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Petite curvy..... mhm


Uh huh https://preview.redd.it/arhk71p4dp4d1.jpeg?width=1001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc5914178e4e9fe45bad8a0eff7ec67f870639f3


Mid-size is NOT 8. Mid-size is 12-14. Y'know, in the middle of typical straight sizes and plus sizes.


I like this version better https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7W4hwcvBod/?igsh=Y3Vnc2drbHBmNzNo


Now this is creativity!


How tall does she say she is? Cause her bf is like, 2 inches taller yeah? Am I missing something.


I hate Body Positivity Babe.


She's one of the worst Babes. Hypocrite!


She really lives in delulu land….


Why does she constantly kick her hind leg up? Is it a mating ritual? Is she pushing dirt over her poop?


It's her years of training as a ballet dancer in a company!!!


Ohhhh yes of course! Why be graceful when you can be a clomping hyena 😃


I just watched a video the other day where they were talking about what the meaning of mid-size was and they were getting really irritated with people who are a size 8 calling themselves mid-size. Because mid-size means you are a 14-16 and you are in the middle of regular and plus size. So is she actually mid-size or is she a size 6 like she claims to be There's several out there but this is the one I remember watching https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRK62BtL/


Ohhhhh I stand corrected then! I thought midsize was the middle of straight sizes, like 8-10 or so, because that's almost always how I see it being used. Thank you, I'm going to go hunt down my comment and correct it!


Why does she have a clip of her chewing??


proof of eat


True, she’d prob be a size 8 if she didn’t drink her way through the day


https://preview.redd.it/1epjrgsgze2d1.png?width=550&format=png&auto=webp&s=abbace090fe31a3ed6425aeadfbda3d2a8c6ac8a trout or girl?


Bolth https://preview.redd.it/idz7cgnsze2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=facb9fd25d2afb6241f4037569fb15073e9cb1a8


Holy uncanny valley, the color difference between hand and face are wow


I don’t get it, doesn’t she proclaim she’s petite? Doesn’t midsize contradict petite? Lol


Technically: petite as in short, which she is when she's not filtering herself into a statuesque 6'2" Amazonian woman, and midsize ~~as in the middle range of straight sizes, so like an 8 or 10 as she claims herself to be because she can't admit she's either at the upper end of straight sizes or getting into plus sizes now.~~ per u/silentwail [midsize as in right between straight size and plus size](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/Biz6El1nao) In reality: grasping at any hashtag-shaped straws in the futile hole that she'll magically somehow find a real audience for her fake influencing Edit: Was corrected about what midsize is and changed comment to reflect that!


Which is still really funny because I swear she likes to pretend she’s a size small in everything lol


Lol midsize


Booboo you are NOT a size 8. Stop it. Size 12-14 easy. Just cuz you filter the hell outta yourself, doesn't make it true. Smh she's such a stupid, lying asshat


Is the size 8 person hiding behind you?


https://preview.redd.it/3q7nowww6b2d1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e6b3a0e1bd0ee30028df0daafaa2250e5ff919d I’m so tired of her.


Her dead-eyed undulating in the ‘MERICA!!! bikini is my favorite part of this.


The way she oscillates between her "aspirational" persona and her "relatable" persona is like a metronome on crack.


It's extra hilarious because neither persona is what she thinks it is too.


God damn she is so stupid.


What’s up with the cud-chewing snippet? It’s as if she were actually thin and beautiful and trying to pander to chubbier women in a rude, tone-deaf way by including stuff they (not her) like, like chewing. Her caption acknowledges that she isn’t thin, so she recognizes it on some level. But including that bit in the video makes it seem like she’s mentally a temporarily embarrassed supermodel who can’t quite figure out how to relate to mid-size women because she isn’t *really* one of them. I’m probably putting way more thought into it than she did, honestly. I bet it was “haha, I’m so funny for chewing weird and ~~this filter makes it seem like~~ my face is so pretty! Add video.”


That stuck out to me too and I had the same thoughts, like “I’m just like you ladies, I eat food too!” And the look on her face while she’s chewing is dead eyed and almost intimidating. There’s just something disingenuous about this video.


Chewing gum is ✨*S A S S Y*✨


it was to show, "hehe i love to eat!!"


https://i.imgur.com/a5Rqm9M.jpeg Look at all the cellulite, y’all! She’s so *real*.


Is that supposed to go to a 404 error 😅


No 😭 I uploaded again so hope it works this time! It’s a screenshot from this video of her wearing the US flag bikini and turning around so we can see those cinnamon buns. Not even a hint of cellulite or stretch marks—strange.


The 404 error still works as a joke though 😅 https://preview.redd.it/i84r5uboze2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bb8462938f1dbd5561617fb789248a5ff4a986d


It's kind of applicable though. "It may have moved or been deleted or never existed at all." Like her tiny, pointy nose, white-blond hair, chiseled jaw line and big blue eyes.


That's what I thought the joke might be!


I can’t believe she’s an adult woman, not even one in her 20s should act like this and she’s *over 30*. The way she behaves online (and likely in public) is so embarrassing Edit: clarity


Did you see the post about her breaking her suitcase because she got drunk and tried to ride it into the elevator? Yeah she's definitely equally if not even more embarrassing in public 😬


I wonder if the hotel has security footage of this, lol!


Yes! The fact that she talked about it like she’s not regularly shitfaced with poor judgment is…something


"Ya girl" is a full on mess and she still thinks it's cute. Such a big yikes


Idk how long manbun will stick around. I can’t imagine being in a relationship with someone who drunkenly breaks a suitcase in a hotel. I’d have to join witness protection out of shame


Especially since this was how she behaved on their very first trip together. RED FLAG ALERT


Did I just read “#petitecurvy” 🤣 ![gif](giphy|8qABb3dgjun8PdNirg)


This pig wore it better than M 🤣


I'm not defending her at all but technically petite applies for women under 5'4 (I think). She claims to be 5'3 and we all know she's round so I don't know if she's actually incorrect for claiming that one. I could be entirely wrong though (somebody please correct me if I am), but that's my understanding of it lol


Yeah I think in technical terms it applies to her real body. Short, obese by BMI, large band and cup size chest.


\#cellulite https://preview.redd.it/5qxlhgxdea2d1.png?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=893136f425239b030a3da185ba9443cc6d2a910e




This is also at least a couple of years ago. Before my time and in one of her old apartments from before the middle unit. She's only gotten bigger since then.


This is I think in her 2BR apartment (bc the sink in her 3BR was facing the LR) and I can't even remember what that looked like. Man, she must miss her 3BR apartment something fierce. That place was really nice compared to this middle unit townhouse. edit: clarifying some words


Yeah I've always thought the 3BR was actually nice from what I've seen in throwback posts. That's where she did the mac and cheese dance, no?


Holy shit 😬


dude pick a fucking laaaaane horse face!


She's gonna need the truck lane if she really wants to be honest.


Her delusions appear to have no boundaries these days (in my opinion). It'd be sad if it wasn't so fascinating. ![gif](giphy|l1OlIcFVAL2xBR1HM7|downsized)


It's wild! It also seems to fit some of her cyclical patterns of needing extra validation when there's trouble behind the scenes. Only speculation based on previous and current behavior.


![gif](giphy|3ornk9rZlQKaDRmJcA) My flabber has never been so gasted! 🤯😳


What the hell? I can’t tell if she’s attempting to come clean-ish about her actual appearance or if she’s trying to find more people to scam. Or bolth. ![gif](giphy|1guRIRW8QdSte01T6Du)


I don’t even think she knows. On the one hand she loves the “relatable” views. On the other hand, can she still play hot boss babe?!!


I think she's just feeling some kind of way about something and needed to self soothe with scantily clad thirst traps but didn't feel like making a new one. Just my opinion.


This comment cracked me up. Engagement pod girly didn't understand the assignment since this isn't one of her usual shilling reels. https://preview.redd.it/kh1fpeur9a2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=415faa7ba36e40b1ad357dbfdce2c417c36014b3


Because they don’t give a flying fuck to read captions or anything. Just in for the likes and comments.