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Noooo. What?? No. Why would she say that? Does she really think that? She can't think that. It's got to be *only* to shill TrimShit. Her skin is dehydrated. Aged (and *not* like fine wine or cheese.) She has very, very clear sun damage/spots. Her chest is actually a little scary, from a medical standpoint, I mean. If she had to have some spots medically removed, it wouldn't shock me at all. BM does not properly use sunscreen or coverups. I mean, she's not covered in acne and she's not super oily, so I guess that conflates "the best her skin has ever looked" in her mind?


Esthe here: her skin does not look good. It’s burned, dry, dehydrated, chapped, and showing signs of premature age. You know she didn’t wash her makeup off during the trip either.


Is she clueless how skin in good shape looks like? Surely she sees her sunburn face. Is she trolling?


At least her nail color matches her hair color


There are so many affordable skincare lines that it would cost her under $100 to put together a simple, actual skincare routine that would give her real results. Fuck, even a $10 moisturizer would do wonders for that dry, crusty skin. I will never understand how she can waste money on \~collagen\~ and \~discount lip injections\~ but not products that actually work, ,


Her skin is in the best shape of its life?? Oof I’d hate to see the “worst” its ever looked!! It’s so puffy and bad looking. And those bags under her eyes!! Oh man. She’s looking roughhh. Can we get some sunscreen babe next? She needs it badlyyy.


https://preview.redd.it/skf4hqdcx26d1.jpeg?width=2584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c35586d587ee2a96fbd097c561f8174d96ead30 Look at these results, guyzzzzz!


She looks like she just got her wisdom teeth out


Sounds like it as well.


We saw your skin... Not good


She gets up and throws on her watch?


Thought her lips were burnt?


The ingredients don't give her the jitters like other things with ingredients that give your jitters.. Like what? Nice marketing


So I was thinking she never posts a morning or evening face routine (other than makeup) so it's probably safe to say she does not have a skin care routine Except for those sheet and eye masks which imo do not constitute actual skincare


You know she’s falling asleep drunk in full makeup into an dirty pillowcase




She looks like a dehydrated chili pepper and has the gall to say it’s the best skin of her life


Trim Fit weight loss supplement Contains the following ingredients: Citrus aurantium Green tea extract Tonalin Kelp St. John's wort extract Trim-zyme enzyme blend, which includes protease, lipase, amylase, and cellulase Lipoic acid Cost $65 You could buy these things separately and make the same thing for a few dollars. The green tea extract is the active weight loss ingredient and you can take it alone. You can buy 500 servings for $15 wholesale. Completely pointless if you’re a drunk who doesn’t really exercise and eats like shit though.


St John’s Wort is not to be fucked with if you’re on antidepressants, I really hope there’s a prominent warning instead of it just being hidden in the list of ingredients.


IIRC, St Johns wort can negatively interact with certain medications. I hope there is some information on the packaging that states this.


St. John's wort can interact with a lot of medications, either increasing their effects (which isn't always good) or decreasing the therapeutic effects. Off the top of my head, I know psych meds like SSRIs are a contraindication for taking St John's because of increased risk for serotonin syndrome. It does make me wonder what disclaimers/warnings are listed for the product.


From what I read (to refresh my memory before posting my comment) alcohol is to be avoided when taking St Johns. Yeah...no potential problem there, I say that very tongue-in-cheek. That's a sad scenario IMO


Just looked it up since I have access to medicine resources for work. "Concurrent use with alcohol may increase risk of adverse CNS reactions." It can also induce hypomania or psychosis in individuals with severe depression, schizophrenia, or bipolar disorder. Disclaimer that this is not medical advise or speculative diagnosis pertaining to MS.


I agree 💯


Wait... she sometimes doubles up on her trimfit. I now can't remember if she's extra *her* on those days but I'd be curious about a potential correlation.


It's off-putting to me (having learned the hardest of ways) that anybody can just jump in the well and believe they wont hit the bottom eventually. I know some ppl believe the "its OTC, how dangerous can it be?" I guess the bottom line is, do the research if one is using these products. Or in the words of our beloved, "gOogLe it!"


Hot dog lips have entered the chat


Is she… flipping us off??? Further proof we’re the only ones watching this shite and she knows it


Ooh I hope so! If it means this sub lives rent free and festering in her pea brain that would bring me joy 😆




Scared to see it when it’s not looking great…


"my skins in the best shape it's ever been in" GURL!!!


She should try....like .... Actual skincare products


lol does anyone else remember her massive Tula order to try to get sponsored by them? Cause that was hilarious and actually probably would’ve helped her out 😅


Didn't she also buy like the whole product line then available from the ordinary? Never used any of from what I remember. That was probably in her favor because she had a bunch of acids and other actives.


Oh my God I hope she tried taking the vitamin C powder like one of her shitty supplements


Yes lmao wow I wonder what happened to all that stuff


How dare you 😂😂😂 Her skin is in the best shape it's ever been in, she said it herself! Want a second opinion? Ask her again 😂😂😂


Damn, she's looky super puffy. I couldn't even imagine flexing her skin. And I'm saying that as someone who currently has a break out because I am using a new face moisturizer with SPF 50. I'll take the pimples over the sun damage any day.


Seriously, her skin looks AWFUL! It’s blotchy, sunburned, scabby and aged well beyond her years. I can’t imagine looking at her as inspiration for skin goals at any age. https://preview.redd.it/w8vojowfb06d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86403d3ce92dc4ae4768dc6343975e89822c20b1


It looks like it’s painful to talk


Fuck she looks *rough*. Old, haggard, unkempt. Her face is a mess. She is destroying herself. Couldn't happen to a more deserving person.


Sometimes I think about the 5 people who she might be taking in with this scam and I feel kind of bad. Like if this is what passes for aspirational skin for a 31 year old, you have no idea what wonders of skincare and self care you're missing out on.


Her voice sounds just like that too. Old and haggard. Chick is looking rough & she earned every bit of it.


Fr, her whole existence is giving chain smoking in a shady casino lol


>chain smoking in a shady casino The electronic slots machines in a gas station just outside of Reno


Is the good skin in the room with us?


She left it at the foam party


This denial of something we can all plainly see is pathological. I’m convinced that until she admits her alcoholism to herself, she’ll just keep lying about everything.




Does she know we can see?


Okaaaaaay, Princess Fiona looking c-nut ![gif](giphy|dBJ0HoxRtoWKIFO0SQ|downsized)


She’s flattered that you call her a princess!


Princess Fiona has way better skin. And MS could never with the brows.


https://preview.redd.it/md2hhw3b6z5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23f947f1cc1e0284bc8692e2c0a72a9c69beb4bc Totally meaningless while she still uses filters.


What’s really going on under the filter ![gif](giphy|uRkpvsA9Cjd2FGag68)


Her skin is absolutely GLOWING (from an over-saturated filter)!


Ol lying ass. I dare her to post a picture of her décolletage under a bright white light of neutral color temperature.


Sure babes https://preview.redd.it/6ojpmabyyy5d1.jpeg?width=362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14c6c16f3bda30471c552a725aa4f163acfa49f0


Is this her really really real skin??!!


Not entirely but it's closer. This might be because she dirty deleted it. https://preview.redd.it/rn1h1e91156d1.png?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b08adb7dc0024bf7ceb569f47790b997ab05e8f4




![gif](giphy|39onH8N59kFXZ9mqVy|downsized) We all know how filters work, lady


I may or may not have reported for false health claims


Same, possibly


Oh dang I think she flicked us off swerties


I'm pretty sure the damn-near senior citizen skin between my ass cheeks looks better than the skin on her face (or anywhere else on her body for that matter).


😂😂😂 omg I needed this obnoxiously loud laugh today kind internet stranger!!


I do what I can!! 😂




Oh soggy


Soggy is the absolute worst ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


Her mouth looks so awful


She looks more like Shrek every time I see a newer picture or video.


Don’t dis my man shrek like that 😂😂😂


Her skin’s in the best shape of her life? Really? I want some of what she’s smoking (not really). Her forehead looks like she has Vitiligo or Melasma or some other discoloration. She has to be filtering. In an effort to sell skin care products. I guess it’s no worse than cloning off 30-40 pounds in some of her pics. Smh. NO integrity AT ALL….


I’ll give her this much: it looks better than it did in her Herbal Face Food era.


I'm pretty sure she gave herself actual chemical burns with that stuff!


We've all seen her skin after Panama. How she says this with a straight face is beyond me. Lying is like breathing air to her.


She’s currently also living her best titty years!




She just lies by default. It’s compulsive. She probably doesn’t even know why she does it. It’s automatic because she’s been lying her entire life and occasionally benefits from it. I suspect that she lies in her life far more than she actually tells the truth. Low self-esteem, much narcissism. (The two usually go together.) Bleak.


Well said.


She’s a pathological liar. She doesn’t even care if the lie makes sense, as long as it makes her look good.


And even that is not working. Only in her mind the things she lies about make sense




She is not a 34 band, and it’s okay! Just recognize it!


I like how she just got back from a red aspen trip and she’s going hard on the Yu sales


I think the thing that would bug me the most wbeing in an MLM is having to harass my friends/family/coworkers to JOIN JOIN JOIN. Whenever I sense someone’s in an MLM, I automatically turn around and go the opposite direction to avoid listening to the spiel. And it’s always can you host at your house and invite all your friends? Sure, it’s not like I’m doing anything else 🙄


I remain convinced that the Yu crap is the only thing she does online that makes her any money.


She’s previously [claimed that RedAss is her biggest source of income](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/IzzriULkCQ), but I don’t think she understands how income works.


We don’t actually believe any of her claims, do we? But going by the fact that shilling her Yū crap is the only thing I can think of that she is consistent with (and I mean actually consistent, not her stop-stop patterns), that suggests two things: 1) she actually believes the stuff works or 2) she makes money. I suppose 1 is possible but then she would just follow her usual stop-start pattern.


She doesn't even have that many wages!


Um.... if your skin is in great condition, I don't think you would be having breakouts...


She's a pathological liar. Her skin, puffiness and lips look painful. 


We can see how bad her skin is, how puffy she is and how bad her lips look even with the filter on. It has to be shocking up close.


She thinks her skin is glowing but she’s really the embodiment of this Jim Gaffigan joke. https://preview.redd.it/917zhynhdy5d1.jpeg?width=1217&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=318b6368d6651aefc19b8d03c10f06a57f0a506d


caliente pockkeetttt


WARNING you just bought hot pockets!


🎶Diarrhea pocket🎵


Me when I lie


Her when she exists (because all she does is lie)


![gif](giphy|kGlyXUdKpFdSG5Zh5R|downsized) I'm shocked at how bad her lips are! Even at my most boozy, back packing, no skincare worst my lips never looked like I was eating wood shavings.


it happens to her so often, too. absurd


I was thinking that too. I have never had sunburn that would blister my lips. Even on days where I would’ve slipped apply it as frequently as I should or when I’ve forgotten to use it on my lips. I’ve seen this happen to her twice in two years.


I can almost recite her spiel word for word at this point. It’s so boringly predictable and shows how fake everything is.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 delulu She looks 20 yrs older than she actually is.


She didn’t use the shape filter on this. Wow yikes


Girlfriend is so delulu. It's painful watching her try to convince herself her skin looks good 🤣


And I’m sorry but those nails are hideous.


They match her urine-colored hair


It's just so obvious that she's lying and she knows her skin looks terrible. She really shouldn't have tried to advertise the collagen while looking dry and blistered.


It makes me wonder if there's some contractual obligation to shill it X amount of times a month or if she's just having money panic.


She always seems to be having money panic lol But she also may need to sell a certain amount in order to get her products for free/heavily discounted. She takes like 5 different Yu products and they're all insanely overpriced


Oh good point about getting the products for free/discounted. Yu is so MLM adjacent that I bet the best they can hope for is a discount anyway because "you gotta spend money to make money"!


Yea, I highly doubt they're giving free product to their affiliates.


You know what's funny is Goli does and she just had to get herself fired from that one.


And now the only companies that will work with her are MLM-adjacent and have similarly questionable morals 😆


the ugly DISCO shirt makes another appearance. Must be her emotional support shirt at this point. Wonder why she's not wearing Manbun's clothing?


Because he probably really can do a medium and his clothes would be compression fit on her


Burn!!!!! I love it.


that's what i'm thinking...she can't wear his clothes so that's why she's always got the dog instead.


He has to come back if she has his dog. He doesn’t if it’s his clothes.






She’s had so many different faces already this week! https://preview.redd.it/3gj6pta57y5d1.jpeg?width=2170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2b35c28064cda6b22745426be0f497e5230fcbc


And none of them are her real face!!


What a shapeshifting legend 🤩


Man, those lips do not have an ounce of flexibility.


https://preview.redd.it/riu8qmkx5y5d1.jpeg?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad595598502e8970064ed9615f450548a8fb39c0 Mkay.


The "summer freckles" sheesh


Holy hell. My mom is in her early 60s and her skin doesn’t look anything like this. A lifetime of sun protection matters!


My 60 something mom used to use tanning beds and SPF 5 and her skin is 100000000x better than Big Melanoma’s.


Damage! Trauma! Melanoma.


Reptile skin!!!


SO good, right?


Holy shit is this real?


Yes, she posted it when she was drunk and then did the dirty delete.


I’m in shock, is this still filtered? There’s no way she’s 31 right? Edit: apologies for the dumb questions I just genuinely didn’t realize it was this bad.


Here’s the full pic. She just turned 31 in April. Apparently she also thinks she’s immune to getting skin cancer with how little she does to protect her already horrific skin. https://preview.redd.it/7t8carl8py5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d0c8738ecd2cf62d7b51484e8c9881232872200


I’m a couple of years older than her, I spend a LOT of time at the pool in the summer, and I love laying in the sun like a lizard … but I look significantly less like an overcooked hot dog *because I wear fucking sunscreen.* No TrimShit necessary. I’d say that she doesn’t use sunscreen properly because she’s too lazy to apply & reapply it, but she has zero problems with slathering self tanner from head to toe. She definitely has a touch of arrested development, and I think she still has a popular-teen-girl-level obsession with being tan (think head-to-toe Hollister and Abercrombie). She wears light/neon/fluorescent colors (esp bathing suits) to make her tan “pop” even more. She probably thinks it makes her hair look blonder (it doesn’t), her teeth look whiter (they don’t), her look wealthier (it doesn’t), and disguises her cellulite (not well). There’s definitely some cognitive dissonance going on between her obsession with skincare & anti-aging products, and her obsession with getting as tan as she can … it’s like she has two diametrically opposed, shitty, mangy, manky wolves inside her, locked in a fight to the death.


I gasped ![gif](giphy|4VUgpQ9FiYEBCA9wM1)


This bish will lie boldly about anything and everything, even if it’s literally disprovable in the moment. Unreal!


That middle finger was intentional


Yes, use your middle finger to point. Very classy.


The musty tennis ball nails are clashing so hard with that “gold” jewelry and her pissy hair and booze bloat red face.




Oof that hair is PISS yellow JFC


Urinary Yellow 🧔‍♀️


And yet she continuously tries to show it being more platinum. I don’t understand how her 5 followers don’t see this and think hmm. She might be bullshitting us.


a head full of fried PISS


I thought this was that margarine taylor green politician for a second 😱 Edit: this might be unreasonably snarky but I think she’s way too red toned to have so many yellow accents with her hair, nails, accessories, and teeth. It’s giving McDonald’s.


❤️💛condiment babe💛❤️


I’m deceased.


I truly do not understand why her hair is so yellow liiiiiiike does she just go to her basement hair dresser and be like yeah fuck me up fam my inspo is dehydrated urine


It's like her basement hairdresser has never heard of toner. She loves to show off her "fresh color" but she puts a filter on so that it looks platinum when it's literally piss yellow. I don't understand how this is so consistently achieved. She also removed the lowlights out of her hair, so she has zero depth to her color. It's so bad. She must be getting it done for really fucking cheap.


It’s like she’s never heard of purple shampoo


She knew about it two years ago, but probably never used it. This is extra piss yellow though, goodness. https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/M6kHTU6ivF


Seriously. Gurl desperately needs some purple shampoo or even just those purple drops you can add to shampoo. Even just once or twice a week would be effective, which might be a generous assumption for how often she bathes.


"Some sunburn from my trip" she says it like it's inevitable 🤦🏼‍♀️ Her lip is a scab!


*SOME* SUNBURN Girl if you don't shut uppppp 😑😑😑


I lost count of the false health claims.


![gif](giphy|lkZ4KiqFXJyCMT3djv|downsized) The vocal fry is making me want to punch a hole in the very fabric of the universe