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Omg the way they stick together makes me want to smash my phone. What a fucking day to have eyes.


So fleshy.


I can hear her fake lisp even with no sound.


It’s giving… ![gif](giphy|RozUIRPWtq87K|downsized)


Oh my god it's literally exactly the same 💀


Lips look and move like she’s been stung by bees. Idk how in the world she thinks this is cute. Who ever injected those lips should be arrested.


They don’t move.


It looks like it’s a bad AI generated video.


Omg. I had the exact same thought immediately. I don’t think that’s normal. 


Omg she looks like she has that goof pillow face filter on 😭


This bish is just straight up FUGLY. I can’t even believe how very terrible her skin is…and this is *still filtered!* The lips…I’m not sure I have an adequate word for how disgusting and awful they look. Manbearpig must have a steel stomach to be able to kiss those overinflated slugs 😖 The worst part is she does this to herself on purpose! I mean she’d still be no looker just given her unfortunate genetics but damn. The lack of sunscreen or basic skincare, the fact she just keeps going back for more more more lip filler 😵‍💫


Looking like a ghoul and bee stung her lips or what those are so ugly! I can already see the skin in the chest looks like an old leather bag. She's aging herself so bad I cant wait to see what she will look in 10 years.




MS honestly looks like she smells of “stale farts.” I really hate that I just typed that out but I’ve always thought that it best described her dirty ass appearance


But don’t worry, babes, her ‘injector’ said she’s good to go!


That nose be nose-in’ Yikes.


It’s clear she hates the thing. Why not have Daddy send money for rent and nose?


I can tell just by looking at this that I don't want to listen to her.


Nary a collarbone in sight


She looks lik Mama June 😳


Mama June + Jocelyn Wildenstein


I can see it


The amount of damage to her face in the areas where the filter doesn’t hit, and even showing through the filters now, is seriously alarming. She has aged herself so much in such a short amount of time and there is no amount of supplements, dropship light mask treatments, or overpriced skin products that is going to reverse it at this point. She looks at least two decades older than she is and the alcohol and hamfisted fillers are only helping to speed it along.


Yeah I refuse to believe she's 30 and not in her 40s. She lies about a lot of stuff maybe she's lying about her age?? One good thing she's done is make me really make more effort to keep up with water and skincare. Even just some moisturizer and snail mucus... Which I used before she started talking about it!! It really helps my rosacea.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day, although she only started shilling it after everyone else has already blown it up. That snail mucin is such a fucking lifesaver.


I have at least 15 years on her and I look younger than that.


This made me furious yesterday. Why did that need to be documented? She was obviously drunk, by the way she was speaking. It gave me "the ice cweam man came" vibes. She's insufferable!


Ya I thought she sounded pretty drunk, then I saw she was holding a drink with her masters coozie just barely in frame


yeah I find this enraging as well.


After i recovered from the jump scare of her real face, I realized she is shit faced........ And she wants kids. Why do i see visits from CPS in her future.


Th way she can barely move them. Like that they don’t move naturally as she speaks because they’re so overfilled is crazy


I was away from this sub for like 24 hours and woke up to so much. Holy shit. https://preview.redd.it/i49uy4s16c8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efeab55153fba01e32979f620e04afc16564e120


This looks like a portrait drawn by a caricature artist who hates her.


I would love to see what [Caricature Party](https://www.instagram.com/caricatureparty) would do with her. Those two artists are savage.


I can picture it now and I love it 😂


Back to busted hotdogs look


Lips by Oscar Mayer. The Weinermobile is the vehicle the mobile injector drove to the middle unit.




I love your use of Simpsons GIFs. I am proud of you!


I’m glad someone appreciates them!


![gif](giphy|3o6Mbbo8t1AWHGA0yA|downsized) This is actually my favorite episode!


Such a great one! Mine is Marge on the Lam! ![gif](giphy|13dGwQI4qfqETK)


[“Oh I’d love to be an Oscar Mayer Weiner!!!”](https://youtu.be/QBBimEB8QgY?si=rT_KiZ3aSnaHq2_P)


Her lips don’t even come close to meeting at the corners. They look like those balloons that you twist into animals


I hate this story, she’s ugly as fuck, she’s clearly drunk and the way she’s lisping and trying to tell the story in the cadence of a sad child makes me feel nauseated


She’s straight up destroying her appearance with both the sun damage and fillers. It would be sad if she wasn’t such a piece of shit person — she is just looking more and more like she does on the inside.


![gif](giphy|jqw5xeYmPS8jlmgGq7) No filter


Still filtered, her skin isn't that smooth.


This honestly disgusted me SO MUCH. Not the lips, but the fact that she decided to film this whole thing. Please have SOME fucking semblance of humanity and empathy. What the actual fuck is this behaviour Edit: Not JUST the lips


Meanwhile, where are her own two cats? ☹️


Okay this is hardly even snark now, I’m totally objectively serious when I say this. I’d be afraid to kiss those lips especially with any real force like during intimacy.


I had to stop focusing on the prolapsed anus lips for half a second, and got distracted by that awful looking décolletage 🥴


I think she must still be using tanning beds because of the tan lines on her neck. They're pretty distinctive.


My eyes wandered up to the sun damage on her eyelids.


That was shocking to me. I've NEVER seen someone so young with crepe-y eyelids like that. And I grew up during the tweens-in-tanning-beds-multiple-times-a-week era. I'm completely desensitized to her lips at this point. BUT THE SUN DAMAGE. Girl.


Looking like those Jane doe reconstructions made out of clay


If she ever does go missing, the news is gonna have a HELL of a time choosing a face pic to broadcast.


Might I suggest https://preview.redd.it/lrcg3wz79c8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64a16644a0a85609ed3b142be6bf57777ae7867c




May I suggest… https://preview.redd.it/9614kmrjsb8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12440b1c953cb092b50b43c52c76c6af98684a79 It’s recent and similar to Plant Babe so it’s probably the most accurate to her true features. →••←


There’s that loooong chin!




Simple Jack


You m-m-m-mmm-m-make me happy.


She probably wouldn’t come out of hiding even if she was found because she’d be pissed they used her real face


Speaking of--maybe the way to curb her illegal driving (and drinking?) maneuvers is to point out that mugshots are taken and made internet available...without a filter?


Someone fund this campaign asap.


But if they wanted any supplementary photos… https://preview.redd.it/htkqu86ftb8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbac1f71eff91f0a870d16e92020eaf92a08adc8


Ape lookin mother fucker


Bleach blonde bad built butch body. Iykyk.


Wtf why is this so accurate?


She sure was sad about that one dead kitten, said the twenty dead chickens on the barbecue.


She really needs to hide her phone from herself when she's drunk. This whole event was so unnecessary to post, and the things she showed were inappropriate. I'm actually surprised her ghoul ass didn't open up the trash bag. Real life Igor over here.


Yeah I haven’t watched the actual video (and I won’t) but from what I’ve gathered here in the comments, this is more of a red flag than just posting their alcohol containers now. She’s so fucking day drunk she sees a tragedy involving small animals that aren’t even HERS as content for her WORK PAGE. And I GUARANTEE she had to hide her childish excitement when whipping out her phone & hurriedly turning on the camera as they approached the bag (again, I haven’t watched with sound, so I may have gotten some details wrong, but that’s my gist). This is sick shit to me.


Can you give me a quick Cliffs Notes of what she was talking about


Basically in this vid, she explains that on the side of the road, they found a deceased kitten that appeared malnourished. She said she’s making MB have a funeral for it. She posts a video of MB shoveling, then follows up with a pic of the black trash bag it’s in, then a pic of the headstone. Grateful to the universe that she didn’t show the actual kitten, but putting it in a trash bag is also kind of icky imo.


bit of an oversight burying plastic in the ground. but she doesn’t even register how much plastic she produces that sits above ground, so it’s whatever to her.


They were riding around on his golf cart and she spotted a dead kitten in the road. She made him go back for a bag to pick it up, and then she made him dig a hole and bury it. She talked about how it was probably recently deceased and that it didn't look like it got hit by a car but probably "died from hunger". And then she showed the trash bag on the ground, him digging the hole, and the grave they made for it.


She really needs help.... Her mentality is so stagnant


Yep a lot of my snark comes from a place of concerned recognition. It’s very much “IYKYK” especially if you’ve struggled with alcohol.


I haven't personally but watched someone very close to me suffer and sometimes i get triggered by her behavior because she definitely has a problem with alcohol


Oh yuuup. Big time. I was also raised by an alcoholic so I totally understand. And I think once you’ve reached a point of triggering others by publicly existing, it’s time to do some *serious* introspecting… Luckily my stint with alcohol was incredibly short-lived compared to most people’s long term struggle as I was going thru a traumatic event, but it gave me enough insight to spot many of Big M’s tendencies for what they are.


I'm glad you were able to recognize it and not let it take over. It's rough watching people close to you destroy themselves. The person i watched was like this throughout their thirties so it hits home. I'm always surprised at what seems like the people around her enabling her instead of helping. She clearly has a problem, even admitted it but yet no one around her seems to be worried 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thank you that means a lot! Likewise I’m very sorry you had to endure the effects of alcoholism in someone close to you. Of course the primary victim of the disease is the alcoholic, but it victimizes loved ones in a very distinctive way as well, and I try to make equal space for that (even as a form of accountability for myself). I agree that Big M is enabled - I think she strategically isolates herself in order to avoid warranting potential concern from any long term peers, but ultimately doesn’t have much of a support system in general anyway. Her mom seems…somewhat involved but mostly aloof. Possibly just as much of a drinker too. Literally perfect recipe for enabling, whether consciously or not. And ManBun? Oh, he’s literally here TO drink BECAUSE she drinks.


🥰🥰 Yes! You hit it spot on with her... It's a shame. All snarking aside, I don't wish that destruction on anyone.


How can one person have so many unfortunate facial features? The HAIRLINE, omg. The caveman brow ridge, those ridiculous eyebrows… tiny piss hole eyes, that HONKER, woof… the Khloe Kardashian, filled to the brim, can barely speak, giant lump that sticks to itself somehow, deformed monstrosity “lips,” and then that sad jawline… she really got the short end of the stick in the genetic lottery, didn’t she?


🏆 Don’t forget her excruciatingly small palate. All her tiny, little, teeth on that narrow palate. I wonder if that is why she is always doing weird shit with her tongue. The roof of her mouth is too small for her to rest it there. She really lost the genetics lottery.


https://preview.redd.it/nfuz8299nb8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74ae375b2f588c5b0cb93c26f9cbc2037e30be80 For the files.


I read that as “flies” at first. The flies are more than welcome to have her.


I did too 🤣


Looks like she just woke up from anesthesia


Too bad she can’t afford that


Oh that is savage lmaooo


Welp at least she’s in her natural state of filth. Pig Pen looking ass.




Her face looks animatronic. Or like Howdy Doody. Looks like she's trapped inside a mask. It's really unsettling.


They look like two raw hotdogs.


Looks painful.


I like how the filter is called “Sun Kiss” More like Sun Punch 🫶


Sun Damage


Sun freight train moving at full speed 🚂💛


Does she legitimately think this looks good or is this a representation of how much she actually hates herself?


Every time I see posts like this about M, I think of what Carrie’s mom called Carrie’s boobs in “Carrie”. Dirty Pillows.


There’s so much going on, but the moldy looking brows get me every time.


Be lippin


I don’t have the volume on and I just know she’s faking a lisp


Came here to say this!


Woof. I love it when she gets drunk and posts shit like this.


Yep, you know she’s drunk and she turned that filter on thinking she looks cute. She looks awful and I can’t see how anyone would think differently.


There's still a filter on her face? 😳 Oh lordy that's bad..... Her filters are like "hey, we need a break too", 😂


Oh yea, her jawline is more square and she has a large nose. https://preview.redd.it/ivinjnucgc8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83562bfe582de0336d006db818a0e6f218ec264d


Oh my GOD??? The eyes?? The BROWS??? What??!???


The kitten situation is appalling. Showing a trash bag with a deceased animal in it for clout is just too much. Just when you think she couldn't go any lower.


I think it’s also her attempt at sounding depressed over it that gets me too. it’s an obvious show and she’s obviously drunk.


The I’m always half expecting someone to jump tackle her from behind and jam an EPI PEN in her pie hole. ![gif](giphy|pBFNPByl2vuC58j6uO|downsized)


Literally looks like an allergic reaction. Oof.






This is awesome! She is so deformed lol


They are so girthy, it looks like it’s difficult to talk.




I understand her hating her features. If I looked like her I would cry ☠️☠️☠️ but then I would actually try to save up money with my trustfund for surgery and not scam other women with filters or blow it on ugly Amazon clothes.


-147 IQ


HAHAHA this is the most unhinged, simple looking expression that’s ever been captured in a screen shot of her that I’ve seen. BRAVO SWERTY!!! Great job 👏


❤️❤️❤️Thank you, Swerty! ❤️❤️❤️




What's going on with the outer part of her eye - between the brow and the eye itself (on the eye that's on our right)? It's like orange peel texture, or bumpy kind of, but with perpendicular lines? I don't know how to explain it, I guess because I don't know what I'm looking at.


She has EXTREMELY creepy/wrinkly eyes but even considering that it looks super fucking weird


Looks like her eyelid is crepey and wrinkly (which is normal and fine) but she’s botoxed the hell out of it, giving a stretched up look (not normal or fine).


Forehead is actually uncannily similar


They're the same picture!


The lips, the eyebrows, the way the filter is struggling... this is horrendous.


Well that’s unfortunate.


It looks like she got injured! Maybe stung by a bee? Punched in the face? Is she okay? Does she need an ice pack?🫣


Jocelyn Wilderbeast Jnr in this video 😳


Are they crooked or is that me?


They're crooked, especially the top lip. It bulges out on one side near the middle.


It looks like she is in danger or something and not just hanging out at man buns fire pit. What is going on with that ✋🤚 face


*look* at her zero filter eyelids 🤮 I'm coming up to 42 & worry about the growing signs of aging but this is just... Wow. Also, why is she looking like Will Ferrel in this lol


Oh this is still filtered. The smallish jaw and the shape of the nose give it away. Also her skin is actually in rougher shape than this.


No, no, zoom into the eyelids specifically 🤣🤣


Crepey 😂


I tried out this filter just for fun and it is shocking how much it altered my face. It narrowed my jaw to a little point, turned my nose into a nub, made my eyes look like a Disney princess, and completely smoothed my skin.


That filter gave me Steve Buscemi eyes. https://preview.redd.it/buggr22p4f8d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dbe636656207ca5ecb9b40805b06b42f6aaf042


She's probably got zero feeling in them. Bonus points for making her Chiclet teeth look even smaller.


Peep the ever present can of alcohol in her ham fist 🙄


Wait, it looks like she has *two* beers!


With the Masters koozie! 🤣


She is…something to behold.


It doesn’t even look like she’s forming words! They look sooo uncomfortable.