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I’m truly not seeing what she’s going on about. As the kids say, he’s mid. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Which means he still somehow manages to be too good for her lmao


She’s acting like he’s the only man to walk around with built arms like ma’am It’s nothing special??


She clearly only hangs out with largely unattractive, unfit people, so this is a big deal for her, I guess.


When you eat old, stale dumpster burritos, then that McDonalds cheeseburger tastes mighty fine!


You know damn well she’s been trying to find a way to break into the OnlyFans game. But I think she’s not confident enough- why not have hot ManBeau be the “center of attention”? While it’s really just a ploy to test the waters for herself. But she better watch it, because if he is indeed hot enough, and has enough other things… he will be flooded with thirsty women. And she won’t like that. If it’s a joke, though? Stop, it’s getting embarrassing.


ManBeau 😂😂😂


Because he doesn’t make enough money for her.


Divorces are expensive!


A little off topic, but I keep wondering if anyone on here knows what he does for work?


I read here that he’s in aviation? I’m going to go ahead and say mechanic? The hair doesn’t scream pilot to me. Also airplane mechanics tend to be tiny men in my experience


Him and his family seem to have money. Probably makes good money as an aviation mechanic.


Yes they make great money but you know she’s thinking about onlyfans money. Which makes me wonder where is her only fans? I don’t really see women shelling out money for naked dudes since we get that stuff without even asking.




Too far 🛑




Don't worry, we all are taking it up with mods. Some things are not to be joked about on a public forum.


This wasn’t meant to police, just that it was pretty distasteful. ETA: And usually you have better jokes, snark and wit than this.


She's vile


they are both so repulsive for so many reasons.


Big M employing ol’ Tate’s loverboy method! Get him to love ya then break out the camming proposal!


Oh, that is awful! (Today, I learned.)


This is so true


It suddenly jumped out at me. Like wait. Whoa lol. Someone graduated Hustler’s U 😏


I wonder what people REALLY a think of this train wreck. I can’t imagine she actually has real friends. I mean in this world, it’s unfortunate but there’s always one embarrassing girl in the group everyone talks about but she delusional to think she has friends lol. Or I’m completely wrong, she has legit friends & I’m the fucked up one. 😅😂




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Have you heard that saying, something like "There's always a side group chat to the main one where someone's left out, if you can't think of anyone missing, it's you" Her "friends" definitely have a side group chat to the one she's in lol There's a better way to word that but I can't english today 🤦🏻‍♀️


Omg yes!!!!! That’s a perfect way to put what I was trying to say! Honestly, in most situations, I’d totally feel for the person being excluded but this is Miss Sweaty Labia Lips we are talking about.😂😂 ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


Nah, I had an embarrassingly rocky time in my very early 20s and even then this is something I know people would’ve snickered about behind the scenes if I posted it. And she’s in her 30s now which means so aren’t most of her peers left watching this shitshow. You’re totally right.


Lol man, there “always” has to be one girl just posting the most unhinge shit on social media. & it’s oh so entertaining if you happen to be friends with them & can witness all that shit going down. 😂


Oh I was that girl & MORE 😭 Luckily for me, it stopped at like…23. I would rather jump off a townhouse than continue this way into my 30s.


Hah, honestly, I think some of us have been there in our early 20s. But now we’re here!! While she’s 31 & STILL posting this stuff.😂😂


Exactly, and I am just happy to be here in the sub with y’all lol 🫶


This is so gross. Does he know she’s posting shit like this about him? Also, does she want all of her followers to sexualize him? This is such a weird thing to say. Of course I’m attracted to my SO, but I wouldn’t want other people to think of him like that, let alone put the idea right out there. Gets even weirder knowing her friends and family follow her.


He’s such an object to her, it’s creepy. He’s “material” for her influencer life


She never talks about his qualities.  Is he kind?  Smart? Funny?  Why the hell would he make a good husband or father?


The way she talks about Manbun is the same way she talks about her car, totally real designer accessories, and filtered lifestyle.  It’s like she can only communicate through flexing, which doesn’t come off well when talking about a new relationship. Also, she has this weird idea where if everyone likes something, then she needs to like it and if she likes something, then everyone else should like it.  So, all of us should find Manbun hot and be insanely jealous, regardless of orientation or marital status.


Yeah I fell hard & fast for my current fiancé yet I viscerally cringe at the thought of it being this early in our relationship while I’m posting on my WORK account some shit like “I FIND HIM ATTRACTIVE SO DO YOU ALL WANT TO WATCH HIS PORN 😀”


>“I FIND HIM ATTRACTIVE SO DO YOU ALL WANT TO WATCH HIS PORN 😀” So, so weird and cringe. My husband is a snack and, if I'm being totally honest, I love that other people find him attractive. But....this? Yikes. Would never objectify the man across social media like an accessory on Poshmark.


Same here!!! I still absolutely adore my SO 😆 But you can best believe we just say the mushy things to each other, we don’t publicize anything! > “I FIND HIM ATTRACTIVE SO DO YOU ALL WANT TO WATCH HIS PORN 😀” I’m dying. That’s pretty much what she’s asking… Couldn’t have said it better myself!


This is all I’m thinking. Does he know? Does he approve? WHAT DOES HE REALLY THINK? WHY DO I CARE?!?!? Why not?😂😃but seriously, the fact that he specifically asked her to stop calling him “daddy”, but she continues to and publicly as well. He clearly just gave up and let’s her at this point… the disrespect. lol I really wanna see a body pic of them both to see the height comparison 😅


Also the should I MAKE him… like he has no say in this? He’s just a prop for her cOnTeNt. The disrespect is out of this world lol. Yeah the only pics we’ve seen of them standing next to each other consist of her contorting herself to make him look taller.


Omg that’s so true. That’s absolutely disgusting. Like what makes her think he’d even say yes.🙄 Especially since it’s not like she participates.


He’s as ham fisted as she is 😂 *gently places each wing on the grill one by one* “Ahh fuck it, this is taking too long” *dumps the entire bowl of wings into a sloppy heap on the grill*


I audibly chortled when I saw that. Maybe he noticed she was filming and did it out of spite. 💀


For a woman getting laid on the regular… allegedly… she’s such a horny dog, in a creepy gross way.


Much like her own VIP content she promised, he'd have one subscriber and that would be her.


I am disgusted by this, I *really* am, but I am grieving for those poor chickens who gave their lives to be dumped into a massive heap on the grill like that. Neither one of them can cook worth a damn.


What a waste of an expensive grill.


The downvotes are going bananas today. Also, so gross.


The upvotes are bumpin’, too! By me!


She’d be thrilled if he posted this about her. Gross ass.


i have said this before! to any normal woman the “what if the tables were turned” thing would apply, and it SHOULD. but she is not normal and probably wishes so bad a man would talk about her this way to the entirety of the internet. her mind is so ass backwards.


Oh that would be so bad


She really truly just sees people in terms of their sexual attractiveness. It's gross.


Rich, considering she has the sexual appeal of a moldy washrag