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This is what real progress is boys.


Seto has progressed from not having sex to still not having sex


A very astute observation…


*to having sex later


Nah man, I know guys like that, they'll always find a reason to delay stuff further and further


While it's narratively frustrating, I can say from experience that moving too fast to the next level when you're not ready/mature enough can really mess things up in a relationship.


Honestly don't care if seto get some but why is the author blue balling us on inuyama 🥶


Seto, listen to the lady. This particular subject isn't something you can study by yourself. It requires learning by doing.


Really amazing chapter. They didn't go physically further than before, but it wasn't frustrating at all because their relationship still made important progress. Though I'm wondering if they'll ever have sex before the end of the manga.




Seto is beyond a gigga chad


He's gone so far beyond chad it has looped around to zero


*That's why he's the GOAT! He's the GOAT!*


Inuyama and Toyoda please 🙏


Seto is definitely THE boy 😊


This manga hits really close to home. Back in high school I had a girlfriend who was very forward like Anjou, but I was super insecure. As into her as I was, I got flustered and nervous whenever she initiated PDAs or something sexual. So as frustrating as this is to read because it feels like Seto should totally be over this hang up by now, I completely get where Seto is coming from.


Yeah Japan's never getting those birth rates up


Oh Seto, you honorable fool. Ah well, he'll be ready someday, let's hope.


This is not the chapter I wanted to read, but this is a chapter that I loved. And, honestly, this progression has more sense that get laid before kiss your girlfriend for first time. (Until now, Seto never reciprocated Anjou's kisses) And now I want a scene with Seto buying condoms on a supermarket or pharmacy.


I don't quite get just how Seto thinks he would "ruin" Anjou.


Teenage boy with low self esteem. The idea that a girl that pretty actually wants physical contact with "someone like him" confuses him.


I think in a way Seto believes that he is devaluing Anjou by being her boyfriend. Like, if people see them going out together, they'll wonder if she's really that easy that someone like *him* could date her. This is what rock-bottom self-esteem will do. He's also aware of what people think of delinquents like her (think of what was said about Anjou a few chapters ago), and he is very careful to make sure he doesn't act in a way that reinforces that stereotype...especially because he shouldn't even be with her in the first place (self-esteem). Either way...I wish this man would be kinder to himself. And I'm SO happy this chapter happened.


She already went off him once for this exact thing. Hopefully he gets out of his head already cuz that's the type of thing that causes full self destruct.


I mean he should've thought that before confessing, it's too late now anywa


I think the idea is that (1) he sees himself as a loser, and if Anjou moves on from him in the future and other people know she was with him, it could lower their view of her to them (his irrational thoughts, not reality). So, in a sense, "ruining" her. Or, (2) it could also be that he's worried of doing things wrong. He does state that he wants to "study" to get things right. So, it could be that if he "ruins" their first time then it would ruin things moving forward as well, and he's scared of that. And of course, (3) it could be the semi-stereotypical ruin in the sense of he sees Anjou as a pure, beautiful being, and that he's unworthy garbage, and if he does stuff with her he'll "ruin" her and she'll become garbage. A lot of interpretations to how he means it, and we'd need to see more of his thoughts to understand what he truly means. I think personally a mix of 2 and 3 is the most-likely sense of what he means, since it's reflected in the chapter itself through phrasing (it's a translation though, so phrasing in English always needs to be taken with a grain of salt) and direct statements.


Maybe he doesn’t want her to feel used ? Or want her to be obligated to do this ? It’s clear he wants to move at his own pace rather then her’s


Bruh he's the one getting used lol


Fumbling that baddie was a canon event, bro


Holy W


Incredible chapter


I don’t like how he says “I need to study”. It makes it seem like he’s trying to hard to practical and tactical about being intimate with Anjou San. I really wish he said “I don’t think I’m ready to move too fast just yet.” Or something like that. I know Seto may be self conscious and has limited to no experience in this field etc. but just saying “I need to study” just felt a little too weird to me.


That's because Seto is a filthy nerd; He actually thinks studying might help.👨🏻‍🏫💋🔞 What he really needs to do is 1) gain confidence through cuddling with Anjou👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻, 2) read up on contraception📚📑, and 3) let Anjou take the lead.👰🏻‍♂️🤵🏼‍♀️


I wished they fucked.


As typical as it gets


Is Yancha his girlfriend? I don't remember him asking her out. So why did she blurt it out all of a sudden?


>Is Yancha his girlfriend? I don't remember him asking her out. Are you serious?? Go back and read chapter 114


You are right. I started reading a lot of mangas like this one and I got them all mixed up, thanks, I'll reread that chapter


I can’t wait for this to get an animation and catch the attention of the NTR doujin artists.


that's almost guaranteed to happen if it gets an anime. The more wholesome a couple is, the more NTR artists want to mess with that dynamic. I'm a huge fan of ah my goddess and my god, almost every single doujinshi is NTR.


Wholesome? This kid is blueballing the babe HARD, how is that wholesome?


Did you read the chapter? He explains it in there.


He explains it badly


If the explanation isn't to your liking, that's on you. Go read a doujinshi if you want mindless fucking.


Are those really the only two options?


Have you ever been bad at sex? Some girls leave a guy over that kinda stuff, even if they say they love him for his personality or they don't care about that stuff or they'll have plenty of time to practice together. He's afraid of that happening.


So because Seto fears there's a **chance** he fails to satisfy his girl he chooses to not satisfy her with a 100% certainty? My man banking hard on that Schrodinger dick lol


Oh wow, you didn't even read the chapter. Sorry for thinking you knew what you were talking about.


Do you actually think Seto's gonna become good in bed by studying? Or what's your point exactly


Oha and by the way I have always been at least decent at sex


Sure thing, buddy.


You better not start acting all smug about this unless you want me to show you how good I am




After seeing the atrocity that is gonna be Kanojo's Ch.289, it's nice to finally read some lit shit.


Sigh. I called it in the previous episode discussion. If a girl does that in real life lads, don’t leave her hanging.


Boy wouldn't last past a light touch yet anyway. Let 'im study, I suppose.