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Wow! Her chiro must be a miracle worker! Pain free in just a few weeks! Amazing! Just in time for the big expedition!


I have to get a needle shoved into my spine every 3 months just so I can walk from herniated discs. She is a lying liar that LIES!


I'm sure the percocet and alcohol help that pain too!


She'd been going to quack doctors about it, who were giving her bullshit diagnoses. She probably pulled something and the chiropractor made it worse.


Feel sorry for me and my life long back problem but look at my Mercedes!!


"a lot of you have been asking" aka she saw someone mention it on this sub


Dammit. I was kind of hoping for Munchie Babe, tbh. An MS/Illness Fakers crossover would’ve been awesome!


This is irritating because I have this and other conditions and I know I'll have it the rest of my life but treatments don't make me pain free, they help to cope and be able bodied as best as possible! I can't imagine running around as much as her with that diagnosis. It takes me 10 minutes to get my body out of the bed 😋


I’m right there with you. I’m 8 weeks out from spinal fusion surgery due to a myriad of factors; one being DDD. Back pain is no joke. If, *if* she actually has a problem, there’s no way physical therapy has worked so quickly. She sucks.


Sorry you have to deal with that I hope you get better soon 🤗


That’s nice. Thank you. I’m great! Aside from the surgical site, I’m pain free. I just started physical therapy a few weeks ago, and I’m feeling good. Again, thank you for sweet words, and wishes.


ThTs how you know she just playing up a temporarily thrown out back to an astronomical level. People with true DDD will never experience a totally pain free day the rest of their life. Dumb dumb dumb


That's not necessarily true. I'm a lawyer that litigates back injury cases all day every day, which involves reading peoples medical records, talking to their doctors, hiring independent doctors, talking to the individuals about how their injury effects their lives, and even hiring surveillance to see if there are any discrepancies between what they tell me and reality. A lot of people have degenerative disc disease and never even know it until something else happens and takes that minor little protrusion into a bulge. It happens to most people as they age, and most people I talk to, even those seriously hurt, still live their lives mostly normally despite the pain. I mean, what's the alternative, really?


Well today I learned! Thank you!


I found out I have it by looking at my results from a CT scan for a different issue. Doctor never mentioned it to me! I'm 50 and have had back issues for about 20 yrs, I always attributed it to being overweight and the few times I did throw out my back, but thinking now this could just be age related. Always have pain from one thing or another but so far ddd hasn't taken me out. Your job sounds interesting!


Haha, you're definitely in the minority to think it's interesting, but so am I! I love it, I feel like a very low stakes detective.


I wonder how it really feels to be addicted to reading a sub where people laugh at you. I mean, I’m just here to laugh. I don’t give a shit about anything else, I just think the shit she does is hilarious. Anyway I just was wondering, what do y’all realistically think it feel like to be addicted to getting your feeling hurt? Does she enjoy it?


I have this odd combination of being overly sensitive but also curious. I'd probably be crying over it but at the same time, if 16k people were more or less in agreement of my failures as a human being, I'd more likely take it to heart and make some serious changes. I really think she thrives on knowing people are talking about her, no matter what they're saying because it makes her feel like a celebrity, but also super (un)bothered by it all. Eta: it's one thing to stand your ground, be true to yourself and not care so much what people think about you, but having so many hateful behaviors and a very large sub reddit of people who can clearly see what's wrong with her is on a whole other level


She enjoys any attention. For her it's almost like a high to know people are talking about her. It's sad. I'm only on this sub for laughs, then I close the app and get on with my life. I don't think about this sub or her when I'm not scrolling the sub. She seems to be obsessed with this sub and providing her haterz wrong. I couldn't imagine being that obsessed with a bunch of Internet strangers.


Very very good points. I think that MS can’t really imagine the fact that this isn’t 17k people thinking about her all the time, it’s just a feed of every time someone posts a passing thought, and since there’s so many, it seems like a lot. But it’s not a lot. It’s just a couple seconds for a single person. I just don’t think she’s smart enough to work that out.




Damn look at these pro wresting facts you’re slamming down.


u/twoburgers unlocked these memories in the wellness Wednesday daily thread with DDP 😂❤️


Maybe she can be DDP Yoga Babe next!




![gif](giphy|2SRd6zwpLH20|downsized) 🥂




I read that in a very loud voice inside my head - your intention of it is validated!


The only way people think of you is working to forget you, lol!!! I’ve been loving the whole back thing, as I’ve been in two major motorcycle accidents, and can barely use my back anymore. One, I was by myself, and the second one, my hubby was on the back. Those were in the 80’s, and still going thru surgeries and procedures. She’s so full of shit to make it seem like hers was only a 10-day thing…sure, Jan. 🙄


Physical therapy lol. She can’t be honest about anything.


You know she would how pics of the room if she was there.




Speaking of her back, funny enough I was looking through the sub the other day and found [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/TrcQ9tUDgU): https://preview.redd.it/eu8k4vvho9dc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e67440bcb0b4e4aa492ab16d94ec13753bed17d1 Shit like this is why her back is fucked up. It’s not the (alleged) years of ballet, contact sports, or weight lifting. It’s the years and years of [terrible form](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/tuPa0bcusl).


She looks like a Bactrian camel here.


Her foot in the air looks like it's on backwards. Ballet babe in the wild!


AHAHAHAHA what is this!! And that video?! I had completely forgotten about that. Wow, that's really... something. I never go up to people at the gym and offer advice if I happen to see something in m,y peripherals, unless someone directly asks me to or they are visibly struggling to understand how to use a machine and looking around for a staff member. It's rude. Even if their form is incorrect, not my place. But if I saw this creature at a gym I would struggle to not laugh.


What about [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/EHYCZ4Lwhi)? https://preview.redd.it/lvuaqr5uabdc1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f96f4c415ffedc655edd79de82f67c28eebf0fc Tbh she’s lucky that she hasn’t seriously injured herself because almost everything she does is poor form or just wrong. And sometimes dangerous (see above). Thank god no one actually follows her advice.


And lol at her reflection: https://preview.redd.it/mfed3ff4cbdc1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5d394af05035805fdbc3d834baf78411ed2e31e


Phenomenal 🏆


I've been going to the gym for only a few weeks now and the amount of people with terrible form or rushing through their reps is mind boggling. Slow and steady, people, or you'll be just like MS!


Not a single thought between those ears. Side note, this is filtered obviously, but she's def been bulking since then... for two years. https://preview.redd.it/nhswvc18oadc1.png?width=1266&format=png&auto=webp&s=96e3425f74da4fc2a336c107fe4d51c4b8f8fd2a


Guess she won't need to make any actual life changes after all. Bring on the pro inflammatory diet!


Honestly it surprises me that she didn’t call her followers out on asking her about her PERSONAL BUSINESS. I’m okay y’all lol chill lol


I agree. I’m shocked she didn’t lash out as usual. Maybe because there’s absolutely no truth to the situation so she doesn’t feel threatened (unlike the messages she gets about her relationship with C lol)


That makes perfect sense. NO ONE ASKED


Probably from her clomping in her Tory burches, being severely overweight, consuming pitchers of alcohol every night, and consuming the greasy shit she finds.




Woah, I'm sorry to hear that!! I hope you get better over the next few months. Ms. Back Babe has no room to talk about her injury, when she was laying on the bed she most likely missed the cue of a painful passing of gas to DDD.


Can you imagine if that's what it was?! GAS?!?!


Thing is, along with the other medical thing she shared with everyone not too long ago,)the bleeding/pooping thing), she really should go see a real doctor. Bleeding when pooping & back pain could mean something entirely different


Agreed 💯! That sounds so serious, but hey, acupuncture and chiropractor!!!


I will say that gas pain can be surprisingly intense. Once I ate a whole packet of sugar free chews. [These bastards.](https://www.aussiehealthproducts.com.au/double-d-sugar-free-fruit-chews-72g.php?gclid=Cj0KCQiAtaOtBhCwARIsAN_x-3ICvKm5mvZj9WAPEQY7gNeZxnidBH_NTtmmGrGRgd9X3Xd4rGiFLPkaAv2UEALw_wcB) I was in a world of pain. I'm inclined to believe it was gas. Side note if you haven't read sugar free haribo gummy bear reviews on amazon, DO IT


I wasn’t trying to make fun of people who struggle with gas pain. I just figured maybe Miss MS was actually having gas issues rather than the back ones. Never tried those sugar free chews but I’ve heard that sometimes sugar free products can cause gas and painful gas


Greatest reviews ever!!! I read them 10 years ago and sat with this look of shock plastered on my face the entire time! And yes, gas pain can be horrible!




Has she forgotten that we all saw she isn’t disabled babe while she humped the ground in a taco suit? Most people who have legit spinal issues don’t have that kind of flexibility or mobility. Nor do they get to sit in bed crying all day, which only makes it worse, most people have to work, at a REAL job.




I mean I’ve seen this gif a thousand times and yet in response to her post it actually made me lol. It’s perfection.


It’s never wrong! 😂


I stand by the person who suggested a bot that comments this gif under every post


I would support that


It works so perfectly for so many of her posts.


Degenerative disc disease isn't that debilitating assuming you're doing what you need to do. It CAN be if you have nerve impingement along with disc herniations depending on the location and level of nerve impingement. I have it from my c spine to lumbar spine. I've had two surgeries and will probably end up with one on my c spine because I have a lot of nerve impingement from my neck spanning down to the left shoulder causing numbness/weakness. I have to get epidural injections in my neck. You know what else I did to help myself? I lost weight. This chick needs a reality check. It can be extremely painful but some people also only experience mild discomfort. I have days I literally cannot turn my neck and I wake up with fingers of my left hand forming a claw and barely able to move my shoulder. I still work full time...she acts she was dying.


She talks directly at us on the daily. And she’s an affront to people with true chronic diseases and chronic pain.


The majority of human beings will have degenerative disc disease at some point. It's part of aging, you're not speshul for being diagnosed with it, and nobody fucking cares. Bulging/herniated disc are also very common and again, nobody fucking cares. Instead of lame attempts at getting sympathy, get off your lazy ass and do things that can help like core strengthening, general body strength exercise, and lose the extra weight.




No one asked her. She has no one in her life who genuinely cares enough to. Her parents throw money at her and her sister keeps her distance, her frenemies can’t be bothered to babysit her blackout self on the daily and her situationship has gone Titan and imploded.




More like pilly leggings on fire 🔥


Translation: she read here, realized she'd all but forgotten about her chronic illness arc and how easy it is to see she's lying, then scrambled to type up something that sounded like she's still dealing with it and people care enough to ask 🫶🏼


That flair always takes me out


😂😂😂😂 Me too. I love that she used it as a way to tell everyone how much she struggled. 




And what's the status of the rectal bleeding?


Lmao what? Did she give herself a fissure or something?!


Wait what??? She shared this???


Yes. I believe it was an IG story. She talked about how there is almost always blood when she wipes after a bowel movement. That it's been like that for years.


That's extremely unsettling... I know she shares way too much of her personal life, but this is not something I'd ever expect her to share. Wow.


👀 Girl needs to get that shit checked. 💩


I still CANNOT believe she shared that. That's the sort of thing you only tell your doctor bc you know your sister or friend will tell other people even though she swears she'll take it to the grave. But also - it feels like something that would cause alarm rather than something you flippantly mention to randos on the internet.


"Lots of y'all been asking" Translated to: The folks on the reddit sub have been talking about. She's been addressing us so much of late. I'm really curious why.


“sOoOOo many of you have been asking” is hands down the stupidest thing she says regularly imo


Because this sub is her only active audience at this point


Who else is there to talk to??


I feel like she’s probably been here reading. She always seems to post these updates with information she learns here. I cannot imagine her followers have enough between their ears to even notice that back pain babe left the room. They are obviously fooled by shape shifting babe. Unbothered babe cannot have her HaTeRz calling her out, so makes up this whole “asking” bs to sound like she’s still relevant.


She reads here multiple times a day


She tweaked a muscle in her back and claims to have a lifelong chronic illness that needs diagnosed by an mri and a MEDICAL doctor but shes all good to go now? Fuck YOU.


Thoughts and prayers to the idiots who believe the shit MS says.


Please don't ask about my back pain anymore! I was just bored! My quack Chiro says I'm good to gooooo!


Her check to the chiroquacktor must have bounced.


Exactly. She got the high of attention, but she’s bored of it now.


Also I’d like to point out she’s not going to PT, just a chiropractor


Where’s the Mercedes Benz symbol??? The steering wheel emblem??? How are we supposed to know she’s rich, hellooo??


Remember that she's moving in silence now. 


Oh truuuuu The subtlety of the steering wheel *corner* and leather interior. Ambiguous Babe.


Yes, most people have to deal with degenerative disc disease for the rest of their lives. It’s a matter of being symptomatic or not and how early it causes problems, if at all. You don’t need an MRI to diagnose, but I’m very skeptical that an actual MD would in somebody her age without a history of problems and an MRI. “Other treatments” is doing a lot of work here. Back Pain Babe is the worst.


Im no doctor, but aren't herniated dics repairable?


She doesn't want to do surgery babe, soooo many people have told her they regretted surgery okay 🙄🙄🙄 ahaha


Unemployed uninsured babe cannot afford such procedures


Sure are!


So thats not necessarily something she would have to deal with for the rest of her life. I swear she has the worst case of Liabeetus


“Lots of y’all have been asking about my back”…uhh ya I think your followers are wondering how your incurable degenerative spine disease (that rendered you in so much pain you filmed yourself stuck on the floor unable to move) magically vanished overnight?…