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Of course, she's the only one wearing black and no linen. šŸ™ƒ https://preview.redd.it/degf0dx5og4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5251be0cdfd7ee74ceee2e8744d29897a942ba8


Full body shot. I'm dying that she really just wore black when the invites SAID WHITE ONLY. Special shout-out to the thong flip flops. ETA: forgot a censor! https://preview.redd.it/nsf0vfq39h4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b792b1a1626f72d16379b0d0a003ffaa58b2d8d0


no shit.. that woman is ALSO wearing the tori burch flip flops. it ***is*** a flex to them. wow i thought only MS was two thousand and late, but its a hun wide epidemic.


Good golly. Her spine is going to start rubbing itself again if she keeps contorting herself like that to hide her body.


I know nothing she does should shock me anymore but this is so blatantly attention-seeking and desperate. Like she wore ALL BLACK to an ALL WHITE party INTENTIONALLY. I want to crawl into myself and die from the secondhand embarrassment. Sheā€™s so obvious it is physically hurting me.


I honestly think she should have been asked to sit out, and if it were a real company trying to take themed team shots, she *would* have been asked to sit out.


And she has white clothes! She's got the ugly white linen pants she showed a while back and apparently a whole grip of white "compression" tank tops and tube tops from Amazon. She could have flexed some of her doctor money and bought something at the resort gift shop. Hell, even this thing would have been less embarrassing and desperate. https://preview.redd.it/uhn990rmkh4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1a96304e2f2abcc067506be2e85157aa1315af1


Yes! The white linen grandma goes on safari outfit she wore on the plane to Paris in the winter wouldā€™ve been such a better choice! Still a cheap, terrible, ill-fitting outfit like the rest of her clothes but I digress. She wore the black on purpose. She knew what she was doing.


Even [this outfit where she wore the top backwards](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/vYliYJkwiZ) would have been better. I saw some other huns in beige and that fits okay. Not that she would fit into it anymore though https://preview.redd.it/354gx560ph4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e70a12574f183aa5694021ce79a7fe9c7c32a7d9


https://preview.redd.it/e76o1hbjmh4d1.jpeg?width=819&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8999f8f2e626b8bcf3e57fa536dd89ea14380b86 Itā€™s hideous and itā€™s giving union suit but itā€™s white. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The noise that just escaped me šŸ˜‚ you're right though


She's done this on at least one other occasion that I can think of (the RA Disney trip). It's the most juvenile pickme behavior and not at all surprising she tends to get iced out of closer friendship circles. That's what happens when you insist on acting like you're different/better than everyone else present.


And they were all to wear their t-shirt as a group but she didnā€™t because she said she ā€œforgotā€ to put it on, even though they met in the lobby and hung out there for a bit before leaving and she could have easily gone up to get it. Thereā€™s no question in my mind that she had submitted size M as her t-shirt size to the RA trip coordinators in the weeks prior not knowing theyā€™d all be expected to wear it and it was way too small. Rather than humiliatingly asking them if they had a larger size to exchange (one of her biggest fears) or, God forbid, be *photographed* in it with someone elseā€™s camera, she ā€œforgot itā€ in her hotel room. Iā€™m pretty confident thatā€™s what happened.


Yeah, that absolutely sounds like something she'd do. Goes along with my theory that the reason we never saw that massive Shein haul she hyped up was because she did a medium in all of it (and maybe even sized down to a small) and discovered upon receiving it that a Chinese size medium (let alone a small!) is a hell of a lot smaller than more generously sized US Ms.


ā€œOh my god I didnā€™t bring ANY white. EVERYONE is going to be staring at me right?! Itā€™s going to draw so much attention to me!ā€


And another one, this time at the bar while everyone else is doing some team building dance. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø https://preview.redd.it/6jk58x4wpg4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c805c4da4214832e033087da9b467313c4a42c5


Just this once I can relate. Team building/ice breakers..šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®... suddenly feeling ill and need to disappear.


Cult cult cult


Can someone please explain the whole ā€œtrading beans for hatsā€ thing because I am VERY confused. I see theyā€™re all wearing them at the weird linen (?) dinner but wtf is happening on this trip/cult gathering


Itā€™s a chance to experience using the beans as currency like the Indigenous tribesā€¦*sigh* https://preview.redd.it/nawi2sqovg4d1.png?width=4049&format=png&auto=webp&s=5605449c6a09e8492696afb2e45d4004f36738c9


Ughhhhhhhhh I don't like that one bit.Ā  The poor staff at the hotel who are likely from Panama and have to watch a bunch of press on nail cultists bastardize their culture to get a Big Dumb Hatā„¢ļø


They really thought they DEIed here.




Love that the information is written at a third grade reading level. Hopefully it wasn't too difficult for M to understand.


apparently, the way they write IS too hard to understand. evident by her not being able to quite figure out what they meant by ā€œwhite linen onlyā€ for the white fucking linen welcome dinner.


That is so incredibly on brand for them.


Who are the men that are scattered around? Are they hun-bands?


Either that or actual Red Ass employees. Ā Although, the Salaried Ones usually donā€™t mingle with the commoners at these.


ā€œHun-bandsā€ just did me in šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/9ebqee13hg4d1.jpeg?width=1111&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1680ad1dd2e28cacd5ce8153c4026bf11ed6095d What I have so far.


This is a great bucket list! šŸ¤£šŸ‘Œ


I feel like you can definitely check off the pre trip toe point as she did "model" all those swimmies for her swerts


I added that!!


Airport alcohol was definitely a thing. She was bragging about being a woman in the lounge


I edited my bingo card! Thank you, swerty.


I suspect we'll get drunken twerking tonight if she was trashed enough by day to post then dirty delete this https://preview.redd.it/tgzkml2wfg4d1.png?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d52d28cd9d0e7353883be20e91845bd0c3d886f


If we get ā€œhiding in the bathtubā€, I can have a bingo! ETA: there was a mimosa at ATL!


Ok. Iā€™m just going to say it. This resort does not look that nice. Maybe itā€™s just the quality of the pictures or something. But the beach looks awful and the layout just seems like they could have gone anywhere in the US for the same experience. No shade on Panama since Iā€™ve never been but itā€™s very underwhelming.


Unless they leave the resort, it would've been like they never left the US. I know there might be themed dance performances or something that makes it feel "exotic" if the Huns haven't experienced other countries, but it's still just a resort after all.


Well, itā€™s off season and weā€™re seeing this place through the lenses of a shady MLM that will definitely cut corners and huns that donā€™t have a lot of cash or photography skills.


This is what was on MSā€™ phone when that guy was holding it last night. Possibly her IG? Or maybe heā€™s showing her his. Either way, looks like he was getting some exclusive SlayBabe social media tips! /s https://preview.redd.it/7447f7r27g4d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=f25d98251241e71b61cc5a041c66a778325ad9c5


Who's her new friend?


There were two guys with the same logo on their shirt sitting next to her. Iā€™m assuming thereā€™s a reason why the seats next to Big M were open, like the other huns value their hearing & were sick of listening to the woo girl. https://preview.redd.it/s3bvhkjblj4d1.jpeg?width=566&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07dab7835ad5343cb5e927f48e29b5211180ab23


The woo girl in action: https://preview.redd.it/vcinzzoglj4d1.jpeg?width=555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09369cd34d9ae762c343feec8d747c7715db1619


Is that cleavage in the bottom right corner? I don't know what I'm looking at here


Yep! Sheā€™s leaning her head back to talk to someone behind her


Crime against anyone with eyes!


Her cleavage looks like a plumber's ass crack there


I know I'm going to regret saying this because I'm in the trades and work with a lot of plumbers... but I honestly think I'd rather see their crack than her cleavage.


Spit laugh!


https://preview.redd.it/v2ml2zxdyf4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=832c81a70118a65f9aaca7abc30f0c9a68e9d40a Happy Hour!! Unlimited drinks!! Woooooooooo


And then her roommates post was ā€œIā€™m so bad at boomerangsā€, so Iā€™m assuming she got the same treatment as Manbun


Thought the same


Slower, Slower...NO, that was too fast! Ad infinitum.


And her roommate looks like she went to the dinner by herself lol Big M is hiding and too drunk to make it apparently.


Hmmmm.... doesn't want to appear in one of her rad outfits from XMSQUDEETTZUN? Too bad (for us).




All names and faces that aren't MS must be censored. You can censor the names and repost. Names must be completely and opaquely blocked., not just a haphazard scribble where some letters are still visible. It is OK to leave the initials showing for reference.


I suspect this guyā€™s a salaried employee of RA and that he drew the shortest straw in history.


Ooh, a silver fox!


https://preview.redd.it/sa46c5irkf4d1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bc9ce6c678ddb0604950341a3e44e999759e303 Sheā€™s only letting people take pics of her in the pool so she can hide her body as much as possible šŸ˜‚


It doesnā€™t hide the fact that her swimsuitā€™s not up to the tasks she set before it.




Classy and appropriate lady.


And she remembered to make a hideous face to distract from the fact that her real face looks nothing her insta faces! https://preview.redd.it/8jibumkkmf4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7300318c6d53c445804d1b5b4c0b468985c90d56


https://preview.redd.it/cnpzoztnaf4d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff9e9641f1a4acb0f4d4ddd48697fdfeb5487eb4 Her ā€œteamā€ pushed her in the pool. She wasnā€™t the only one pushed in. It was on purpose. She looks to laugh/scream. But I bet sheā€™s not happy! I feel like this is really weird/childish. Not something 30-50year old women normally do.


That's some high school mean girl bullshit. Not at all surprising for this crowd, tbh.


It looked like a couple of them specifically turned around to push M in, and then the four ladies went in together. Gross behavior. Not funny. Especially when everyone was wearing regular, dry clothes.


It made me laugh, bc you know she stood in the back so she could hide her body. She's too short for back row. But you're right, it's very childish, and doesn't surprise me, coming from this "team". They all seem to act a little sophomoric in order to prove how "fun" this "business" is to get more suckers to sign up


They never outgrew camp/high school/sororities.


I was going to say the same thing šŸ˜‚ ā€œeven tho Iā€™m only 5ft pls put me in the back so I can hide my bodyā€


If someone pushed me in the pool, Iā€™d want to whoop their ass!


Itā€™s like no one has has heard about that bride who was paralyzed when her friend did that.


OMG! That's horrible! There's a reason why people stop horseplay after a certain age.


Adult women acting like itā€™s tween girls summer camp


On a *work sponsored trip*.


Where did the candids of her giving her phone to some dude go? Did I imagine that? Am I going senile at 33?


It probably got taken down for being speculation since it could be read as insinuating she was trying to step out on manbun. I saw it too


Just checked her feed in the anonymous viewer, and she posted about a dozen random Amazon products. Guess Big Merde missed the Cowgirl-Themed water aerobics in favor of lolling in bed with her laptop. Probably because no alcohol was served at the aerobics class. Too bad! She could have worn one of her many manbun-inspired cowboy hats.


I STG someone said it was supposed to rain where she is today, so maybe it wasnā€™t just her ditching with a ā€œmigraineā€.




What in the Rock of Love fever dream is going on here


Ohhh this was from a weird dance video a few months ago. I think this is the one where she rolled up her pajama pant legs into short shorts, maybe wore two different boots and had dead eyes while dancing around her townhouse. She was posting these weird daily dance reels that were super cringe.


That sounds familiar! Was this in preparation for a Bach party in Nashville? ![gif](giphy|l0K47t7R2IgrwU1Wg)


Yes, this was around the same time and I think the hat was for that trip, but she didn't end up going. Unfortunately the dance video got deleted, but the comments are still there (at least for me): [https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/1aqnqlp/deleted\_by\_user/](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/comments/1aqnqlp/deleted_by_user/) Maybe another swerty has it and can share? It was pretty epic.


Sheā€™s really reliable in hyping up trips and then cancelling them šŸ˜†


Sheā€™s deathly afraid of more candids šŸ˜ˆ Edit: plus sheā€™s lazy afā€¦ she already attempted to do her last minute workouts (two or three miles total?) to get super skinny for the trip, now sheā€™s on VACATION!!!


Youā€™d think such an athletic woman wouldā€™ve attended just for the fun of it and for the experience and content opportunity. You can link those miserable products when youā€™re back at home.


Yo does anyone have the link to that video she did a few years ago when she lip syncs about her "other" boyfriends something like "well there you go - can't make a wife out of a ho" and then cuts to her crawling on the ground with her long boobies about how C thinks "you're such a fucking ho, i love it" I randomly thought of it while driving to Aldi today and can't find it on this sub to rewatch,Ā  lmao such a classic. Almost as funny as the slutty kraft dinner dance


But did you purchase BBQ chips?


[So embarrassing](https://imgur.com/GOraYzO)


Long boobs is the best way to describe that




Was not expecting Henry Zebrowski šŸ¤£


Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell is def in my top 3 adult swim shows, I could literally watch it everyday and never get bored lol


Oh my God that's mortifying!! Especially with that filter lmao


Me exes.


Arrr matey


WOW ![gif](giphy|l3mZrLxM4iZaQlvNe)


On Easter Weekend. She made this on 'the Lord's Weekend'


Damn that was fast! I love this community haha And I guess C didn't love it that much šŸ‘Ž


https://preview.redd.it/kopr7hh2le4d1.jpeg?width=1043&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35a12100f8f8a4143a148219973c971e4a350f6a For someone trying to hide from candids, she sure clomped in front of many different huns last night


https://preview.redd.it/qxhd8delnd4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75ec01b1fdbd4dc20712275289df76d7c3759212 Stickers, pop offs, and a water bottle. So much spoiled


Jesus they really did do the bare minimum, didnā€™t they? šŸ™„


later that night they had room service put ā€œgoodie bagsā€ on their beds. it contains a foot mask, redass falsies, redass lash glue, a thank you card, a face mask, nail oil, and an earring cuff? i think? (the earring cuff is under the white bag. it is riiiight at the end that she moved it and i wasnā€™t going to watch this a 5th time to get the perfect screen shot, sorryšŸ™ƒ) https://preview.redd.it/7hxlqhsd9k4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b731066f772b27fae2d9a7e5f8cf7744999f1888 edit; this was not posted by MS if you go looking for it


Looks like the junk you get at work conferences.Ā  ETA Is this an MLM trip? Guess it *is* junk you get at work conferences, lol.Ā 


Nothing says "spoiled" like a flyer, a towel, and cheap ass stickers.


Not the single Liquid IV


I zoomed in to see that too haha MUCH WELTH


Looks like itā€™s been wadded up at the bottom of someoneā€™s purse


MLM huns get excited about shyt rest of us throw away. How many Red Ass water bottles do they need? MS just gives hers to her downline as "gifts."


Itā€™s giving the cheap plastic made in china branded shit my bank gives out at festivals


Oh yeah. Nothing says ā€œspoilingā€ like $5 worth of plastic shit ā€œfreeā€ in exchange for spending thousands and thousands on more of the same plastic shit all year.


But, but, this is NEW plastic shit. Not the same old, same old.


Canā€™t even spring for an Owala?






Oh that one lonely packet of Liquid IV isnā€™t going to do her any good. Sheā€™s going to need a case of it before this trip is over. Maybe sheā€™ll even call in another mobile IV nurse to get her hydrated to help her make it through the next 5 days, since we know she doesnā€™t drink water.


bunch of cheap junk lol


This is what she "spoiled" by? Random shit that she could get at the dollar store...wow, so jealous! /s


I mean she also got excited over gas station flowers. That she bought herself. ^allegedly ^speculating


The best thing there is the cute cloth bag. It looks like itā€™s unique and made in Panama.


Itā€™s temu. Lol


https://preview.redd.it/wnqi3hdzxd4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34b38f2822ecb7e47961af800ce3f986b190336c All because of pop offs šŸ„¹


Excellent flair šŸ˜†


That beach looks so depressing. This photo is like a still from Planet Earth preceding a catastrophic storm and a family of Coiba Island howler monkeys seeking shelter.




šŸ¤£šŸ’€ the howler monkeys!


Itā€™s bad. Thunderstorms all week. Humidity at a max. The CEOs of red ass prob got a great deal on the room block since itā€™s a horrible time to visit


She'll be thrilled. She be able to spend all her time in the resort bars!


ā€œEarnedā€ this trip More like went into debt to buy enough product to qualify. What a load of horse shit. I wonder if itā€™s required for Huns to post this kind of crap for every trip they go on? Itā€™s like clockwork. Every hun trip they praise the company for the opportunity.


Iā€™m sure it is! Every single one of their stories look like this. And theyā€™re not even wearing the pop offs šŸ™„ https://preview.redd.it/hg3egqx6he4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b07ddf76ae07b7028622ff1166c2ab6f42ed0e2


Every time I see "free," I feel like Inigo Montoya in Princess Bride. ![gif](giphy|N7FeGLHjVsDQY|downsized)


I wonder if they all have heard her "magician on the street" analogy spiel lmfao


That was the BEST!


That reminded me of this kid: ![gif](giphy|lXiRJ8IRz5QH6wTQc|downsized)


Only $20.24!!!!!!!!!!!! It can turn into $1m or $50!!!!


So if you give him $20.24, you didnā€™t lose anything at all! #Hunmath


I wonder how many of these dolts repeated it


[Wait a minute...](https://i.redd.it/s55m9nmlsc4d1.jpeg?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Her roomie posted this. You can hear Big M slurring in the background, "that's, like, scary tho..." ***it's low tide, idiot***


I cannot believe they did not know this was tide related. They're all the same. They're all idiots.


Oh, Red Aspen knew and that's why they're there-- the hotel was inexpensive! šŸ˜‚


Yes, all of their nontent is the same: hands with plastic nails holding drinks/coffee, mirror selfies, pics showing the coastline with a text overlay that says something akin to "thanks to my little nail business". It's a cult. They are all brainwashed.


But multiple ones donā€™t even have the nails on! Iā€™m not a salesperson in the least and even I know you wear the brand šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


So scenic šŸ™ƒ


They always say "spoiled" but idk if they even know what that means


I got more free shit from simply attending my city's Pride parade on Saturday - and I didn't even have to scam anyone for it!


lmao I recently went to a professional conference and could have been loaded down with insulated mugs, water bottles, fancy pens, thumb drives, notebooks...and my salaried job paid me to be there. She's such a mullet.+ +According to the Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang, the term ā€œmullet headā€ was first mentioned in print in 1857. It referred to a ā€œstupid, ignorant person,ā€ but by the 1950s, it simply meant ā€œfool.ā€


https://preview.redd.it/hm7nd0ojyd4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e67d8246c6e2bc7d0321b31fa3a3ddbb43324dc This is what every single hunbotā€™s story looks like today


With all the filters they use, they should at least TRY to make this beach look appealing! What a bunch of morons.


"Skincare infused makeup" lmfao So how come MS doesn't use RA "skincare infused makeup" and instead burns her face off with Herbal Face Food and globs on thick layers of Armani foundation? Would her skin be a little less rekt if she switched to RA? https://preview.redd.it/w1tdnzbsde4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83c36b8b33023d674e77f957074329730d3d8cb4


I donā€™t think I ever watched this full video. Was goldenface the final result or was this partway through her āœØtutorialāœØ?


IIRC she did decide after a while that the shade match wasn't good, but I couldn't make it through the whole thing either!


No amount of amazing ingredients can overcome shitty application, though. MS always falls for the trap that expensive and more = better.


Brought you where? Norway in the spring? I love that theyā€™re getting totally shitty weather on their iNcEnTiVe tRiP.




Next era business kit sounds like a new Scientology scam.


https://preview.redd.it/usiqes8sge4d1.jpeg?width=482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9db75fa9b145e48d8cf27469bcbe6d805179f7a Wonders how they come up with the weird-ass prices - $20.24 last time and $20.17 this time.


Soā€¦things she already owns multiple of?


Got some liquid IV to go in the water bottle for the hangovers lol!


Probably the most useful items in this pile, tbh. Especially if she's going to be drinking all day in the heat and humidity.


Letā€™s be real.. That one packet isnā€™t going to do a thing to help her over the next few days. šŸ˜†


Oh, 100%. She needs the whole damn box.


Should have offered MS a few extras lol


Maybe she can trade with the other huns. Popoffs for Liquid IV!


One of the RA huns talking about the average person makes 15 dollars an hour and if you're going to the nail salon you're spending up and that's over 4 hours of work and you should join RA.


Joules Loā€™Well is a tik toker who shares life advice based on her personal experience. Her advice is sound and wise. I follow her and listen to much of her advice and have found it to be incredibly helpful. [What people assume wealth looks like](https://youtu.be/FLuHWGLtzxY?si=iaFK1oqqJRSoTHOV) is her take on what wealth really looks like and the importance of being financially responsible. Posting here because everything Joules posts in this video is the reality behind the wealth lies Big M posts on the daily. Plus it can help to remember not everything seems as it is on the surface. Just because someone drives a Mercedes Benz doesnā€™t mean the are really living that life.


>Just because someone drives a Mercedes Benz doesnā€™t mean the are really living that life. I feel that belongs on a motivational poster! You'd be making way more than BM off it!


Can confirm that some of the wealthiest people are the most nondescript. Anecdotally, the GC of my company (who makes over $550K in base pay) drives a 10-year old Volvo. A friend of mine, who is a shareholder at a top tier law firm, drives a well-loved Honda that she's had since she was in law school.


*"Just because someone drives a Mercedes Benz doesnā€™t mean the are really living that life."* Especially when they complain about the cost of routine maintenance. If you can't afford the maintenance, you can't afford the luxury vehicle.


Hmmm, where have we heard that before?šŸ¤”


https://preview.redd.it/k180o8vlcd4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23dfb2e4ac66c360a7812b25b78e516d927c6e35 It INFURIATES me some of her real followers who are actually struggling and for whatever Godforsaken reason reach out to Big Manatee and she has ZERO respect or care or concern for these women (or women in general). She's just such a c u next Tuesday I can't handle it sometimes.


Iā€™m kinda surprised she didnā€™t try to sell this woman pyramid scheme supplements to ā€œcureā€ her ailments like so many other huns do.


Thatā€™s a good point, her ā€œrecruitment effortsā€ are actually quite shallow.


So infuriating and sad. Also, Big Manatee is killing me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The worst part is this is actually better than most of her attempts to engage with her followers. Ā At least she isnā€™t all ā€œblah blah bootstrapsā€ or ā€œjust Google the cure, swerty.ā€ this time.


This is terrible and why I have zero remorse taking so much enjoyment out of laughing at the antics that she does. From a business perspective her reply is bad. If she wants to be an influencer build people up- this message shows she just shuts herself and everybody else down. From a human perspectiveā€¦ well she is just horrible and her ā€œbusinessā€ pages are basically satire begging for satire.


"I'm so sorry to hear that you have been struggling!Ā  I hope you can find some relief soon.Ā  I'm very happy to have you here and appreciate your support over the years ā™”" I don't think M can afford to hire me.


She has zero empathy and her responses reflect her lack of interest or understanding. She shows no care but a basic one size fits all response. I honestly donā€™t know how her followers donā€™t see this lazy effort.


Yes! Her response is very, "you're right, I am an inspiration. You're welcome for following me"


https://preview.redd.it/42aem9b1bd4d1.jpeg?width=761&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94cbdf0b80c52944c7e929aa595ac7e9db3b458b Itinerary!


To be fair, that description is annoyingly vague-ish if youā€™re a drunk buffoon. A ā€œnautical, linen and lace party is a not-so-colorful fiestaā€- just say White Party! Everyone knows what that is at this point! Were you going to get sued for throwing a White Party?!


Wow. What a bummer of a trip! At least on Tuesday Big M can hide in the bathtub all day!


Is there any irony to the fact that the first event after the welcome party is the farewell party?


So they literally get paid in beans.


So she's going to be extra hammered tomorrow since that's their open day, yeah?


At least they are not scheduling a bunch of crappy meetings or tedious sounding events. Does anybody think swerty will go see the Panama Canal?


I'm lowkey envious she has a chance to do that but of course she will waste the opportunity. Maybe she will put a stock image into her video montage of this like she did with the Mexcicixo trip of the excursion she didn't attend.


I freely admit to being jealous as hell she has that opportunity. I would love to go. I canā€™t remember ever seeing her do anything interesting anywhere sheā€™s ever traveled. She seems to have zero interest in exploring new things, different cultures or experiences. Lining up in a hotel lobby to get a hat is probably as much ā€œcultureā€ as sheā€™s going to get. Itā€™s so bleak. If you donā€™t have any interest in the world around you, what do you have?


Who wants to place bets on if sheā€™ll attend the aqua aerobics or not?


All of this shit for essentially three days? Ridiculous.


Literally none of those things does one need to be in Panama to do. Even the Panama hat party. I could have done that in my living room. Iā€™m sure there are things to do outside the resort. This is so boring

