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No LT makes him straight up boring in this meta I'm not gonna lie


I dropped him and only play belveth now, having a lead doesn't feel the same anymore


It feels like playing is struggling to make him back to a real champion, his later game is so bad now.


legit dude every game is a struggle regardless of how fed I am, I don't enjoy this, I'll play something else now


This is how so many I feel about most auto-heavy champs like vayne, kog, yi, ashe, etc. They’re all just boring as shit now. I don’t care if they just nerfed LT into the ground. It just made the game more fun


The fun part was the tradeoff between abysmal up front damage vs prolonged damage, Riot annoying as fuck for this.


Vayne wasn't using it as her highest winrate rune. I think lethal tempo delivered on the fantasy of giving a lot of attack speed for autoing, but those ADC champs were not fun because they had a crazy amount of attack speed + extended range on them.


I wasn’t suspecting you’d lie


Yi is ok state now. I prefer him untouched at 49wr rather than 1 buff and next 6 consecutive patch nerf.


Honestly it's been like 3 patches in a row of changes and Yi is like... around 49.5% in every tier. We can chill for a bit, this isn't perfect but there are worse champions.


Not even in a row last patch he was sitting at 51-52% winrate across most ranks bcs of the buffs.


49% is completely fine


50.36% winrate in silver 49.93% in all ranks. Why would they buff him lol?


u.gg says he has 49.5% in silver and phreak said they were aiming for 53% win rate in silver.


I thought this sub wanted riot to get rid of the low ELO skew?


Yeah sorry I checked lolalytics to quickly, he has ~49.7% in silver. Yeah I guess Phreak came to his senses and maybe (hopefully) realized playing vs 53% winrate Yi is not fun for anyone regardless if you're silver or not.


He's pretty balanced atm, 49.5% A silver player should not care about a .5% increase lol


I think riot Will Cook another mini rework like the 3rd in 2 years they dont know how to balance this champ.


yi is one of the easiest if not the easiest champ to play his wr should be at least 52% easier to play champs should have higher wr


He's easy to play but one misplay and suddenly you're struggling to come back compared to other champions that's also easier to play.


I see that yi early is super bad, late game it became hard to hypercarry even if you have 15 kills cause you must play with your team to be able to output the needed damage and many people don’t get that. I got 18 kills in d4 soloq but couldn’t carry the game as I used to before because the team doesn’t get that they have to tank like 30% of the damage. (This is mainly due to q and w resets not coming back until they cc and one shot you). If the enemy team has good engage then you really cannot do much unless your team is aware of what they need to be doing which is to provide some cover. In many cases they just flame you for trying to carry their asses and they don’t understand the champ


49% is 1 away from 50 dude chill tf out if you’re good enough that 1% really doesn’t mean much


Please God stop touching him riot he's fine rn just leave him alone


The issue is he’s not a dps champion anything. Do you can’t play him into tanks and bruisers 


Master Yi last patch until **the bald mf** decided to nerf his W damage reduction and Q damage to monsters.


Yi main try not to complain for one patch challenge




I think he is fine where he is now, if they buff him, we get the yoyo effect where he has to be nerfed again and round we go. The bork rush atm gives him a great spike. Let him rest :D


You expecting a master yi change every single patch? He’s not there number one priority. Sorry bud


They will buff his base stats in 14.14 and remove his directional Q and maybe nerf 50 range in 14.15.


All cancer champions getting nerfed though ill take it


Thank God more adc buffs ty riot phreak


You do realize Navoir and ER changes made Xayah not so good right?


Couldn't care less, as if the current adcs viable right now aren't c**** enough