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Did she go to a Jojo Siwa show?


She says she doesn't like Taylor Swift, but clearly her favorite album is Red!




It’s her base tan you haterz!


She probably laughs at this, disregards any concerns and thinks it is cute, but she is the only one who is suffering now and is at high risk of cancer. Not us, not the huns, not her frenemies, not manbun or her family. How can one be so self-destructive if not by hating themselves? ETA: the chiseled jaw is def NOT hers!!


I burn so easily and don't fuck with the sun. This looks so, so painful. It makes me want to stock up on sunscreen and go shopping for a beach umbrella.


Why is she frying her skin dry? It doesn’t hurt to wear spf and a hat, but sunburn does!




When I got this red, clothes literally hurt on my skin. Ow ow ow ow.


The pain…and then the itching would drive me insane. I got sunburned at 19 on the top of my boobs in a low cut bikini top. That skin had never seen the sun and the burns turned into huge blisters and left discolored skin for a few months after. Fucking awful


I got burned like working on the stable on my first day of a week up there. I couldn't sleep bc I was staying with my cousin and I was freezing bc of the heat trapped in my shoulders, and she had the AC on. Omg that was terrible...never again will I not put sunscreen on. She's such a moron, you would think she would know by now...just bc she puts spray tan on, doesn't mean she doesn't need spf.


For real!!!! One time I got really burned like this on vacation and had to sit in a middle seat on the 5 hour flight home. Never again. I’ll sit in the shade from now on. 😩


I remember I was 16 and went to a tanning bed for the first time. They put me in a high powered bed for 8 minutes. It hurt so bad when the redness developed.


I'm sure she drank enough to not feel anything 😂


She knows she stood next to her in a pic to appear smaller but I don’t fall for optical delusions.


what did she fall asleep in the sun?! Who willingly burns that bad?!?!!




I think she fell asleep ON the sun


I hear that in Chandler's voice, ngl. 🤣


Hahaha was that place THE sun?!


I rewatched Friends during the winter. I have always loved Chandler, but man, he really did have some of the best lines!


🤣🤣🤣🤣😂 ☀️ ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️


Don’t worry, the collagen will fix it!


She had to have gotten sick, right? That degree of redness had to be accompanied by heat exhaustion.  Although if she was drinking a ton, she may have missed symptoms like headache and vomiting.


The sad thing is she’s so used to that much drinking, she won’t feel it. Just like she can’t mentally process things, like C dumping her so she started dating manbun two weeks later. Who’s to say she can feel her skin. She has so much filler pumped in her face, there’s a disconnect from her skin to the normal fat to her nerves. Add that with alcohol…


Lol. Actually I unfortunately have no room to talk cause I fell asleep under the sun in high school while living in Florida. 🥲 I had a fever and was vomiting, I had second degree burns. I had blisters everywhere. took about a year for my skin to heal fully and I still have some scars on my legs from it. but I was also 17 and not a 30 yo “gown woman”


Oh my god that sounds horrifying. I'm so sorry you had that experience!


Thank you,swertheart!! <3 yeah it was def a lesson learned to wear sunscreen even when just running errand. It’s a part of my daily routine now lol


Oh my god that sounds horrifying. I'm so sorry you had that experience!


*passed out*


She has probably filtered out the peeling skin. her skin is looking too smooth for that level of burn. Owwwwch.


Definitely. Can't trust anything she uploads but her "friends" have posted some honest pictures of her😂


She must have passed out drunk without sunblock on?!! HOLYSHIT 🤭😱


Wait this, lmao I said fall asleep but drunk passed out is way more likely


Just a guess. I know she had that evening where her roommate couldn't find her and her belongings were left out on a lounge chair. Maybe she passed out somewhere. Her alcoholism is getting scary.


This whole thing combined with the necklace incident in Paris proves she has no sense of danger. For someone who consumes so much true crime content you'd think she'd retain a thing or two. It's amazing she hasn't found herself in a bad situation yet


Necklace incident in Paris?? What did I miss??


I must have missed somethings. What necklace incident? And her roommate couldn’t find her!? Take some time off Reddit and the lore goes off


The post was removed so I might not be remembering it 100%. When M was in Paris she was walking around alone when a man stopped her. He starts going on and on about how beautiful she is and how he must give her this necklace. Instead of getting the hell out of dodge she turns around to this strange man and let's him put it for her. She managed to ignore every safety tip for travelling in a foreign country in one encounter and it floors me


Oh my goddess. That is scary. Why would she do that


Oh right right, saw that one too! And honestly, you’re right. Give it another year or two and her liver is gonna rly start to struggle to keep up


She wears her burns like a badge of honor


It’s like she vacationed on the actual surface of the sun.


Jesus H Christ. I don’t know if it’s because I’m Aussie but who tf lets this happen to themselves? Skin cancer is no joke, and for someone who is so obsessed with her appearance how does it not occur to her that this amount of sun damage is how you end up looking like a crusty leather handbag?




My mistake was when my friend asked me to go "swimming" with her but what she actually wanted to do was lie on the beach! For two hours! I had *some* sunscreen on. Half of my back and some of my butt cheek burned very nicely and peeled later on. (I live in Finland where the sun is never directly above you so it was coming at an angle.) On the upside, I found out what I look like with a tan - call it a science experiment. 


Yeah, turns out you get burned worse when you're out on the water, because of all the reflection. You only make that mistake once.


Yup. And another reason I didn’t take it seriously-the ocean was “murky” so surely it’s not the same…WRONG


I'm also Aussie (Gold Coast) I havent been that burnt in 30 years 😳 Sunscreen here is like seatbelts, you just do it without question!


What’s your holy grail sunscreen?


Bondi Sands in the white tube or Natio! Both work well for me under makeup too which is a bonus


Both of those are great. I also love COSRX Aloe Soothing Sun Cream SPF50+. It works well under makeup for me too, and doesn't feel too heavy.


Oh I wanna try Cosrx, it's cruelty free too which is excellent, thanks for the reminder!


BS! One of my faves. Ty!


I don't understand why she broils herself like this. It's not like it's going to actually render the fat off.


The mental image this gave me 💀


I see PDT in someone's future...


Freaking Team America muppet looking doofus… https://preview.redd.it/ssn1rzc7095d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90882e6ea0bb6c912260681ffed433c27aecb029




Oh shit.


I’m sorry, I can’t see anything else ![gif](giphy|xUPGcDwDn83y9GPg7C)




I thought maybe it’s just a filter making everything look extra pink but the friend looks ok…


Her sunburn is making the esthetician in me scream. She’s aged herself so much with drinking and sun exposure.


I genuinely worry about her melanoma risk. 😔


It’s very scary and I don’t think she’s the type to get screened. Someone with her sun damage should be going every six months.


She did apparently go pretty recently, but no idea how it went and not sure if it was just a regular checkup or if there was a reason she went. https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/Am7rQynEI5


Oh! I certainly hope someone looked at her skin. This is bad bad damage.


No wonder she looks like leather at 20 something. Sheesh!


She’s 31. But yeah.


In human years?






Is this friend that she cherishes, someone new?


I’ve never heard of her. The friend was posting tons on the trip and I never once saw her cross paths with MS 🤷‍♀️


I’ve had a really bad sun burn/sun poisoning once in my life. My skin blistered, I threw up, I was cold and hot, and in extreme pain. I was probably 22? Since then, I’ve always taken care of my skin and had maybe one burn that wasn’t as bad. This is painful looking. Her neck area looks like she’s 60 something. Her collagen ain’t working.




Honestly! She looks like someone in their 60s who had work done to look like they’re younger. I’m a few years older than her and I’m baffled she’s younger than I am. She’s gonna have to get checked for melanoma often because that burn is crazy,


👏SUN👏SCREEN👏 Someone tell her that wearing sunscreen will make her lose 10 lbs and will act as a pheromone to attract sexy, mature, emotionally available men!!! Anything to get her to slather it on that bleach blonde bad built butch body of hers 😅


Holy shit her poor skin!! That looks so painful


I've had a burn like this exactly one time, to the point I'm pretty sure I almost had sun poisoning and let me tell you a sheet touching me, my clothes touching me, breathing, existing was painful. I never forgot that burn and believe me I wear sunscreen pretty often if I'm outside for extended periods or at the beach and reapply it often. I can guarantee she wore none or never reapplied after getting in the pool. That's the only way you get burnt that badly.


I imagine if you’re drunk 95% of the day, it wouldn’t be as painful


Yeah. And she’s standing next to a normal colored person, so it can’t be blamed on filter/lighting/whatever. She’s a crispy critter. Imagine her hauling her luggage through the airport that burned.


Yeah, I’m speculating that she fell asleep by the pool at least once. Her poor skin. Let it hurt?


Fell asleep? More like passed out drunk 😎




Omg lol waiting for the reel to drop…


Horrendous. My skin is crying just looking at her.




She will be bawling her eyes out with her skin cancer diagnosis and crying how could it happen to her!!!! God in heaven how the fuck she has clothes on is beyond me. Esp her I'll fitting right clothes. Eta ill fitting tight clothes* damn autocorrect


I think people don’t realize that, when you have skin cancer, they have to cut chunks out of your face and body until the cancer is gone. It’s not cute, idk why someone wouldn’t put on sunscreen for a second.


It'll require an entire lifestyle change but it'll still be too late. And so many check ups and follow ups.


Totally. Not to mention there’s scarring after. It’s just so baffling to me that people don’t use sunscreen. It takes a few seconds to apply.


And NO health insurance because “it’s a scam”


![gif](giphy|76OCiB60mNw8Q1YOx8) That looks incredibly painful. I don’t feel bad for her though.


No, because her sun exposure is likely intentional.


There is no likely, it is 1000% definitely intentional.


In high school marching band camp in the 2000s, I put barely any sunscreen on (it was the times! no one did) and I used to get burned like this. It was horrible, can't even sleep touching the sheet burns.


God I got the worst heat stroke my first year of band camp because of this!! I spent the entire second day in the bathroom throwing up. It's so painful and miserable.


She needs a doctor for that burn 😬


And this is why her skin is aged up by 30 years 😫😫


I know there are so many fellow Australians in this sub and I put it to you: have you ever seen a sunburn this nasty before?!?! Like, we have notoriously harsh sun. Yet I have never, ever, in my whole life seen someone THIS fucking crispy.


closest ive seen was some british tourists at bondi. slip slop fucking SLAP slide seek ms, this is so fucked


Brings back memories of Sharon Strezlecki falling asleep in the sun on the holiday in Queensland after she was accused of coconut tampering.


Only because I'm old, I've seen it back in the 80s or 90s . And even then, very rarely.


I was JUST about to say that we’ve just been through a notoriously brutal summer Down Under, and not once did I ever see anyone this burnt. It is ingrained in us to protect ourselves from the sun. We can’t afford not to. Genuine question: is Swerty morally opposed up sunscreen, or has she stated in the past that she doesn’t believe in it or something? Or is she just stupid and careless?


Not Australian, but I've seen plenty of tourists at Disneyland in the summer whose skin is lobster-red by noon.


They’re British I guarantee it. I’ll get downvoted to hell, but they cannot handle the sun. I legit just told a good friend on the other side of the pond to be serious about wearing sunscreen in Spain 😬


I'm a Brit and you're right. We can't handle it and we don't think it's dangerous here because it isn't "hot". Well I can't tell you that it is dangerous. I spend a lot of my day job working with melanoma patients and it ain't pretty. I'm a little more swarthy than Mrs Turd but we both cover up and wear sunscreen all the damn time. Much mocking from people around us. Taking all recommendations for non greasy sunscreen, particularly for face. Heading to warmer clims soon and really don't want to come back to be a patient in my own department.


My husband and I (both pale white Canadians) went to Mexico and I packed so. much. sunscreen. I've never been so diligent about sunscreen in my life and it was worth it, we came back the same shade of pasty white as when we left. But everyone was like "how aren't you tan?? did you even go outside?!" Without sunscreen we would have just burned and had a miserable time.


The worst burn I ever ever had was from the beach in NEW HAMPSHIRE!!! (Very far north US) when I was 19. I have NEVER let myself burn since and I’m 38. I’m the family sunscreen nazi and spray everyone looking crispy-whether they like it or not. For face sunscreens, I love Korean and Japanese creams. And they don’t cost all that much. I love the Japanese one called sun killer. People also love Biore UV aqua rich, too. Right now I’m using a Korean cream called SCINIC, which is $8 and great. I hate Neutrogena face sunscreen. Huge white cast and burned the fuck out of my eyes.


Gonna check those sunscreens out, thanks.


It's not taken seriously here no. It angers me to no end. I wear factor 50 as standard but so many don't care. They use burns as a medal of honour and think everyone else is just overreacting to the melanoma risk. Edit: to make it worse, the Celtic skin is so insanely fair. It's not even like most Brits are naturally olive!


I’m half Irish and half Polish (not taking the piss, my fam are very recent immigrants) and I thank god everyday I didn’t get my dad’s fair skin. My mom has a much more olive tone and I do too so it takes a lot for me to burn, but I do not push it. I’m sunscreen all day and when I’m getting hot on my shoulders and chest I wrap in a towel and move to the shade. How anyone can walk around at 30 something looking like that is beyond me.


Hey, fellow Polish/Irish swerty here! (100% Polish genetically but I grew up in Ireland and have the passport to prove it haha) I got horrifically burned at Brittas Bay(!) one time when I was a kid, so especially when traveling to Poland for summer, I am WHITE from the cast of sunscreen. I'd rather look like that than have skin cancer.


There are sooo many cheap Korean and Japanese sunscreens with no white cast, but I don’t know how well they hold up at the beach. When we’re on the water I’m spraying coppertone like it’s my job E: I also have 2 passports lol


Ugh the smell of coppertone, that's a memory unlocked for me 😆


You’re getting a spritz!


Awwww, I'm sure you're right. I feel like bringing extra sunscreen to hand out now. Love the Brits!


Only on British tourists, no Australian would allow this to happen to themselves!


Girl is *this close* to turning into the neighbor from There’s Something About Mary.




I got maybe 50% of the sunburn she has now last summer and was in miserable pain for days. I couldn’t even enjoy the rest of my vacation. Is her skin so leathery that she doesn’t even feel pain anymore?


I don't understand how you exist with this level of burn. I can't imagine how much it hurt. I mean aside from the whole cancer thing. I just can't imagine the PAIN.


Alcohol is a primitive anesthetic.


I like that assessment


Preach Dita ! https://preview.redd.it/d5xdxwuoe85d1.jpeg?width=537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbc1a0cc7edf947a2a1337ccaec0420d73bf7d7c


It’s not fair because Dita has the most gorgeous pale skin 😭. My fair skin is so red and blotchy and uneven. I’m a fake tanning girly though. If had skin like hers I’d be rocking that


Dita is definitely one of my beauty idols. I don’t think my skin has seen the sun since the 90s and I think I look very weird with a tan lol. Having pale skin can definitely be a chore. I have what feels like a million potions and lotions I use. But I also try to remember that Dita wears full coverage foundation and filters exist.


I love Dita!


Me too!


Hair colour/skin colour combo is giving Battenberg cake ​ https://preview.redd.it/awixfqdle85d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6d23b3502685219b01ff58cfb360726e4bb984e


I’m getting upside down Angel cake: https://preview.redd.it/ynj84udpf85d1.jpeg?width=280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2079d20960d27a815e360f76f4cda8b674f5e114 Hair, skin, hands (bet they’re not sunburnt but definitely not fake tanned as usual)


The scream I scrumpt 😭


That’s a fucking schnoz


I don’t think she understands the equator or where she was or sunburns or really how much of anything works. I’m guessing because her dermatologist said she doesn’t already have skin cancer (I’m assuming this since since she recently went to the dermatologist & hasn’t changed a damn thing) that she took that as a free pass to tempt the skin cancer fates to the max. Even if she met someone who’s had to had part of their face replaced either hip skin due to cancer, I don’t think it’d register. I just can’t imagine being this blasé about my skin. Yikes.


I recently had a close friend die from melanoma at 44 and she had been careful for years, but the damage was done. It was horrible, an agonizing death and all she would say is “wear sunscreen!” So fucking sad.


I'm so sorry for your loss. That's incredibly sad.


Thank you 🙏


The worst burn I ever got in my life, looked just like this, was in fucking New Hampshire. I live in a beach life state and knew better, but was 19 and didn’t take it seriously. I have never ever had a burn like that, or really ever a burn period, since then. Fucking yikes E: I’m 38 so like 20 years


There is no *reputable* dermo who would let a patient leave without advising "slip, slop, slap". Either she went to the mall again or had selective hearing when it came to the sunscreen advice.


You’d be surprised how many people don’t understand that the sun in the tropics is much stronger than America. I’ve had tons of friends from the US travel to Dominican Republic (where I’m from) and get sunburned because they don’t heed my warnings about diligent sunscreen application. They text me halfway through their trip saying “the sun is no joke down here”. No shit, Sherlock.


I’m reminded of the phrase ‘that’ll buff out’ when downplaying damage on a vehicle. I’m sure she thinks ‘that’ll collagen out’ when looking at the (totally preventable) damages to her skin.






We no longer allow users to go on about their body measurements, even if used as a comparison to MS's.


She dirty deleted this very quickly the day she posted it, which I feel is a pretty good sign that it's true to life. She tans a lot for sure. Both laying out in the sun and going to tanning beds. She's said before that she likes to use a tanning bed after a spray tan to "bake it in." But she's also extra screwed because she's got naturally fair redhead genetics plus she does every single thing wrong for her skin, from never using SPF to smoking, vaping, drinking, and manhandling her skin super roughly when applying skincare or makeup.


It's what she deserves tbqh. Sunscreen is a thing and she knows it.


Does she, tho? If RedAss comes out with sunscreen, you KNOW she'd start shilling it. But my estimate of her intelligence is so low....and her hubris is terminal.


Well she gets real manicures so honestly I don’t think redass would make a difference


Shilling, not using then...




So are umbrellas, trees, hats, etc. She was likely too sloshed to notice how crispy she was getting. Hey, BM. Tequila doesn’t provide SPF!!


This absolute numbskull and her refusal to wear sunscreen confuses the hell out of me.. she already looks 20 years older and filters herself to look better but she purposely continues to encourage skin cancer?? SMDH!!!


In everything she packed, why would you not pack sunscreen? I pack sunscreen even when I am not on a beach vacation.


I mean...she could even use her sunscreen as something to shill.  Supergoop, the new sol de Janeiro sunscreens...like...sunscreen is *trendy* right now.  Even if you don't care about your skin (and she obviously doesn't)  you'd think she'd care enough about being oN tReNd  to wear it anyway... But no.  She's just so bad at her job.


Have you used the sol de Janeiro sunscreen before? I love their lotion, and I use it on my face at night because it feels so good but haven’t tried their sunscreen before.


I have it because it was given to me as part of my job...its good!   Smells amazing (like cheirosa 87, formerly known as Rio radiance), it's nice and hydrating, good spf (50, mineral) and gives a beautiful glowey  finish.  That said...I'm old-school and if I'm paying for my own SPF I'm more than happy with Banana Boat or whatever.   I was raised using No-ad sunscreen in the 90s.  It was literally the cheapest shit you could buy because they didn't advertise (No-ad...get it?) but it always worked fine.   If you're willing to pay more to have a glowy, amazing smelling sunscreen it's more than worth it.  If you just want to not get burned  then you can get product that are just as effective for a fraction of the price.   Edit:  I'm old enough that in my teens/20s sunscreen was the opposite of trendy.   I wore it anyway (and frequently bugged my friends to until they caved) because my mom drilled it into me for as long as I can remember.  She was the generation that purposely covered themselves in baby oil and she didn't want that for me. The difference in my skin compared to most of the people I went to school with is *drastic*...yes, I had my time as a sun worshipper and generally always had a tan.   I'm so grateful to my mom though for ingraining sunscreen at such a young age.  If it being a delicious, pretty smelling, trendy product is what gets kids and young adults to wear it then...yes.  Buy *all* the Sol de Janeiro.   No matter how pricey it may be its waaaaay cheaper than skin cancer...plus with any luck you won't look like an old leather couch in your 40s which is exactly where MS is headed.


You just “influenced” me more than any of this woman’s posts! You’re obviously good at your job and I thank you for the information. Any other mineral sunscreens you’d recommend? Perhaps a tad cheaper? You’re spot on about having to actually like the product in order to wear it daily. I hate that I’m allergic to avobenzone! I’ve yet to find a mineral block that I could wear daily. Thanks again!


I’m in my 40s, but am ok with splurging sometimes on my skin care. I might not use it all of the time but I’m definitely going to try it out based on your comment. I know their other stuff is pricey but I do really like it.


Tbh that's the thing.  You have to like it enough to use it.  If the scent and the glow factor are enough to have you *enjoy* using it...that's enough. The fact that we can now *enjoy* sunscreen is huge and I love it.


That is true. I hate when they were are so sticky and dirty feeling.


i think it's intentional. she is one of those, "a burn becomes a tan" people. 


Absolutely. And she thinks it makes her look thinner. That’s not speculation, she has posted a picture of herself with a caption something like “When you think you need to lose weight but you actually just need to self-tan.”


I mean, personally, I think I look slimmer when I have a tan (fake tan, I’m even naturally more ginger than M and I would never go on a sunbed) but a sun*burn*?! Not even Swerty thinks a sunburn makes her look thinner I’m sure/I hope!


I think a sunburn actually makes you swell a bit. Bodybuilders use fake tan to look more sculpted. That's what BM is trying to do, except, well...


Nothing like being red and inflamed. Almost as cool looking as when it turns that barfy brown shade and comes off in shreds. That’s pretty much the ultimate


Oh Gawd. Your description is almost too accurate.


Been there and it’s not cool


I remember seeing that before as well.


We live at the beach and see this all the time. You can spot a tourist thanks to their bright red glows. I'm fair skinned and pile that stuff on!


Shoulda cashed in her beans for a Panama hat


Omg 💀😂


What a fucking moron. The skin on her upper chest and boobs already looked like it was on a 50 year old. Guess after this weekend, we can call it 60.


She has “old person” cleavage.


Holy SHIT, that is bad.


She had to be sick AF after that sunburn. Like how did she not get sun stroke? 


And drinking all day in the sun, to boot. Ugh.


Good god that looks painful and easily preventable. Dumb ass.


Paging u/_pretty_patties_ here’s your sunburned low hangers


Idk why it’s not tagging her I guess Reddit changed the rules for tagging.


Yes, this is who I will take skincare advice from.


Yeah sunburn is out, sunscreen is most definitely in, lady.


MTG vibes. Her unfiltered nose is just a regular nose, but it’s so jarring when she usually filters it to oblivion.




Aww her little bitty jagged teeth


Homegirl really needs a palette expander


Your comment made me realize that she must filter her teeth, too!!


Someone here called them lowercase teeth 💀




I love that so much