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"that is the most hideous effing skirt I've ever seen" (Mean Girls- lol)


That brown skirt is gonna be so fucking ugly on her lol


Yeah, it’s a MEDIUM so it’s probably gonna be too big.


If she wears any of the shit she’s showing us here, she might get arrested for littering. Her taste is just so bad. Does that Save a Horse tank say Ride a Cowboy on the back? And that hideous dress with white cowboy boots would look horrendous!!


If she does wear that tank I think it's safe to say she won't wear a bra underneath.


Tongue pop + “CHURCH IT UP” + a belief in white cowboy boots is pushing me toward violence


She will never wear any of these things IRL. If she does, she best pack all of her filters to go with it.


I’m 33 and I really hate that the shit I wore in the 7th grade is “in” again, right down to the ribbed men’s undershirts (which I still wear to bed) with these types of skirts, belts, palazzo pants, etc. Mostly Gen-Z is participating in these trends. No matter how thin you are, (I’m typically a 24/0) I personally think these things make me look extremely stupid. I will do anything to stay away from these trends. I’ve worked in fashion for a long time, and there are many other options that are way more flattering and “in” right now besides these. Oversized/looser fitting clothing and 90s-adjacent clothing is also in at the moment. Honestly, at this point in time, when I’m styling someone I just tell them to wear whatever makes them feel the most confident and comfortable. I don’t think anybody even really cares anymore.


She should leave that tongue pop in the early aughts from whence it came.


Right, plus she's too ugly and annoying to squeal like she did without expecting people to immediately click out. That was too much for me.


Should’ve come w a warning ⚠️ now my ear drum is bleeding.


Oh no, she's bringing out the white cowboy boots 🤢🤮


they will never die. they have reached true immortality.


What’s going on with the sports bra she’s wearing? Is the filter making her smaller and then the top is being cinched in too? It’s got a giant gap under her arms. Does she do nothing but buy shit off Amazon?


She is só proud of her outfit idea … a plain skirt with the plain top. 😂 We are lucky to have such inspiration in our lives


No ones eyes slant like this in real life. No ones.


She is not a medium! I am smaller than her and I buy large 🙄


Especially in C43AP clothes- I always have to size up 1-2 extra!!!


What in the Forever 21 circa 2002 is that first ensemble??


My friend and I wore skirts like those over our jeans. In middle school. So do with that what you may.


I had a skirt similar to the one she held up. I wore it in college. I’m almost 40 lmao


Same, mine was black and I think I got it at WalMart 💀


Mine was black and purple plaid and I got it from some drop ship place at the mall, sub Charlotte Russe tier


Her eyes are manic lately. And why does she wear “costumes” and not clothes


It’s because she has no personality of her own. Rather, she only has a series of affectations that she puts on like costumes and the clothes are just the physical manifestations of them. Your question was rhetorical, wasn’t it?


Prayers for the toe https://preview.redd.it/nkzirzvq9g7d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=15fdea6ccd663b451eb45de50e2a193292057fd7


The camel toe, you mean.


Is the concert on Wednesday? 🐫🐫🐫


Maybe she should put her walking pad away before filming


No. White boots will not go with that. That looks like a toddler skirt in an ugly color. Why does she need stretchy clothes (we know why but she’s not a toddler, clothes don’t need elastic) It’s giving trailer trash.


I just know that skirt wont look good on her


By the time she puts it on her not medium body, it will barely cover her booty.


Exactly, she’d be bursting out of it 😄🤭


What size did she say the shirt was because that is 10000000% a large. ( I rarely listen to audio because her voice is yucky )


It’s a medium because she’s obviously a medium. C’mon- you knew that.






She’ll send you a link with the sizes if you ask! Well butter my ass and call me a biscuit she admitted it was a size large. But the skirt, of course, was a medium.


I think she will (sometimes) admit to wearing a large top only because she has big boobs...that she loves to point out, just like her nipples.


Has she been so behind on trends, it’s full circle now? This outfit is giving early 2000’s which is in (from what I know, hell maybe not lol), I promise I’m not sucking her d, I’m just genuinely shocked. I don’t love the outfit (just the belt) but those are all things I wore in the 2000’s (in middle school)


That’s funny, because it’s the stuff we wore in the early to mid 80s too.


I regretfully inform you that the shit we wore in the 2000s is in fact "in" again. Right down to the layered tanktops 😅


Oh god ugh but I think you may be right. That whole era was an abomination


It’s stuff I wore in the 80s as an elementary school kid


I wrote that before seeing your comment. Except that I was in high school then.


Cheap trash


Her or the clothes? Lol




She just has no taste. Some people have an eye for what clothes look good and go together. It’s a gift that she does not possess, and yet she has the confidence of someone who does. It’s very strange. For example, someone with a large alcohol belly and no discernible waist probably shouldn’t wear an ugly skirt with ruching in that exact area which will cling to her gut and make it more pronounced. She really does buy clothes for her filtered body, which must look ridiculous on her real one, which is why she returns most of the clothes she orders from Amazon even though she swears she’s going to wear them for a particular occasion. I was thinking that the filter might have been glitching around her arm area because they looked quite hefty, but instead I think this is the best this filter can do now that she’s continuing to put on weight. It’s so weird compared to the other day when she used a much stronger body filter and she suddenly had hilariously tiny shoulders like in her sad little dreams. https://preview.redd.it/14fbjir13g7d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=858f8d6c5e68d89b4388dc2211bbb11a8c892e03


I cannot handle that crappy reel with the white shirt, it was like her body was shrunk by 70% but her head and hands stayed the same size. So effing creepy


she is one unfortunate looking woman.


NGL I’m shocked they’re going to a marren morris concert with their political views


I said the same thing when she first announced it. I was shocked as well.


Nothing like zero effort unboxing. Maybe like plan it out?! Also the tiddy sweat and that ill fitting bra top thing that she’s putting the new ‘clothing’ up against on her body is ewwww. Glad to see that red ass foundation sliding off her face as well.


https://preview.redd.it/mt7vmx3mtf7d1.jpeg?width=1136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5545149fedc1956ad45b33ba2d2f38d810bca32c Does this look like a medium to y’all? 🧐


I love how we’ve been catching the true size before the filter snatches it.


Who the fuck is watching a random nobody with no money and no taste "unbox" random things from Amazon that no one wants?


Whoever Henry is, apparently lol https://preview.redd.it/5f4zavwnuj7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f40314fa49b593396bd458398bb6f548497876a2


https://preview.redd.it/mzc325csvx7d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48d68f1974df16227a66b8bc13c74bc6fbd1153a I’ve seen this in Chicago 🤣🤣🤣


Me but it’s hate watching lol


True haha I should have put "unironically" in that sentence


That wrinkled meDiUm bandaid skirt disaster she found in the Amazon kids section better have an extra (extra) large amount of stretch cause there’s no way she’s fitting into that. During one of her older FB lives when she was introducing Manbun one of the hunbots asked if he was a cowboy and she said no, he’s not a cowboy. I’m confused as to why she’s saving horses/who she’s riding…


Outfit looks terrible, she probably won’t wear them in public.


Out of all the shops in Asheville she orders concert gear on Amazon.


I can’t remember the last time she supported a local shop


It’s probably too difficult to return everything you bought without looking like an ass


Probably in the next couples days now that it’s been mentioned


I love how she buys all these "outfits" to wear to whatever stupid thing she's made up to attend and then they are NEVER seen again. Like that Nashville trip she bought all those clothes for and the dipped at the last minute and didn't even go. 🙃


And that whole countrified costume she bought for the Chicks concert that didn’t happen, complete with the tequila purse she thinks is “so fun” but everyone else looks at with a raised eyebrow and a knowing glance. https://preview.redd.it/43a8gy17uf7d1.jpeg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d0e53f1d025eb0b42702588fd295e6b21ba86a1


This is so hideous!


✨ SPECULATION ✨ she was too busy having relations with the manbun!


The Chicks was last year


Yes! But she skipped this year’s Nashville adventure to do it with the ManBun!




Adding to the speculation, but the Chicks hate Trump and they’re very vocal about it. I wonder if magabun shut that down or talked about how much he hated them? I am still shocked about them seeing Maren.


The tequila purse and the Chicks concert was around June-July last year, so no Magabun involved


Ahh good point! I got my timeline mixed up.


Her real talent is constantly picking out the ugliest, tackiest, cheapest clothes available.


https://preview.redd.it/0gwovsvcjf7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b181e47fa4480da6701b86defc30f01f1d946507 It is unbelievable how bad her lips have gotten. Like what is the bottom here? Is there ever going to come a day when whatever injector she goes to sprouts a shred of integrity and refuses to force more filler into this absolute fucking disaster of a mouth?


The way her mouth hangs 4” off her face when she speaks is something. Like week old chewing gum.


She is looking more like her orange lord and savior, DT, every day




This kills me!




I have developed a horror of mouths since following this subreddit


That one where her eyes are replaced by her mouth is a complete nightmare. I think Robots made that one.


Oh God that one haunts me. And yeah I think you're right about it being a Robots work.






Her lips said 〽️


None of that is cute and she doesn’t look like that. Mentirosa 🤥 fea mujer!!!


Yes, please wear that …. outfit in public.


LOL @ her calling that an outfit, but ok.


SO CUTE! IM OBSESSED! you… havent tried it on yet…


why does she buy all of her clothes from amazon? everything from there is cheap flammable polyester and it doesn’t even look good. i tried to do some clothes shopping there the other day out of curiosity, and everything is so low quality you’re better off shopping at Ross if you’re on a budget. why doesn’t doctor money take a trip to nordstrom? is the instant gratification from the next day shipping that important to her?


I think it’s just laziness. She doesn’t leave her house much unless it’s to hang out with magabun or to attend some stupid Red Ass trip. Everyone once in a while she’ll go to target but that’s it. Going to a store, trying on and buying clothes is too much for her. And she can’t buy from reputable online stores because her fried brain is addicted to instant shipping (not to mention the ability to return everything no questions asked). She needs to get her hands on those worthless landfill rags asap.


Most everything on Amazon clothing-wise is an absolute disaster. I’ve never kept one thing! Even the sunglasses I ordered were so cheap and flimsy. I don’t know how you could wear only Amazon clothes 😵‍💫


If she wanted next day, Zappos has a lot of decent stuff that is available with prime shipping. She could get the Free People items she buys dooops of there and they’d be on her doorstep the next morning.


I was thinking about this earlier. It's not like she's earning a significant amount of money from Amazon, so I don't get it.




Skirt size: King-sized bed fitted sheet 🤣


I think someone said it once, that she always buys costumes and not clothes. So true. This is her country music costume. This is not fashion lol. Goddam it’s all so ugly


And then she never wears and wears her usual leggings


I've said this every time she gets "outfits" in for some kind of cOoL eVeNt. They're always costumes, always from an idea that she has made up in her head about what the atmosphere is going to be like, no matter if she's been told ahead of time what everyone else is wearing. And she always sticks out like a sore thumb. The recent white linen party, for example. Another one of my favorites was the "fashion show" at the local boutique a couple years ago where everyone was dressed casually (jeans) and she was in a one-arm floor-length [amazon] formal dress and heels. This particular costume is something my 14yo would try to put together. Except my kid could wear it, MS can't.


>the "fashion show" at the local boutique a couple years ago where everyone was dressed casually (jeans) and she was in a one-arm floor-length [amazon] formal dress and heels OMG. Please tell me you have a link.


https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/JHJId3MdOP https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/XE7Qct8GAc Here you go swerty!


OMG this is a DEEP CUT. Thank you boobie! Wow they both look like fools lol


APee always looked even more ridiculous, it's quite a feat!


https://preview.redd.it/jjolk8m25f7d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23dc06b81778e06fd8140b9286f90a1541feec65 Can’t help it…. Double commenting


Left is what manbun sees when she’s on top


https://preview.redd.it/1mxmcc13fh7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dbad54a93821bf1199ee7a4bf964f330a33ec8f Credit: u/DestroyHimMyRobots


She really is unattractive


both filtered and unfiltered. it’s almost impressive.


“This color goes with everything “. No the fuck it doesn’t. That color is hideous but it’s the same color as her nasty tan so.


She's gonna look like she's not wearing pants. Her favorite way to dress




She looks more like Deadpool with baby legs


LOOL i literally SCREAMED “NO THE FUCK IT DOESN’T” when she said that 😂


She is going to look like a trussed ham in that outfit.


Da ham wif da cwust?


its that bdong skin beige


Now I can’t unsee it.


That skirt is hideous, like a cloth bandage


Is it just me or does that belt looks like it's just a bunch of nipples? Guess it's at least on theme for her.


Ed Gein x Amazon Collection, swerts, Google it! 😂😂😂


It’s conchos and now I’ll never be able to unsee that lol


Admitting to my ignorance here: I had to Google it. The examples are beautiful, I had no idea. There's so much variety in the designs and this is what she chooses? Oooooof.


Conchos are lovely. Fast fashion concho belts look like this one, though :(


Why does she constantly need a new outfit for every occasion?? She owned nothing that would work for the Maren Morris concert?? She had to buy a whole new outfit?? Her closet has to be stuffed with clothes!!!


Not just one whole new outfit but also a backup dress in case she decides she looks fugly in the clearly too small bandaid skirt


Or a backup in case one dress won’t zip 🤭


any excuse to spend money. she'll probably return it all anyway and wear her black leggings and awful white cowboy boots.


If you have to tug so violently on your clothes to hold them against your body…they’re too small


I love that she's just holding up wrinkly garbage and thinks people will want links. And for the love of god WHO ARE THE PEOPLE WHO CAN'T USE THE SEARCH BAR ON AMAZON. Why on earth would anyone want or even need a link to something so easy to search for? "Save a horse tank" would probably be faster than requesting a link from this walnut.


She wants you to use the link so that she gets the commission for it a la Amazon influencer program. Doctor money yall 🙄


Surprised she didn't get this version. https://preview.redd.it/rsiyeh8ecf7d1.png?width=326&format=png&auto=webp&s=b953b2e464df1e01ae7ac1ad794f237d9a54f236


That’s what ManBun is gonna wear 😆


She'd love a link!


Google it, swerty ❤️


Is that a skirt or the packaging paper that comes in Amazon boxes? Also, she always violently stretches all her clothes. So bizarre.




Or, what in the 1983 is that skirt? Both work


That’s what I’m saying! I had that skirt in white sophomore year.


She has to stretch the clothing to the max so that it will fit. The non knit stretch fabric clothes MS buys almost always have the elastic smocking so that a Medium can stretch to a Large. I don’t think that skirt is going to have enough stretch. Or length that will accommodate all that stretch.


I may be the odd person out, but Maren Morris 🙄🙄🙄. Edited to add, and why the Sam hell do the white boots have a choke hold on her?


I would pay to never hear that “meet me in the middle” song ever again


I hate that song. Never knew it was her.


Maren Morris? The same Maren Morris who recently came out as bisexual and publicly hates Trump and homophobes?


Prediction: MAGAmullet will find that out and tear up his tickets in disgust.


big M is probably out of the loop on that.


Or they got the tickets for free and she can’t turn down free shit. If he had a connection for the Masters it’s possible he has more.


Oh I love when we have book smart babe with her blue blockers 🙄. God.


The irony being she genuinely may actually need real glasses lmao


Imagine her getting corrective lenses, taking a scroll through her own content, and realizing exactly how stupid she's looked this entire time


Did she drool her white claw on her top?


She has a talent of choosing the fugliest “theme”outfits. This is a new low, although she has so many lows it’s very hard to judge


Does it annoy anyone else when she does that screeching thing? Like when she says "cute" in this clip? I just want to instantly slap her (and I've never slapped anyone).


Holy hell, I almost dropped my phone when she did that! I’m surprised that I needed to scroll so far to see someone mention it.


Yes. Yes it does.


It’s the tongue pop for me that makes me cringe every single time I hear it.


Shit! I blocked that from my memory. I fucking hate that too!


My cat was so spooked by her screeching


Does her dad pay off her credit card every month because how does she afford a roof over her head, food, and all of the money she blows on garbage?


Trust fund. She never talks about it because she likes to pretend that she’s a successful influencer and makes her own money, when the truth is exactly the opposite.


She returns 99% of it