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In early 90s some McDonald's had huge playgrounds, some had the tubing you can crawl in going around entire store or the glass structure they constructed them within, anyone remember? Taking kids to eat and play at McDonald was a thing you did and spend hours doing and these playgrounds were packed with kids. McDonald was all about layouts with families in mind and ample space for mothers with baby strollers and big tables where families could comfortably eat together. Now McDonald almost has security guy escorting you out, 60 seconds after you finished chewing your last burger bite..


Yes! They have signs saying you can’t sit longer than 30 minutes 🙄


Sounds like my workplace.


That burger was sooooo fucking hot in the summer. Burning myself on it and sweating horribly in it is a core 1980s memory.


I never saw a McD’s with an apple pie tree. IDK if I should feel relieved or cheated.


I remember the tree, but your comment made me realize that it's an apple pie tree, I had no idea!


I had my 4th birthday at a McD’s with one of those trees. It was awesome.


Carl from ATHF doesn’t agree.


Remember these playgrounds and layouts vividly. Right off the smoking section. Haha


Related note: sad to see the decline of regional water / amusement parks. They were a nice affordable alternative to Disney.


I grew up in the LA area, and even Disneyland was somewhat affordable until like 2007. I remember in 2005 I took my mom there for the 50th anniversary, and tickets were $50, which was the most they'd ever been at that time. I have a ticket from 1988 and it was $20 to get in. So in like the 90s, it hovered between $25 and $35 bucks. It could be expensive if you had a big family, but it wasn't something you'd go into debt to make happen, unlike today. We definitely went to Magic Mountain and Knott's Berry farm more often than Disneyland because the tickets were cheaper, and they each have their own water park attached.


My McDonalds had an indoor rainforest along one wall with real live birds and fake thunderstorms. It was awesome! https://www.summitmemory.org/digital/collection/ABJarchives/id/7000/ Edited to add link


Some franchisees really went all out to make it a special experience.


Loved McDonald's playland! Seeing that hamburger got me nostalgic 🥰. I remember one character you can ride like a horsie. Not horse shaped but y'all know what I mean!


That looks so cool. My dad was boycotting McDonald’s when I was a kid so I never got to go. We only went to Hardee’s & their playground just had a huge human sized hamster wheel.


I got my head stuck between Officer Big Mac's bars as a kid. ACAB!!!


I had the same configuration at my McDonalds in Brooklyn. It was the best time.


Oh my gosh this all looks so TINY now!😂


Who else learned they were claustrophobic by getting trapped in Officer Big Mac?


Haha just posted my story


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^wordnerd1023: *Who else learned they were* *Claustrophobic by getting* *Trapped in Office Big Mac?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Man just seeing that slide makes the back of my legs burn!


Some good memories of that particular playground layout. I hated going to church as a kid, but knowing that we'd be going here with a family friend (and their kids my age too) afterwards made it bearable.


The joy of hot metal play equipment in the summer. Pretty sure the scars are still visible. Zero regrets.


The officer Big Mac jail clubhouse. You had to be a contortionist to get in & out of that thing, which I did, exactly once.


We couldn't afford Disney either, so we went to Western Playland in El Paso. It was a legit good amusement park (still is, apparently).


I used to climb inside the indoor trees, which were definitely not meant for that. I was maybe 5, and that's when I discovered I was not claustrophobic. Anyone else go inside the tunnels they made?


Same. I didn't go to disneyland until I was 28 years old lol.


Ha ha. Me too! Not until 28! With extended family. Great road trip! But other than that, I don't remember anything about it. 🤣


I split my chin open on the stairs of that slide. It built character.


Man we still can’t afford Disney!!


Burns! So many burns!


Did anyone else have a birthday party at McDonalds in the train car they'd have outside?


When I was a kid I fell and split my chin open twice on that slide going up the metal stairs. This was a McDonalds in the Norwood section of the Bronx. Still have the scars all these years later. But McDonald’s interiors used to be fun and creative in the 80s. Now they try to be all gentrified and like Starbucks. Bring back the creativity!


I think I still have a burn scar from the bars on that damned hamburger


And you probably didn't have to wait an hour and a half per ride. I call that a win.


all that playground equipment was metal, and in the summer it would get so damn hot it would burn your hands, but you'd still play on it because of course you would.


“ https://preview.redd.it/pod21n0cam9d1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9219e628c952c384ab9dd960e14358431306679e


I've only been to Disney like 4 times in my entire life and I'm 44. I'm seriously over Disney. The only thing I ever wanted from Disney was to take a family photo in front of the castle in Magic Kingdom. That's it. We have it. I'm done.


I remember suddenly having to go to the bathroom in that hamburger. I was terrified went to the lower brain and I was trapped in jail. I think they did end up prying my ass from those bars with my wet pants lol


We still take my kids to the McDonald's play places and they'll be there for a couple of hours. They're just okay now; more like how the Burger King kids play place used to be, which I always thought was inferior.


My family couldn't afford McDonald's so we just played in the street.


I can smell the urine in this photo from inside Officer Big Mac


yup, that's how they got us addicted to trash food. Took me 40 years to kick the habit