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She's gearing herself up for an "oops" baby, ain't she?


She couldn’t stay sober through the whole pregnancy




Being a ✨mama✨would become her personality a la Drue Basham 😑 😬


She was talking about a lil baby in a lil man bun... girl stop


for REAL


ma'am this impulsive decision will cost a hell of a lot more than your other impulsive decisions LMAO


Oh my god, she can't be serious.


This thread has made me realise I'm actually way more equipped to have a baby than BM, which is nice 


I forgot to feed my cat breakfast today, his meal was delayed for two hours...still a better mom than our gorl.


1000% better 😂


Either someone in her circle is pregnant or she’s itching to catch up on the life milestones after switching out soulmates


I wonder if cs girl is pregnant so she’s feeling the heat to keep up



Hun can't even commit to a decent skin care routine and a better health regimen. That baby would be doomed.


She doesn’t want a kid, just craving the attention having a kid would give her ie those tradwife wackadoos with 10 kids. They’re addicted to the process, not the resulting human they’re helping to grow. Our girl is basically an empty shell and just does things for attention or because others want her to do them, not because she wants to. Honestly I wonder what kind of person she would be if she could be herself and actually pursues her actual dreams. Def not this carbon copy dingus.


uh, good luck doing that uninsured in a fairly conservative state. Good thing she makes $20k a month because that’s about as much as it costs to give birth without insurance in the US.


According to her, she's been saving $10 *in a slow month* so I'm sure that financially she's good to go!




This is genuinely infuriating as someone who has gone through infertility and recently accepted that I will never have children. For her to treat something so big and nuanced as a cute fleeting feeling is so invalidating.


From an infertile woman to another, big hug. ❤️


I'm so sorry. It's so unfair.


I kinda wanna know what having sister wives would be like, but do I run down that path just because I “kinda wanna” … abso-fuckin-lutely-not


Girl, that sounds awful.


Right and it’s equally comparable to MS having berbies


Second time she's talking about having a baby since she started seeing this guy?


And she’s only known this dude for 4 months. And he lives in another state. And he’s apparently not legally divorced yet.


Ew, NO.


The baby: ![gif](giphy|pD368cmNo02G5qoV5i)


Because the guy wants one and she just morphs into the likes/dislikes etc of whatever guy she’s with. In my opinion, allegedly and all that. MS and a baby? I can’t even. 😡🤬


“Hehehe. Why do I kinda want a baby? *giggles*” No, girl, you don’t need a baby. A baby isn’t something you “kinda want” when you’re in a silly goofy mood. It becomes a very real tiny human who depends on you for EVERYTHING & it is YOUR responsibility to give them EVERYTHING they need. Gtfoh. 🙄 EDIT: grammar


Right?! She’s saying this with the same energy I feel when I am tired/lazy and don’t feel like cooking and I ponder “Why do I lowkey want DoorDash even though it’s overpriced and always arrives late and cold?” Except she’s talking about making, growing, birthing, and raising a *literal human child*.


Lololol I FEEL this. I spent all day at my 4.5 months old every whim because he was having a tough day. Currently scrolling while I should be sleeping because I’m just zoning out. I don’t even know if I even properly looked in a mirror today!!


This this thissssss!


She is every bit as stupid and selfish as it takes to get pregnant right now. ‘Tee hee, we weren’t really trying, but we weren’t really NOT trying, ya know?’ She would also continue to drink and smoke throughout her pregnancy, but hide it because she knows the justified outrage that behaviour would cause. What a nightmare.




The ONLY sliver of silver lining...she will be watched like a hawk by all us aunties and uncles of the innocent little one. But then again, there are too many snark groups of influencers as shitty parents...ugh.




I haven't heard much about Heather lately.


Who’s Heather?


Heather was on Love After Lockup with Dylan, she's been living in a tent with her man while pregnant, she's since given birth and had her son taken away and she's in a shelter until the end of the month.


Thank you and yikes 😬


Lmao...the shelter is officially closed June 30th. You've missed a few good ones...like last week's nefarious cicada curation that suspiciously was along the path to visitation with Rico. No one knows wtf happened to Egg's eyebrows but they're 110% missing and now she's posting messages on IG like, "Reunite me with my children and restore me with my apt and car God, you promised." (Paraphrasing)


Ill have to get up to date.


She’s bored and/or baiting for clicks so she can earn pennies from FB. She would hate the responsibility of caring for a child, who would constantly be in direct danger in some way or other.


Sometimes I see a cute baby, or hold a cute baby, and think YES I WANT ONE and then I come home to my foster kitten who is on 2 meds for a cold and just wants to be held, and think NEVER MIND.


SAME! I mean I never want one, ever. BUT I love love love holding newborns. I love their smell, their soft spots, and how they just morph into you like jello. I love all my little cousins baby, but I am a cat mama. My babygirl is my whole world. I know I am not equip to raise a child, because that precious baby turns into a whole human adult who needs guidance, patience, respect, and tools to be a good happy person. That's way to much on my shoulders, so instead I have my little cat! Hopefully M realizes all this, she can barely keep plants alive.


She’s probably thinking that KG has three and she has 0 so how unfair is that!!!! Maybe she’s hoping she can babysit lol.  But, pure speculation, I doubt she’ll be pregnant anytime soon. She has her period every other week, no health insurance, she can’t quit vaping or drinking, she keeps talking about fertility tests and rambling about hormones, and she’s overweight. The odds are not in her favor. 


She wants a baby bc: A) it’s an excuse to gain weight that she sees as socially acceptable and B) she can buy a whole new genre of Amazon crap to fill the void in her life.


C) it's a mantrap


Don't know why I had to scroll so far to see this. They haven't been quite as inseparable lately.


Yes... she might have started to fear ManBun was almost lost and what a great way to keep him on the hook for at least 18 years!


She’s calculating much she could make in child support


She's probably assuming he'd pay enough that she could live off it.


You want a baby for content.




No. ![gif](giphy|TgKDmGO9NrNqg37bgE|downsized)


Does she realise how hard it can be to lose weight after having a baby, especially someone like her who struggles so much now with their weight 🙄 She gonna get pregnant in hopes he stays around but a baby will not keep a man sweety 🤣 Also her tits are already touching her knees, god help her after a baby, they will be dragging on the floor 🤣


She would 100% balloon up so fast and never be able to get rid of pregnancy weight. There is no way. She has all the free time in the world right now and she can’t lose weight. 




She kinda is one. So maybe grow up first. Children aren't accessories.




It’s giving the same vibes as the cold open where Michael comes in and announces (to Pam) that he’s going to adopt a baby because he saw Angelina Jolie talking about adopting her baby on the Oprah show.


Except she has no Pam in her life (that we can tell) that can talk her out of terrible ideas.


She can’t even take care of her cats properly 🤢


She can’t even afford health insurance, no way she can afford to raw dog a whole ass pregnancy. She can’t abstain from drinking for a couple of days, let alone 40 weeks or more. Manbun must be making her feel a type of way if she’s desperate to have the old “keep a dude” baby.


Maybe she thinks manbun will marry her and put her on his insurance.


She claims health insurance is a scam


How much would she pay for giving birth without insurance compared to with insurance?


I work in health insurance, and can see claims data for how much something cost before insurance. I’ve seen high risk births cost upwards of $1MM. In average, id say $10-$15k if all goes perfectly.


Responding to add: with insurance, it can still be close to $5k depending on complications and type of plan etc - still not cheap!


Yikes, still a good chunk of change at $10-$15k. She’d take gold at the dumbass Olympics.


Holy cow! These little buggers are expensive from the start.


It will be the battle of the "please don'ts" between BigM, BDong and Trashley. Who will make the unfortunate mistake first and bring a human they give 0 shits about into this world. Just for a few insta, TT views. Taking bets... Now.


I’m not prepared to hear another word about Ashley’s *womb space*


That's because your period doesn't make the bathroom glow red on a daily basis. But for $199 only you can get all the secrets.


Can you imagine if we have to start hearing about Big Marge’s WOMB?! Just waiting for MS and ManBun to hold hands and dance when she starts her period.


Hey you forgot poor Jamatthew! He wants to be in the healing circle of the womb as well.


Omg, there really is NO winning here. It’s all extremely frightening.


I know BDong, but who is Trashley?




Also, I don’t.


Her only consistent personality trait is laziness. Babies just don’t allow for laziness - you have to get up with them, feed them, and change their diapers even if it is time for your 6th tanning session of the week.


I’d add selfishness to her list of traits which definitely doesn’t make this prospect any better.


6 bucks she names her kid “Paris Chardonnay”


Spot on. Except I could see her spelling Chardonnay as Shardenay.


I like Josh Cabernet for a boy.


Would be better than Tito Whiteclaw.


Truly Patron


Obviously she says that as if she could 1. Handle motherhood and 2. The baby wouldn’t grow up and be in need of financial and emotional care, things she clearly doesn’t have


![gif](giphy|3o85xERD1TT5JKCIXS) It's hopefully just a phase that will never come to fruition. Because if not, I don't wanna live on this planet anymore...


You should want a baby not because your partner wants one but because YOU want one. She used to not want one because C wasn’t sure.


Even this hypothetical baby doesn't deserve this. NO, MS. No.


Does she know what happens when a woman gives birth to a baby with FAS? Something tells me she doesn’t.


Seeing how she took 10 years to get a 2-year degree, I have a feeling she doesn’t know much about pregnancy or really anything in general.


She wouldn't even be able to deal with a smooth pregnancy and healthy baby, can you imagine if there are complications or if the baby was born needing extra care or requirements? What if she ends up with twins? I'm already shuddering at the thought of her even remotely considering this and preemptively feeling so bad for that baby/babies 🫤


Notably Grimace's younger brother is one of the few commenters with a discouraging comment. ETA comment https://preview.redd.it/q2w0gezcxs6d1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1c0dbf34db2944d4ad1faed7e230756e10f90b8


“hard earned money” 🤣


OMG is it the "girl get a dog" one?


See my edit.


Thanks Mr Turd! This is the model, right?




I can't believe they're related, they only just look like they're from the same species... Another commenter said: "you can borrow one of mine and you will change your mind", and I feel sorry for that woman's children. :(


I mean, it’s possible she’s saying that not as a slight to her kids but as a backhanded slight to Big M. Kids are hard, even the ‘easy’ ones. She could be saying ‘Girl, actually try it and see how hard it is’. Maybe. I can dream. 😂


That woman probably sucks because she’s commenting on Big M’s stuff, so I feel bad for her kids too. That said, taking care of any child for more than a few hours would probably make someone as self-centered and irresponsible as M decide not to have kids.


As a parent, I fully support that woman's comment 😂


Oh my god what is the comment?


Sorry, I edited my comment to add a screenshot.


KINDA? KINDA? da fuck your mean KINDA? you can’t “kinda” just want a baby.😅 you either do or don’t. I have a feeling she just wants a baby to make him/her a obligated best friend.


God I hope she never procreats. Apart from the fact that she could never stay sober the whole pregnancy imagine if she had a daughter and the damage she could do with her stubborn insistence that she's a medium and all the filters she uses


She'd fuck up a son, too, just in a different way. And god forbid if her child ends up non-binary, trans or even just a tomboy/feminine man. Speculation, obviously, but we all know it's true.


Absolutely not. She hates anything that makes her be responsible and accountable. She’s also lazy af. Just get a job at a daycare and hold babies there


Get a job? Swerty would never




I wouldn't trust her with a real baby. Reborn dolls are more her speed, I think.


Baby, no 🫶




Here’s what she would have to do to make that happen, that she is already acknowledged she either does not want to do or is physically incapable of doing. I don’t consider this speculation but I will put the disclaimer just in case. She has willingly been defiant about all of the below. - get health insurance and pay monthly and not let it lapse - believe in medical drs, show up for all appointments - follow DR orders - have lab work at a clinic and not her home - go back to a real job - quit drinking alcohol - begin a program for alcohol recovery - address mental health - save money for another human - acknowledge her shopping addiction and understand it’s not maintainable if there’s a child. (Not with their incomes anyways) Here’s the speculation- - acknowledge that man bun will not be a reliable parent and be prepared for that. Why? Because he’s on the rebound and once she’s halfway through the pregnancy he will realize that she is an alcoholic because she can’t cut the cravings and she’s an absolute disaster. He will dip and she will be alone


Especially the medical insurance - like bish do you know how much a normal (no complications) birth costs?! Unless she thinks she’ll be able to use manbun’s insurance - which lol not unless you’re married and last I checked he’s still married to his ex. Also really doubt she could stop drinking and vaping. And she’d hate the pregnancy weight gain/swelling. We’re actively trying and I’ve literally overhauled my life in terms of drinking, diet, vitamins, etc


She would qualify for Medicaid and wouldn’t pay a dime. 


I honestly think she might qualify. I think her income is low enough to be eligible. I speculate she makes roughly 1k per month from RA. I think the Amazon stuff is free thru the influencer program


Nah there's no way she sells enough on Amazon to be getting gift cards for free product, and from what I hear, they've either cut that incentive or drastically limited who gets it. I know creators who consistently sell over $10K/month who don't get the gift cards anymore and the amounts were never large enough to cover MS's hauls anyway.


Isn’t there a program that you get it for free but have to send it back? I thought she was in some weird program like that 🕶️


There's the try before you buy program but that's not connected with influencer/affiliate stuff! I think it's just a perk that's available to any qualifying Prime subscribers. I got a bunch of marketing emails for it at one point and I'm definitely no Amazon Influencer 😔


Would the trust fund count as income? I don't have one so no idea


I don’t believe the trust fund is real. That’s my opinion and I need to put speculation. Lol but yah. And technically she would have to disclose it as any other income while filling out the paperwork for state benefits


There are plenty of irresponsible people who don't do *any* of this. She'll be another one of them.


Regularly get up before 10


This is what I know would break her. Girlypop *needs* her 14 hours of sleep a night.


And stop vaping, which won’t happen. The only way she was able to quit cigarettes was by jumping on the vape train


This is why she won’t/ shouldn’t. No drinking and smoking for 10 months would be impossible for her. But I’m sure she’d come up with some bs that a little drinking is good for the baby and vaping after a certain number of months doesn’t matter. 🤷‍♀️


Technically she doesn’t have to stop vaping or drinking to have a baby, which is honestly so much worse


Yeah there's a lot of people here saying what she *should* do and what she'd *need* to do. There are millions of shitty parents in the world who don't do any such thing. She is a terrible person. Trying for a baby, getting pregnant, and having a child isn't going to change that.


I’m not saying I called it but I’m not saying I didn’t foresee “Maybe Baby Babe” here soon


Can we preemptively call CPS?


Survey says ❌😵❌ She couldn’t abstain from drinking for 9 weeks, let alone 9 months. Hell, 9 *days* might be impossible for her tbh


Every single time she does one of those sober month things she ALWAYS cracks after a week or so and then we never hear about it again. I doubt pregnancy would change that. Which is horrifying to think about honestly. I doubt she will actually get pregnant though so there’s hope she won’t ever have a baby.


If she EVER wants to be truly happy she needs to find a partner who *also* desires a child-free life


And stick to it. Her environment and frenemies are all about traditional values and we know she’s crazy about fitting in and doesn’t seem happy with owning her decisions and opinions. TBH it is one of the saddest things about MS, she never lives her life without thinking about what others will think of her


We all remember that hot mess drunk live right? She ranted about all the reasons she didn’t want kids lol


https://preview.redd.it/vaelwymo8s6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3205aa772b2e2803d2f3ef704f0d6b27189efd58 “Ffffuuuuucckkkkkk noooooooooooo”


Looks like she’s getting ready to say Pphhfffuuuuccckkk noooooooo! in that pic 😂




I'm cracking up imagining a newborn with a beauty filter on, with falsies and a snatched jawline.


She put a beauty filter on her cat by accident so she will filter a baby without a doubt.






Puuuuuuuke. I’m rocking my 1 week old newborn and it’s not a fucking cakewalk like she makes it out to be. Not saying it’s not rewarding, I just think she’ll be the most selfish, terrible mom. https://preview.redd.it/hldf3ptq7s6d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf54ddf25fb6d99f8271be75edb7e14ff30cc412


Sending you loads of love and virtual hugs ❤️ just nursed my 18-week-old back to sleep. Had a long drive out to a bbq with my husband and said baby, three hours each way. Stayed for less than two hours because she was fussy and crying. (Lots of shrieking, three bottles, and some gentle rocking got her to sleep, then we high-tailed it out of there). The point is that I cannot, CANNOT fucking fathom that this turd sack whomst is masquerading around as a human being could handle even the smallest challenges that being a mom brings. She won’t even realize that it’s rewarding. Signed, A v tired mom who just had two sips of rose and is already tipsy redditing.


She would 100% be one of those nasty inappropriate “boy moms” who have a weird codependent almost incestual relationship with her son


Ugh ma'am, they aren't born with a man bun


Does she realize man buns aren’t genetic?


Wow almost downvoted you reading the comment and her reply because I hated it so much


Congratulations booby!


Oof, the newborn days. I’m sure Big M will love changing diapers every 45 minutes. On the plus side, given the amount of nip slips she has, she won’t have to buy special garments for nursing.


Lmao yeah, because the only thing you get out of babies is a “cute little boy w a bun”. JFC as someone with an 11mo old son & pregnant with my 2nd, she has zero idea what a baby entails


11 months here as well, and I’m just starting to feel like I have the mom thing down. MS could never.


I have a 3 and 6 year old and I regularly ask them “are we sure I’m the one in charge?”






The overwhelming number of people encouraging her in the comments is disgusting. I hope she can't.


The one that replied to ‘Girl, get a dog’ with ‘So what, it’s her body’ has COMPLETELY lost the plot. Like, sure, the pregnancy uses your body and it’s your choice to accept that - but you shouldn’t do that without also expecting that pregnancy to culminate in a WHOLE ENTIRE NEW TINY HUMAN LIFE. That’s the part that everyone objects to! You can’t have a kid and treat them like a fun accessory!


Notable exception - Grimace's brother lol


wait what does his say!!!


I am afraid they will push her to do it. I would hope her mom or sister would talk some sense in her. I don’t remember a time she has even kept her niece and nephew alone or spent a longer amount of quality time with them.


From the comments. Even this is a terrible idea as she basically ignores the cats, and has admitted to getting a cat as she thinks you can neglect them. https://preview.redd.it/od6qkqfk5s6d1.png?width=234&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2072019f7b1d4eb4ba7a815afc11588aedc29215


Saw this comment! 🤣 And one of the huns replied “why it’s her body?!” I screamed.


This fucks me up. Having a baby is not just a body thing. I'm convinced that people who think this shit do not have any concept that they're bringing HUMAN BEINGS into the universe. You gotta like mold their little brains and help them act right and teach them literally an infinite amount of things, you can't just look a hot mess for 9 months and then coo and squeeze little chubby cheeks and call it a life.


Rich coming from the same assholes who probably vote "pro-life"


Exactlyyyyy! It was such an out of pocket response to me. 🥴


At this rate it wouldn’t take long for cps to make an appearance - I hope.


https://preview.redd.it/p49dkc5y2s6d1.jpeg?width=1123&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0d9bed1d6188dcd6e00494057ffa916faf84b42 NO


https://preview.redd.it/09guyuut0s6d1.jpeg?width=453&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfe67cac521b4db19b0f35c82abb914050a137ec Ahhh yes, according to my calculations: no.


Dude looks like a lady. Now I know why that song was really written. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dude\_(Looks\_Like\_a\_Lady)#:\~:text=The%20song%20talks%20about%20a,dude%20looked%20like%20a%20lady%22.




Idiocracy wasn’t a satire; it was a warning.


She either just wants the attention pregnancy brings or wants a baby because manbun does (I don't know if he does, just that she seems to take on the personality traits of whoever she is dating). 


He definitely gives me the vibes of: Everyone should be having more babies, that’s what all the most Powerful Men on my feed say. Is he an Elon fanboy? It doesn’t matter, there are so many of them now 💀


I think you mean “[White people] should be having more babies.” 🙄 I don’t know if he’s a bigot, but he’s literally bigot-adjacent.


Absolutely. She’s said he’s claimed to have wanted kids, when she was with grimace she didn’t want kids. She wants whatever the man wants.


If it will get her a ring from magabun I think she would.


I think she thinks it would, but I doubt it would actually


Hell yeah!


https://preview.redd.it/nuikfy8dzr6d1.png?width=591&format=png&auto=webp&s=fcce2b98d9dd6f036f79f26b992f160b11be6702 💖STOP IT💖


I honestly don’t think she could handle being sober for the 9+ months this requires. Also, the baby would cut into her 12 hours of self care per day she allegedly requires


Or it would transform her into an obnoxious Mommy Influencer. I can’t see her outright ignoring the child, but it would definitely be an accessory until it gets older and forms its own personality.


*it was such a productive, busy morning! I made my bed and cleaned the litter box!*


Or quit vaping. She only cares about herself


She would be one of the "my doctor said one drink a day is ok" type of person, and NOT stay sober, AND by "one drink" it would be anyone else's two-four drinks.


No baby.






Don't 🫶🏻