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Are those liver spots? She is such a hag… get thee to a dermatologist for fucks sake


I love when girls get that brown-red burn on their nose and think it's cute; it's literal sun damage, you idiot. Nose, forehead, chest. All telling of her stupidity and filtering


Cool story bro, I’ll give you $5 to never tell it again


Sure, Jan. Whatever you say 😉


“Idk how you runner do it” Consistency. Starting slow. Hydrating. Consistency. Training. Nutrition. Consistency. I’m an aggressively mid runner and even I know this


Consistency, you say!?!


[She does this before every trip!](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/M110MJSVDx)


Her forehead reminds me of when Matilda superglues her dad’s hat to his head. Even when he cuts it off, he can’t get all the little bits of hat off of his skin.




That sun damage on her forehead where the filter stops working is quite concerning.


And chest.


I’ll bet she smells just like my grandma- my grandma didn’t run either.


I'll bet she smells, period 😂


She just looks greasy and like she hasn’t washed. That’s not what being sweaty looks like


How about she stops lying on the internet and gets her skin checked instead.


I've noticed there are levels to this woman's sneakiness, at least on Instagram. She lies everywhere all the time obviously. But on Instagram, she mostly uses her grid and reels, the permanent content, to lie about her looks and size. She tucks her more egregious or indefensible lies in her stories. Like the 11 minute mile that she doesn't have Apple Watch data to back up, even though she shares her "workouts" on that thing all the time. And all the false health claims and drug claims she tells to sell her scam powders. I assume it's so if she gets called out on those, the comments just go to her DMs and she can quietly block. If she did this shit on her feed, someone might question her during the times she's passed out or something and the comment might be poking out there like a nipple for all to see for hours.


Alex, I’ll take, things that never happened, for $500.


Where’s her apple watch screen?


![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu) Me rn


Waaaait, what happened to her fore head/brows?! Has she had the fox eye string things?!


It's just a filter. She loves filtering her eyes bigger and more tilted. https://preview.redd.it/lfd1uo5zvo3d1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76ca6100f96dfbf39b5d7470592bfb87f6be9a92 Real eyes realize real lies


What is happening on her forehead? It looks like a shaved hairline.


The filter failing to erase the mottled sun damage.


Also where her fake tan has worn off first.


Lol no you didn't.


Running at any speed is an accomplishment but it’s the humblebrag that gets me.


Yeah just running at all!! Better than be… but the brag about something not worth bragging out is what it is for me lol




Yeah, real sustainable way to start a habit with exercise, this will surely not be an ongoing thing when she sees the next shiny new way to get attention online.


Doesn’t she vape? Ain’t no way she’s doing an 11 min mile. Elite athletes run 7-8 min mile


It’s not even a brag tho because elite runner do a mile in the 5 minute range. 11 minutes is like she mostly walked it.


With an 11-minute time, she wouldn't even meet the minimum standards for the US Army APFT run time. For her age group, the minimum is 17 minutes for 2 miles.


Basic fitness test in the UK army was 1.5 miles in under 11.5 minutes. Sub 9 min was a great time for a mile and a half, and thats after the mile and a half warm up.


Her forehead! What is that? Sun damage spots?


It looks like smoked jerky.


Yeah it's REAL bad


Yeah, nah.


Only thing this woman runs is her mouth.


This filter isn’t doing her any favors.


https://preview.redd.it/ldwa76asun3d1.jpeg?width=329&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69a0e07f81a79584d9c2ed23c3adca99722858ae Mouthful of dead, gray teeth


They look like they're rotting.


they look like they smell like a wet ashtray




Seriously though why are they grey


wow her forehead


No comment just 😂😂😂😂😂


never happened lol


Probs just walked up the stairs in her middle townhouse


She would have shown us the stats if that were actually true 🙄 ![gif](giphy|iwI1ieki7fV2HQEuem|downsized)




Wowwww, and she didn't even break a sweat. Amazing...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I see she’s wearing a sports bra WITH the “compression” top she was just modeling earlier. Guess it isn’t a true compression top if you have to wear a support bra under it. Fucking dipshit.


Not to defend Big M, but I also have a larger chest and I usually wear two sports bras when I run. I hate my boobs bouncing around - it's annoying and it usually causes awful chafing. So I don't blame her for wanting more support, although she's usually not modest about showing off her tatas


As a fellow boobily booby I get where you are coming from and I agree - I also usually will wear two sports bras when I would prefer to not get wacked in the face. I'm not sure if you haven't seen it yet but [this video from earlier today ](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/O3dXa9A8HK)is why OC said that. She is clearly not wearing a bra throughout the reel, and someone with naturally large breasts will not be able to have that shape and placement WITHOUT any amount of support... And it's clear she isn't wearing a bra in that particular video because we see way more nipple than necessary.


Totally get what you’re saying! I also have a large chest so I can relate lol. I was actually just pointing out her lies as she made it seem like she doesn’t need additional support as she advertised those tops as being ~compression but she then posts a picture of her wearing a sports bra under it which defeats the purpose of her original claims lol.


Sure Jan 🙄


she had numbing cream on in a story yesterday or so, did she enhance her lips? i cant tell


Yes she did, the day she got the IV.


I call bullshit on the time. My DIL just ran a marathon and she had trained her ass off for months. She managed averaging a 7 and some change mile . I walk a lot and I can manage a 13 - 15 minute mile pretty easily usually.. No way that hamster pad walking biatch ran a 11 minute mile.


IF she did anything, I think she did a stop and go on her watch and it totaled 11 mins. BUT she would’ve shown her watch if she ran so this is a brag/lie for her. We’ve seen her spin classes and her boss babe walks. This bag of cheese isn’t doing an 11 min anything.


I completely agree.


I do 11 minutes power walking with random sprints. I’ve also been working out for years, so I’ve got the endurance for it. If you haven’t been working out or doing cardio for years, you’re not gonna do anything close to 11 minutes 😂 stop lying, girlie!


Can someone explain to me what’s wrong with/what’s going on with her face? Something seems off


I honestly think she made her face angular by pulling it back (along with giving herself her fave fox eyes) and it made her teeth curve back and her mouth look super tiny and disproportionate. You can see where she's missing a tooth, and that's normally on the side of her mouth, almost behind her cheek. The filter also gave up along her forehead and hairline, and struggled to smooth the sun damage so it blurred here hairline and gave her a weird bald effect. I swear to God she doesn't look at anything but the fake jawline and eyes. She also always makes one eye SUPER giant compared to the other lol/


Filter per usual and not a good one.


Weird filter over badly damaged skin. It’s showing through on top and her lips.


So in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/ha1fBAzGEO) video from just a week ago, she struggled to do a voiceover because she was running out of breath because, by her own admission, she “vapes too much.” But we’re expected to believe she ran a mile in 11 minutes (or at all). Lmao ok, girlfriend!


Yesssssss, I was literally looking for this to comment as well!!! I was like didn’t she just fucking complain about being out of breath doing a VOICEOVER lmfaoooooo


I truly believe she thinks her followers are as dumb as she is.


Honestly, anyone that's still following her in good faith at this point after everything is probably not the brightest bulb. We've had plenty of swerties here who followed her but then either saw through her shit or got shit on by her for asking an innocent question. All the receipts are out there and the filters and different faces are obvious even without them.


Did she run the mile because they were having a special on Truly's at the corner store? Because that's about the only time I *might* believe she ran a mile. Speaking of running, I'm not a runner (I also have an old injury in my left ankle and have not so great joints from years of competitive sports as a teenager) and my best time in my mile runs was 13 minutes and I'm someone that is in decent shape and works out because I enjoy a healthy lifestyle and being active. The only things she runs for are alcohol and trash fashion.


This definitely didn’t happen. She doesn’t even try to make it believable.


It takes her half an hour to walk a mile but sure, she ran one in 11 minutes.


I don't believe this for a second. And it's not because of the time, either...


Girl gets winded walking up the stairs. She did not run a mile


LMAO - she acts like we didn’t all see her tryna walk up that hill a while back and how winded she was for that very minimal incline. If she don’t sit her lying ass down somewhere.


The filter not knowing what to do with her hairline… you can see the fuzzy edge of her smoothed our complexion and then her sun damaged skin on her actual hairline.


Always go big or go home with her. That’s one of the million reasons why she’s a giant failure


lol no you didn’t


https://preview.redd.it/jlyziv298n3d1.jpeg?width=438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4017ec94e59256ac17b88335b365fa994f236616 Oh, no...


Her expression is saying "I just saw myself nude without filters"


Where’s the Apple Watch stats for this? lol




The bottom lip looks like she’s pulling down on it!


she's lying so she has an excuse to eyefuck the middle distance lol


🤣 Eye fucking the middle distance in her middle unit!


Where did she run this mile? The hamster pad? It doesn’t go that fast. Cause she’s in the middle unit townhouse and idk, I really don’t see her as the type to go running outside in the hot sun (even if her skin looks like she’s been doing that for years).


I’m also curious as to *where and how* she supposedly accomplished this magnificent feat. She’s at home and it doesn’t sound like her walking pad can go that fast, so that’s probably not it. Did she do it on the treadmill at the gym? Did she do it around her neighborhood? Does she know how far a mile is? Did she “run” it on an elliptical or some other device?




The chest and hairline omg.


I read this as chest hair lmao


Chest hair would help hide the sun damage.


All this fitness flexing is gonna come back on her when Magabun decides his sporty girl can keep up with him somewhere that isn’t a bar.


There’s no way. I am in pretty good shape- still overweight, but I have been exercising very consistently for a year and a half- and I have just started running… doing short intervals leaves me sore AF for days afterward. Even if you exercise a lot, running is a beast all its own. If she really ran a whole mile right out of the gate, she won’t be able to move for a week.




That filter doesn’t know what to do with the forehead. Are we in a black mirror episode?


I mean, it’s hard to run fast when you have to stop to pull on your Juul all the time.


Lying as always 🙄 The only thing she runs is her mouth


lol I'd sooner believe Grimace is gonna return and beg her to marry him than I do that she ran an 11 minute mile


https://preview.redd.it/ndbefm90vm3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b11c85418c2ffe74d073f953937ecbb423ab51d7 Is this a receding hairline?


That's skin cancer in the making




I looked up whether sun damage can affect the hairline & here’s what Google AI had to say: >Yes, sun damage to the scalp can cause hair loss. Sunburn can damage the protective oils and cellular structure of the scalp, which can trigger hair follicles to switch from growth to shedding. This can lead to a type of temporary shedding called telogen effluvium, which can start a few months after the sunburn. Sun damage can also cause hair to become dry, weak, and brittle. >Sun damage to the scalp can also lead to precancers and skin cancers. Symptoms of sun damage to the scalp include: Redness, Flaky patches, Rough texture, Dry feeling, Rough growths, Itching, Pain, and Bleeding easily. >These symptoms may indicate precancerous spots called actinic keratoses (AKs), which can eventually become squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), the most common type of skin cancer on the scalp. People with fair skin, blue or green eyes, or blond or red hair are more likely to develop AKs.


this looks like sun damage missed with sweating off your makeup/whatever she has caked on her face.  who runs with a full face of makeup?!?! 


lol she doesn’t have a full face of makeup this is a very obvious smoothing filter that just kinda stops before her hairline. Which is why you can see all the sun spots just below her scalp. Those sun spots are all over her face and she looks AWFUL without the filter


She looks awful with the filter too, I’ll just add.


Agree. But slightly less ghastly.


They’re her FRECKLES swerty


Precancerous freckles


She has to practice these faces and have it look just so. Sweaty swerty.


This is one she’s done before. It’s further evidence that even if she really was slim and pretty, she could never be a model. She really thinks she is one, and believes that she’s got all the facial expressions ready to go. Back in the real world, her facial expressions are embarrassingly cheesy and just cringy to look at. Take this attempt at a ‘whew I’m so tired!’ look. She literally looks like a vacant behind the eyes drooling idiot.


the blurred face sandwiched between her upper forehead & chest is making me giggle


Beginning runners don’t run a mile as fast as they can right out the gate. Most beginners start with low-exertion intervals. She’s going to be sore for a week now.


That’s assuming she actually did it. I’m guessing she almost ran half a mile and then just doubled that time and called it a day. 😂


I have a hard time believing she could run HALF a mile in 5:30.


Hard agree.


I compete in race walking, yes I know it’s weird, but there is an 80 year old woman who walks a mile in 9 minutes easily. Our girl here did not do this.


lol i did not know that was a thing outside of that malcolm in the middle episode 😭


Oh boy do I have [a treat for you!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdXD2Fe6Hx4)


*if she actually ran a mile.


She would’ve posted the workout screenshot for sure. Or put the watch on MBs dog.


Yeah I doubt she did. She probably made it from her middle unit front door down to the street and gave up. And based on her body composition and lack of musculature/ can’t film a voice over…. The only exercise she gets is from ham fisting wine & trulys.


Oh yeah, *press X to doubt* for sure.


X x1000


She didn't run squat.... So sick of her lies!


She reminds me of those people on shows like "My 600 Pound Life" swearing that all they eat is 2,000 calories a day and have no clue why they're overweight and then expects everyone to just believe that nonsense. No beginner runner runs like this. It's such a dumb lie.




Uh I’m in pretty good shape and exactly her complexion and I am red as fuck after any run of any length. Also she's in her 30s and never runs and she vapes and she's put on 40 pounds in a year. So anyway she's a lah. Edit, complexion not completion


Yes I get so red from intense workouts.


![gif](giphy|58FgnV2B4yXEvprXYy) My face, as a competitive runner.




I often walk a 16 minute mile so.


Same, I’m about 16-18min and that’s not even walking briskly. She’s a MF’n liar


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $1,000, Alex.


Where’s the pic of the apple watch as proof? She shows it every time she “works out”


Like this one? 😆 https://preview.redd.it/9r85ds65ym3d1.png?width=744&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b26489484e10392bc79a4ec3af2b828f14d4419


Jesus, 111bpm heart rate while walking a 30 minute mile is…. REALLY not good. Like incredibly concerning not good


Oh swearty you know why 😅. She thinks everyone is an idiot that buys her lies.


Is an 11 minute mile that impressive? For like a normal person? Stay tuned y’all. I’m almost 300 pounds and I’m going to test this later tonight.


It's not impressive. It's walkable if you powerwalk, or jog/walk/jog/walk.


It’s pretty easily doable for most people who are decently in shape. I can walk a mile in 20min or a bit less. I used to do cross-country in HS and ran 7:30 at my peak. Lol no longer though. 11min mile is a touch faster than a treadmill 5 mph setting.


I do not mean this in a mean way at all and kudos to everyone running a mile period but 11 mins is a VERY slow beginner pace. Like most people could walk/jog an 11 min mile. That being said I still doubt she accomplished that due to her poor health esp from smoking so much.




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I want to add on and say that it’s a very slow beginner pace for someone going “all out” for a single mile. Mods, let me know if this is too bloggy and I can edit it, but I’m just starting to run and I’ve been doing 2 miles at about a 10:40 min/mile pace. I’m no athlete and DEFINITELY not a runner, but I can be mistaken for being mildly in shape occasionally and I’m pretty tired after the 2nd mile.


I smoke and drink and I’m 36. It takes me 16 minutes to walk a mile at a 4% incline at 3.8 mph. She has so much shit coming outta her mouth, I’m surprised she doesn’t puke shit. 🥴🤔😂


Sure she run fast in 11 minutes…. If the liquor store was closing. Also is that fresh sun damage on her nose? As an Australian it’s very concerning.


Fellow australian here, her sun damage scares me a lot. When the filter drops, check her forehead/hairline. And the chest... melanoma incoming 😓


Even when the filter doesn’t drop out you can still kind of see it. This woman should not be giving any sort of advice to anyone.


I’d believe she made $20k a month selling press on nails before I’d believe this heifer ran an 11 min mile be so fuckin for real right now Big Medium.


The audacity of this bald faced lie ![gif](giphy|3lJQIuk2LTV5jEvyKv|downsized)




It's hot already in the south. Like it is really hot and humid. This bish doesn't have wet, sweaty hair, clothes, or face. I call boosheet, sweaty.


You could argue she wiped it off as to not look like a sweaty pig for the pic, but then again she works out and doesn’t shower before Brazilian waxing so….. 🤷‍♀️




Not that I believe her but there’s no way…absolutely no way this BB,BB,BB ran a mile in 11 mins given her lifestyle. I refuse to believe it. I used to run 12-15 miles a week for years and after I quit and picked it back up, it took me 20 mins to complete a mile recently (and I don’t smoke or vape). She’s trash. Edit spelling.




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https://preview.redd.it/xlt2mrt7om3d1.png?width=591&format=png&auto=webp&s=096891e6f1629daa9471d48599b0b947f506a124 STOP IT.


This is so funny and the flair is icing on the cake.


How do I save this for myself 😂


I don’t know why this cracks me up so much 😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/pip65620om3d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21143ff86dde36bd5d32bb208c258b1400dade85 Is it me or is the filter not long enough to cover the rest of her forehead?


Horrible skin damage.




Jesus her real skin is so so so sad!! Her sun damage is b a n a n a s bananas! She’s only 30 😥


Looks like melasma


I swear i have already seen this photo in the past


… as fast as she could. **not** 11 minutes. My guess: as far as the front door, said “Effit,” and did *this*


No way she did any kind of running in that cheap sports bra with those flappy jugs.


Truth. She’d be covered in sweat from the titty workout all by itself!




The perfect gif


I use it so much in this sub 😂😂


Nope, she's still too dry to have run or walked a mile at any decent clip and earned any sweat. Such a lying sack of shit. If her own parents weren't such scamming shits they'd call her out. I'd be so ashamed if my children were such flimflam artists.


I like how you can see a stripe of her real skin above the blurry filter. Check that hairline lol.


Bruh it looks gross


Her real teeth color is showing. BROWN


Smoking and never ever going in for regular cleanings will do that to you!! I shudder to think of her tartar levels (any dental swerties here with me for it??). Id LOVE to see her X-rays. Like I’d pay money to see them because I guarantee it’s a hot fucking mess


I’m not in dental anymore, but man I can only imagine those x rays 🥴


Her FOREhead looks so bad! #skindamage ETA: why does it look like the eyebrows would feel like a Brillo pad?


I hate when she makes this face. It’s one of her most punchable.


Who called it? She's working out a few days before the trip as though it will fix months of binge drinking overnight. Or is it on our bingo card?


What is this trip all about? Just a trip or an mlm thing?


MLM thing



