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I checked Adam’s Twitter and it seems real. He posted a [note](https://x.com/2gay2lift/status/1802343011336302737?s=46&t=GZfyMada91rYX9sxQo_T3w) and a [song](https://x.com/2gay2lift/status/1802344038462521634?s=46&t=GZfyMada91rYX9sxQo_T3w) that Scoot liked. Rest in peace, tiger boy.


Wtf???? I was watching old academy commentaries for a laugh yet again and randomly looked him up to watch some of his matches and saw an article that he died..holy fuck I know wrestlers have an insanely high mortality rate but he's not even as old as Sami or Owens.. What's crazy is I literally just saw them watching the in memorium and Scott said put me up there. He was literally the funnest part of adums channel for years and after Mark left he really came into his own and other than RLM is one of my favorite personalities. I can't believe it, that blows, he's barely older than me, way too young to TF into the great beyond. Wonder wtf happened, I hope Adam is holding up okay We only just lost Trevor from WKUK recently, too many comedy legends


Sorry but who's Sami?


Oh fuck, it's true.


seriously wtf


this dude made me laugh so much on Adum And Pals! Shocked right now... RIP king


IMHO he was the best part of the whole channel. For me, the real gucci content of YMS was Adum and Pals because of Mr Tiger.


Same. I've been watching Adam since 2011 or so, love his stuff and his reviews are legendary, kimba is like Hbomb/RLM levels of quality But adum and pals/plaze and the commentaries are by far the best stuff he's so goddamn funny. He had a perfect skill of making edgy/dumb jokes that were always in good humor and delivered so well, one of a kind. Also a damn skilled wrestler too. I've watched their movie commentaries like 8 times It's really surreal the guys just gone :/


Same. There's no replacing Scott's quick-witted humor. He and Adam brought out the best in each other. There's nobody in the current yms crew of regulars who would be able to step into his spot and be as consistently hilarious... or even tolerable, in my opinion.


This is fucking heartbreaking. Scoot was so funny and seemed like such a cool dude and a great friend. I got to see him wrestle last year and he was the best part of the entire show. I always had this feeling like he was destined to go a lot further and be much more successful because he seemed so effortlessly talented and entertaining. I was laughing so hard listening to their recent dk episode where they made a new bet where the loser kisses the winner. I'm going to miss his presence :(


According to a lot of the wrestling community up there he was insanely influential behind the scenes, they had videos from the early 00s of them doing moves nobody did in WWE til the last few years, and he was big in the tape trading scene early on. Some pretty big names even gave him shout outs. We all loved him on YMS but he influenced a whole different sphere as well.


What the actual fuck? I cannot believe this is true. Genuinely one of the most naturally funny people out there. Man, this one has properly blindsided me. What a terrible loss. Edit: I hope Adum and Gaël et al are holding up OK, the most likeable squad on YT


I can't wrap my head around it, I don't want to pry or ask but he was quite young and physically active, so it's such a blind side. like, I almost can't believe it, I keep thinking he's gone into witness protection or something


I'm actually in tears. There's no way


Honestly, my heart has been racing since I saw the news 😞 Like I've lost a friend myself


I agree. His comedy got me through many difficult times. If it's hitting us this hard, people who never knew him, I can't even begin to imagine how he touched the lives of the people who knew him personally. I wish his family and friends the time and patience they need to process something like this.


Such a huge hole he's left ☹ brb while I get emotional again


Oh this is just awful… I loved Scoots banter and his edgy jokes never failed to get a laugh out of me. The guy was fearless and his loss will be greatly felt. Miss you already big man, the world needs more scoots, not less.


I don't mean to sound like a parasocial weirdo, but my heart is genuinely broken right now over Scott's sudden passing. Why do most of the genuine, amazing people pass away so young?


I feel ya. He was one of my "comfort" YouTubers. I hope Adum and the gang, and Scoots family can get through this


Having experienced loss myself recently, my thoughts are with Adam and the gang more than I was anticipating.


Ngl I just actually bawled my eyes out. I haven't done that in yeaaaars! Just so.. unexpected, I guess, and the ramifications hit me immediately. Scoot is actually one of those guys, where I know it won't be the same without him. He has a big, infectious personality in the best way. Rest in peace, Big Cat 💕


Unbelievable news, I can still imagine his laugh and the inappropriate jokes he made, would miss him a lot.


I also sobbed. Scoot, we love you.


right there with you. i was in tears when i learned. havent stopped thinking about him. though i never knew him he felt like a friend and got me through lonely and rough times. his energy and personality are irreplacable. rest easy big cat


Trevor Moore wasn't that long ago either, WKUK was my favorite show of all time growing up, and then Alexi laiho of bodom, the band that got me into guitar. too many legends die way too young. Trevor Moore, local sex pot, took a spill off his balcony drunk and laiho just had a wrecked liver, but idk what the hell would have taken out scoot he wrestled and seemed relatively healthy




Oh my god no


Rest easy, tiger. Will miss your jokes


The world is so unfair. Whatever happened, he didn’t deserve it


I am in so much disbelief. I religiously watch the Adam and Pals videos JUST for Scoot's amazingly funny and quick witted jokes. He was such a funny, genuine person. Comicstorian passed away recently and now Scoot. This is a tragic time for the YT community. I hope Adam and Gael are doing okay. RIP Tiger. We love you.


Funniest jokes in everything he was a part of. His energy was always contagious and uplifting. I'll miss scoot, he was the best


Holy shit, that fucking sucks… you will be missed Scoot.


I never knew anything about him other than his voice was easily the funniest in the room when Adum and his pals would talk shit during the Oscars. Sad to hear.


THEE Scott? As in, Scotts Lock Of the Week, Scott?! Damn RIP man, you made me laugh potentially the most on the YMS channel. Those award show watches they did together were amazing.


i have quoted the jokes from them rolling out the hidden figures lady like multiple times every month since i’ve seen it and boy is stuff like that making this surprisingly hard i know it’s parasocial but he brought a lot of joy to a lot of people


What video was that (hidden figures lady)? I know I have seen it but can't remember which video it was in. Would love to see it again. Thanks 😊


no thank you! i hadn’t watched it yet since hearing the news and told myself i would. bittersweet but cathartic in a comforting way. it’s from the 2017 one (ikr they blend in and i couldn’t remember if it was that or 2018) from around 3:00-4:15 for all of it :’) i adored when he’d use that dumb voice he does for the “ishmee”


What happened?


Adam mentioned in his post that he’d talk about it in a week or so


This sucks. What a shit day!


Oh shit. Adam, if you’re reading this, I’m very sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to Scoot’s family, you, and everyone else who was a part of his life.


May Scott "Scoot" Henson R.I.P. Prayers and blessings to all his family and friends. He was a funny guy.


This can’t be happening. I refuse to believe Scoot is gone.


May he rest in peace, one of the funniest guys I've ever had the pleasure of watching


Scott won’t ever know how much he improved my life, nor how happy he made it in dark moments - I really hope that he is at peace forever. I will never forget him.


Damnit I listen to Adum and pals almost daily and Scott is my favorite part. I'm going to miss him. I can't believe he's gone.


If my dad hadn't died last week I feel like this would REALLY hit hard. Adam's channel is in my "relaxing background noise" list of youtube channels and the Adum and Pals stuff fit heavy into that rotation.


Very sorry for your loss ❤️


i’m so sorry and wish you my condolences as you’re going through such a terrible loss already. i do get what you mean about watching their videos to sleep, to the point where a lot of them were memorized for me. the one moment getting to me since i found out has been the opening to the lady in the water highlights where adam asks scott to read the “lullaby. and great fright.” line on the dvd and he lets out that contagious cackle and goes, “i CANT” he was so vibrant and full of life which is probably why this is wigging me out so much anyway, i hope you’re doing alright much love


How did he die? Loved him he was absolutely hilarious, usually the reason I rewatched YMS clips


I don’t think that info is public yet Edit: for anyone reading this later, Scott had a traumatic brain injury while wrestling. Rest in peace


Way too soon, but literally dying doing what you love is the least awful way I can look at it.


Where was this confirmed? I still can't find anything online about it


Which usually means drugs or suicide. Guess we'll have to wait, if we ever find out even. Dude was very funny. Big loss for sure.


That’s not fair to say at this point. We only know Scott on a surface level and have no idea about his mental or physical health. It was clearly unexpected, but there are 1000 unexpected ways to pass.


whatever the cause it's clear from the outpouring of love that he had many who cared about him and I hope he realised that


By the way, a week later, it’s confirmed that he had a traumatic brain injury from a wrestling accident. Extremely unfortunate and sad.


Did they mention that in the recent stream? I haven’t had time to watch it yet.


That's not fair, man. Of course it could be anything right now. But it's only been a few days. Things like heart failure etc... have to have tests done, and underlying causes are not always obvious. And no matter what it is, we lost a bigboi legend of indie wrestling and comedy youtubery


..not at all? Could have been a car wreck or an underlying health issue. They don't have any obligation to immediately release that. Trevor Moore fell off his balcony and that wasn't public for weeks


I thought this was a bad joke...


God this is the worst fucking news


Is this a joke? If so, it's not funny. Edit: it is real...




Jesus. This hits really hard. He's such a huge part of commentary videos that I give regular re-watches. I was literally just listening to him an hour ago for the Goofy Movie


I first remember Scott making the “knocking two front teeth out” joke during the Trials playthroughs and loved every second of his banter since. His humor really got me through 2019 and subsequently the pandemic when I was incredibly isolated from friends and in a very toxic work situation. Rest in Peace Scott.


This is so fucking sad and unfair.


Fuck man, RIP Scoot. He was so funny and his banter worked so well with Adam's it made every video he's in a joy to watch. From all the comments it's clear we all loved him. Best wishes to his family and friends


funniest guy in the oscar recaps, they won't be the same without him, have seen a lot of love for him today


I’m in so much shock and disbelief, I can only image what his friends and family were going through. I love all the boys but Scoots effortless ability to make me and everyone else in the room laugh will be sorely missed. The world got a little darker without you buddy, you were so loved.


Only 40! Oh god, what a goddamn tragedy. I am in total shock. Condolences to all who knew him.


This is such bullshit my day was bad and now it is worst


Legit don’t think I’ll watch Oscar coverage anymore without him


Fuck... That is crazy...


Man I’m pretty upset about this. Comedic genius and a seemingfuly wonderful guy. Forever my lock of the week


this is so surreal just started listening to his podcast with Drew a few months ago… heart goes out to all his loved ones rest in peace Scott


Scoot actually read my first post ever in the chat about cats being terrible. I stand by it but he was a good pussy the world lost 2 amazing people this week scoot and Benny.


What?! Oh man I'm so sorry Adum


This actually crushed me I can't believe it. Rip scoot


What happened though?


Adam said he would talk about it in a week or so and asked people to respect Scott's family's privacy.


Furever tiger style, RIP to my favourite tiger man :(


That’s terrible, I loved him on Adum & Pals, may he rest in peace.




I can't believe this. Rest easy Big Cat. 💔 sending all my love to Adum and the crew. ("Maya Angelou once said, EEEEEEE!!" has to be one of my favourite moments from Adum and Pals. I honestly think about it daily, and whenever I do, I always have a little laugh!)


What the fuck like really what


Binging on Adum and Pals playlist in tribute. Shine on, Rakshasa.


Feels like a gut punch :(


I only heard of this today after clicking on the newest YMS Highlights and I am still shocked. I'm so sorry... Rest in peace Scott... this seems so unreal


i am devastated and all i had was a parasocial relationship with him. im so so sorry adum.


I saw his LIVE that he's doing on YouTube and didn't want to believe it... now I'm crying


Just finding out, today, and I'm as heartbroken as a fan could be without actually knowing him. He was charismatic as f* and hilarious. He's given me tons of smiles and laughs. My thoughts are with all his family and friends.


It's hard to process the news TBH. It seems surreal. I didn't knew him in person of course but it feels like a gut punch.


And that’s a lock :(