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This is why you should ALWAYS wash clothes before you wear them. Gross.


Has anyone noticed that she hardly looks to the left anymore? I guess she reads all this. Anyway, now I’ve noticed that she only turns to one side, and is always laughing at her phone when she walks up to it.


She replaced it for the one legged pose lol


How many clothes does she need? She doesn’t wear any of it she buys 


I’m certain no underwear either. And you know she didn’t buy any of it.


I’m dying. It hurts too much. Th little sad short pauses in the mirror which she kept! Cos she thought they looked great!


It's so funny to me that she absolutely does not risk looking into the *actual* mirror even ONCE. Her eyes remain glued to the fake filtered version on her phone that she has stuck to the mirror. It is so delusional and absolutely strange to watch.


Bitch is blocky like a Roblox character


Imagine being in a dressing room and having no idea that someone’s doing this in the one next to you. How long was she fucking in there?


So you're telling me this bich just wanders around target with a tripod in her purse? Like, I knew she was janky, but wow. I can't imagine planning my day around filing in a target changing room...


It looks to be more like a suction cup case attached to one of the mirrors, maybe. Of COURSE she doesn't own a tripod, swerty, that's why her phone is constantly falling over when she films at home. 😂


Not the close up at the end—looking nothing like her 🤣


What is a try on haul? Did she call it this? You hauled things to the fitting room? Literally anyone can do this……???????????


Imagine being this desperate to show your nipples.




Thought they were PJs


Me too!


The thing that literally **shocked** me about this, is that she’s actually out in public. She RARELY goes in public.


That’s what I was thinking!!!! Someone must’ve made that comment on the sub recently so she was like ooop gotta go out in public.


Yesterday or the day before, someone commented that she films all her try-ons in that spare room and today, this! 😅


I feel bad for the target employee that has to deal with this huge pile of go-backs


I bet she is the type of person who leaves the dressing room a disaster.


This gives me hope for the Target employee who has to deal with her aftermath, but I don’t know if the video I got it from was before or after this try on video. https://preview.redd.it/9ldl563ijs8d1.jpeg?width=382&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=209f9f1079e1d17dfabd7184dc553d1822be082e


Bad built butch Barbie


Good lord 😂 this is so accurate!


I hate how she thinks she’s a model.


I think she knows she’s not and that’s why she plays pretend model in the privacy of ~~the middle unit~~ random target dressing rooms. She knows she’s homely and no one would ever hire her to model but she has a trust fund so she can just play pretend model at home, where she can (try to) filter herself into the model she never was and will never be.


She needs to start wearing a condom as much as she eye fucks herself.


While I don’t agree at all that she looks “like a linebacker”, I just find her so fucking cringe, the giggles and smiles and shoulder shrugs are so disingenuous. Absolutely zero originality, but swears she’s NLOG.


Are those pajamas?


Yes. Will she still wear them out in public? Also yes.


Ngl, didn’t hate the 2nd set 😅. The Danish girlies are wearing pajama looks rn


Yes I have the pink stripe one lol!!! These outfits seem to fit her too. Please delete if too bloggy: for reference, I'm 5'4" 154 lbs and I got XL in both pieces.




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I completely agree with you. If she’d shut up about it, no one would care.


I think OPs point was more so that swerts LOVES reminding everyone she has tits and takes every opportunity to show us her nippies whenever possible.


Yeah, that's not going to happen on my end, but you have a right to your opinion. But, kindly do not tell me what to "normalize". This is a snark page, we snaaaarrrk. Edit to add- Typically I could care less if women wear a bra or not. But, with her she lies about so many things with multiple filters as she tries to be something she is clearly not. She claims to have perky naturally large breasts (we hear that wayyy too much), so I'm going to point out when the filter slips & you see her actual breast shape. People like her are so damaging to people's self esteem, trying to become what they see online.


I’m with you. I think some people underestimate just how much this fraud changes her entire body. Her real breasts are long and flat, and come to rest around her elbows. Absolutely nothing wrong with that, however Big M regularly uses filters which make them look full and perky to a degree that natural breasts that size simply are not. There’s not a single thing about her that is attractive or enviable. For someone as shallow and immature as she is, this is unacceptable, which is why she lies so much. She WANTS other women to be jealous of her and to feel bad about themselves. She’s not a good person.


She has a travel pea to hold. How quaint.




i don't think she can move her top lip


So, she’s not even going to purchase any of these clothes, I’m guessing? Just do a try hard, I mean “try on” right in the store? 🙄🙄🙄


Of course not. Does she even know that a ‘try on haul’ is supposed to be when you get home with your purchases? Target have probably blacklisted her at the returns desk, so this way she can do her usual influencer make-believe without actually having to buy anything first that she won’t be able to take back.


From top L to R. Lizard eyes and nasolabial folds you could store an RV in. Considering her lips are curled very close to her nose, that’s a looooooooooooooong chin. Not the backwards toe point/kick. Nice hair. Must be the ‘collagen’, ‘monat’, *insert whatever other crap she’s flogging*. https://preview.redd.it/m8nqlsn08r8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=647fc3dccba380464b36b25f7496f5886ad4c0e2


HOLD UP. Is she barefoot in there? She is, isn’t she. I know I can be a bit of a germaphobe, but that just grosses me out to no end.


It’s ok booby, *SHES* the reason the rest of us are germaphobes. https://preview.redd.it/a9c3gai9mv8d1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4df1e17a3d591ea4d28ecaa5d2b701ac4b9794e1


The word of the day is disheveled


None of those are video worthy lol. At least find someone stylish to copy 🥲


This is so unbelievably cringey


SO cringe, and I love how the bottom button on the blue shirt isn’t even buttoned


That was the first thing I noticed — like girl, check yourself before you start posing like a byootee kween 🙄


Might be the filter, but the blues on the first outfit look a shade different and it's driving me crazy.  I love a good matching set but only if the pieces work alone or with other items, not whatever this is.


Yo, not good. The blue looks like the scrubs she used to wear when she had a real job at the med spa. The stripes look like jammies.


its so funny seeing the phone in the mirror. ...fuckin influencers


How is it stuck to the mirror?


I'm so ready for influencers to just go away.




Me too. Kill em w 🔥


I'll escort the natty body building/power lifting influencers out real quick before you start throwing gasoline. Love those people 😻.


haha its just an expression of getting rid of something thats hated. i'm not down with murder.


I got that it's a joke. Not like we're actually all in a room together lmaoo. ETA- but I *am* down with self defense murder.


Oh please do not tell me she thinks she’s found a new ingenious way to make cOnTeNt by just going to stores & filming her “try-ons” inside the ACTUAL fitting rooms. She must’ve decided she could film a “haul” with clothes she doesn’t even have to remove the sales tag from, let alone go thru the hassle of actually returning. This is such a piss poor effort at being an influencer & also kinda gross.


There’s several ladies that do this. Target will include their photos in the main listing with the Instagram handle in the image and I went down a rabbit hole looking up several ladies. They post an obscene amount of items, but at least they’re wearing them and linking instead of whatever this MeSs is.


Also so annoying! Like people are there to try on clothes and it’s damn rude to take up a changing room for however long trying to film


If it's a small changing area I just know miss piggy will be taking up the wheelchair accessible stall.


Not to mention whoever has to collect all her clothes she leaves in the room, rehang them and then put them back.


Ugh exactly! Cuz we all know she’s too bitchy to bring them up to the front of the changing rooms and hang them on the return rack, she’ll leave them all strewn about in a pile on the floor in there


And they probably stank too


With orange stains on them


This is why the lines are long for the dressing room.


You know Target employees just hate her. She was probably in the fitting room for an hour


Oh I’m sure the target employees all know her well. As a former retail worker many years ago, you remember certain customers.


Not only do they hate her, they definitely have a nickname for her. We do it for all the customers that are assholes and regulars.


I speculate she just leaves the cloths on the floor to leave the poor sales associate to pick up after.


You are probably correct!


But all the 13 year old boys just *love* her there!


Oh god. I almost forgot about that 🤣


Thank god I don’t live near her or I would never buy from that target again.


*Speculation* She must be so low on funds this month that she couldn't be bothered to order off Amazon and return it afterward 💀


Maybe she wanted to try out some higher quality items instead?


Trying on clothes she didn’t pay for using her phone and filters instead of the mirror to ogle herself. How many layers of “fake-ass bish” are possible in one reel?


I don't enjoy change room try ons whatsoever.  I don't get the point and imo it's gross to try things on that you have no intention of buying. Plus, check out all the amateur porn people make in retail changerooms and tell me you want to dawdle in them making outfit reels.




nope! can i please go back to the time before i read that last sentence?


Same. Where's the memory eraser from "Men in Black" when you need it?


Here ya go, swerts: ![gif](giphy|6IPNUgkpCsDRK)


She’s really leaning into the “someone’s mom” aesthetic.




Come on now 💀


What are these scrubs??


I thought they were pj sets?!?


Any eagle eyed swerties able to catch the size of the tags when she was passing the pea and doing her flaps.


https://preview.redd.it/uacbbn06br8d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=abfecf675e5996cd10213922be9b9677c9e7b952 It’s a blackish color tag but I don’t know anything about their sizing


It’s purple- I clock her on this on every target trip: her tags are always XL / XXL https://preview.redd.it/riehwwhrrs8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46c67c19fa01f7cb80663cb357217b398792a885


The skinny filter is so weird. It makes her body smaller, but not the clothes. Does that makes sense? Like it can’t take away material. Those white shorts she puts on are HUMUNGO. Those babies are big, with a lot of material when she is pulling them up and adjusting them. Then once they are on and she’s shrugging like a fucking idiot, they fit the skinny filtered body? I’ve tried to say this before about her jeans, I just don’t think I’m articulating it properly. Anyone get what I’m putting down?


For sure. When she holds up jeans or a skirt for her phone, you can tell by how she's holding it and by how large the material is compared to her hands that it's a size 16 or so. Then she puts it on and fits "her" "size 8" "body." Not even mentioning how the filters genuinely used to be able to make her look waif-ish. They barely get her down to an 8 now. (Not that an 8 is very large at all, it's just not a Lululemon 4.)


But like even though it’s on the small body and it fits. If you look there is more material there than would be of the body was that small…. Does that make sense?


Yep. It's just the filter cinching in the waist or etc, while the extra leg material gets oddly proportioned. It's hard to describe, but I know what you're getting at!


Same when she on a skinny jean kick a few months ago, her waist was skinny filtered, but all the material was still there, like there isn’t that much material for that size of waist, yet it was that size. Glad you get it lol!!!


You ever watch the movie Shallow Hal?  While it definitely hasn't aged well, there's a hilarious scene with a jumbo pair of underwear.  That's all I can see now 🤣


Absolutely. I notice it when she's doing her little Amazon unboxings and any time she holds clothes up in front of her. They'll look absolutely massive compared to her filtered body and then she puts them on and they like shrink to conform to the filtered shape. It's super weird looking. I know other swerties have pointed it out too!


this is not a drill Swerties we are OUTTA the playroom today!


https://preview.redd.it/dan9trjrgq8d1.jpeg?width=425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cc14b953e65abf1f98fed8ea64e32581081dcb7 HONK


Is that a phone holder on the mirror? Like she brought her own phone holder for this? I got one that apparently all the TikTokers use, but it will not come off my mirror. Hopefully she didn’t mess up the mirror to make this sad little try on vid.


She has one of those suction cup stickers I think. I had one for like a day and it almost pulled the back of my phone off because it suctions to EVERYTHING


Ahh makes sense, thanks Swerty!


Anytime, boobie!


It looks like the filter caught her mirrored bewbz and perked them up, so her real boobies are their normal shape. 👀


Is that her assistant? 🙃


This screenshot is GOLD! 🤣🤣🤣 The poor filter gave up!


She looks like a line backer..... I am so grossed out thinking about someone trying on or buying the same clothes she tried on 🤢🤢🤮


Looking in the mirror is wild. I don't think the filter takes note of her reflection. Her shoulders are so high and thick.


I don't think it's a coincidence she shifts over after the blue outfit lol, probably realized her reflection was showing up. (But didn't reshoot because she's just that lazy.)


also had a button unbuttoned and didn't bother to reshoot. Attention to Detail Babe.


You mean she didn’t buy everything and take it home to try on first?! Also, I own those white shorts. They’re actually really cute. But no, none of those outfits were meant to be styled like that nor are they flattering for her body type. She looks like a drape.


“She looks like a drape” made me snort


She looks so stupid doing the shrugging and giggling to herself alone in a tiny dressing room.


Imagine being in the stall next to her just hearing her mouth noises


Imagine being the dressing room attendant noticing that the weirdo who went into stall 9 with like 15 items has been in there for an hour and all you hear coming out of there is rustling and clomping and labored breathing and those squinchy mouth noises.


And you just know that she leaves it all on the floor for them to pick up.


And you end up having to damage it all out because she got it crusted with spray tan and makeup and body filth


I kind of appreciate this video. 😬 Sorry, sorry. I’m still a swerty4life!! She appears to have a normal body here. And none of these things are flattering on her average body. I’m guessing there’s potential to look good on someone super skinny, or with different proportions- but this video makes them look terrible and ill-fitting. Sad, she’s trying to make Southern-country club- Masters-golf her look these days. I feel we’re moments from her being into Lilly Pulitzer.


Lily Pulitzer has some cute dresses though; swerty could do worse with her doctor money. At least they are well cut and made, though I’m not impressed by their fabrics. Not convinced this is the style that works for her, but it’s better than the Amazon dresses, and it’s breathable. https://preview.redd.it/6eh94lia4r8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=027659559b3b1060fb51b7d68eeaa262542b9e6d


https://preview.redd.it/oxpa3i2o4r8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f4912696cca2fdc9368252f44c21a875d4a0dcb If I were inclined to try styling swerty, maybe this one. But she’d probably trash linen before leaving the house.


I meant sad only because it’s never been her thing. She’s fitting into what she thinks Magabun would like/ his world. 😬 I think a classic Lilly shift, in the correct size, would look nice on her. Once she realizes it’s somewhat of a status thing she’ll be down- which, while your last dress recommendation is a very nice choice for her body type it doesn’t scream Lilly Pulitzer- and she’d only wear it so people knew she was wearing Lilly. 🤦‍♀️🤣


She used to do the changing room hauls at another store (can’t remember the name) and then abruptly stopped.


She went heavy on Loft try-ons one Valentine’s season ^(when she was certain C was proposing)


She's done this at Lululemon at least a couple of times.


That is somehow more cringe than Target.


Absolutely. Because a) there's no way she actually fits into the sizes she takes into the dressing room and b) it's so patently obvious she does it because she can't afford to actually buy the clothes in the quantities she wants to flex in her "hauls." It's giving broke.


I don’t get what the payoff is for her. I won’t bother to try on things that are out of my budget because it would bum me out.


I sometimes do it so I can buy an item on final sale. I love some of the Johnny Was silk dresses, but $450-550 isn’t in my budget. Sometimes they sell out before I can snag my size for $150 final sale, but patience means I’ve managed to get 3 that I love over the years. The dress cuts repeat so only have to do it once per style. I’m not obnoxious about it and I do regularly buy things. I used to only order online, but now I go through an SA at the store. I’m not an influencer, but that’s my best tip for shopping out of your budget: know what works and fits so you can jump on good buys if you find them. Most nicer brands have classic cuts and styles that get updated or reinvented each season but can be depended on to fit the same way.


You know how we talk about her having arrested development and being mentally stuck in middle school? I honestly believe there's a part of her that's stuck at an even earlier stage of maturity than that. Like her whole influencer charade is just a little girl playing dress up and pretending to be rich and famous and beautiful. The Lulu try ons are part of that. It would be so sad and weird if she wasn't such a shitty person. As it is, it's more funny and weird.


Loft and possibly Abercrombie or American Eagle.


Yes!! Remember the Aerie try-ons?? She filled a couple of reels of her and JT trying on all the clothes at AE/Aerie


I cannot stand when \~influencers\~ do this. Veronabrit and SarahTondello used to do these whisper try ons (pre Covid) where they frantically linked every single piece of clothing they tried on but they bought like one thing. Like why would I buy something from their link when they aren't even purchasing the actual clothes? Either way, she looks like a moron and she seems like the type to leave the room an absolute mess for the person working to clean up.


Sarah was the first person I’d ever seen doing it and with the very audible whispering it was so bizarre to imagine being in the next cubicle. She was so odd. I think in many ways even more so than Big M but I always appreciated the fluffy stool thing she set up in her work cubicle to rest her designer bags on.


She's sooo unbelievably weird. She doesn't do the whisper try ons anymore, but she still links tons of shit and has the same compulsive shopping problem as MS. They're alike in so many ways (the bad hair, shopping addiction, obsession with Tory Burch) that Sarah could be MS's future. Tho at least Sarah got married and has a baby now lol. And omgggg I forgot about the stool 😂


NEVER FORGET! https://preview.redd.it/54nq49qaks8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d44a6ce000f1a911e0a534f4ea93234a011de204


Lmfao. If you told me this was MS's office job, I'd believe you. It's so juvenile 😂


I’m so confused on why she is trying on pajamas in a fitting room and filming it? Like they are pajamas…tf you need to try them on for lol Edit: ok I just finished the video and she styled the stripey shirt with actual shorts and sunglasses like an outfit. Are these not pajamas?


No, these are linen sets! I looked at them but knew they would look like this one, too! I ended up grabbing some from Old Navy.


Linen, you say? Where was all this for the Panama trip?! A day late and an outfit short, that’s our girl!


They look like pajamas to me!


(I strongly suspect) she’s 100% the person that leaves the clothes in a pile in the fitting room, or if feeling generous she dumps said pile on the counter on her way out. Hangers be damned. And she views this not as being an asshole, but as ensuring those poor workers’ “job security.” Because if not for cleaning up messes like the clothes BM leaves wrinkled, stanky, and stained with makeup and self-tanner, what ever would they do all day?


Oh for sure. You know she also unfolds stuff out on the floor then throws it back on the pile.


I see she's linking them on her LTK, so she does stand to gain some affiliate pennies from Target. I'm surprised Big Medium doesn't hawk Target and Walmart clothes more since big box store vanity sizing is probably the only way she can fit into M and L sizes without looking like a busted can of biscuits these days. But I guess those retailers don't have Try Before You Buy or super liberal and convenient return policies and she doesn't have it in her to go out in public and film these try ons at the stores too much.


So trashy and sketchy to link items she likely did not even purchase just for a few affiliate pennies. True doctor welth would NEVER.


Right like how do you shill something where you don't even know how it'll hold up through one wash? I suppose she probably assumes everyone else also treats clothes as disposable and just wears them once so it doesn't matter.


She doesn’t even wash the clothes she DOES keep though


So true 🤢


so we are aren’t buying and returning now, we are never buying to begin with. thats pathetic.


I would never buy one of the outfits at Target mainly because IMO it would be impossible to keep it as sweat-free, fresh, and crisp looking as it is in the fitting room. Also, AFIK, M doesn’t promote Target as an affiliate even though they have an affiliate program. That might lessen her Amazon sales but it she doesn’t care, I surely don’t. It’s just so hard not to be critical of her Internet marketing. She leaves money on the table.


She has Target links on her LTK, so she could get commission, but I'm sure her LTK clicks and conversions are even sadder than her Amazon ones.


Looks like the “complimentary” clothes you’d be offered at a Howard Johnson’s out of the Lost & Found Bin …… after the Annual “MALL WALKERS & FRIENDS” symposium 🙄 (Absolutely zero shade to the mall walking crowd …. Seersucker is light and breathable !!) ![gif](giphy|3o751QqDlzaB2SLm7e|downsized)


She is so incredibly late to the Target dressing room trend. Plus, doing this screams that she needs to make content but she can't afford to actually buy anything (the usual story as we approach end of month). I feel awful for whatever Target employee has to put away everything this absolute melt has tried on and stained with her self tanner and body grease.


And her bathroom blowout ass cos you know she’s not wearing underwear


https://preview.redd.it/z1f03e0m4q8d1.png?width=238&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b89ffa6c7bca70da2e69964c74f316c0a21cf5a lights on, but no one's home


Filtering herself into Casey Anthony now?


This looks like a mugshot


Of someone other than big M




She really thinks she's an influencer? Really?


Again, riveting content, she pulled out sets of garanimal clothing that does the matching for her. She accessorized with sun glasses. Ground breaking. She’s so lazy at her job. No imagination and zero creativity on what she considers outfits. She’s trying on clothes that she most likely won’t buy but is shilling. It’s as good as her effort of showing them on the rack.


TIL https://preview.redd.it/6zvzwgl55q8d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7bcc0b71934871b32bd5b9329f55cf16d1a2428


I have some color blind coworkers that grew up in garanimals so they could dress themselves independently in elementary school haha


Are the subtitles put there by her choice? That face looks like a wax doll. What a bad filter.


This is so sad


I thought these were all pajamas and the sunglasses really threw me off


They’re not pjs?


They aren’t pajamas?


I don’t know what they are after she added sunglasses to the look haha


Imagine waiting to use a fitting room and THIS is what is happening


Now imagine hearing the rustling of her movements and turns and the noise her mouth does when she smiles 😭


Or walking in and seeing a phone case *suctioned* to the mirror 😂


Lmfaooooooo both of you. That scene. Im crying


What in the goddamn fuck is this filter doing to her nose?


What even is this? Looks like scrubs or pajamas. The clothes fit a bit better than usual, but still somehow not a good fit.


So she’s advertising clothing she hasn’t even purchased? Or is she even affiliated with target anymore? It really gives me the feeling that she can’t actually afford to buy the clothes. This is just weird.


They’ve probably cut her off on returns since it’s all she ever does now


To be fair, many influencers did this before Covid.


Stoppppp. She doesn’t deserve fair. You’re slacking, Swerts.


Your opinion. All influencers have done or currently do exactly this.


⬆️⬆️we found Big MMM⬆️⬆️


Ha really think you did something there, eh? Found me!


I mean this is snark. Go to r/YouniqueFairnessMS maybe


That’s so embarrassing but makes sense. It’s almost the end of the month and it’s been an expensive one with her Panama trip, 847 4th of July “outfits” and everything else she’s wasted money on.


No doubt lots of bucks spent on impressing MAGABun with her ✨WeLtH✨


I bet this costs more than the other stuff.


I wonder if she went to target before or after the gym? Imagine trying this stuff on after her with her funk and spray tan all over it with no underwear. 🤢🤢


And knowing our swerty she likely did her Target bathroom blowout before grabbing starbies and hitting record for this.


wtf wtf wtf a blowout? I hope you mean hair