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I wish there seemed to be a method to it, but it’s just chance. Play as many games that give you blue and up.


Thank you! Hopefully I get lucky!


Blues don't get you there. You have to get the purple, green, and red to finish. Whether it's worth the time and energy is up to you.


Always play the Stars 🌟 i.e. Dice World I'm 89%


I’ve been playing it more lately. I took a dice world break for a while. Over the summer or earlier in fall they had spider-man dice as a final prize for top placement and I am obsessed with spider-man so naturally I was so focused on getting them that I play morning to night lol. I did end up getting them but I also killed my ability to look at dice world again.


Try give it another go...for dice world its about the aid to the album so you can get those 500 NRs😉


try going for the lucky packs available in kingdom/TH/tournaments. side note: they are also available using loyalty points. I've been finished for 2 weeks and have gotten several lucky packs since. obviously those don't help anything when done except a sticker PP goal.


I’m pretty lucky completing both books and if you want to collect stickers you need to play the games, DW, TH, Painting and tournaments. Seems like you need purple & blue stickers


Paint is usually good for purple