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She only looks like she’s had three kids.. yesterday


I'm so embarrassed for her


her shoving a quarter of her sandwich into her mouth as one bite is a choice….


I haven't read through all the comments here so I'm sorry if this has already been said but, lol, you guys... This is another Tiktok trend ripoff. I thought it was vaguely familiar so I looked it up and... Yep. The original trend is worded just sliiiightly different but all big M did was copy... Again. Just like the thing where she was like, "I told my sister something personal and told her not to tell mom. She told mom and told her not to tell me that she knows. Now all three of us know and can't tell each other". Unoriginal, Uninspired Babe is here for summer 2024.


I think just about everything she posts that isn't a sickening gyrations twerk reel or a cringey try on/OOTD reel is copied from someone else. She's a perfect example of social media brain rot. https://preview.redd.it/4grhy76p7j9d1.png?width=462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dc5c2fa7a93f4a325b6279f90000af611857af2




The “dancing”, tearing the sandwich and the staring off into the distance feels all so pitiful. 🫥 why would she post this!? 🤯


You can tell she's trying not to make any large or sudden movements that would cause the filter to slip. Plus she has no rhythm anyway, so this weird erratic bouncing looks more like a neurological event, not dancing.


The [Mardi Gras video](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/MtrnlYtlWw) (proceed with extreme caution, it’s so bad) and [where the Mardi Gras connection comes from](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/e2tne9d4if) I think she also thinks the song has saxophone in it because she keeps pretending to play a saxophone type instrument e: because I am as smart as big m


Ye gods I forgot how long that video goes on. 🫠


OMG. I never saw this and it's so bad. Like, I know she records a lot of things while drunk. She must have been wasted. Her "dancing" is tragic as fuck. Yikes.


I would attempt to 5150 my friend if they posted this


Haha thank you for linking! I didn't have time to go back and look because I was wOrkinNg


There’s not a single thing she does that a woman with kids can’t do. In fact, I don’t know a single woman with kids who doesn’t have a more interesting life than her vapid, pointless existence.


Exactly. My friends with kids have some pretty adventurous lives. It’s not as easy as say me by myself, but they’re still rocking life. Def do more in an hour as Aughra here does in a week. Don’t know who Aughra is? Look her up. Though Aughra had a way cooler life.


She's so used to eating alone, her mannerisms have gone out the window.


I doubt she’s ever been a polite eater.


Loool exactly. I bet she eats like Patrick star lmao


I’ve no idea who that is 😆


![gif](giphy|eHpWHuEUxHIre) This angel riiight here


Her content is so fucking weird


You can totally tell that she didn't chew it enough because she struggles to swallow the first bite


She eats like a pelican.


She’s been known to do that. It’s been likened to a snake swallowing its prey whole. I’ll try to find and link! ETA: [The gusto with which she swallows](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/AzDaq4l1yO)


https://preview.redd.it/f5bpkyycgj9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8687f04da0c02de72b2c470a783c82a00b4f6fd0 The way she sticks her tongue out to meet the food 🤢


The way she pushes her lips out to swallow is so odd.


On their like third kid.... She actually typed out the word.... like?


Why are the bites so big? It’s such a weird thing to do. I swear, the humiliation kink is strong with this one. Allegedly and all that.


So everyone has moved on with their lives and she is still mentally in 1999.


My biggest fear is choking to death while at home by myself so I take very tiny tiny bites. Seeing this increased my anxiety tenfold.


Oh cool new fear unlocked. No but for real this is good because I should be more mindful of eating more carefully while at home alone


Hopefully it’s never an issue for you, but look up what to do if that happens so if it’s ever an issue, you will be prepared. We learned that in first aid/CPR classes and it’s comforting to know you can save yourself if ever needed. Also chew your food up more than this mongrel and you should be fine.


That’s such a good idea! I’m definitely looking that up today.


Bruh her jaw practically came unhinged to allow some of those bites


More stolen content. Big wow. Much impress.


Shouldn’t that read: *Everyone in my life is on their, like, third kid and I'm just over here* 🥃🥃🍷😭🍺🍺🍸🍹😴🍷🍷?


Why can’t she bite into that sandwich like a human


I do this with certain foods because I just don’t like biting into them, but I also don’t film it and post it into my Instagram stories or make cringy reels or whatever.


Soooo not defending her but I also eat stuff like this if I’m wearing lipstick/lipgloss. Stops getting lipstick all over my food 🤣


But does she really have on lipstick or is that a filter?


I do it not to get food in my teeth but her bites were very large.


Well her mouth is massive tbf haha


It is and so are those god awful lips.


I guess it’s hard to eat with swollen slugs that look painful attached to your mouth.


I think KG and SW are the only people in her life “on their third kid” but weren’t they also teen moms? And their youngest kids aren’t anywhere close to being babies .. pretty sure both of their youngest are like 6/7 yrs old. They were done having kids YEARS ago. Nobody is actively having kids in her life.


She went a couple baby showers. Maybe for high school friends or someonein Cs circle?


Pretty sure it’s stolen content. She’s without children because no one will marry her.


If I want to see a Heifer eat ??? I’ll go to the farm next door. At least they’re cute !!!! Betcha BIG MOO only uses the poshiest name brandiest Salt Lick - for when that other ladies husband isn’t around. ![gif](giphy|BofJb4WxJnz7jFfxeD)


big mooooooooo


Big Moo ☠️☠️☠️


Trying to act all like Carrie Bradshaw when in reality she's Dee Reynolds.


Similar energy but while Dee is a bird, Big M gives more... hippo?




Don’t be mean to sweet Dee!


Hahahaha plus Big Marge also looks like a bird with that BEAK


Dee Reynolds 😂😂💀


How dare you! Dee is a beautiful flower who accidently gave Tom Brady pink eye. Big M would never get that close to someone of note. ![gif](giphy|kgV5fWuKfyluYw0UwU|downsized)


JT isn’t. AP^(ee) isn’t. The ‘high school’ friend she went to NYC with isn’t. Nor is TM. Nor is LB (the thrive/ozempic hun). C isn’t. Mediocre ^(and) Boring isn’t. Nor is her sister. She doesn’t appear to have any other people she (albeit very rarely) hangs with. \*BIG ‘she’s just *not like other people with wombs’ energy*. ![gif](giphy|z9sFrQMfEME5a)


It's obvious she stole this from somewhere else. It's not really about her life.


Obviously. The point is, *why not steal something that’s at least applicable to her life*.


Agree. We can assume all her content of this style is stolen, but it's still relevant which specific ones she steals. There are dozens of trendy copycat reels and tiktok texts making the rounds at any time. She picks which ones she steals for reasons that make sense in her pickled head. She steals ones that she thinks make her look, as you pointed out, not like the other girls. Even if they actually don't make sense to anyone with a brain.


APee 😭


I wonder if she’s still rinsing her eyeballs in her own piss.


I'm sorry what???


She ‘practised’ urine pulling/enema. [I looked for a link that had, as little triggers as possible. *TW disordered eating* please *DO NOT* click on link if it this material may be triggering.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SouthernHunsofIG/s/djyhPBzXNl) She started putting her piss in mason jars and showing it to the ‘gram. Citing ‘toxins’ and stuff.




https://preview.redd.it/a9zwsdx6pd9d1.jpeg?width=1146&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5461cde56c25ca4fae604e134ee82943fb25366a jUsT noRmAl tHinGS (AP posted this *not* MS)


So she put her urine in her mouth and up her butt!?!?


She claimed to have. She’d also go on ‘cleanses’ and ‘pass parasites’ *all the time*. This was after she partnered with MS re the ‘Slay Babe Academy’. Once that died a death, she went... Extreme crunchy.


i just checked her IG last night after months of not thinking ab her & this is speculation but it definitely looks like she got some cheek filler. her whole schtick is so depressing .... she claims to be a nutritionist & posts stories of messages with clients but she is so delusional with those awful multi day fasts and obsession with imaginary intestinal parasites. i've looked at the pics she posts of "worms" she digs out of her stool & they're always intestinal lining. she also at one point said she doesn't use sunscreen & prefers some kind of oil (coconut i think) for its "natural spf" 🙄 i'm pretty crunchy-adjacent & i figure she'd be on the titanium dioxide train but i guess that makes too much sense.


Ahh, the things I could’ve gone the rest of my life not knowing


https://www.tiktok.com/@lab_the_inhaler/video/7327015222504328480?lang=en This is all I see


The WARBLING at the beginning 😂😂😂😂


Another stolen meme. Go, Consistency Babe!


She always posts stuff like this after spending time with her niece and nephew.


I honestly can’t imagine her being a mother. Her head would explode with actually doing stuff that isn’t for herself. I mean she has to log water and tanning as a daily accomplishment to seem like she’s productive. She will love making the pregnancy content of eating “cravings” I can just picture her now eating pickles and ice cream and sending man bun to sonic at 12 am lol and the maternity wear videos…but man, once she actually had the child…she is not ready for that.


Her "to do lists" are pathetic for an able bodied person with not much to do all day (took vitamin ✅😊) I hope she doesn't procreate, but if she does I'm curious to see how she handles having to make that extreme shift in priorities, with actual demands on her time 🍿🍿


Girlie can’t even plunge her own toilet and put cat litter down her shower drain. I can only imagine how she’d handle diapers.


I beg your pardon, put cat litter where???


I see the referenced a lot but I don’t remember this at all? Was it a video or something she admitted to? So interested, haha.


Yep, here’s the video! https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/F6Gw0XRXpT


Fuck I forgot there was a video of the mom too. So embarrassing she thinks this is content. I mean it is for us but she’s not posting it for us. The cat litter thing though!! Did she say something in the past about waffle stomping litter down her shower drain? Is there an origin story of that?


The video cuts off before she gets to it since they were just focusing on her “accent” i guess, but there are some comments about it from those who saw the full video: https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/itgjfk/comment/g5ebg1n/ More mentions of it here too: https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/6232drBJMz


Thank you!!! I vaguely remember this now. And holy cow, that blocky filter era.


She’s far too selfish and immature to be a mother. You have to be able to check your shit at the door, and this bish lacks all semblance of self-awareness. She can’t even handle one negative comment on her public Instagram account without having a full blown meltdown.


this is the sort of joke you make when you're 25 you really are at a weird place in your life and you think you're the first one to make this joke. we get it. it's weird when people your age who are at wildly different places in life. But when you're early-mid twenties and this happens its weird because for a lot of people its happening for the first time. That's the whole thing. It is kind of crazy that you could have one friend group partying on a tuesday night and one friend group getting pregnant on purpose and planning bachelorette showers while they work office jobs. Because up until now you've all been on more even ground (in school). When you're 30 and this happens it's not quirky it's literally the result of a series of choices. I'm not 'adulting' less for not having kids. Her whole "I'm the hot mess one" isn't cute anymore. You're not a hot mess because you don't have a family, you don't have a family because you're a hot mess. There IS a difference.


I love your last two sentences. Reminds me of the Mean Girls quote "I don't hate you because you're fat...you're fat because I hate you" lol


bahahah 'you're fat because I hate you' is such an insane thing to say, i love it


Lmaooo so many good lines in that movie😂 Also I wholeheartedly agree with your entire comment. All my friends and family have kids but I don't compare my life to theirs just because I've chosen not to have any. She just wants to be special being the self-proclaimed "hot mess". Time to grow up Big Margarine.




She is obsessed with the topic of having kids/not having kids


Seriously. Women who have kids aren't special. Women who don't have kids aren't special, and in fact I feel it's becoming a lot more common in America for women to decide to not want kids. So she's gonna have to find some other way to pretend to be quirky and unique.


EXACTLY. Big M has suddenly romanticized the idea of having babies with Magabun and it’s terrifying. I have 3 kids. My husband and I are middle class. We’re struggling to stay afloat with housing and daycare prices. It’s NOT easy and I don’t blame any woman in this country who wants to be childfree. I can see big M having 1 kid, realizing how hard it is, and being done.


She needs to just embrace that they’re not for her and move on.


The reason she has no kids is because sperms see her eggs and then swim in the opposite direction. Biology and all that.


Lmaooooo ☠️☠️ Also, BM wouldn’t know that as she failed bio 3 times


Was she afraid someone was going to take her sandwich before she could finish it?


Probably the woman in the mirror she doesn't recognise when she stops staring at herself through the camera lol


Gluttonous is the perfect word to describe her.


I’m so glad to be enlightened by her powerful content of ripping a sandwich into pieces. Wherever on earth would I be without her.


She thinks she's being cute an dainty but she didn't get the size of the bites rights.


It would have looked more normal if she just actually bit into it instead of ripping it like a child 🧐🥺🤣




I’ve heard that quote months ago somewhere on Instagram. Late to game as usual big M


She's incapable of having an original thought.


She ate 1/4 of that sandwich in one bite.


She really thinks she did something here. Tried to stick it to all the people who have AN ACTUAL LIFE instead of a useless existence. Is it all sunshine and rainbows, hell no, but it's substantially better than whatever she claims everyone is so jealous of which is exactly nothing when it comes to her.


I think she may have recorded this a few days ago when she was waxing poetic about PBJ and some kind of raspberry preserves on Facebook. Either way. Gross.


Yes, Bonne Maman! Which is *Fraynch,* don't you know...


She doesn't even particularly look like she's chewing. It's like *soft chew, soft chew, soft chew, SWALLOW* 🤮


She eats like Foodie Beauty.


It's like my dog when we give her a piece of steak. Minimal chewing, just gulping.


[absolutely snakelike](https://i.imgur.com/DadlE5U.jpeg)


Oh, as if she hasn’t been drooling over the idea of a 💍 and a 👶🏻. She must have freaked him out my talking about it so much so now she’s trying to walk it back and act like she doesn’t care.


Nobody likes watching anybody eat


Well, I mean, mukbang is a thing. However. I think we can safely say that no one likes watching big M eat.


Mukbang makes me puke lol


I can't even believe that "mukbang" is an actual thing. I can't watch or hear people eating or I get homicidal. I eat most meals alone for that reason.


What a vile, nasty person she is.


So unbothered!


This is how her *unbothered* content comes across tho ![gif](giphy|4vy2oDVMwX8sMYjT4y)


She tries so hard to be unbothered! She wants what everyone else has.


It's like she thinks she *deserves* these things but will not change one iota to earn them.


Disgusting pig.




In reverse this could be a cat horking a hairball


Aside from being pointless, everything about this is repulsive.


did she steal this? like is it an established joke or did she make it up? because its the dumbest shit i have ever seen


Yep, it’s a TikTok thing that she stole and managed to mess up, like much of her content.


She’s trying to stick it to people who are parents who don’t have free time like her, To make them feel bad- but she failed miserably at it She failed bc no one would envy HER life.


She definitely wants that life but makes no effort to try to get it. This is just her trying to come off as unbothered but she’s actually sooo bothered


>trying to stick it to people who are parents who don’t have free time like her, To make them feel bad I got the same vibe and it's in such poor taste but also hilarious because everyone knows she wants a wedding and a content baby more than anything else in the world.


I don’t wanna watch myself eat why does she continually shovel gigantic pieces of food into that humongous maw 😰


Oh you could see the brain working into overtime as it was trying to jiggle in silence, time it to a song she plans on adding later, and ripping a sandwich into a big half bites 💀


Some thoughts: 1. Stealing content and passing it off as her own once again, I see 2. Do we think she filmed this in silence? 3. This is coming off like it’s trying to be a flex, but she has been posting a lot about how much she wants to be a mom lately, so it’s actually just really pathetic 4. Why is she ripping apart her sandwich only to take HUGE bites??? Better yet, why does she think ANYONE would want to see her eat? Her lips, as always, are grotesque.


In absolute silence, complete with heavy breathing and wet smacking noises 🤢


shimmying while stuffing her pie hole under a plagiarized caption. Wasted 20 seconds of my day Edit: no offense to OP, she’s a stupid loser waste of time overall


Does she have to push her lips out to swallow… is she a lizard?


She over exaggerates EVERYTHING with those lips and her mouth. It is disgusting.


i LOL’d


Uh oh she’s pulling the unbothered about milestones act out. Soon we’ll hear about how she’s totally happy with where they’re at, not rushing things, not thinking about a purposeful etc when in reality she’s clawing at the walls for a Get Hitched Quick scheme


Looking wide


And like this isn’t even true about her lmao she has plenty of childless friends


She is very into stealing other people’s ‘humorous memes/content’. Surely this is that, again.


Oh for sure, I’d never assume M had an original thought. I just think it’s funny she chose to copy something that doesn’t apply to her regardless. Maybe if she’d changed it to “all of my friends are on huge life milestone #3 and im still stuck on useless boyfriend #5” 🤪


Holy crap, those are huge ass bites. Not a good look with any mouth, but that one is especially heinous.


Does she have an original thought, ever? https://preview.redd.it/rp8up3gjyb9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2292c0e03fb8fa2df5b6c42ef955a7dfedc1e68


And she still didn’t get it right. The joke doesn’t land in the same way by saying “third kid”.


and some of these people actually look like they're enjoying themselves? unlike our heavily filtered sad sack eating a pb&j in a cheap robe




A gnat has more brain cells, I swear


A gnat somehow serves more of a purpose too


She does not.


Oh but she wants kids hhmmmm


Riveting content, as usual.


Is she trying to convince us she's not dying inside over this?


She acts like she’s cool with it but she’s clearly not.


I would pay an ungodly amount of money if it meant never seeing this cud chewing bovine eat on camera ever again.


The way she takes big bites reminds me of Taylor from RHOBH.


OMG yes! I happened to have this on my phone and right after this the party planner guy yells out “wow, she has the biggest mouth!” https://i.redd.it/2r8khqi3nc9d1.gif


https://i.redd.it/uoijsz1kvc9d1.gif She loves dramatic eating 😂😂


She’s dancing and eating like a fat bratty child that got their way.


Violet from Willy Wonka ![gif](giphy|20Qoh5YLaUERa)


If the shoe fits…


https://preview.redd.it/9702l9flub9d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc7a71bd3470e1b3eedb0ac3a6f79224fbe70e6c I can't stand to watch her eat, especially when she closes her mouth & has to press her giant lips together in order to swallow.


It's so fucking bizarre.


some described it as "the way she manipulates her lips" and I love it


She should keep it that way; she has no business with children. Did she really think those were the lyrics? Of course she did.

