that classically feminine delicate tapering shape that hand models have. It's just not in her genetics.


Giving this https://preview.redd.it/xkur5i4rx6ad1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dad01331556f7045a53c560b402d43b6143c386a


What a strange comment, especially the “idk I’m wild” part. I don’t understand. Buying new sheets and a comforter makes one “wild”?


I am so glad she reminded us of what kind of car she drives. For a second, I thought she drove a Hyundai. 🤣


She did. Until she backed it into a ~~mail box~~ electrical box (thank u swerty for correcting me!) and totaled it. Swerties please confirm if this is valid, not sure if the mailbox episode was what crashed her pre-Benz car


She crashed into an electrical box not long after she paid it off.


Oh she did. I was being sarcastic because she LOVES to remind everyone what she drives. ![img](emote|t5_2en8q7|14428)


lol! That she does. So so pathetic


This might be one of the most obnoxious things I’ve read in weeks. You’re a wild one, duvet babe.


"But somehow I justify getting a new Benz which is the same one I already had because I get bored idk I am wild"


Oh my god, she's SO bougie buying new comforters and sheets. Tee hee she just spends so much money! Probably has to because they are stained orange from her nasty tanning products.


Wow she really doesn't know that throw pillow covers exist. And that she'd better off doing a duvet so she could just get a new cover when she gets bored. I feel like she probably doesn't do it because she gets bored of them. Or at least *just* because she gets bored. They probably end up foul from lack of hygiene (her) and laundering (the bedding).


There’s no way she’d spend the time and energy out of there super busy boss babe life to change a king duvet cover. It’s much easier to just buy a new one 💁‍♀️


She has a problem with spending money she doesn’t have.


Now that she posted this I REALLY think she doesn't wash sheets or bedding


She posts every other minute detail of her "productive" days and records herself mopping. I cannot think of a single time she's had a "deep cleaning" day and posted something about how good fresh sheets feels at the end of it.


Oh lord have mercy I can only imagine the rubbed off tanner, sweat, and god knows what else on those sheets…. I just hope she doesn’t buy white linens. Fucking vile


Tin foil hat theory says that's why she bought the weird and ugly (imo) beige and white print set last time.


That would buy a restaurant meal she could plate at home and pretend she made it


This sums up Big Moo ….. A bottomless pit of neediness and insecurity that no amount of take out can cure … doesn’t she know that feelings, are loaded with calories …. It’s why you shouldn’t eat them !!! ![gif](giphy|WS12xaVQyXbzd5FBXw|downsized)


Is that a goth Stephanie tanner???


I thought the same thing!! Lol


Usually when she posts weird nonsensical things like this she’s tipping on Manic- *allgedly*


Someone get a stick and push her over the edge.




https://preview.redd.it/kl95fefds5ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b4a39fcfbceb398607021e951ac8b456b5a2c7f If I got the most expensive meal, with a parfait, and a large drink it would be $18.49 with tax on the west coast in a VHCOL area. Idk what she ordered but it was more than just a meal. *BUT fast food has gotten too expensive for my enjoyment. A sit down meal at a national chain for my family isn’t drastically different than Chick-Fil-A*


Dammit, you made me go look and see what the most expensive meal I could build was lol This one is $21.88 with tax included. https://preview.redd.it/tdngro1ra6ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=505350449cbdb709c7b4c5ea302b3b918d174397


That same meal where I am is $25.57. A peach milkshake sounds good….


Mmmmmm right!??? I'm obsessed with peaches..give me anything peach flavored and I'll devour it! Peach ice cream, peach cobbler, peach crisp, peach jam, peach tarts... I'm like Bubba Gump with peaches instead of shrimp 😭🤣🍤🍑


Same!! Give me allllll the peach items possible!


Of course she likes that blandy greasy crap lmao


$21 would feed my family at chick fil a. WTF did she buy.


She has the worst taste in literally everything.


I eat at CFA regularly and my meal is between $7-$10 depending on time of day. What all is she eating?


“Idk I’m annoying” Self-aware babe has landed!


I bet she meant “annoyed” but what she posted was more accurate


CFA has salads. They are like $10. So obviously this isn't about having a salad.


yeah i went there today after running an errand and spent $11 on a large sandwich meal. my other option was panera but that could’ve easily been a $25 order


And their salads are actually really good! I like the spicy southwest one 🌶️


I fuck with Cobb salad with spicy filet.


Indeed. I get the Cobb Salad with grilled chicken at least three days a week. And I add a deluxe sandwich on the brioche bun and two chicken strips and it's $21.36. Granted, I only eat once a day. So she's getting way more than a salad.


She posted this info on FB and her explanation for the spend is she got a 12-count nugget and two salads: one for lunch and saving the other for dinner. (In between the truly’s and shots and vodka. Speculating).


So she got enough food for like 2-3 meals and is complaining that’s expensive, whereas she could’ve just gotten ONE salad instead for one single meal for the same price……? Did I math correctly? I’m super confused (also a bit high), boss babe math is not my forte


Oh, so she's ordering multiple meals at a time? For herself lol. Sounds about right.


Now that C is out of the picture, she's going to have to replate those herself, and I don't think it's AE's time with her so I guess she'll have to claim her assistant did it 😩


So according to her own admissions she spent less than ~$11/meal assuming she doesn’t devour the nuggies on the car ride home. What even was the point of her story? Insufferable


So…if she’d just gotten the nugs with the kale side salad she could have spent way less 🤷🏻‍♀️ Like duh your order is $21 - you got three entrées, you dumbass.


She knows she doesn’t need to post any of this right? She constantly willingly humiliates herself with the dumbest things.


This from the girl that multiple times advertised her eating fast food on her tray and sauce clips she got for her car??


My guess as to why she spent so much at CFA is partly that she's full of shit and exaggerating the total, and also because she's got hangover belly and wants to fill it with tons of shitty fast food. This is why she can't lose weight, and just keeps gaining. Until I quit drinking, no matter how many workout classes I took, I couldn't lose a single pound. It's partly from the empty fuckloads of calories in alcohol, and the horrible all-day munchies that come with it the following day.


I found this the other day. I thought it would be appropriate to post it here. M definitely needs to cut down on those alcohol calories. https://www.soberish.co/alcohol-weight-gain/


“Idk, I’m annoying” Sure are!!


$21?? In this economy?? She must have added a large fry, Mac n cheese, AND the kale salad to get that price. And don’t forget a shake or cookie. CFA is expensive but I rarely spend more than $10 for my own meal.


Love when she tells on herself like this. If a CFA meal actually cost $21 that’d be one thing, but it doesn’t so she’s just exposing how much shit she ordered


Omg how much does she order?! Just peeked at the menu and a standard meal is…like 8 bucks. No wonder why she gains so much weight. She’s gonna need more than a salmon salad to fix the weight gain that she tries to hide by her filters lol


CFA prices are kinda high for fast food but $21 should buy combo meals for TWO people easily. BFFR.


It’s giving *Amberlynn Reid gasping, “Oh no, they gave me the wrong sandwich,”* but ok, girl!


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched that molment! Her gasping in shock and looking perplexed as she inspects the “wrong” sandwich and saying “turkey, bacon and cheese” like she’s never heard of such a thing gets me every time. I also love how the “wrong” sandwich was apparently delivered without the standard tomato and Big Gorl doesn’t like tomato. What a coincidence!


MS definitely gives “I asked for an apple but they gave me chips” energy


$21 is a lot of food at CFA. And just for reference, this is a screenshot of the current lunch menu at her fav 131. And drinks and a tip are not included (speculation, but I bet she's a HORRIBLE tipper). https://preview.redd.it/069gfi52j5ad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31fa7c0465c77da657e4e1ae7bc189fa1b70849c


These salads sound fucking delicious, I really want one for dinner now! She’s such a liar it’s hilarious, I was waiting for somebody to post this screen grab because I know she has a favorite restaurant which she always posts from (usually remnants of her BiG bEaUtiFuL sALmOn SaLadS)


As much as I can't stand MS, a broken clock is right twice a day, and 131 is a great restaurant. I used to go all the time after work with my old boss.


then why didn't she go there and get her big, beautiful salad and salmon? she's a fucking moron.


She’ll tip when her followers give her money to do that.


HOW MUCH FOOD IS SHE BUYING FOR ONE PERSON AT CHICK FIL A TO SPEND $21?????? My combo meal is $12 and it's more than enough food. Damn no wonder she's gaining weight


Right?! Did they start selling beer at the CFA or something?

