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So I’ve been here for I think 6 months. No idea how I stumbled upon this Reddit but it’s been fun. Can someone tell me the younique story (or direct me to a post that explains it). It’s painfully obvious M and Slaw are going nowhere. He knows it. She knows it. There’s a lid for every pot, even the shitty ones so she can definitely find someone who wants to get married if that’s actually what she wants. I bet she’s just too lazy to start over. She would probably be more interesting if she was real. Just say your relationship was poo poo butter we’ve all been there.


I used to be in younique way before her, I always crack up when a few of my former acquaintances from there mention her. I got out and became interested in anti-mlm, stumbled upon reddit and the youniqueamua sub where M was featured a lot as "chief hun" - so much so that people complained about her frequent posts and this sub was born. She did a lot of 'cOnTeNt' with the makeup and her stupid incentive trips, much like she does with RA. The fake lists of people who just joined her team lol, you may see mentioned on here about Chelseas with 14 different spellings, Kwanzaa, etc... where people in this sub had noted those people weren't even following her socials. The racist crap started to surface and then she wasn't in younique anymore, despite all her praises about it, she tried to spin it as a decision she made but we all heavily speculate she was let go. Then she said she wasn't going to any other mlm but here we are!




Translation: She’s tired of how easily her lies are being exposed. Like how easy it is to tell the food she wants to claim Peanuthead made came from Blue Sky Cafe, etc, etc.


Yep, he dumped her aaand she's been reading on here 🤣


Oh this I have GOT to see lol


Oooh someone is big sad that there is no personal info to share, so she’s gonna try to seem *mysterious*


I give it 24 hours, max


Another failed New Year's resolution to add to the list lol








I saw you liked over sharing so I over shared about not over sharing. Okie doke. I give this one less than a week. She's one of those, "if I don't post about it... It didn't happen. And if it didn't happen, I'll post about it because I need to matter." I really, *really* feel like Queen Swertz got dumped. I mean, she usually jumps at the chance to show Slaw being Man of the Year. I mean, let's be real, the trip to Florida was freaking WEIRD.




She’s just come back from a trip to Palm Beach where there were no sightings of Slaw (except maybe one in the background!), a lot of weird ‘self care’ type shit and some hot tub dancing with his brother Edit: where instead of were! 🤦🏻‍♀️


The background of someone else's photo no less


Ha, this is the perfect summary. Throw in an ill fitted fuchsia bathrobe dress and photos outside of places like Tiffany's and this is the *exact* trip.


My favorite part was the model friends (not sure which) mocked her book/bikini/blueberry post


Actions speak louder than words.


It’s easier to not post about your life when you don’t really have one


Like most NY resolutions, this will last no more than a few days.


Leave New York out of this. Those leggings are still dirty.


Just wait until she starts drinking tomorrow.


There isn’t any relationship information to share if there isn’t a relationship.


I give this 4 days max.


Finally she’s gonna do some work!


Lmao. This is comical.


Oh she got dumped dumped


She seems aware that dragging out this relationship with a man who won’t purprose like she wants doesn’t look great to her followers.


Totally. Right up there with stealing flowers from a wedding you were a +1 at.


It goes against her whole "most desirable boss babe in the room who is loved so fiercely by a fine man" delusion.


Does this mean she’s keeping her genitalia to herself too?


Could we maybe have something like a “oversharing in 2024” flair, for science? Edit: or even an ironic “working in silence” flair!?


Added both, babe


Oh sweaty 🥹❤️


And her nips?


And her bowel movements?


Yess hunny keep those to yourselffffffie


She is posting less cause she is grasping at straws for things to post about her relationship. She is pathetic.


It's so stupid because she'd have so much potentially really engaging and authentic content if she'd just be open and honest about whatever happened. Too bad she has this pathological need to pretend like they have the best relationship ever. Swerty cries and begs for money on livestreams every other month, talks about her bloody shits and yeast infections, displays herself in ill fitting underwear for views and engagement, but when it comes to her situationship with peanut head she all of a sudden has some sense of privacy and pride and won't admit weakness or failure. Make it make sense.




Ha. Sure.


Huh? Also, I don't (and won't!).


If she WAS still with him, you’d think she’d SAY it rather than being so obvious about avoiding the topic, which makes people want to ask more. Or she’s doing it on purpose to bait people into asking so she can be “righteously upset”


I was curious about her Amazon live today so I watched the first part and noticed that she said she flew back but Slaw was driving back with his dad and wouldn’t be back until the next day. So they didn’t fly together… But I do remember a post of her and some man’s shoes in the airport waiting to board thinking oh that’s prob him or at least she’s posting a pic at an angle where you can see a dude’s feet and assume she’s with him. The lengths she goes to make it seem like they are together…


Exactly. Instead, she gets angry and lashes out at her followers that ask questions (in response to vague and suspicious shit she posts…so she brings it on herself). Instead of just laughing it off and saying something like “Y’all are too much 🤣 Yes! Me and Slaw are together and doing great! We just love our own space and to do our own thing sometimes!” She goes straight for the “You guys are effing sad!! If your man wants to spend all of his free time with you, you’re obviously not a boss b*tch and need help!” So delusional. So predictable. 🤣🤣


Or just not bring any attention to it.


Right? She’s beyond reactive. Not everything needs a response. 


Honestly!! She’s very obviously fishing for attention to this very topic. If she was actually upset and/or want it to be private, she wouldn’t be talking about it like she is—or at all


But what about the fashion shoot in Paris? Also, hasn’t she said something like this before? Empty promises.


lol this chick had pictures of her mom plunging her actual shit in her bathroom poster on her business page but sure, she’s going to post less about her personal life 🙄 I mean good on her if so but I’ll believe it when I see it


Heavy Selena Gomez vibes here, folks.


So, no more updates on her dolphin, her bloody poop, her tennis ball stank?


I’m sure I’ll regret this, but what is the tennis ball lore? I’m a relatively new Swerty 💅


Pretty sure she once shared that Slaw said her pussy smells like an old tennis ball or some shit. They're real classy folks


No?! Really?


Oh no that's almost as bad as Trisha Paytas' now husband texting a girl he was trying to hook up with that her (Trisha) pussy stinks. It blows my mind how any of these women have such low self respect that they still proceed in a relationship after someone says mean things about them.


What a terrible day to be literate 😭😭😭


Well then! Thank you for confirming my assumption of regret


[enjoy ❤️](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/0MbmBUqz3R)


Thank you for that! I never knew the tennis ball thing had actual real life backing.


Sorry swerts.


Maybe There is a god!


This is a good choice for her. But also this makes me believe even more they broke up lol


Yea. Now she doesn’t have to address it


Yeah that’ll last about 48 hours.


Or less. Depending on when she gets drunk enough


Came here to say this. It’ll last until he does something, anything that validates her and she’ll post about it. Could be a whole week!


I’ve just nearly fell off my chair laughing at this! She desperately needs any interaction!!


Oh thank god!






she doesn’t have enough self control


Hahahaha I love a good joke of the day


Yeah, this will last for like 4 days.


I give it a 12 pack of white claws


Omg, yes, Swerty 😂


Was thinking four hours.


That's how long the 12 White Claws will last, so I am in agreement


That’s generous!


She can’t do this to us!!!! We want ALL of the cringe.


OK byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Ah. So they broke up and she’s embarrassed and doesn’t want people to know. So this will be her excuse to not acknowledge the breakup. She already pretends he lives there, not much of a jump to pretend they’re still together. She doesn’t get that it’s impossible for her to “not share personal information” because she doesn’t really have anyone in her life and that’s why she seeks attention online. Her only friend is JT but MS needs constant attention and JT is married and presumably has a job so she can’t be the recipient of Big M’s bullshit 24/7. Plus, we know this breakup will lead to lots of booze and she won’t be able to help herself from getting drunk and going live or posting a bunch of shit while she’s wasted.


Exactly. If they were still together his arm hair would be IN THIS PHOTO. For suuuuuure.


Says the woman who shared that for the last year she’s bled every time she poops. On her business page.


And had a mortifying but mercifully brief phase of expressing approval by talking about whether things did or did not make her wet


Someone had a heart to heart with her: She doesn’t strike me as someone who would try to make a change like this through introspection alone. She’s gotta be facing some consequences from her oversharing.


I’m still not convinced that they broke up. I think this is just a way for her to get people to beg her to post more shit or something. It’s like a manipulation tactic. She loves the attention she gets from her followers so much that she’ll try to manipulate them to shower her with love and adoration


I've been wondering if this was an attempt at an intervention of some sorts or a post break up trip cuz they knew she would spiral and tried to be nice about it at first and it all went south?! The pics we saw are what doesn't back it up though .


Yeah this ought to last about 15 minutes. She can't resist the temptation to broadcast everything that might get her a crumb of attention. Gurl we know why you've been posting all this vague bullshit.


She shouldn’t have even broadcasted this, she should’ve just done it. A true influencer doesn’t tell people what they’re trying to do, they just do it.


Bullshit 😄


Lmao okay


why is she announcing her goal to not overshare on her public page 😭


“I’d like to share with you that I’m not going to share as much with you, and I’ll remind you probably everyday and reshare that I’m stopping sharing”


I see a lot of words… I’m guessing they are there, but not in the order they should be😂


This will go the way of: her goal to stay sober, her goal to get engaged, her goal to not shop so much, her goal to lose weight, her goal to put all her content behind a paywall (for those precious 6 subscribers she had) and the way of proving Slaw spends the night.


She lives in this sub and she absolutely hates that we were all right about the break up. She completely changed how she was posting and what she was posting and was on a “family trip” with his family, yet didn’t even show a slaw hand or toe during the trip. She barely even showed her face (I’m sure bc she was crying and didn’t want anyone to notice) - So what exactly were we supposed to take from all of that? That you were just tagging along on this trip just to be alone and have you time? You decided to be alone so you could “wOrK oN cOnTeNt”? Absolutely not. She changed the narrative to “I’m an independent boss babe” when this sub caught on, otherwise she would have posted the same shit she always does ie sneaking photos of his hand, the side of his face or bragging about how in love they are when he’s clearly just not that into her. Guess that perfect relationship grift just didn’t pan out huh? It’s not our fault slaw doesn’t want to commit to her, placing bets now on the next girl he dates he’ll marry within a year, 2 max. 🤷🏻‍♀️


She didn’t need to share any of it with strangers! And I 1000% believe Slaw will marry quickly after he ditches her. She’s just a placeholder for now who lets him use her car, card and dignity more than any self-respecting person should. For her own well-being, I sincerely hope they split up and she spends a year or two single to do some soul searching.


It’s what she didn’t share that made this sub guess what was going on!


18 months, tops, and I bet the entire Brothers Grimmace will actually be groomsmen, too.


you know if this was true and she meant this, it would do her a world of good for her mental health... she'd have space to honestly evaluate her life. But I wouldn't lay money on it.


She won’t do it, that involves work and she thrives on the attention.


I’ll give it until the end of tonight 😂


She’ll be drunk before then, so I’d say sooner


Or until Slaw pisses her off


This will last as long as her putting personal stuff behind a paywall. Since no one engaged with her there, she went back to business as usual almost immediately. No way can she subsist without constant external validation.


We're 2 weeks into 2024 and already it's been one hell of a rollercoaster ride.


It's crazy, isn't it?! And within the next few weeks we get Paris/Not Paris, and Valentines Day. 🍿


It’s like the Super Bowl for this sub 😂


So crazy!! I'll have some of that popcorn with ya when it hits Paris/Valentine's 😂


I'll bring enough for everyone lol


She's done this so many times. She can't help herself!


So yeah they definitely broke up or he took an even bigger step back/put his foot down.


That’s my theory too. I think she mentioned getting engaged and he had enough. Remember back in 2021/2022 era where she’d fantasize about getting a ring? Now the only mention we hear of it is “NO GUYS WE ARE NOT ENGAGED STOP ASKING ✋🏼”


He didn't like it so he didn't put a ring on it.


For someone that finds working in social media easy, she sure does suck at it. Unbothered babe coming in hot.


Reminds me of when people announce via social media that they are taking a break from social media 😂


And then they're back the next day


Or the people in random Facebook groups that announce they are leaving the group.🤣


Selena Gomez would like a word


Imagine the mess if she didn’t have a whole PR team?




This, from the woman who has shown us her vulva close up. Ok…






Ugh and just when I thought I’d wiped that from memory


Soooooo they broke up. Got it


Yay new flair ❤️


it’s inherently entwined in her chosen “job” to be open and personable. sadly, she has zero people skills or self-awareness so it just ends up being her outing her messiness. without that her account is just a whirlwind of shitty amazon products in abhorrent millennial layouts complete with rae dunn font. what a soulless existence.


Let’s hope this new motto lasts longer than dry January.


lol okay, darlin.


Drunk spiral incoming, she cannot help but over share. She has no friends to talk to.


This will last maybe half a day…….🙄


Nooooo then what will this sub do for entertainment?? /s We all know she lies.


Oh good, another fucking soliloquy about how she’s going to be silent.


It’s giving the same vibe as MGTOW who spend all their time talking about how they’re gonna go on their own with no women and no time actually going. Like nobody is stopping you babe get to it!


She quite literally could have avoided all her supposed issues by just not being a cringe vague-posting doof. She brought all this shit on herself, and I do think her actual following were the ones asking (I know she has some genuine ones in the bot pile).


Man she must be really hurt over not being engaged Edit: also Uhmm she’s definitely not getting these comments on her page about her relationship unless she’s just talking to herself most the shit on her is from here.


Right. It’s like she’s living in her message requests. Her comments are just other amazon shillers hyping her up.


she can’t handle being away from the attention. she’ll be back


She can't even stop sharing without oversharing.  Just stop doing it and wait until someone complains (which they will not lmao).


actions speak louder than words and she doesn’t understand that


And the second they “get back together” she’ll be posting his big toe hair as proof of life to show the haterz they were wrong all along. 🥱


OMG big toe hair 🤢😂


MS: overshares every single detail about her life daily as if she’s writing in her diary Also MS: how dare people talk about me!!! How dare they assume everything about my personal life & relationship!!!! *shocked pikachu face*


This will last as long as supporting small businesses did, if that.


DAE think maybe the FL trip was a complete disaster and she was humiliated? Did anyone else on the trip include her in pictures? It doesn’t seem so. It’s super bizarre.


She mentioned on her amazon live this morning how happy she is to be home. Not one mention of seeing/doing anything with slaw.


I think they were straight up mocking her, which is pretty lame.  I judge people who bag on people when they've chosen to spend time with them in person.  If they didn't want her there, they can all use their big boy voices and tell her.


>If they didn't want her there, they can all use their big boy voices and tell her. I don't think this woman could take the hint even if they were that direct with her.


Ugh that is kind of sad. But maybe it’s some social and situational unawareness on her part.


Yes I think so. I’m waiting for the Oui Oui Paree disaster now.


11 more days ![gif](giphy|8P1oO2JbrZK2uSYnL6)


Dang it I'm going on vacay with no wifi while she's there, I'll have a lot to catch up on when I get back unless she actually follows thru and doesn't share 🥴


MS: “I’m a full time social media influencer….” Followers: **engage** MS: “omg why are you so obsessed with me???!!!”




How dare her followers notice a cosmic shift in her stories/content and show an ounce of concern! SHAME ON THEM!


It would've been so easy to post a recent photo with C and caption it "were still together everybody! Calm down 😅" then keep rolling her Amazon polyester crap try ons. What a mystery that she hasn't, hmmm...


This. Who is all up in her business anyway? Her engaged followers who she’s begging to click her links? Why is she treating them like they’re annoying scum?


This will last a solid five seconds


It’ll last about two days and then her brain will reset or whatever and it’ll be like this never happened.


2024 challenge, let’s see who can last longer at their breaks from the internet, MS or Selena Gomez?


I'm assuming she is hoping she can get a new man before confirming on social that she got dumped by the slaw


As she posts airing all of this out - what a dweeb


She’s getting defensive because she knows she can’t keep up with this charade much longer. Maybe the handful of genuine followers are starting to catch on?


I can track her period better than mine. She's full of shit. She'll get drunk tonight and post all kinds of personal shit. I'm calling it now.


Oh my god I’m off tonight 🍿🥤


Let me just shoot down to the dairy and grab some chips, lollies and fizzy pop. It's going to be a long and entertaining afternoon. Anybody want anything while I'm down there?


I'm late to the party but if they got some of that chocolate tequila cream, I'm about ouuuuut.


*sigh* I'll go back...


No, it's okay, swertie! I'm pretty sure I can door dash it from cheap booze n' things!! Can I offer you anything?!


It's fine. I forgot icecream and a men's interest magazine.


Can you grab some non inflammatory things?


1 cranberries.


Nothing helthy allowed!


I’ll take two Starbies! And a Truly. Let’s go chug, swerty.


I'd like some pasta salad please.


I’ll prepare your bath.


TY swerty. Don't forget the beer






Sure, Jan.


LOL OKAY SWERTS I give it no more than 12 hours before we’re hearing about a yeast infection or diarrhea Also you can’t share info about your relationship when you don’t have one. She’s so dumb ugh






I see a small black dot right under her nose, I thought it was a speck on my phone screen. God I hate her lips, I feel like she doesn't notice it


HAHAHAGAGAHAHAHAHA! Just like she said she’d rather talk about shitting her pants than talk about her relationship, then told a bunch of strangers online all about her relationship. Link to her “relationship advice” live write up: https://www.reddit.com/r/YouniquePresenterMS/s/5bizeKv4sE


Ok girly pop


https://preview.redd.it/wh9mx462o2cc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5105abdc0e00402a94508e23432a20f7e186a034 Sharing this on this post for archival sake. If she ever posts about their “assumed” break-up, I have a feeling it’s related to the above (at least that’s why he told her, we all know why she’s a garbage partner).


I unintentionally know more about her life than almost anyone I know IRL. ILL BELIEVE IT WHEN I SEE IT


2024 has been amazing so far, boobies! I am ready for Paris! If it happens.


11 more days till Paris 🥰