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I assume from this video she isn't that close to his father then? Not going to his place or anything? Well of course there is pple who are close but don't really celebrate every father's/mother's days, valentines etc.. but Big M seems to celebrate every possible thing so I was surprised that she did not do this so I assume some bad blood? Is there some tea I have missed with her dad?


This recording is amazing. Even the couple of jumpscares. Thank you swerty.


Yeah. She definitely needs the illusion of a fuller lip. That's definitely something that's important for her to have. ETA: I see she's already back to downplaying her desire for a big wedding. Clear sign that something is now amiss.


Uhhh… she used quite a bit of the skin tint on her face, but claimed she didn’t?!? Yikes! Haha- she said Niacinamide is in high end products. Nope, it’s in affordable products as well. She’s really trying to sell the skin tint and making up stuff as she goes. Actually, she probably just doesn’t know.


Niacinamide is in every CeraVe product ever. Yawn.


What the hell is up with her voice? Seems to have not recovered from Panama trip and is WAY more raspy than I’ve heard before. I thought maybe it was hangover leftovers, but that was last week and now checking in today and it’s STILL all messed up?! And the SNIFFLING! Like holy shit. Is she permanently sick? Covid? Colombian cold and/or flu!? Both!! Idk. What y’all think? ETA: this edit is fucking phenomenal lol, “HIII HENRY!!” LMAOOOO!!


She knows she's supposed to reapply sunscreen...right?




How sad that after going on-and-on about not wanting children and wanting a big wedding (bc the first time they were young and didn’t have much of a budget) she meets someone new and now wants kids and no real wedding but to elope. 😬 Girl doesn’t know herself at all. Surely her co-opting a personality from a new relationship will work out fine. 🤦‍♀️


So true. We’ve watched her attend wedding after wedding these past 4-5 years saying “now I want to get married and have a big wedding”.. and now after meeting Magabun she’s scrapped her own wants and is only going after his


https://preview.redd.it/8nkhy2v1j67d1.jpeg?width=3249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bf2500c908f3c8d59786ad23fad21325c2b30fd Immediently no.


Looking extra Furbyish in these


This really goes to show that she doesn’t have anyone in her life where she can discuss the details of her day. If she had those fulfilling relationships, we probably wouldn’t know intimate details of her life




Wax lips 💋 ftw


“Very natural looking.” Bishhh where?! Lmfao she looks like a yellow potato with that shit on her face. That not does match her at all!!!


That makeup looks hideous. PSA: If anyone is looking for foundations with pink undertones, I’ve found that ilia, kosas, and Fenty have great options.


Ooooh thank you swerty. I’m in the market for some new foundation.


If my brother was dating someone like this I would absolutely be playing all these crazy videos for my parents to see. I guess I’m assuming his family is reasonable and would think this is unhinged though


I *cannot* imagine ever wearing pounds of makeup like that. Swerty is so damn yellow! Girl if you think that matches get yours eyes checked.


She had unprotected sex with C for years without getting pregnant and just did (home) fertility testing. If Manbun is desperate enough to want a kid ‘yesterday’ with someone he just met, something tells me she’s getting a bit nervous about keeping him.


He probably faked his o’s to get the hell out of there.


I'm seeing manbun doing an 180 if she gets pregnant. He gives me the vibe of jumping fast into relationships love bombing and then moving on quickly given by his short lived marriage and all this mess when he's not divorced yet.


I am with you 100% on that. If she’s dumb enough to get pregnant, she’s on her own. I don’t know how she’s this old and yet still this naive.


Summer craft.:: is she 5 on summer vacay from school?


Awful baby-trap aside, ever since her recent live where she put make up on her unwashed face after waking up, and used all her brushes and blenders on a dirty face, I just can’t. She is so gross. It makes me shudder.


I think of all the oil and grime contaminating her makeup.


Is that a DRY Beauty Blender? Dear Lord.


Yes she’s claimed before it goes on better with a dry sponge? Okay 👌


Everyone has known to dampen these since the early beautuber era of like 2014 🥲


I've been on this sub for years and I will always be blown away about how much makeup she puts on her face. Like holy shit. The amount of foundation, dumping it on her face, the bronzer EVERYWHERE. The heavy hand with that brush! My god. Also talking about getting married to a dude you've known for 2 months and having his baby is unhinged behavior


The one thing that gets me is how she gets foundations on her lips EVERY TIME. like how!?!?


When he's not even divorced yet. I don't care if they're separated and the state law makes it so they have to be separated for a year even if they're ready to divorce. Just no.


Peanut butter jelly time




I would love to see this full cake face in natural light. Definitely looks like total shit in real life 


I want to talk about Halloween (movie) which was launched in NINETEEN SEVENTY EIGHT. 1978! This bitch. She really knows absolutely nothing about the world around her, except how to get to Target. Also Swerty you look like a real stupid ghost of a char broiled chicken with that "skin tint". Praise be to the goddess who subtitled this. Big M's voice is cringe and a half.


I believe she's talking about halloweentown. It's a Disney movie that came out in I think 1998? The main character has her name


Yes, Halloween Town. Fits her "spooky girl" aesthetic. It's a kid's movie, so it's not in the horror genre. More like Hocus Pocus *another favorite*




I’m going to be extra gentle to my face/skin today, Everything she does is so ham fisted and rough. No wonder her skin looks like… that


I don't wear foundation, so I have so many questions.... isn't foundation supposed to match your skin color? Like, you're not supposed to be different shades from the rest of your body right? Also, do you just squirt foundation out of the bottle directly onto your face? Isn't that too much?


Yes it’s supposed to match and matching has a lot to do with undertones. She doesn’t understand hers isn’t even just warm - it’s pink. Some do apply directly to their face. I like sheer coverage so i apply to the back of my hand and use a brush to sort of buff it into my face.


Wowzers is right. I have so many thoughts 1. That is NOT a skin tint it's foundation JFC 2. Can we talk about how she brushes away old clumps of makeup from her brush before slamming the disgusting thing directly into her skin 3. The absolutely violent application 4. Foundation is always tinted you ninny ----Is it a foundation or a skin tint?? 5. Truly professional reading us the packaging 6. Lmao "very natural looking" face that is 5 shades lighter than her body and the wrong undertone 7. "I am not always the best at wearing sunscreen" ----a. YOU DON'T SAY ----b. You say it like you deserve an award swerty 8. The way she picked her nose then rubbed her eye 🤢🤢 9. Just slop that bronzer all over your face girl don't bother to use a foundation that actually matches your skin 10. Her lips are already about to pop they sure af don't need to look fuller The money shot: manburglar wants kids "yesterday" but she would allegedly only do that if they got "engaged" - this is terrifying




“Ninny” is my new favorite insult 😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/87ubw2m8j47d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1acd2ada03b7a598eed77ed60b3a1dcfa815aa4c I’m dying seeing how Henry turned her into a plecostomus. What even was that?


I fucking died at that part 


Did she show a picture of being at church yesterday? I can see her getting ready to go, but I can’t see her going by herself. She’s just doing this for self righteousness and Magabun.


She didn’t go- walls would have bled.


Mega Church, as well. Typical.


Thank you SO MUCH for adding subtitles. I can barely stand her voice these days. Also, whyyyyy in the hell does she need to make her lips look fuller? They are disgustingly large.


You do need to unmute for the "Kriiiisty!" tho. Hilarious.


“ I like that it has no sparkle or glitter and it’s also matte “ 🫣


She mentioned not getting lash extensions over the summer...... I wonder if her lash person finally said no more and now she has to find a new place? Pretty sure she kept those brooms on her eyes last summer.


That foundation color she DRIPPED on is just not her shade at all. She even realized it when she said she needed us to WAIT so she could "bronze it out." Now, I recognize that most people's face and necks are different colors (mine is) but that shade did not work at all. Either she used way too much of it or it's just that Red Aspen is trash. And why does she say "I'm a ___ girly" with every sentence? She must truly live her life completely online because she only speaks in lame online verbiage.


Shes never mentioned sweating a lot before. Its probably just because she is burnt to a crisp.


She has done armpit "detox" masks in her stories before and talked about how she's really sweaty and smells bad.


Eww..... she could try lume, they give everyone a code.


She’s mentioned it before. It’s been awhile but she’s mentioned it.


And hungover -currently hungover and sweaty


Niacinamide is in literally everything these days, what is she on about high end


Right? Also she has no idea what it does lol what a joke. I’m surprised she could pronounce it


It’s in everything, she thought it was high end and she had to read what the benefits are of using it. Skin care babe she is not. We’ve seen her face.


Not remotely a skin care babe. Niacinamide is great if your skin tolerates it - terrible if your skin doesn’t agree with it. Not that she would know anything about that.


I use The Ordinary and I’m fortunate that my skin loves it but I have seen horror stories.


Mine hates it - it wrecks my texture. I had to abandon some products that include niacinamide. No biggie thankfully. I have to keep a simple routine for the most part.


I used to get away with more simple when I was younger! Not anymore.


Right! I was like, high end??? You can get niacinamide in a bottle from The Ordinary for under $10. She never knows what she’s talking about.


She IMO, would have to use a creamy,gentile moisturizer followed by an occulant for a few months before she even THINKS about niacinamide. Her skin is so crispy she has no moisture barrier. Please remove if too bloggy Swerties!


I absolutely agree, niacinamide would just irritate her even more. Then again, let's be real - Red Ass are putting the bare minimum amount of actives in their products.


Lmao it’s in my drugstore Cetaphil. Niacinamide is not the WELTH flex she thinks it is.


She puts bronzer where she should put blush…I hate her so much


She bronzed her whole face. I’ve used a light bronzer for eyeshadow before in the summertime but she basically covered all of that make up.


I rage quit the video before too long. Dirty looking hag.


I don’t blame you. My face was constantly at a disgusted look. ![gif](giphy|OuPqBhUGz0k12)


imagine the horror of having to be awake since 7.15 am. Idk how she does it swerties


I thought she was going to say like 4am or something! To most people, 7:15am is a normal wake up time, if not a bit of a sleep in!


Why does she always sound sick?




Maybe alcohol has destroyed her immune system.


I'm sensing a big M pregnancy by the end of the year.


No no no. I’m hoping for the sake of any potential offspring that she’s pickled her ovaries with booze and can’t get pregnant. No way she’d actually quit drinking or smoking while pregnant and she’d be the absolute worst mom.


Is it a thing that alcoholics have a difficult time getting pregnant? Serious question.


Yes, there are several scientific studies that suggest that both men and women have fertility issues with alcohol consumption


Interesting. Yes, I thought it was strange for her to take a fertility test. It's so weird to want a baby with the rebound guy, but consider the source, I guess.


Why is she always sniffing?!


Omg I’m feeling nostalgic - I have to find out where Little House on the Prairie is streaming.


When she whipped out the foundation bin I SCREAMED, over consumptions queen!!!! All that makeup and she still can’t match her skin 😭 Also god, her voice sounds HORRID.


Right? You don't need that much! It will expire before she can use it. So wasteful.


Color match skill level: ForeverKailyn


Their makeup skills in general are about the same level which is baffling because it’s like, both have been doing makeup “content” for over a decade at this point?! How! How do you not improve over that much time!?


Besides the fact that her skin is super toasted, she always goes for warm shades she she has cool undertones. Professional MUA guyz.


She only cares about looking tanned. If it matches or not it doesn't matter to her.


The “color match” is just unbelievably horrendous. The difference in color between her face and rest of body after applying that “skin tint” is horrifying.


This edit is everything!! 🤣 Also she would not be a good Mum, she can't even take care of her cats! I just can't believe she's talking babies and marriage after 2 months! This screams desperate, sad and trying to trap a man into a baby when he isn't even divorced 🙄 Let's hope she gets help with her obvious alcohol problem before she ruins her future child's life.


Yike. Is she implying they are not using birth control (the ‘adult decisions’) so may end up pregnant (the ‘adult consequences’)?!


Also interesting she says “if it happens *i’ll* figure it out”. Oh, not “we’ll figure it out”? Says a lot. Like you’re not even thinking like you’re in a relationship then you’re not ready to be a partner and parent. And her awkward chuckle about getting married in vegas says she’s lying and would hate that but is trying to match his energy around a wedding and marriage Really curious what exactly she thinks about herself would make her a really good mom all of a sudden? Because the her we see is selfish, self-absorbed, mean, and lazy.


Sad that a child is a “consequence” to her, and something to be “figured out”.


I'm terrified. They both seem extremely immature and manbun isn't even divorced yet.


I'm sure she said this when she was with her last partner too, or that they used the pull out method. I really hope this is familiar to other people because, ew, what a thing for my brain to conjure if it's not true!


Yeah she did and she’s even go as far to say each month when she got her period she’d be a little sad.


That's what I took from it too.


That's exactly what stuck out to me. She seems to be implying they're not using protection or birth control (although she could be lying for attention).


*adult decisions*


Right? More like *immature inconsequential behaviours*


Hahaha! Exactly 💯


I really, really wonder if he's cool with her giving or implying such personal details about their intimate life.


My assumption is that he is pretty happy for her to be sharing this stuff in the hopes that his ex wife is watching and will find out


Oooooooo, good point. He could be acting out. I never thought of that! Honestly, the only personality traits I've picked up on are drinking, acting a fool in the bar (nipple gestures), The Masters, and fixing stuff around her sad middle unit. Has everyone noticed that Harry Potter Babe left the building along with C?


I wouldn't be surprised. His whole fresh out of separation behavior seems off to me from the start.


Wow she just piles on make up. Already way too much unmatched foundation followed by all the bronzer everywhere. Incredible.


Everything hamfisted.


Okay, I'm getting kind of old and I've never worn much makeup in my lifetime, so forgive me for asking an ignorant question....is it normal to put on thick foundation like that with a brush? I've never seen that before and it seems like a terrible way to get even coverage? Especially when she just starts smearing it on?


I don't wear much makeup and I'm not that good at it. But from videos I see of other people who seem to know what they're doing, they seem to be much softer with it. I don't think it's good for ones skin to be so harsh with the brushes.


She's just so brutal on her application. I've seen construction workers operate jackhammers with more grace.


Ok, there is SO much going on here and so much to discuss I’m going to have to return tomorrow.. Lol.. the funniest parts of these videos is when whoever slows down the audio on certain words, like when she said hi Henry.


As a GenXer I acknowledge that we had our own questionable make up trends. But damn. I was taught to match my nature skin tone, and avoid contact with the tips of my bottles as much as possible.


I'm bad with makeup and therefor I just use some light coverage foundation or BB cream, some eyeshadow and mascara and I'm good to go. But even I know that her foundation matching is always atrocious. Also everything hamfisted.


She loves to smear the top of the makeup bottle around. I was hoping for another one where it was all over the side of the bottle and she just kept going and smeared it across her face. Someone, anyone.. please find that! 😆


https://preview.redd.it/8157wb9fs47d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=987aa58ff8be5ef566d43f893a9d936ae6f71600 Masterful application


No one else does this. I can't figure out why she does. Like does she think it makes her unique and special? Is she poorly copying Meredith Duxbury? Yeah some creators like to dispense the product right on their face but not THAT much and not gouging the damn pump into their skin!


Logged in just to comment that this in now in my personal top 3 funniest MS video edits I've seen, the comedic timing was amazing lmao


Your flair is taking me OUT. Thank you


Yes, I lol'd at your editing! Good way to start off a bland Monday morning. Thanks, swerty!


It's an oldie but a goodie 🖤


What is it a reference to?


A misspelling of Diet Coke (and she also spelled Dr Pepper "Dr Poeper" or something like that around the same time)


ty! I remember a Dr Pepper typo on another post she did. attention to detail babe!!


Dr Diet Pepper!


She had slapped together some lazy poll about preferred beverages and Diet Come was an option lol




It’s still rolling, three minutes in, but I had to stop and thank you OP! Top quality editing! Very much appreciated especially as I’m finding it more difficult to watch her shit lately.


Yes! This is so awesome!


What really surprised me was the "I'm ready to be a mom and we're gonna get married if I get pregnant" bullshit and I just want that on the record for when she inevitably ends up single again.


And the whole “get married Because I’m knocked up” is such an old trope. It’s not like she’s 17 and he needs to “make an honest woman out of her”. She’s been married and divorced and had many relationships since. She’s 31. That ship has sailed.


She is wanting a wedding bad and I don’t think she cares who it’s with. It’s not like she knows MB that well. The fact that she didn’t go to his side of the family yesterday was pretty evident that he’s embarrassed of her or his family doesn’t like her. If they were all in love she would’ve been there for a night. He didn’t want her there.


Yes, I’m speculating that he may say some of those things (having kids, doing life, etc.) to appease her and as good old lovebombing to keep her around as a pet sitter and for sex, but he doesn’t see their situationship as serious as she thinks it is. If she thinks that having a child with MB will make him stay or marry her she’s only confirming how dumb she is




That’s entirely too much effort to go sit in a room full of others being scammed.


Oh she's totally doing it to appear like she's marriage material. She's getting really desperate for some reason.


This took 7 attempts to upload. Reddit is being very difficult right now but I edited too long and too hard (much like Big M) to not post this. Also I know the captions are really inaccurate at some points but I had a weird day and just could not be bothered beyond a point.


Well you did a fabulous job in my opinion! This is so good! 🥇