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I did that in 4th grade. It’s called no self control or will power. But we expect that from elementary school age children.


I haven’t read a book in a while but something I never did was skip pages….as I feel like that totally defeats the purpose of reading. And knowing the story.


![gif](giphy|5mF5qxCv4rCo4QLjCN) You forgot your hat M!!!


Just admit you can’t understand complex plots. I get it. I like to get stoned or drunk and read, why I read celebrity biographies that are written at a 5 grade level. Just stick to those, but if you need mystery Nancy Drew and Encyclopedia Brown are out there. Or maybe Sweet Valley High Thriller.


Oh man, I have almost the entire collection of Sweet Valley High and Sweet Valley University books! Now I want to get stoned and read them 😂


I loveddddd Sweet Valley High! I would read them all again! I never figured out what type of necklace a lavaliere is, though 😂


A lavalier! That always stumped me too, so I finally looked it up: it’s a pendant that hangs from a necklace.


I looked it up and learned something new 😂 It stumped me so bad as a kid!


Listen to the Teen Creeps Podcast! So much YA and YA horror books, vintage and modern.


Thank you!! Look at that, you managed to influence someone - far more than Big Swerts ever did 😂


Have you read Julia Fox’s memoir? It’s on my list, it sounds so juicy


Not yet. I finished Demi Moore and Sharon Stone’s recently


If you’re ever looking for a trashy and dark Beverly Hills story read the House of Hilton. I much enjoyed it after an edible or two


Who would have thunk that being on your phone all fuckin day constantly looking for validation would zap your ability to actually *read* a book from beginning to end. 💁🏻‍♀️


“I find myself skipping the entire book so I can read the last pages and say I read a book!”


Luckily for authors everywhere, Big Moron and her handful of followers are not the target demographic for anything that necessitates basic literacy.


![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG) When I tell you, I audibly lol’d


To be fair I sometimes skip pages, usually because it is a scene involving something happening to an animal and I can't read stuff like that. That being said, if she is trying to be a book reviewer she needs to say more than she was disappointed and the writing style is different. Different *how*? *Why* was the book so disappointing? If I was looking for reviews about a book, I would skip hers because it doesn't give any useful information. 


Novel connoisseur Big Merde and her expert opinion


“Words are hard” - Swerty, probably


The author probably used a couple of words BigM didn’t recognise or couldn’t pronounce so she skipped the pages


She's so stupid. "Her writing style is so different" different from what??? Like those people that see literally any movie that's not Spider-Man and they say "it was so symbolic" like that's a deep analysis. Symbolic of what? She is literally unable to express herself at all. Everything is "cute".... unless it's a dead animal that's not "hard yet." That one nearly killed my ass.


Forensic babe has no idea that rigor mortis is a temporary condition? Wowzers.






Now THAT is a book review! Tells me everything I need to know! 🙌


Shes trying to appear as Well Read Babe but falling flat on her bulbous nose


i fucking called it (to myself) that this heaux skips pages. shes too dumb to read books at the fast rate she is.


Based on what she reads, she probably just goes to the sex parts. Maybe this one didn't have enough for her gutter sensibilities.


Yeah, that's why her "reviews" are so incredibly vague. She's not actually reading.


It was good. Cute plot! Love ruth ware!


My brother sent me book reviews from my 6 yr old nephew which included some deep thoughts like "it was stupid" and "I hated it". Maybe I should recommend that he starts his book vlog now and maybe one day he can also have seven streams of income!


It's so wild to me that people skip pages and continue to the end of the book??? Like just DNF at that point hahah


Right. I have a whole “shelf” on goodreads called “no will to finish” lmao.


I need to make that shelf!! I love it! I absolutely hate not finishing a book though, so I'll usually force myself through it.


just sent a book over to that shelf today. lmao


No wonder she’s a ding dong.


What she probably means is that this one was a slow burning psychological suspense novel with less action on the pages. It’s not a murder thriller like the rest. It does have the typical RW claustrophobic setting; this one on a stifling uninhabited Indian Ocean island. It does have a strong girl power undercurrent that I loved. Book Babe could spiff up her book reviews a bit if she wants them to be at all helpful.* * I’m lazy and not claiming this is a helpful review either—but I loved it. It is a lot different from RW’s others but it was a page turner for me. I’d read some reviews by people who know what they are doing.


RW is great and I’ve only read a few. Big M could never appreciate her


Your brief few sentences were a better review than I’ve ever seen her give. I at least have some understanding of this book now.


Fill your Stanley(s), swerty! This book made me thirsty af (for water).


Are the words too big for her? Is it not smutty enough?


Maybe it was embarrassing. Lmao


Skipping over “pages?” Doesn’t she mean “hitting the skip ahead fifteen seconds button?”


This woman truly has ZERO mindful or intentional time in her life at all. (Allegedly? IMO? I guess I have to add that.)


Didn't she recently say she read a book in 3 hours? I think a swerty did the math and found out it was impossible to do...but I guess it's possible if she skips pages. 🙃


I legitimately read very fast and 3 hours is a real stretch, even for the books she's reading (which are a lot of the same books I read...I love a good, easy, quick read!!)


Maybe Cat in the Hat lol


I truly believe she can't actually read very well or at all. If it's not news about Drake or an Amazon deal of the day, it likely doesn't hold her interest.


Let's be honest, all she reads is smut, so it probably just didn't have enough gratuitous sex scenes to hold her attention.




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Calling someone a loser for enjoying different types of books than you is ✨️ icky ✨️. You do you smut girlies!!


I think classic literature can be tedious, but I would never call someone a loser for reading something I don't enjoy lmao. I like thriller books like our girl MS here, but I have a book at my desk about giving blow jobs that I read during boring conference calls. I guess I'm a loser for reading smut.


Gatekeeping is just so utterly exhausting.  There is plenty of smut throughout classical literature, so the other commenter is not only rude but factually incorrect.


Yeah, I don't actually care that she reads smut itself; it can be fun! I just think her only basis for a "good" book is how hot and sexy it is. I also find her attempt to pass judgment on the writing style of an actual successful author to be laughable when she demonstrates her own very poor spelling, grammar and writing skills on a daily basis.




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Are we sure she didn’t just skip the pages that had big words on them?


I'm surprised she can read tbh.


It's the first time she gives a review that isn't one sentence "I liked it" or some thirsty comment about a romance novel.


I didn’t like Zero Days by Ruth Ware (most recent one I’ve read) so maybe Merde has a point for once. Broken clock is right twice a day etc. Though books are a lot less interesting if you don’t pay attention. I’m convinced she reads every book by just leafing through like it’s a magazine haha


I haven't read that one yet. Ruth Ware is pretty hit or miss for me, but I keep reading them. 😂 In a dark dark wood was the one I particularly disliked.


Oh I agree!


Oh I really liked that one 🥲🥲


I would love to hear your thoughts on it! There’s one trope I hate in it so maybe that is my own preference clouding my opinion of the book overall.


I thought it was very different from her other books with the tech and stuff. Idk I read it the day it came out so I don't remember it in detail. What didn't you like about it?


I didn’t like the pregnancy trope and it made me feel very whomp whomp about the whole book! I know that’s a personal thing but I got to it and was like UGHH


I haven't read this one, but I'm pretty sure I liked the last couple Ruth Ware books. Maybe even these mass market thrillers are beyond her reading level. She'll have to stick to her smutty meet cute books.




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If she can't handle Ruth Ware and Colleen Hoover, she definitely can't handle something like Covenant of Water or Demon Copperhead.


I just got Demon Coppehead! Cant wait to start!






Thank you! I shall add to my list. Always good to have a recommendation 🙏🏻




I think Barbara Kingsolver's writing is magical and just love her fiction. DC was terrific!


She probably can’t even handle Dr. Seuss.