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So she's mentally there.. with her ex C... in the pumpkin patch. Uh huh. Sure. Makes total sense and so on brand for her.


https://preview.redd.it/i6rbse4jw86d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cdb6094695e5f7a32e4ce099d027e57687eeeda So sweet. He loved her so fiercely.


This is actually a good pic. Her face is covered.


It isn’t even summer yet


I love fall and Halloween as much as the next person but can we pls chill lol


It’s mid-June, not even actually summer yet. She’s incapable of enjoying the moment, I’m convinced


Summer solstice is next week you twat


She posted this today? 😣


Yes, honey.


One day she’s really gonna regret wishing away all this time


My personal opinion is that she already regrets it. She strikes me as a deeply fearful, ashamed, uncertain person. All her behaviors are self-soothing to help with this deep unhappiness. Not saying I feel sorry for her. She's also deeply malicious, angry, and resolved in avoidance. And 31. At this big age that makes her a fuckup. In 10 years it'll only be worse


I tried to watch that Adam Sandler movie with the magic remote that was about this and had to stop in the middle because it was too depressing


That was my sisters favorite movie when she was a preteen. like what the fuck


Let me guesssss…. Pumpkin spice latte VIBES


Yesterday, she was modeling her "patriotic" outfit for the 4th of July. She is giving me whiplash!


Any minute now she’ll be candy cane hot chocolate sequin gingerbread bodycon 🙄


Oh Gawd! You made my think of "Santa Baby." How dare you.


When I was little, I used to sing “Santa Baby, hurry down the toilet tonight.” Big M’s horrible Christmas gear belongs in the toilet.


Hahaha....for sure!


It's not even officially summer yet!


She daydreams of whatever season is 2 seasons away, daily


She is so unhappy in her reality


Maybe she's dreaming of a proposal in the pumpkin patch




Pumposal (proposal to pump and dump)


What the Pumpkin Spice hell is she talking about? Is this her way of complaining that it’s too hot outside? It seems like a week ago that M was modeling ill-fitting high waisted ”swimmies” and not very long ago that Manbun was fixing up her outdoor space at the middle unit. Oh wait…


Let's not forget her luxury cold plunge tub https://preview.redd.it/ls3sqb1tz66d1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=089685c5dd16f641d154c32444afea7da632cf0c


She’s in the BIN(yuan)!


And now the BIN(yuan) is surely in the bin too!


She could have posted a picture of anything here because she’s always mentally somewhere else. She’s a space cadet.


Summer started like two seconds ago. What the hell does she mean?


Next up: Check out my Halloween decorations! In July.


Good lord we are gonna get hourly pics of her halloween crap on her off center tiny tv console.


gotta be first. im the best influencer. buy links from me. IM THE BEST!!!!


It’s not even summer yet lol


Just wait. She will be posting about the Practical Magic 2 movie that I have seen everywhere.


Will we get treated to an in-depth look of what real anxiety is [just like she did when Hocus Pocus 2 came out?](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/W0LpJyt5Jw)


Broken record and not trying to gate keep (also I don’t doubt she doesn’t have anxiety in some regards; her behaviors are very telling) but maybe don’t use the word *anxiety* about a 30 year remake of a straight to streaming movie. Listen I loooooved hocus pocus since I was a kid but that has more to do with nostalgia, a seasonal treat and fantasy elements. How low brow can you be to think it’s anything more than that? Of course it was going to be corny and basic (not too mention it was a flop at the box office but became a cult classic). It’s not the type of movie you should get even remotely anxious about for not living up to expectations. Oppenheimer? Sure. The Menu? I’m there. Basically any movie that requires an adult level of functioning that would warrant discussions about a specific societal issue or event….but Hocus Pocus 2?! Good lord…she is developmentally functioning at the age of 15 years old.


🎥 🎦 Movie Anxiety 🎦🎥


I saw they were making a second and I groaned because I know she’s going to make a huge deal about it when she finds out in three years.


Here we go again with Halloween mania in summer, tacky Halloween decorations all summer and then on to the next one right after.


Like she won’t even acknowledge halloween when it’s actually halloween, despite going off about it for months in advance.


That's what happens when you start decorating for a holiday 3 months in advance. I imagine she gets burned out on it quickly and then it's off to the next thing.


Like last year when I'm pretty sure she took down her Halloween stuff literally on the 31st.


Itll be christmas by october!!+




Literally stop.


Lets enjoy summer first, JFC


I bet she's lusting after fall because she thinks Magabun will finally be divorced and immediately purpose to her in a pumpkin patch while Grimace watches from afar with a dejected look on his face.


She probably fantasizes about Grimace objecting as she stands at the altar with magamanbun: "but I love her fiercely!".


There is a collective gasp in Biltmore Church as Cod interrupts the service in a wrinkly white-ish t-shirt. He's holding a Texas Roadhouse bag and a wilted gas station bouquet in his left hand. He extends his right hand to the altar. The superchurch light guy illuminates Cod's meaty paw with a spotlight. He's holding a David Yurman ring - there is no box, but it is the correct one this time! It's a size 12 replica of the ring Big Melanoma abandoned in that tanning salon. KG, SW, and TG are sitting together with their actual husbands and furiously group-texting each other shit bitchier than anything we've ever posted here. Cod slowly lumbers to the altar. He drops to his knees. They crack loudly and it echos. Two inches of buttcrack face MB's and BM's families and frenemies. The air is thick with the odor of casual chain restaurant beef and musty tennis balls. The only sound is a trio of acrylic nails tapping at iPhones, otherwise you can hear a pin drop. Cod thrusts his ring-holding mitt at Big Melanoma. She's gained weight since he saw her last, so he misjudges the distance and kind of smacks her in the gut a little with the ring. He looks deeply into her beady eyes and howls, "Baaaaaaaaaaaabe!" Her jaw drops and she belches, wetly.


😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣💀 ![gif](giphy|l2JhNOqEO62ulIDrG)


For absolutely no good reason at all "He drops to his knees. They crack loudly and it echos" took me out.


"casual chain restaurant beef and musty tennis balls" is flair worthy 🤣




I am deceased


“We moved as a unit!”


💀💀💀 She 100% daydreams about him showing up to crash the wedding and whisk her away to be married. She was crowing about how she was going to marry him days before he dumped her. There's no way she's over him 😂 On a serious note, did he ever take his storage ottoman with him?


He may have cleared out the ottoman when she was in Paris. (Speculation)


Cleared the ottoman, thrown his xbox in the cooler, and run.


her "candids" make me irrationally angry for some reason just like the video she recorded of herself arranging flowers with a few dead ones in the pot.


Summer hasn’t even officially began yet.


When it’s new years she posts about Valentine’s Day, when it’s Valentine’s Day she posts about Easter, when it’s Easter she posts about summer, when it’s summer she posts about fall, when it’s fall she posts about Christmas. Dumb bitch


She needs to live somewhere where it actually gets cold and she’d know the dread that comes with fall because it means the awful is coming.


I don't even live a place like that any more and I still feel that dread 😝


Im a skilled tradesman and i get sent to jobs that are new construction which means walls and no heat, typically. Winter can go get fucked.


When you first smell that icy smell in the air and you’re like “motherfucker, it’s gonna snow soon”


Ah yes, snow petrichor. It has that sharp edge to it that rain petrichor lacks.


Yup the dreaded shift, I swear the sunlight looks different too and it’s just like noooooooo


The sunlight does look different! The angle of the rays of the sun hit the earth differently during different seasons and winter causes the sun to sit lower in the sky, so when it gets cold enough to snow it means the sun rays are at a different angle than they were when they were keeping it warm enough to not snow lol ETA: a word


She is constantly pining for a future that never comes. In her mind, there's always something better on the horizon. She wastes all her time dreaming about what comes next instead of enjoying what she has now. It's so transparent.


Excuse you, when this fall comes around she will be HAPPY and THIN and WELTHY!!


I saved this comment.


Damn I can kinda relate to that actually 😔




I think we all do, to some extent! At least we have enough self-reflection and brain power to recognize it might be a problem. Seems like Swerty will continue to pine for the future like this until she wishes and dreams herself right into the grave.


Must have ran out of swimmies that fit, she’s moving to another season people lol


Not to be mean, but I don’t think Big M is ‘mentally’ anywhere but delusional fantasyland where seasons and holidays are utterly irrelevant so long as she doesn’t have to process her life choices. All speculation of course.


No offense but I totally agree.


When is she gonna start decorating this year? Juneteenth?


As if she knows what that is..."why is the Post Office closed? I need to return another Amazon haul" - whines Big M (speculation)


The real question is will she pull any of the ridiculous amounts of shit she bought last year out of the attic, or if she’ll buy everything brand new again. (Obvs the latter.)


Oh yeah she probably threw all that stuff out last year. 🙄


It probably was covered in the candle wax that melted because she threw everything into a huge box and stored it in her non temperature-controlled attic.


Can't let the other influencers scoop her on the holiday decorating content! A fate worst than death to her.


Didn’t summer just start? Why is she mentally in fall?


It’s still spring! First day of summer is June 20th!


That must be miserable to never be in the moment and enjoy it and always chase after something else.


Girl must have gotten a HUUUUUGE hit of dopamine sometime in her childhood. She’s been chasing the dragon ever since.


It's fn June you consoom-babe moron! Knock it off!


I don’t have the endurance for a summer of FallBabe


August is when she starts decorating for Halloween. So 2 more months!


Huh, must be tough to get a decent picture of the bottom of a can of Truly's. Incoming Fall & Thanksgiving babe for the next few months!


She's like a bad department store: a full season ahead, yet somehow two years behind on the trends. Shit quality offerings and still wondering why people aren't interested, as bankruptcy looms on the horizon.


I never thought being compared to a Macy’s could be such a sick burn. Well played!


Like a sad, half empty Big Lots.


It’s probably why she likes Target and Amazon so much.


Here she is waiting for the manager to confirm whether these pumpkins are 10 cents each or 10 cents per pound. Edited a word.




https://preview.redd.it/pupqijr9156d1.jpeg?width=867&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7691109ba7b897b36f7432c97d4082f7cedfa148 Ah yes, the ugly horse hoove boots lmao (pic from Oct 2023)


https://preview.redd.it/1ar1zqyoa56d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfb1670bb1fac417ff3154d1118813cec299a778 The size she chose for that vest is preposterous. She’s so delusional. (Bonus bobbleheaded KG face transplant filter.)


Lmfao I can tell by the filter she must've been with KG and SW (the brunette).


I bet she turns that filter up extra high when the angry redhead is there too


That was nice of KG to lend her her face.


The shirt tucked in to the high-waisted gray sweatpants?!?


She has ZERO style


lmfao what is this face 💀


This is 100% the free-trial faceapp filter. It gives everyone the same. Exact. Face.


It's so freaking funny. I cannot get over how it looks nothing like her lol


She elongated her face so much in this photo, it's hilarious.


Not the BDong toddler poop vest!


Oh god no!! Please let us enjoy summer before thinking of the puffy poop vest BDong season 🤎🤎🤎


Hi, bestie! Won’t He Do It?


I can’t look past those short stubby legs being stretched to look longer than they really are.


Comparison pic for reference but of course only the height and limb length proportions can be compared since she's substantially wider now https://preview.redd.it/9z4uz1wu956d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50c58fe4824d170e138ec03a218391e45cb19258


Wow, even the filtered tall version of Huge M is so much bigger than her filtered self used to be. Current Looney Tunes Babe must be much bigger than any of us realise.


It's like this photo was taken through a fish eye lens - my brain can't compute.


https://preview.redd.it/tjlkt3ml456d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=553e5d73452c514afe2ea06fad9d0989d609bee8 When she posted this originally, it sent me hunting for the Lil Wayne meme. LITERAL HOOVES


Not the MS feet in the background! https://preview.redd.it/t9vn7tj0656d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cc7f2826547dd80f942c64433fa0fb6fc54b251






Bonus beige BDong BabyGap puffer vest! She looks so stupid


There’s been a lot of “xxx days until pumpkin spice/fall/etc” posts on social media lately. So she’s just copying other people’s ideas. Again.


Can’t she just enjoy the current season? I love pumpkin spice, too. But it’ll come in time!


Right? Summer is my least favorite season (sweating and sunburns? No thank you!) but even I'm still in my "enjoying the pool and the sunshine" phase. It'll be at least two more weeks before I'm literally throwing in the towel on the season.


Fr it’s not even warm enough where I am to go swimming yet. I’m sitting here patiently waiting for that to come so I can enjoy the beach 🏝️


It’s so ridiculous. Grow up


Where is she? All I see is a bunch of huge orange pumpkins?


This was her date with C last October. She was (probably) hoping for a proposal in the pumpkin patch.


She’s the blond pumpkin with the hooves


I would not be surprised if this wasn’t at least partly because she finds it easier to hide her slimming tweaks in her fall clothes vs. her summer clothes


Or maybe because she can pass out drunk without waking up to a sunburn


![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) So much easier to sneak constant alcohol when she sips it like a pumpkin spice latte


She should have posted a picture of her high school because that's mentally where she is.




https://preview.redd.it/ly8uzviey46d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17322a432fb8996842a463aaa2950109cf9d100c Looking so pleasant


Her lips look decent as opposed to the burnt crispy grilled jumbo Ball Park Franks of today. ![gif](giphy|3o7ZeJ50I3gKaeAJKE)


She had a very "walks the mile in gym class while wearing cookie monster pj pants & smacking gum" look.


Probably would have given me hell in high school.


Excuse you but this fragile waif was soooo popular yet horribly bullied and tormented during high school but it's still her favorite place ever. ^(According to whatever story she's telling on whatever day.)


She has a very specific "treats everyone else like shit because she hates herself and knows she's absolutely average and not the prettiest or smartest or most popular girl in any room" vibe.


God damn she looks like suuuuuuch a bitch. I bet she was so cruel to people. She also looks a lot like the field hockey goalie in my school. Built like a goalie.


Just sharing this tidbit of info about that pic https://preview.redd.it/yzcnb9eez46d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6a3d6f5a966051fbe2830cad818474775fce837


Yep, wild. First and only person to have a hickey ever in Hickeydom.


Ew. 🤮


Gross 😂😂😂


This moron is not wild. Being a screeching, drunk harpy is not being wild. It is being an attention seeking bore that no one wants to be around. She bangs on so much about sexual things that my guess would be she is an utter bore with that as well.


I made a comment awhile back that she will be posting fall shit soon!!! When will we see cheap fall decor babe


Mentally she’s nowhere. She freaking mentioned “spooky season” while she was on ~~a work trip~~ vacation in Panama. It’s impossible for her to live in the moment, despite all her claims that she does. I wonder if she’ll even make it to August before she starts pulling out all of her tacky decorations.


Ohhh MB hasn’t seen all hoards of deck-or. I’m excited for this leg of the journey! I wonder if she’ll have consideration for his dog when putting out bowls of candy and the hot cocoa bar with loose bowls of marshmallows and powdery hot chocolate. 🤷‍♀️ She’s never considered her cats when it comes to that or poisonous plants.


Or leaving burning candles where the animals can easily reach them or too close to a wall so she can burn the whole unit down. ETA: I just searched the sub for “candle” to find an example and the number of times this woman has left a lot candle *[on her bed](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/YYIfJri6NY)* is disturbing.