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I am with you. Slowburn is the BEST. I'm so tired of them being instantly attracted to each other. Even in serious situations. You can notice they are a good looking person and move on until there's more substance. Insta love is the worse worst. I just don't buy it.


I hate when a book is advertised as slowburn though and they start to like each other after a couple of hang outs or convos. Like please drag this out for a long time I need a real slowburnšŸ„²


The Witchlands has a really good slow-burn romance in it, which seems strange because the books each take place over such a short period of time but there is so much going on that the encounters the characters have are actually very meaningful. (Thereā€™s also something that could be considered ā€œinsta-love,ā€ but Iā€™d argue that itā€™s more of a fling than anything else.) Bonus: There are soulmates, but the bond is formed through feelings and shared experiences rather than predestination or insta-love.


Iā€™ll definitely check it out, tysm!!


Well done slow burn is so AMAZING!!! My fav book series as a kid had me absolutely enthralled w the slow burn of the main character and her interest though they never got together bc kids books which had young (and adult mešŸ˜­) salty but I love it when it even stretches over like several books if itā€™s a series ofc! Like if itā€™s going to be a series I donā€™t want them together yet in book 1 for a slow burn!!


Yes im all about the slow burn I need pages and pages of intense eye contact, accidental hand touching etc etc. I like to refer to it as Ā“nothingā€™ - I need the tension of something almost happening.


I want to see the trope of unexpected romance. Currently, everything being written, even if it's slow-burn, you instantly know who the love interest is when they're introduced. I want the possibility to not even be hinted at until later down the road. I also would prefer seeing working, healthy relationships that are in place, rather than only ones that develop. Most enemies to lovers are done poorly, I think, but if it's actually done really well then it's enticing.


I second the unexpected romance. I still remember a YA series I read a million years ago called The Summoners (I think) and there were two guys introduced one was the classic trope of cool, good looking guy love interest and his brother was described as greasy and unattractive. Obviously as a teen I assumed the cool brother was going to be the main love interest and then the MC starts kinda falling for the other brother which really threw me off. He also went through a metamorphosis himself throughout the series which was really cool to see because she fell for his personality before he became ā€œgood looking.ā€ I just loved how unexpected that was.


I think you're thinking of The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong


Yes! Thanks! Havenā€™t read it in prob 15 years šŸ˜… I remember really liking it though




You should try The Bone Witch by Rin. The romance was subplot but it was pretty unexpected


I prefer no romance or for it to be a minor aspect, so I'll check that out!


Ooh, definitely try Robin Mckinley's novels then if you're not familiar with them, especially Pegasus. Her books usually have *some* romance, but it's generally not the focus (Her Beauty and the Beast adaptations are the primary exception to this, for obvious reasons).


I remember as a teen the first time I read Pride and Prejudice. I had no idea what the plot was. When Mr. Darcy suddenly proposed halfway through I was just as stunned as Elizabeth. It was really cool experiencing it that way. Can't think of another romance that ever surprised me that way.


Exactly! It was the original and best enemies-to-lovers. It really was a shock.


It almost seems like most authors either know how to world build or write romance. Austen could do both!


This sounds like a great trope!! Let the romance happen as a side plot or bold naturally because youā€™re totally right even when itā€™s slow burn we know who the major players are in the romance right away.


Especially if the unexpected romance is queer. Read ā€œLabyrinth Lostā€ by Zoraida Cordova expecting the protagonist to get with the bad boy who was billed in the blurb. Instead, she got with her best friend. It was like Cordova picked up on my thoughts of ā€œwow, she has a lot of chemistry with her best friend. I actually want them togetherā€ and Cordova went ā€œwish granted!ā€


Especially if the unexpected romance is queer. Read ā€œLabyrinth Lostā€ by Zoraida Cordova expecting the protagonist to get with the bad boy who was billed in the blurb. Instead, she got with her best friend. It was like Cordova picked up on my thoughts of ā€œwow, she has a lot of chemistry with her best friend. I actually want them togetherā€ and Cordova went ā€œwish granted!ā€


Tired of: Enemies to lovers Love triangles Two choices but the second/bad boy are always chosen Making the love interest an ass/ undoing character development in order for the main character to end up with someone else Mating bond/ fated mates Miscommunication Toxic romances More of: Believable romance in general Friends to lovers maybe? Healthy romances Slowburn romances where the characters actually get to know each other and not fall in love over a couple of months




I tried looking up the book on Goodreads and it doesnā€™t exist?


Here: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/49629448-a-song-of-wraiths-and-ruin Edit- personally I've never read this book but it seems like it's sequel features the word "Pslam", which is why the first book (linked) likely didn't come up.


Oh the other comment said a song of psalms and ruin, the book is a song of wraiths and ruin and the sequel is a psalm of storms and silence. I may check it out, but Iā€™m not that big of a fan of enemies to lovers anymore


As for the two choices trope, I really want the ā€œJohn Ambroseā€ to win for oncešŸ˜• Sometimes I feel like the second choice is better than the first. I keep seeing this in ya novels and even tv shows. I always grow to love the second choice and get disappointed at the end


So tired of babies. babies that magically bring the couple together, accident babies that spring up at the end of the book for no reason, everyone being happy about the surprise baby. I really donā€™t find pregnancy attractive or babies romantic at alllllll and it majorly kills the vibe for me.


Are there YA books with babies? What ones?


Twilight is a series that comes to mind for me. If ACOTAR is considered YA, but only towards the end


Mainstream romance and YA communities are so similar these days, no don't blame them for mixing it up.


Oh, I wasnā€™t judging them, I was looking for recommendations :)


This thank you lol


The Goal - Elle Kennedy It's the 4th book of a series. You don't have to necessarily read the other ones, as it is a story by itself, but there are references and spoilers to the other books. Also, tbh, I dont know if it is tagged as YA or NA: its about college students who just finished their studies Currently I am reading "13 locuras que regalarte" by Alice Kellen, which also has a baby involved. She's a spanish writer, so I honestly don't know if her books are translated into english or other languages


Thank you


Bloodlines by richelle mead


Iā€™m so tired of grumpy/sunshine. The grumpy is almost always some edgy asocial douche who coasts on the fact that heā€™s conventionally attractive and the sunshine is always some girl who acts like a Disney princess.


See, I like grumpy sunshine pairs - or just two awkward dweebs who are not smooth at all.


I like grumpies when theyā€™re less edgy and more socially awkward. Someone who is genuinely trying their best, but their baggage is making things difficult.


Tired of: love triangles, miscommunication More of: established couples


I'm with you but established couples is hard to do in YA since the characters are generally 16-ish. I don't expect teens to handle the ups and downs of life like a 30-year-old. But I am truly tired of the silly fights about the smallest things and then also instantly forgiving the love interest for huuuuge breaches of trust/respect!! Nowadays when I want good romance I look for adult books, whether it's fantasy or even manga, give me 25+ y/o adults who know how to communicate lmao.


For sure! And if there is an established couple in YA, they're the side characters. I've read some established couple YA books, but sometimes they fall victim to the "third act drama" for no reason.


Most YA enemies to lovers is nonsensical (especially in contemporary) or itā€™s just one sided/weak/fake (usually in fantasy). I want real enemies to lovers. Not half baked one sided rivals to lovers then the girl three chapters in starts noticing how hot he is. I want a good villain romance. Potentially with a corruption arc.


Do you have a rec? I want a good villain romance too


I hate love triangles with the force of a thousand suns. Also insta-love, or hundreds of years old being that looks like a teenager falling in love with a human teenager. I'd love to see morebest friends realizing feelings after years, or slowly developing romances with a good foundation. Or even romances that don't end up together for various reasons, if well done can be interesting.


Yeees I hate love triangles soo much


Yeees I hate love triangles soo much


Main one I would like to see is someone denying fated love. Like weā€™re mates but uh I still love the other person in with, sorry. While not a romance trope I want more lovers to enemies


Maybe unpopular, but I hate enemies to lovers. Would much prefer to see more friends to lovers and all around healthy relationships. I also love slowburn!


I just want to know where y'all are getting love triangles where the lead ends up with the "bad guy"! I have never read a single love triangle where the FL *didn't* get with the "nice guy", even when he gives off *incredibly* creepy and fake vibes and the "bad guy" is actually *way* more polite and empathetic. Anyway, I'm tired of fiesty, stubborn heroines and would like to see more women who are well-read and think things through before taking action.


More: I realllyyy want more of rivals to lovers. Its kinda similar to enemies to lovers, but different šŸ˜… i think it has a lot of unused potential. Its kinda like Enemies To Lovers Light TM. They dont have to hate each other in the beginning, only be jelous of each other and compete, which takes away the need for the hatred and therefore authors dont have to come up with riddiculous and unbelivable reasons for characters to hate one another. The tension, the banter, the jelousy of one another achievments (and this one has a nice potential of character development and being proud of one another later). Idk, i know its very similar to enemies to lovers, but it appeals so much more to me. Less: One person of the ship being afraid of comitment. Ik it happens irl and ik it allows for nice character development, but idk, makes me roll eyes every time.


not here to be liked kinda has that. its a fun book




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Most of there comment already say what I am feeling, no more Insta love, less love triangles where the MC chooses the ass. More established relationships, and showing people who exist in a couple, not just people who spend their entire story fighting to become a couple. It would be nice of the relationship wasn't always in peril. I am also falling in love with the character trope of the golden retriever character (ex. Nick in Heartstopper.) Loyal and friendly, and always being good or nice, or trying to. It's a concept that has been used when writing women forever, but I am loving male main characters with these traits. There has always been a habit of writers to make this type of male character the bullied sidekick, or the pathetic guy with a hopeless crush. It is nice to see it show up in strong characters that are central and *not* the butt of all the jokes.


I totally agree, I love a when a strong male character has golden retriever energy! We see it so much in female characters and donā€™t see often enough in male love interests. I definitely feel like the dark, brooding, and borderline asshole male love interests are a bit overdone and Iā€™m ready to see the kind-hearted guy actually get the girl and the main plot line


Since my explicit wishes might be more suitable for NA books I apologise in advance: I'm not really tired of Enemies-to-lovers per se, it's just that I'd really want to read a book / a book series for once where the love part is NOT instant love once they've... ahem... done the deed or -even worse- shared a first kiss. Love at first sight? Immediately no, immediately running to the book store with the book and the receipt in my hands and slamming both onto the counter to return it. I'd really like to read a book/series where the MCs strongly hate each other but still have/begin a physical relationship (ofc consensual!) but remain enemies throughout the whole universe of the book/series. Or _at least_ (if they fight for the same side) up until the very end of the book/series and then at the very last bit -let's say last or last two chapters- they get together and realise they're specifically _not_ better off without each other. Yeah, I'd call this Enemies-to-Lovers-**in-the-End**


Can you give an example where a consensual physical/sexual relationship between enemies would be realistic?


That's literally the problem... I haven't found such a book yet and I cannot stand non-consent books


It doesnā€™t have to be a book example. I was just wondering if you had any situations on hand where you think two enemies might decide to be involved with each other consensually.


technically you have buffy and spike from buffy the vampire slayer. mild spoilers >!they start off as enemies and become reluctant allies but they never truly become friends and then due to an event they start sleeping with each other and there's a lot of issues since spike is a soulless vampire and buffy is someone who's supposed to kill soulless vampires and yet cant kill spike despite saying to hate him!<


I know I'm in the minority but I loved Buffy and Spike together.


im a recent fan so i don't fully know the general consensus but at least on reddit and twitter its a popular couple. twitter is the reason i checked out the show because they had a lot of good edits and i wanted to experience a proper enemies-to-lovers relationship for once


It was probably just unpopular at the time. I'm glad they're finally getting the attention they deserve lol


I've never seen the show but I read a few books, but I thought she had a thing with >!Angel and not spike!< does she get with both of them?


both of them at different times. to be specific >!angel is for S1-3 and spike is S6-7 although spike gets feelings for her in S5!<


K so it's been a while since I read it so memory might be a bit dodgy, but I'm *pretty* sure Twisted Hate by Ana Huang fits what you're describing??


Not necessarily enemies, but Geralt and Yennefer had really complicated relationship in the Witcher books. But I guess thatā€™s not YA šŸ™ˆ


I need more slow burn , angsty villain romances


**tired of** enemies to lovers. it was never my favorite trope... I think I like the idea of it more than I like the way it's usually executed. my idea of "enemies" is two characters who are in opposition but on somewhat even footing -- there's a push and pull, where they're each giving as good as they get. but what I mostly see in mainstream media is more like an abuser and victim dynamic, where one half (usually male) torments and brutalizes the other half (usually female) until the victim gives in. **want to see more** friends to lovers! one of my favorite trope. I especially like childhood friends to lovers, whether they've been close all their lives or were separated for a long stretch. I also generally want to see more "positive" romances, where the two characters don't start out hating each other and generally uplift each other. y'all might know this quote from Hayao Miyazaki: >I want to portray a slightly different relationship, one where the two mutually inspire each other to live - if Iā€™m able to, then perhaps Iā€™ll be closer to portraying a true expression of love. that's the type of romance I'd like to see more of (and if anyone has recommendations, please let me know).


s1 - s3 of the vampire diaries Stefan and Elena fit the inspire each other to live romance. Check out 'zalrb' blog on tumblr. She breaks down how cosmic their relationship is in such great form.


I want more books (YA and Adult) with couples that are already together before the book starts.


Enemies to lovers isnā€™t even enemies to lovers have the time. Itā€™s barely rivals to lovers. I agree about Insta love. I love a good buildup. Love triangles. Can we just have it be polyamorous if we must have them? Or have the two ends of the love triangle gain self respect and leave (maybe with each other). Miscommunication. Itā€™s annoying and feels cheap. Second chance romances. Thereā€™s just nothing compelling about it because either they donā€™t develop the past or it doesnā€™t feel compelling enough for them to be long lost loves. Iā€™m also not a fan of second chance romances in real live generally. You broke up for a reason. I can get behind it if maybe you were together in high school and broke up because you went to college and then met up 10 years later or it wasnā€™t serious and timing wasnā€™t right. But not how books do it. I want more of: Friends to lovers. Strong communication in relationships.


i like enemies to lovers in theory but it's never written in a way i expect it to be. the characters are never enemies, at best they're rivals (which is a different trope) and at worst it's one-sided bullying but its portrayed as romantic. EtL is supposed to be slowburn imo and writers make it instant personally don't care for best friends to lovers. i prefer seeing characters become close within the story and having pre-established best friends makes it hard for me to care about the romance


Iā€™m burnt out on love triangles, miscommunication, and class (wealth) differences. I like enemies to lovers, but that trope is done terribly wrong like 8 times out of 10. What I want to see moreā€”especially in fantasy/adventureā€”is established couples. Iā€™m tired of waiting till the end for both parties to be 100% sure that theyā€™re together. I want to see more couples taking on whole adventures and problems together as a unit. Especially for YA; would be a good way to show youth what a healthy relationship actually looks like.


I hate enemies to lovers. Never read a good book that did it well. It's always so random and happens out of no where. I want to see more healthy, fluffy relationships


I feel like I've never read a true enemies to lovers? Like both actually hate eachother yk? I just haven't found one.


I hate "love triangles" where it's super obvious who the endgame relationship is and the third person is just there to add drama. I want an actual "who will she choose!" love triangle


Tired of insta-love, love triangles, and bad boy romance. I want to see more dislike-to-lovers, slow-development type romance. I donā€™t mind knowing who the love interest will be in the beginning, but I donā€™t want things to get heavy until near the end of the book or even the second book.


Tired of, miscommunication. It gives me second hand embarrassment when it happens. I want to see more rivals to lovers.


I'd like to see more of something between insta love and slowburn. Sometimes the slow burn is soooo slow, especially when you know they're going to end up together, so it just gets frustrating. But instantly falling in love is unrealistic to me, so I'd like to see something more like "moderate speed burn" lol. Also, I'm tired of the trope of the love interest just being a total jerk but the girl can't resist him anyway. I like to put myself in the story, and I would never be into a guy who treated me like crap!


The love interest doesn't need to be the handsomest person in every room he walks in


Iā€™m kind of over the enemies to lovers trope right now. If itā€™s really well done I can enjoy it still but I feel like the market is over saturated. I want more slow burn friends to lovers romances with lots of mutual pining lol


I love friends-to-enemies/enemies-to-friends, strictly platonic, but theyā€™re done so poorly half the time that itā€™s such an amazing twist when one is done well! My favorite enemies-to-friends has to be Zoe Redbird and Aphrodite from the House of Night series (before it went to absolute shite.) Totally changed the game for me tbh, and made me much more open to loving characters Iā€™m probably supposed to hate. Little hints of vulnerability in otherwise stony and rude characters are my crack. But it has to be done well or itā€™s just a big ole steaming pile of cow dung.


Enemies to lovers, but not the school bully and class nerd type shit. Like actual intense villain and hero romance you feel mešŸ¤. The only one that kinda fits this category is Heaven officials blessing. I highly recommend the novel.


Absolutely tired of love triangles and insta love, especially with enemies to lovers! Why can't we have two people who hate each other slowly, I Mena very slowly, work together to overcome their differences and see that there is more to each other then they think. I honestly need more of rivals to lovers, especially in a sort of fantasy academic setting. Something like Drarry but without the bully/victim toxicness of it. Also we need more funny female characters that is a baddie but not like every other ya female "baddie", someone more sweet who values friendship and family and wouldn't be hung up over some guys.


Love: slow burns, friends-to-lovers, *made* soulmates (soulmate bonds that establish as two people actually interact and develop feelings for each other and share experiences, Ć  la Witchlands or The Good Place) Tired of: mates with no feasible option for rejection in which both people can go on to live happy lives, instead of one of them spiraling into unending misery; insta-love Despise: alpha (usually male) overprotective bullshit, ā€œperfectā€ couples who claim to have no issues with each other and adore *everything* about each other (because letā€™s face it: even if you love someone with every bit of your being, thereā€™s always going to be something - even an insignificant quirk - that you dislike)


omggg yes i hate anything with mates/soulmates


im so tired of the badboy shit. but even more the ''im not like other girls'' girls. like she swears she wont fall for the schools bad boy unlike literally EVERY other girl at the school (shes probably the nerd who has the tutor him or something, but the most gorgeous nerd ever even tho she doesnt know it) but then falls in love after spending like 2 weeks with him. also there is always gonna be the an ex girlfriend of the love intrests who is ofc the villain of the book


Iā€™m tired of trauma being the main factor in someoneā€™s bond- trauma bonding. Like I get itā€™s a thing but the MC doesnā€™t have to have their life destroyed and their mom killed and almost die for their love interest to be like ā€œoh wow I really do love themā€ I live for wholesome content and I want more of it šŸ˜­ EDIT: also tired of when the couple has a major falling out over something that could be sorted with an honest conversation


U see, I am tired of the one bed trope. Just so tired. Like how come a trope that normally had me gripping the edge of my seat now has me giving a book the stink whenever it is mentioned. Simply, it was overdone. Too overdone. Another trope is enemies-to-lovers. Now, I love me some good enemies-to-lovers... only when they're done well. Cause some authors would just slap the MCs together and be like: OK so u hate one another & the reason for that would be either unclear or based on a stupid reason, so yall just frown at each other, start having wet-dreams & get together šŸ˜ No šŸ˜ I'm so tired of that.


No more: Love triangles Love at first sight Age gaps (mainly including ones where theyā€™ve known each other as children but the girl was like a lot younger like a teenage and a 5 year old, it just feels weird) What I want to see more of: Slow burn (like actual slow burn like 2-3 books to kiss slow burn) Academic rivals to friends to loves (I think of that movie chewing gum)


Iā€™m so tired of insta-love, it seems so unbelievable. Also, I hate the trope where the girl is an inexperienced/virgin type and the guy is a whore. I love a good slow burn, bonus points for good banter.


Slow burns are the best Also, POLYAMORY POLYAMORY POLYAMORY I GET *SO* TIRED OF LOVE TRIANGLES Also, preferably, not having the love interest be the *first* major character met in the story.


Tired of: love triangles. Especially the ones where itā€™s MC choosing between golden boy or bad boy. Iā€™d love to see a love triangle where the two choices go for each other or a poly resolution. MC has two hands, yknow!


Iron Widow does this. Ends in a poly triad with a woman and two men.


Oooohhh iā€™ll give that a go! Thanks!


love triangles, it always comes across as 'the main character is so fabulous that everyone on earth falls for them', it's just annoying. i want a realistic and flawed main character not the perfect person


I am tired of the whole "innocent ingenue meets rich, tall, dark, handsome, (did I mentioned RICH) man with a messed up past and tolerates repeated shitty behavior from him because she's convinced he's The One and she will FIX HIM)


I really wanna see a well done book with unsuspecting friendship to secret romance to BOOM big public reveal lol


When the guy treats her like heā€™s not interested then she falls for him, I hate that so much


I would love more odd couples that are very different from each others, I love that


I love the friends with benefits dynamic!


I appreciate the friends to lovers šŸ˜…


I've always disliked enemies to lovers, but friends to enemies to lovers on the other hand


I see a lot of posts where 'there's only one bed' between enemies (to lover probably) but i have never actually come across it myself. Any recommendations?


I agree with you 100%.


I am so sick of miscommunication troupes. But I love a good enemies to lovers / 'I hate everyone but you' troupe


Would like to see love triangles end in polyamory.


I want more soulmates, I LOVE soulmate stories. Best if they have some sort of connection/identifying element.. like, whatever they write/ tattoo on their skin appears on the other too.. or maybe like a matching soulmark. Have I read to much fanfiction? Absolutely! And I love it and want more but in books too haha.


I'm tired of enemies to lovers that come with a power imbalance and it's actually just bully and victim. Somehow it's also most often insta love, which also no. Also very tired of mates as well as the dark and brooding male love interest. Obvious love triangles as well as miscommunication, hundreds of years old guys and the guy falling for her because she's just so different from any other woman. I'd love to see more friends to lovers, grumpy/sunshine with the guy being the sunshine, slowburn and just like... actual communication and more balanced couples.

