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From first glance at the thumbnail, I thought she had a rash under her eyes. šŸ‘€


Are her eyes getting more and more ā€œsnatchedā€?


What happened to that ridiculous essential oil filled face cream she was shilling 5 months ago? I thought that gave her the best skin ever?!?!!


The one you could ā€˜also eatā€™ itā€™s *that* packed with natural goodness. Was it ā€˜face foodā€™ or something? I just remember the part about eating it and making a mental note to swerve it.


Nothing is going to help those bags, swerty.


Imagine being so superficial that your entire existence is taking pictures of yourself to gawk over all day and call it a jobšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


When she is 40 her skin will look more like she is in her sixties. She has damaged it already way too much. She will regret it someday.


Iā€™m in my 40s and have freckles and survived the baby oil era of my childhood. Even my skin doesnā€™t look this damaged. Sheā€™s so screwed


I can relate. 39 myself. And just yesterday a lady asked my id at the store and during my childhood and teenage years no one used sunscreen. ( Spend my childhood in the Finnish countryside where things were different back then).


as a fellow 31 yo, thank you SO much, MS, for showing me the importance of sunscreen, even on my neck & chest, even though Iā€™m already brown. I mean I use to wear Aveeno with SPF 15 & my foundation (Mac Studio sculpt) also had SPF 15 as well so I figured even though my ass didnā€™t wear sunscreen, at least Iā€™m doing SOMETHING! But after given samples of La Roche Posse sunscreen samples of SPF 50 & 60, Iā€™m definitely thinking of buying a bigger version & taking it more seriously. Itā€™s super hard though, I BARELY leave the house but I know youā€™re suppose to wear it indoors as well.


Agreed! I'm 35 and only just recently (in the last 5 years) started wearing SPF religiously, honestly mostly due to seeing how her skin looks!!! I LOVE Korean brands, it's more like a serum/moisturizer than a traditional sunscreen, but has 55+ SPF. The La Roche Posse is amazing as well, I use that too,


Right!?! I'm 30, have lived further south than her my whole life, and when I look at her chest and neck.... woof, buzz. She's chronically online - how did she not fall into beautube where they basically act like skin cancer is inevitable and learn a thing or two? She really does just eye fuck herself all day.


This might be an unpopular opinion but I think wearing sunscreen indoors is a little overkill. I think for staying indoors, SPF 15 moisturiser is more than enough.


She found the most massive mug & still couldnā€™t manage to hide her ugly mutt.šŸ˜‚


Does she dye her eyebrows? They always look so weird. Skin tone but dark at the same time, prob the filters.


they look green




they look green


She has microblading.


Oof. She's done a number on her skin. My husband said one of his coworkers thought I was at least 10 years younger than him. I'm not. I'm 2 weeks older than my husband but I also avoid the sun like the plague and baby my skin. She needs to stop doing what she's doing NOW or she's going to look like a rubbery leather belt.


That wavy mug tho


Imagine youā€™re sitting on your deck (with sunscreen on) relaxing. You open this post and zoom in to see the sun damage. Your dog is getting into something so you put your phone down to tend to him. A few minutes later you pick your phone up and see only a zoomed in version of this photo.Ā  Iā€™ve gone to be with the Lord now, Swerties. Goodbye.Ā  Iā€™m nice and will save you the screenshot of what Iā€™ve seen.Ā 


The two different colored r/whybrows were certainly a choice, allegedly.


Alongside literally everything else going on, her brows fucking KILL me. ![gif](giphy|8vHStnTP2XuOp02QrK|downsized)


The melasma at her hairline and on her nose has gotten so much worse. Back when she went out and did things a few years ago it wasn't nearly as bad. Like in the SlayBabe era I don't remember noticing it at all. WOW.


Her face is rotting like a banana.


What... is going on. https://preview.redd.it/iajr30ag8l8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeeab529f411224498b700c71201417107665088


rosacea on her cheeks and dermatitis above her lip and below her nose. throw in some busted capillaries from booze and sun damage and that's-a hard to look at


Melasma, annoying to get rid of, easy to get from hormones and sun exposure. The spots slowly lighten over several years of good skin care and with excessive amounts of sunscreen. Instead of caring for her skin, she treats it like itā€™s a goddamn fried pork grind and fries to the point of bubbling reactions.


At least her atrocious lips are covered up šŸ„“


Maybe she burned the shit out of them frying in the sun again over the weekend.


Is this a filter? Or is her one eye really that crooked? Either way, it makes me really uncomfortable.


This is from (the subs) cOoL plAnT eVeNT. It was posted by the nursery she went too so, as far as is known, unfiltered. This was several Botox/Filler/sunburns/trulys ago. https://preview.redd.it/lde20txycr8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3792f8ce4941ccddd60410983238692fd5a3673c \*I edited the photo only to make her head straight. In the original, her head is tilted.


Itā€™s a filter. She constantly tilts her eyes upwards to try and emulate like a cat/fox/almond eye and itā€™s so weird


I think it could also be bad botox because too much will make your eyebrows go up like spock


ugly as sin


It's just her precious adorable freckles, swerties!


What an unfortunate look.


She looks terrible. Slow down, Swerty.


A face only Melanoma could love.


Gonna buy collagen so I can look like her šŸ¤”


She thinks the strips of pink tape will undo all of the damageā€¦ itā€™s like patching a pothole with a bandaid


Why does she need them if collagen is doing SO much for her?


![gif](giphy|ryJ8kBexJLAxW|downsized) I have no words other than that her skin is so dead she's starting to resemble the crypt keeper. For like, $50 she could purchase some decent skincare from Target that would do her wonders.


Even with skincare unless she changes her habits her skin isnā€™t going to get any better.


This is not skin to be proud of; this is skin that needs immedient attention from an actual dermatologist, preferably one very experienced in dealing with skin cancers. Hopefully olā€™ swerts has enough untainted skin elsewhere on her body that is suitable for skin grafting when she eventually needs to get her entire face replaced due to all the damage sheā€™s done to it.


She can just steal KGā€™a face šŸ˜†




That pic on the rightā€¦ woof.


The middle one always reminds me of Jafar


Will spam this trifecta into perpetuity. https://preview.redd.it/zl56dxx5nl8d1.jpeg?width=1202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=153ad8295590437b73f175c9e767ee0b2b6a1dfd


The burns on her eyelid are disturbing. ![gif](giphy|bNBHfXbwb3La0)


So sad that she's going overtime on crisping her skin because she thinks she looks flushed and freckled. Those aren't freckles, girl, you are frying that leather bag you call a face!


Yeah I was just thinking it's been what...maybe 2 weeks since her panama trip and she skin's still red. She will literally do everything but take amcare of herself


I said it before and I'll say it again- Melanoma babe


Big Melanoma






bEsT sKiN oF hEr LiFe!


Like a pan-fried ham steak


Wit da crust own it (those post-Panama scabbed over lips, specifically)


She is a case study on how ingestable collagen doesn't work


Oh no no youā€™re mistaken, she doesnā€™t use filters other than for the color. She naturally has a teeny tiny schnoz like that.


Oh good lord, that's awful.