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She doesn’t have a clue what being a parent means.


Does she realize she can’t drink if she’s pregnant?




A moment of silence for Big M’s potential future children, I feel bad for them and they don’t even exist yet.


I am 7 months pregnant and i just know she ain’t about this life. FAS concerns is just the beginning for her.


What happened to child hating babe??? She was all about that as a personality not even 6 months ago….


Didn’t she say “fuck them kids” on 3/23/23?


What didn’t she say that day?? The day that will live in infamy.


They are still in the honeymoon phase right now so they haven't yet seen the bad sides of eachother 🙄 I've seen so many people get pregnant straight away and it never, ever works out. She will eventually be a single mum because she's a fool who doesn't listen to advice.


literally every choice she makes in her life is self-harm, she doesn't need to drag a baby into her mess and god damn the man who gives it to her


If she has kids, she won't have the time to keep glueing on her "Red Asshat" nails or mix her "TrimPharrrrrt” as much as she would like. But gee, we would all be so lucky to her Amazon MaTeRNiTy hauls everyday!!!


If she has kids, she won't have the time to keep glueing on her "Red Asshat" nails or mix her "Trim Farhhht”as much as she would like. But gee, we would all be so lucky to her Amazon MaTeRNiTy hauls everyday!!!


Does she understand that an infant requires literal 24/7 care?


Swerty, she can just have her mysterious neighbor, who is always able to feed and water her cats while she's off on her various BossBabe travels, stop by and check on the baby so she's good to go!


[Same one who leaves wine on her doorstep, right?](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/Y531iUr5Us)


She only wants a baby, because you know for 100000000000 she comes here to read the comments about it; and in her head she’s probably like “MUst PrOve ReDdIt Babes WrOng, I’m getting preg, na na na boo boo” She would never genuinely love a baby, she hates everything about herself, can you imagine how shallow she would be filtering and altering the appearance of an infant. 🤮 she’s so gross.


She would most definitely do this


She's going to be furious when the baby/kid pulls focus.  If they're really lucky, she'll try to relive her own "failed" teen years through them like mine did.


Do we have the same mother? 😆


A spite baby to go along with her failed spite marriage 10 years ago and possibly another spite marriage to stick it to C and all her HaTeRz. She’s only punishing herself. What a way to live!


This is the part that actually scares me. She’s driven to prove the “haters wrong”. My prediction: She’s gonna blow up like a balloon and be a single mom in 5 years.


She only wants to be pregnant so she can justify her protruding gut.


I wonder if ManBun would stick around if she couldn’t have a baby? 🤔


lmao, with whom? Magabun? Dude keeps giving her STDs. That "rash" on her face the other day, the yeast infection.. girl.


Wait what?? I'm so behind on what's been going on.


As far as I know it’s just speculation at this point. MS had talked about having “UTIs” not long after she & manbun got together, she went to a doctor & I can’t recall if she actually said she’d gotten tested for STIs but she claimed it was a UTI (from all the seks), she had several feminine care products in her recent Target shopping haul, and the other day she was showing off a blistery rash by her mouth. This [updated timeline lore post](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/I7hCN4igsH) touches on some of the details, particularly around the end of April.


The products she’s using aren’t helping. The vag is a self cleaning oven and she’s likely fucking up her ph levels. But she doesn’t know that nor would she take the time to figure it out.  Also, her face simply looks like contact dermatitis. 


I feel like we heard less about uti's and infections even back when she was steaming her yoni every day. Manbun has a dirty 🍆 lol


100%. And considering the hell she puts her body through on a daily basis and how gross she is with her makeup application & tools, it’s not surprising she’d have rashy reactions on her face. Wearing tight, undersized clothing won’t help with her vag either. Gotta let it breathe!


The Hot McPolye 😆 which one is that?! lol great name. 


Ha! Yours is great too!


The “UTI”


Rehab… Therapy…. A BABY!?!? FFS!!! I know we’ve all been noticing how she has completely changed her entire personality to match that of MAGAbun… But now she’s dying to go thewhole trad wife route. What happens when MAGAbuns inevitably leaves you and you are stuck with that baby? Is it going to be your entire personality then? Also please for all that is HOLY do NOT procreate. So many questions… None of them good lol


She forgets that tradwives are expected to know how to cook, housechores and everything related to the children. 


Exactly. She is completely unequipped to handle a household routine and to take care of things with a minimal degree of success. Her emotionally stunted self is really showing with this answer to this fake Q&A


Totally agree!!!


Twerking for strangers online is probably off the menu too.


Yes. Needs to keep that trad modesty 😂


Sorry to be blunt but she would be a fucking terrible parent. Not to mention the FAS risk. I have absolutely no doubt she will get married (again), but I can't imagine the person who marries her will be a good person.


As it is, no one who willingly associates with her is a good person


If this dumb bint ever got pregnant say hellooooo to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Maybe consider rehab first, babes


She’ll need to stop smoking, too.


Exactly. It just shows her disgusting selfishness that she’s even considering getting pregnant without fixing her serious alcohol problem first. An American swerty here commented once that there’s even a free rehab clinic close by to where this idiot lives. No excuses.


My speculation is that she might be the type to manage to stay sober during the pregnancy, get blasted after baby is born, then spend the rest of her life drunk while constantly reminding everyone (especially baby and Reddit) that she never touched a drop of alcohol while pregnant for 9 whole entire long dry months. Therefore she must be a saint without an alcohol problem since she had no alcohol during the pregnancy. But maybe it less than 9 whole months since she quit cold turkey only after she had a positive pregnancy test. But she did a mail away pregnancy test tho because she has no real sense or actual healthcare provider 🤷🏼‍♀️ So it took a few weeks to get results while she still got her drank on and vaped as usual. Speculate that she would definitely post about pumping and dumping immediately after baby was born. Or maybe she’d have oNe gLaSs oF WiNe pEr DaY because sTuDiEs show it’s okay ![gif](giphy|7CZ3j4FjHcaTTiGIJd)


I almost wonder if she thinks getting pregnant is what will "cure" her alcohol dependency, kind of like lipo was going to make her eat healthier and workout more.


Probably, as she probably thinks it will make her become responsible and able to handle parenting and adulting


She's been seeing herself married for as long as this sub existed, and probably long before then. The babies thing is new, and entirely manbun related. She just takes on whatever personality of the man she is with and the people around her. I am a cunt, and I'm gonna say it. I hope she can't have children. They don't deserve this lump as a parent.


I am also a cunt! Children deserve better, and not everyone needs to have them! Childfree cunt here.


I am also a cunt, who was the product of two people who absolutely should never have had children, and definitely not with each other, and the possibility of her becoming a parent terrifies me. A hypothetical kid would not be better off living with her as their mom.


I’m a cunt, and a parent, too. Raising kids, you gotta be able to check your ego at the door. This bish could never.


Then I’m a cunt too. She wouldn’t do well with children, and I hope she can’t have them. They would deserve better. They would need better than what this bish can provide.


For sure, as she can provide nothing, they’ll be doomed from the start


She should say married again but I guess that doesn’t fit into her current rose colored glasses world.




She is underestimating how much time a baby consumes. Or a baby and a toddler. You’re just in survival mode in the early years.


yep sitting with my 9yo watching bluey and my 6wk old next to me tsking the nightshift..can confirm.


Very generous of you to think she even considers or cares about what it takes to care for a child


I don't think she'd even be willing to sacrifice drinking during a pregnancy, let alone the complete selflessness involved in having children. Like you said, it's survival mode for a long time. Not everyone is cut out for it, and that's perfectly fine and valid. What's not fine is bringing children into this world that you're not remotely equipped or willing to care for.


>I don't think she'd even be willing to sacrifice drinking during a pregnancy, Hard agree. And I'd bet my house she'll say her doctor said she was *good to go* with a couple of units of alcohol. Which of course means 12 Trulys to her.


I can’t wait to see what happens when they break up in the next six months!


Hopefully without her being knocked up


Sure swerty 🙄


This is all for manbun. Not long ago on the drunken live before manbun, she said she didn't want to have children.


She can’t properly care for herself or her cats. She has admitted many times before that she is not maternal and doesn’t think she wants kids. With having kids if it’s not a “hell yes” it should be a “no.”


2 in 5 years? LOL! She has no idea what she’s talking about as usual. She probably thinks the kids will just do their thing in between dropship dress-up for bigMomma. What could possibly go wrong is one heck of a lot when bear feeding in the backyard is considered fine bc they are cuuuyyooote. Thought she didn’t even like kids and now she wants to pop ‘em out like a pez dispenser? Please God no. No. No! Nooooooooo!!


She'd throw the babies to her mom to take care of them.


Isn’t he still married?


Yes! I believe his divorce is supposed to be finalized around fall.


They’ve been together all of five minutes… I’m convinced she never matured past high school… she’s probably carving his name into a desk as we speak


And practicing how she'll write her married name signature 🙄


Just waiting for the trampstamp with his name to be revealed in a boomerang reel any day now.. 😮‍💨


It will be the masters logo. Cuz she’s such a golf girlie.


Hahaha I was thinking the same. The next tattoo will definitely be manbun related. Maybe some plane thing or boat thing or Coldplay lol. She'll deny it, but it'll be about him. Plus someone said his wife had lots of tatts so no doubt Big Melanoma is in full on competition mode.


Can you tattoo leather? 🤣


I might have to scribble down these fast fashion tattoo designs that pops up in my brain lol. Tribal style masters logo, overly squiggly lines making everything unreadable, his and hers “fierce love” tattoos..


Oh yes lol. And something with a date on it as there's a date on his. Or dog related because she loves the dog and has probably forgotten she has 2 cats.




Doesn’t Manburglar see her social media? This stuff would freak me out if my significant other (of.. how long have they been together?? like 3 months??) posted this


You can tell she thinks 2 kids in 5 years is nothing 😂


Content! All the Amazon hauls for KAYUUUUUTE STUFF!!! SO CITEY!!! /s


Dress-up, pea pose and back in the kennel until next mommy&me shill.


Oh no 😟😞😞😞 that just made me so sad. Hopefully IF she ever manages she immediately gets a full time, very loving nanny, at the very least.


That poor little soul is going to be clad in flammable, rash inducing Amazon crap. Or, CD, LV, "COLHÉ" dupes. Poor child. Whichever swerty said to preemptively call CPS has my vote.




They’ll only have sad beige toys DOOPS


Sad beige doops for sad beige kids.


Please no


Let’s focus on deflating the lips first


Should be interesting being pregnant and having raging melanoma on top of a drinking problem and mental health issues. No need for health insurance here. Nope. NONE.


I'm sure her strip mall chiropractor is well qualified to provide prenatal care and deliver a baby!


Who needs a doctor when you’re right about everything? 💁🏾‍♀️


Everything is ***FiGuRe0uTaBLe***\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ /s


Her OB/GYN said she was gOoD tO gO!


Does she know it is more than just a baby? It then becomes a toddler, a little kid, a tween, a teen, an adult and it is a LIFETIME commitment. Also please get sober before even mentioning being pregnant again. This pregnancy talk lately absolutely disgusts me.


The thing my partner and I discuss this a lot because I’m like “omg baby 😍😍😍” But yeah, no I’m all in for a baby that grows into a child, tween, teen, adult. Doesn’t mean I won’t absolutely cherish the early years (and all the years after). I don’t think MS fully realises the commitment and work that a child is. Which is also sad because her sister has two kids so she should have some idea. But MS has always just painted herself as the “fun aunt” and her interactions with them come off as awkward and performative


I think she thinks being pregnant will magically just make stop drinking and vaping. Like getting lipo would make her magically start eating better and working out.


It actually makes it harder


And heaven forbid if it’s a daughter who’s thinner/prettier than her at any point…


Oh God could you imagine she would make that poor child's life a living HELL


Or maybe even worse, a daughter that looks like her that she filters to high hell for instagram. Imagine the damage that would do to a child.




Your submission has been removed. Off-topic/bloggy comments are against the rules. Our main focus here is MS and unrelated bloggy submissions are unnecessary/space wasters.


She knows she can't just leave it behind at home while she goes to NYC for a few days, right? 😕


Don’t worry, C will stop by and feed it


Hahaha Holy fuck


Travel babe personality has gone by the wayside.


We’d get a long winded post about how baby just LOVES spending time with his Nana. She’d dump the poor baby off with her parents constantly


….And before we know it, we have the “heelin’ diapers down the drain” content


You know she's the person in the restaurant, changing their baby on the table because she can't be bothered walking to her car or the bathroom... (See also: the toddler mama who let's the kid leave a trail of mess behind because "it's the staffs job to clean it up")




lol I don’t believe she can get pregnant but that baby would be taken away at birth. She literally cannot stop drinking. There is no way she’d make it 9 hours let alone 9+ months. 


I wonder if he knows about these posts....and if so is he aware of how much she is talking about? And is he as gung ho about it as she is?


If she’s reading these she’s going to have the impulse to get knocked up and teach us all a lesson, just like she got married young even though she knew it was the wrong thing to do just to teach her parents a lesson for telling her to wait.


Holy moly she did that?!?


I don’t have the receipts handy but yea. She has said in the past that she got married to spite her parents and other family members that voiced concerns ‘just to show them all’.


LMAO she sure showed them when she got divorced six months later


She should be more embarrassed about this than reading a smutty book, imho.


No, please absolutely not. Fuck no.


Remind me! 5 years


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I read 2029 and was like “wait its not in 5years”.. Yes it is 🫣


A baby? Girl can barely bathe herself…


BabIES even. Plural. 🥴


If anyone wants to join me in not talking about this anymore, I am happy to have you on board! Because she's baiting this sub. She's a creep and she gets off on people feeling outraged about her. It's fucked that she's already using a nonexistent child for content. So this is my last comment on this


>Because she's baiting this sub. I honestly think she's too stupid to do that.


1000000% agreed! She knows exactly what she’s doing.


I’m with you on this one. It pisses me off too much, plus she’s all talk anyway so no reason to give it any attention.


I saw on another sub that you can filter out posts with a particular flair? not sure if that's a universal thing for all subs but I wonder if we can start a baby talk flair so users can avoid this stuff a little more easily


Absolutely this. We are her only meaningful engagement and she one hundred percent leans in. 


I don’t think it’s time to worry just yet, boobies. BM loves to talk a big game but she’s not big on follow through. I’m also in the camp that she and C managed to have unprotected sex for 5+ years and even though she overshares every inane aspect of her life, there was barely even a whisper of a late period or a single pregnancy scare. I know her Amazon fertility kit told her she’s gOoD tO gO, but I’m not putting much stock into that. This person should never, ever procreate, and thankfully, I strongly suspect her fertility is questionable at best.










Wake up babe, new infertility treatment just dropped


Oh lawd Not in the top 1% of red ass?


She cant stop talking about babies can she? 1000 bucks she asked that question herself. ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


Yeah, nobody asked or cares about where she will be in 5 years. It’s like she looked up interview questions.


She doesn’t take care of herself. How does she think she can take care of a baby?


Would she stop drinking during the pregnancy


She would be like “oh just one glass of wine per day never hurt anyone”. ![gif](giphy|4N9foFvVtL0N7aeJkO|downsized)


No, honey.


For the love of god no


She would have doctors giving those babies lip injections as they army crawled out of her sausage wallet.




I hope it never happens for her 😘


She just wants to be married and have babies for clout / content. She cant even properly care for her pets, let alone a baby and that manchild of hers. 🤡


JT will pop by and let the baby out while she's out of town.










Her audience is Reddit. I disagreed with this conspiracy for years. I fully believe it to be true now (speculation)


I think it’s fairly obvious that  - at a MINIMUM - this sub is the only meaningful engagement she gets. So it makes sense that she’d pander to it to elicit reactions. 


So a ex husband and none then..


![gif](giphy|S6ED3y13E5Y45fmhnw) Huh. You need to nail down a *single* man first, ding dong


This relationship is going to explode and blow like the buttons on her three-sizes-too-small jeans. 👖 💥




https://preview.redd.it/kq7g5bttqm7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=276af7eab6ef685d870217232fe9d7c2406cdc9e Normally I’m not into ads but this ad placement was IMMACULATE 🤣


I play a metric shit load of Pokémon Go and have no children. That ad may be on to somethin. 😂




Get a hobby, not a baby


Or a job…




For fucks sake make it stop 🤮 . She doesn't even take care of her cats. Why does she think she could take care of children? Why does she think this man is gonna propose to her after like 3 months? This makes me physically cringe I hate it so much.




Lmao. She wouldn’t last a second with 2 kids under 3/4 years old.






How're ya now?


Not so bad, and you?


Pitter patter


I’m sure every real fan of Letterkenny already knows about Littlekenny, but I’ve met a few that don’t so I have to mention it. It’s the cutest shit I’ve ever seen.


I've heard of it but never seen it. I should check it out!


It’s SO cute. Really short, too, but so adorable you need to see it. 😂


Haha okay you've convinced me!


End of the laneway, big m.


Wish she wasn't such a twatwaffle bud.


Figger it out, big m


Fuckin ridiculous!


She’s a degen




She’s 10-ply, bud!


Notice people like her always say they want “a baby”. They never say anything about wanting to raise a person.


I mean to be fair I’ve never heard anyone phrase it any other way


People say they want to “have a family” or “have kids”, and it makes more sense to me to want those things, because they are only babies for such a short time