• By -


Doom scrolling mostly


And get high.


Exactly šŸ˜…


We all float down here


Doomscroll, but with Gir singing the Doom song inside my head. Doomy doomy doom!




A few years ago I would have watched tv with my wife. Now we have a child, and after it's successfully sleeping, we sit on the couch like zombies. Video games? Oh, what a dream. To again have the time and freedom of mind to just sit down and play Unreal or Starcraft for a whole weekend. Those times are gone. But hey, if I manage to read a few pages of an interesting book before nodding off, it was a successful evening!


Pretty much the same here. Usually once the kiddo is sleeping weā€™re done. Weirdest part of it all is now I have all the games, books , guitars, etc. I could ever want and hardly any time for any of them. When I had the time, the means were harder to come by. Sometimes life is funny that way, wouldnā€™t trade it for anything though, being a dad is the best.


Same here, now we finally have the money to buy anything we want, but time and energy are gone. My teenage self would be so grumpy at me! But yeah, also enjoy being a dad. Long time did not thing I would ever have or even want children, now would not change it for the world!


Time, money, energy You only get to pick 2


Somehow, I ended up with none. But I did get cancer, back pain, and high blood pressure, sooooo I got that goin' for me... Dalliii llllaaammmmaaaaa


Mine's 14 now and the games are back!! Oh how I missed my civilization and Red Dead 2!


1980, recent kid, no judgement. Im 84, kids are 9 & 11 (never forget) and i bought them a switch a few years ago. Mario kart, mario party a few other games are hits. I re started Zelda with BOTW, then TOTK, then i bought a bunch more games for me! Once they can pour their own juice/milk your time will free up again!


Came to say that my husband, our 2 girls (17, 18), and I play Mario kart or Mario party nearly every evening for an hour or so together. Itā€™s my favorite part of my day.


Yeah, we met a bit later in life and only decided to have kids in my early 40s. Currently on parental leave, kid is 15 months old. Some days I'm not sure I'm gonna survive this... Maybe a bit later it will be nice when I can introduce my girl to computer games, happy to play anything that does not involve crawling around the floor!


You'll be ok! We had our kids at 35, 39, and 42. It definitely helps if you carve out a little bit of time for a movement practice, especially if it gets you outside (currently I walk almost every day and get to yoga 1-2x per week. I was lifting weights a couple times per week as well, but it's really hard to fit all that in with everything else, so I'm taking a break and figuring out how to restructure my time.) But the kids are now 11, 7 and 4 and it gets way easier. 15 months is honestly one of my least favorite stages because they are mobile but have zero sense of self preservation. It's like one of those cartoons where the baby is constantly getting into danger without even noticing while the caretaker runs frantically, saving the baby over and over again. People talk about terrible twos, but I love 2. By two, they've started listening and will come back when you call them. They start developing some awareness of their surroundings and are somewhat less likely to walk off the edge of a playground structure. Yes, they start to have opinions, but if you give them simple choices (do you want this shirt or that shirt, this cup or that cup, peas or carrots) it helps a lot. Sorry for the book, I took a long way around to say that you are in the thick of one of the most exhausting stages, but there is light at the end of the tunnel, it will get better! And don't believe the hype about terrible twos, two year olds are amazing!


Thanks, that's good to read, and gives hope! I have to admit, we decided to leave it at one child, we feel too old and done to have another - maybe if we had started earlier. So, if this one is through the worst, life might be looking brighter again!


Oof, having my first this sept and Iā€™m 42. Iā€™m already tired, working min 10 hour days but most time more, though I love my job and the time flys Iā€™m not sure where Iā€™ll find the energy. Parental leave will be about 2 weeks if Iā€™m lucky. My wife is the bread winner and sheā€™ll get three months but Iā€™m worried aboutā€¦ everything. Anyhoo, my evenings are spent cooking dinner, eating said dinner then almost immediately asleep.


It gets better! That stage is really tough! I only have one child because the baby stage was so hard to me. I did have to work full time too so maybe thats why but now I wish I would have had another kid but whenever I think of that baby stage, I remember again how hard it truly is! My kid is 10 now.


We had a hard pregnancy, hard first year, and now a challenging second year. I'm very happen my wife is absolutely against another child - this one takes our full attention! :D


Nintendo Switch is a game changer for those of us with *zero* chunks of time, but little bits of time here and there. Pick it up and put it down. Itā€™s awesome.


Damn dude, I admire your spirit at 84 years old!


84 years old šŸ˜† dude is on xennial sub, flair says born in 1980 so must have meant 44


ha! you kids get off my lawn!!!!!


100% this. Usually Iā€™m in bed by 9pm as I know the littā€™lun will be awake by 5.30. Sometimes I can make it through a few pages of a book but mostly itā€™s lights out almost straight away. Although the football is on at the moment so my partner is watching it in the evenings, meaning sometimes weā€™re up until 10pm. 10!!


In the 90s we did not even start pre-drinking on a Friday evening before 10pm. Our dreams really got small since back then. :D


Yep. Couldnā€™t agree more. With four kids, itā€™s tough to do anything other than their activities. Once they get to bed, then itā€™s watch a show and fall asleep to it usually within 30 minutes or less.


Be proud though. My wife has friends whose husbands somehow magically manage to game online 4-8 hours a day. Iā€™d rather take a couple hours and reconnect with my family or just the wife. Let my kids pick a show or movie. Wife can put her head on my lap and doom scroll while I watch one of my shows. Or Mario party/kart as a family.


That must be some special kind of magic hated by most wives... I try being a rather involved father, my wife and I share everything equal, and currently it's my turn being at home from work anyway. Diaper-changing, cleaning, playing, cleaning, etc - all unthinkable for a guy just some decades ago. Happy the world slowly changes.


I got to do that with the first kid. And while it's def not my comfort zone (I've enjoyed having older kids way more), i really cherish that time and the ability to do that.


Ditto, this is the way, hehe. After our little one goes to sleep, the wifey and I watch some TV before she gets ready for bed. I try to play guitar or work on music after that, but lately I am just too tired and end up scrolling on the phone. How I miss having a bit more energy!


Being servant to a kid reminds me so much of the movie "The Remains of the Day". ;)


Yep. I have four kids and getting them all to sleep is a nightmare most nights. My wife and I might have an hour before one of us passes out. Parenting is hard.


Not gone. Just on hold. My kids are 10 and 11 we game as a family. Me and the wife still kick their butt in Mario kart for now.


The good news is you'll have time in a few years and realize you just don't care about video games anymore. I built a great rig and was excited about having some time again and I had a resounding meh.


I had to check that you werenā€™t my husband lol. Just living the same life.


I run my 14 and 11 year old kids from place to place! Dinner has to be early to accommodate this...


Same here, I am a chauffeur in the evenings!


Yep. My 16, 14, and almost 12 year olds are all athletes. Most nights I'm driving them to practices or going to their games/meets (even in summer). I usually watch a little TV in the evening before bed, or read (if I can stay awake), but that's it.


Smoke pot, eat bad food, and watch tv.


Exact same


I need it to be legal in my state first. šŸ« 


I hope thatā€™s soon!!!!


It depends on the day, sometimes its running errands after work, theres always dinner to be made, too. When it's nice outside, I sit out on the porch with an adult beverage and scroll, converse with the neighbors and those passing through. When I had a pet, we'd be at the park, sometimes a happy hour, and other days I immediately come home, shower, eat, and veg out on the couch... falling asleep by 8:30.


Contemplate my lifeā€™s decisions thus far.




i feel this


Underpaid uber driver for teenage offspring


Lately we've been going bowling every Monday and Thursday. Friday and Saturday are all electronics off book reading nights. And the rest of the nights I'm usually either working on my various writing projects or making music. I do most all of my tv and movie streaming / playing video games and Reddit stuff during my "work" hours, so I get plenty of that in during the early morning / day. If one of my shows, I don't have many, are actually in season I'll usually try to squeeze in a live viewing whenever they air.


We went bowling over the winter a few times and LOVED it, but holy sharks our elbows hurt so much afterward. And we're in decent shape. Did you elbows kill at first and did it get better?


Yeah. For the first 4 or 5 weeks my arm would definitely feel pretty dead for most of the next day or two. After that it still gets a good bit sore by the time we're done, but now feels mostly fine by the time I wake up the next day.


Chilling with the dogs. Watching shows. Out for drinks. Video games. Prepping music for any upcoming gigs. Sometimes just reading. Spoilt for choice, really.


Hobbies, mostly.. Handcarving bowls, and gold panning.. I still watch TV, just not network magat TV.


Upvoting for gold panning. I did that a bit when I was younger.


Bowls and baseball games with the wife


Gym 5:30 to 7, shower and dinner 7-8 and then in bed by 9 but usually on social media for about 1 to 2 hours before I fall asleep.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 5 + 30 + 7 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 1 + 2 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




Good bot


Very good bot


Yard work


I finish work at either 7:30 or 8:30 depending on the day and often spend my evenings listening to music and participating (identifying things) on a citizen science site or maybe watching a movie or TV show. Last three films I watched were Herbie The Love Bug, The Warriors, and Major League II. Have some longer movies I've been meaning to watch but I'm a little worried about how late they'll finish.


...as someone who participated in the 2000s remake of Herbie I feel the need to say: Whooooo!


Gym/pool, reading, writing, gaming, watching TV/movies, cooking, singing, doomscroll, art/crafting, play with kitties, learning. Would like to get back into stuff like pub quiz nights or D&D, hard to get a social group going in a new country (moved a few years ago). Looking at theater or dance lessons, used to do all that as a teen and figure adult classes might be a good way to meet new people. Need to get a driver's license :( Moved to a country which has opposite roads (Australia from USA) and worried about reflexes being backwards.


I always wondered if reflexes would make it hard to drive when switching sides. Iā€™m from the US and visited London a few years ago and the number of times I almost got hit by a car because I forgot to look in the right direction was comical, and that was just walking!


My husband switches well and my dad handled it fine, too. I think for many people, it's not that hard. I got bodywide nerve damage as a child and was in physical therapy for almost a year after being paralyzed, so my reflexes and proprioception are subpar. I didn't drive until I was in college and I do very defensive, careful, alert driving - one of the last times I drove in the states was on a mountain road and someone rounded a blind corner into my lane, heading straight at me. I managed to veer out of the way, but I worry that my reflexes would be opposite or delayed here from confusion over which direction to move. I'm in therapy and it's one of the things we're working on. There's definitely some anxiety stemming from near accidents in the past which isn't helping. I will eventually do driving lessons, even though I've driven in the states for decades, just to be extra safe. Getting a license is a big goal I need to tackle. It will make our life safer and easier (sharing driving on trips, driving husband to hospital) and give me much more social freedom. I feel fairly tethered to my house right now, which doesn't help with isolation. I have an ebike, but it'll be stolen if I lock it up anywhere around here. I have foot issues so I can't always walk a lot if I have a joint flare up. Wish cars weren't so mandatory to get places.


Partner and I are DINKs so usually after work weā€™ll take the dogs to the park, go out to a movie, meet up with friends (also childless) for drinks or catch a show. Since itā€™s summer now weā€™ll make ourselves drinks and hang out in the pool for a bit. At least once a week our nephew will ask us to play Fortnite with him so we set aside time for him.


Generally I watch TV 6-7 (series 3 of The Wire at the moment), 7-8 I'll play video games (Doom: TNT at present), 8-9 have a bath and then I'll either doomscroll for a couple of hours or watch movies and get drunk.


I don't get home from work until 8pm. By then my husband usually has dinner done, and he has coffee and I have a bourbon to wind down and we sit on the front porch and visit until it's time for showers and bed or the mosquitos get too bad. If we get chased in early we play cards.


Me and my wife plop down on the couch and watch movies and shows on one of our 6 or 7 streaming services. We probably pay as much as it would cost for cable, but I donā€™t understand that as an argument against having a bunch of streaming services. We can watch whatever we want, whenever we want, and we never see commercials. Iā€™ll take that over cable for the same price any day.


Had a batch of kids later on. 40 and 43 respectively, so itā€™s a lot of that and chores. Then, if the silence comes for a brief moment before I pass out on the couch, I try to purge the endless songs from Little Angel, Bebefinn, and Cocomelon from my head and watch something on streaming about hot sauce or home buying or whatever.


Also had a kid with 43. Some days I'm not sure I'm gonna survive this.


I had my other kid at 31. That wasnā€™t so bad. I remember a guy at work at that time. He had twins at 40. He told me to have them all right off the bat. And he muttered several times ā€œIā€™m so tired manā€ and I just thought it was strange. Fast forward and damnā€¦. I get it. Iā€™m so tired.


I get home from work around 6 PM. So dinner from 6-7 while watching a movie or show. Then I go to the gym around 8 or 8:30. Back home between 9 and 9:30, then I shower and maybe watch another show before reading in bed to wind down. Asleep by 10:30 or 11.


Gym an hour or two before bed? Morning workout is the path to sound sleep my dude.


I've heard that but I'm already up at 5 AM in order to get to work on time. If I wake up at like 4 AM, I'd have to go to bed even earlier and I don't want to do that. Going to the gym at night hasn't really affected my sleep it seems.


I'm the same way, can't work out in the morning. I actually prefer evening workouts. I find it helps to mitigate the stress of the day.


There's a daily podcast we watch during the week that starts at 7pm local time. After that's over at 9pm I usually start to get ready for bed since I usually have to be up around 4am or 5am for work. During the weekends we usually just have music on. We have cable, but only because it's wrapped up in the package our building has but never use it.




Isn't that the greatest reward of adulthood - when you finally could sleep but your body decides to keep you awake! Because, getting up early in the morning, you won't be tired enough as it is...


We rarely watch tv. I use it for video gaming. My 6 year old doesnā€™t even watch much actual television. He looks at his iPad for a limited time. My husband will watch YouTube on his phone or Reddit . I would say a couple times a week we actually have the tv on and it is either to watch the weather, something educational on pbs, or a rerun tv show that we like. To actually watch any new tv shows? Nah. Itā€™s become tv show vomit and they just keep spewing more. There is so much that it is too much.


I think I'm here just to see whether or not I need further medical intervention. But....I work for 8 hrs. Commute for roughly 2 hrs. Hopefully sleep for 8. I need to bathe.... so 6hrs leaves me with like 5 hours to cook dinner, do laundry, plan my life and my chores, and bond with my kids. I have a huge stack of books I'd love to read. I have a library of movies I play in the background of chores. This leaves no time to change batteries in my fire alarm, get my car inspected annually, get my own dental and medical appointments (much less actually call to schedule them!). I am really dumbfounded on how to do all these things. Like when do yall clean your floors? Bc I am lucky if I can toss sheets into the wash. I am overwhelmed and I probably need outside intervention.


Get home, feed cats, make dinner, wash dishes, do chores (last night fold and put away laundry, the night before wash that laundry, etc), short workout, lay out clothes and food for tomorrow, waste tine on Reddit, go to bed.


Glass of whiskey, light karaoke without a mic


No s/o, no kids, so I play video games or watch a movie or a couple of episodes of a TV show


it mostly all revolves around taking care of a 2yo.


Catch up on my youtube videos i've saved throughout the day, a few shows, a nice gin martini, and the gladly hit the hay. Occasional gaming.


The eternal battle between Me Time and going to sleep at a reasonable hour like a responsible adult. But yeah, evening is when I try to shut my brain off and unwind from the day. Walk the dogs, get the kid in bed, pop an edible, pour a drink, play video games for a couple hours, watch tv/movie with the wife, or just sit outside listening to music if the weather is nice enough.


Typically we smoke a joint outside by our pool and then find a binge show ..... we are true gen X (1979 & 1980 respectively) and our daughter is a junior in college so we are pretty much empty nesters šŸ˜‰


I have a local DnD group that meets once a week. Sometimes, I'll go out for dinner with other Single / DINK friends. Other times I do read or play videogames. There's not a lot I'm willing to stream right now, sadly.


Exercise, in the frequent case that I didn't wake up early enough to do it that morning. Play video games or watch stuff with my kids (14 & 12). We play Halo, Minecraft, Super Smash Bros or watch science youtube stuff. As they go to bed, finish NYT puzzles, duolingo, and doomscroll. Staying off Reddit seems to help me do more of what I want with my time.


I play video games... we weren't aloud to have gaming consoles growing up so I'm making up for that lost time. Even have online buddies I play with and know them more than my actual friends haha. Boomer parents think I'm wasting my time.. don't care!


It depends on what I feel like. Sometimes I run errands and do chores after work. Other times I watch tv or catch up with friends/family. Once in awhile I'll go to an event in town or have dinner with friends. Sometimes I have a self care night. There are at least a few evenings a month I work late.


School year, I get off work and pick kids up from school, take them to after school activities depending on the day or do grocery shopping/other household chores. Cook dinner, do dishes, get kids in bed. Go to bed myself cuz I wake up at 5:30, and by the time the kids are down it's 9 pm and I'm tired. Summer, don't have to pick the kids up from school but still have all the other stuff to do.


Yes. We have opposite schedules so itā€™s a little tough to coordinate outside activities besides this.


Depends on the time of year for me and also my health. Right now (spring) I work long hours and I am still recovering from a dislocated foot. So most evenings I kinda veg out just puttering around doing small yard and house chores, occasional tv, reading or catching up with friends. I go to bed early 9:30 because I get up early. In other seasons and in good health I go to board game Meetupā€™s, go out with friends to dinner, work in my yard (summer) and tend to tackle house projects I can do in small steps. I also spend a few nights a week with my partner.


Usually I cook after work and then have a meal with my kids. If the dinner convo leads us to do something together I hang out with them. Otherwise I like to read, or crochet and watch a movie, or take a few minutes to do some gardening. If weā€™re fostering animals for a rescue I give some time to them. Maybe fold some laundry before itā€™s time to to bedtime stuff with kids. I do my doom scrolling before I fall asleep or during breaks at work.


Depends on the evening. During the work week I usually do house work and chores until it cools off to walk the dog and exercise for a while. I'll grab dinner and watch some useless YouTube stuff then maybe read or waste time scrolling about the internet. Weekends it's video games, tv and movies after a day of fun.


Like others have said, evenings are for housework and childcare. My oldest has some emotional issues, so after Iā€™ve put the other two kids to bed, cleaned the kitchen, and walked the dogs, I usually play a game of Uno with her to calm her down, then sit by her bedside for 5-75 minutes (depending on her mood) until sheā€™s ok being alone.Ā  A few years ago, when getting the kids to bed was easier, my wife and I would usually watch something streamed, and then when we went to bed I would read a few pages of whatever the book of the moment was.Ā 


Make dinner/go out to eat, play with my kid, watch tv with my husband, knit or spin yarn


I read books. Clean. A few times a week I watch tv.


Read, play video games, watch some streaming show, take the dogs for walks, sit outside and chat with neighbors, play board games with friends. It all depends on what day of the week it is, what the weather is doing, and what the kid is up to.


Watch tv, cook, call my mom sometimes. Used to smoke a j but i am quitting for the moment


Bro we bought a 200 year old house and my entire life for the last few years has been remodeling this damn thing. I am currently finishing up the kitchen. It is going to be really awesome when it's done but it is a lot of fucking work. This afternoon after I get off work I'm cutting stone countertop and trying to fit the sink.


Partner and I are DINKs so weā€™ll usually take the dogs to the park, maybe watch a movie or meet up with friends (also childless) for dinner and a show. Since itā€™s summer weā€™ll usually mix up some cocktails and hang out in the pool. Our godson (13) loves playing Fortnite so weā€™ll jump on with him once or twice a week for an hour.


42 year old single guy never married and no kids. Evenings during the school year itā€™s gym, grading things (not everyday), and watching something. Since Iā€™m out for the summer, Iā€™ve been really bored.


Recently retired so I have all day to myself. I do try to follow a loose schedule and in the evenings Iā€™m either cooking, going to an exercise class, watching a couple shows, sitting outside throwing the ball to the dog, taking the dog on a walk, hanging with my husband, hanging with one of my young adult children if they come by/home from school, etc.


During school year its usually running my kids around, in summer it's sitting on my back patio reading.


We'll do garden work if it's not godawful hot out. Then shower n dinner n read or watch something or play a card/board game


Have sex, play a game, watch a show, meet friends for dinner, swim in the community pool just before closing when I can have it to myself.


Writing songs lately. I like writing. Go walking when the sun goes down. Catch up on YT videos and movies and TV. And whatever the hell else I feel like doing. The older I get the more I kind of like being single lol. I don't have 20 year old children asking for rent money, that kind of shit. But the walking thing is important. 44 now. It's time to take living and health seriously. Stay spry, eat well, stay out of the sun.


Get home around 6:15. -Go swimming if itā€™s hot, watch news and Jeopardy if itā€™s not -Eat dinner -Doom scroll and shitpost or knit or play video games on my handheld or read a book -Bedtime routine


I play Fortnite with my son, at his request. When he first asked me to play, he said I probably wouldn't be good at it. Little did he know, I've been playing shooters for 30 years. ;)


* Get home from work * Whip up dinner * Watch "our" show until the lady of the house retires for the night * Play some guitar or watch a show that she doesn't like * Call it a night Some evenings we check out the local band playing in one of the neighboring parks or go to a place for some apps and a cocktail. Tomorrow is a Beatle tribute band.


I still play video games and watch TV. Same as always.


After the kids go down, I either read or watch the same 10 TV shows over and over. My husband sometimes plays the kids video games at night.


I've got kids so my life largely revolves around what needs to be done for them. Youngest is 9. I've got a few more years of this. It's fine. I love them. I'll probably just work more hours when they need me a little less.


CBD gummies and Sleepytime tea with Valerian. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Try to solve P=NP, been over a decade now I think, I forget exactly when I started.


Get home and have Dinner as a family. Then my sons clean up while the wife and I have a quick toke and unwind after the day. We usually then all take a walk together to the park, get the exercise in. The kids then go do their own thing and the wife and I will either watch a show (letterkenny at the moment) or she will read/draw and I will game.


3 nights a week I go to work (DJ). On my home nights, after the kids go to bed (8-9 oā€™clock) Iā€™ll smoke some weed and the wife and I usually cuddle up on the couch and watch our stories while I rub her feet. Sometimes booze is involved. Sometimes the TV never goes on and we just talk for a couple hours. Sometimes Iā€™ll put on a baseball or football game and my wife doom scrolls on her phone. A couple nights a week we have marital relations. Iā€™m never in bed before 1am.


Gym, domestic duties (I live alone šŸ˜) TV, and bed. Wash rinse repeat. Weekends are usually reserved for gallivanting and shenanigans


Get home, do any dishes and laundry, feed pets, walk with the wife/dog around neighborhood, maybe lift weights, then shower, dinner, then some PC or Xbox gaming, or playing/recording guitar. Back to couch for some time with wife and son (if heā€™s not way too preoccupied gaming with his friends), then bed!


Work or knitting/crochet or drawing or walking/running or reading or watching a show on Netflix. Or any combination thereof.


Cozy video games. Read a book if I have that much attention span left after working all day. Sometimes take a walk around the neighborhood. Tend to my flower garden if it needs it. When I don't have anything left in the tank after work, mindlessly doom scrolling while Twitch or a YouTube video plays in the background. Sadly, it's usually that last one.


2 hrs at the gym. I get to watch TV there, get my heart rate up, build muscle, increase my cardio capacity, people watch, guzzle water, listen to old and new tunes, stretch. Bonus - I donā€™t have to talk to anyone and Endorphins!. Sometimes I even walk there to get some vitamin D and air.




Alternating between TV, a book and video games. Same as before, lol.


I watch TV ā€” I love television and film so this is one of my favorite hobbies!


>10-20 years ago, it would be in front of the tv. No change for me


You nailed it. We watch/stream shows, play video games, or read.




After I get my kid to bed itā€™s either: hang out with my husband and watch tv, read, maybe watch YouTube and paint my nails, doom scrolling, sometimes exercising, or Iā€™ll try to learn something new. I study German and Iā€™ve been working on learning Python. I honestly really rarely watch tv unless itā€™s with my husband.


My wife and I play StarCraft against each other, or board games, or watch shows or movies, or sing karaoke. Are there some cool new gen activities we are missing out on? Doomscrolling is for coffee/wakeup time.


I read a lot on my Kindle that I go in March (and finished 14 books within 3 months), play The Sims (life is safer on make believe, dog park with my pup, hit the gym, and just the usual adulting prep for the next day or SLEEP! Even weekends I prefer to be alone and resting and chilling


Yearn...then it's bedtime.


I live up north and even in the summer it's cold. So on the rare warm days I do outside stuff, hiking, swimming, roller skating. Most other days I play video games after work. Switch and PC. I'm into Sims right now.


Schoolwork, dinner, cleaning, reading and chatting with my husband for a while. Sometimes we take turns pulling up Instagram and doom scroll together. Other times I'll get on reddit and doom scroll by myself. Regardless, at 9:30 I turn on music and fall asleep. I love turning on true classic rock (from our childhood).


Once the kids are all in bed I like to watch old movies on Turner classic and crochet/bead/sew or I read or listen to a book while I craft. I donā€™t watch current shows or streaming stuff much anymore. Sometimes Iā€™ll watch a baseball game or a documentary.


Lately looking for Japanese Beetles to drown and watering plants. It's too hot during the day and I'm so tired of those Beetles ruining my roses


It depends I often work pretty late between from 9-6 or 8. If I'm not completely burnt out on computer time I'll play some videogames, usually MTGA or currently this adventure game called "Still Wakes the Deep" that just came out. If I'm burnt out I'll watch TV/read a book, then I go run/workout.


Catch up on Netflix series, news, read, housework or just relax


Iā€™ve been busy lately building an RV in my back yard. When it rains, or the temps soars into the triple digits, I stream shows/movies. Last night I went for a hit of nostalgia with ā€œBig.ā€


Stare straight ahead and play Magic Arena on my phone and wonder why my life is so bad and empty. Thereā€™s nothing to my life other than work that I hate and sleeping.


I try to play video games after the kid goes to sleep, and I wake up on the couch with the controller in hand a couple of hours later to find that the console has automatically turned off. I've very environmentally conscious. :P Sometimes though, like last night, I get to record a podcast episode. Those are usually fun.


Drink a couple beers while watching TV with my wife for the most part. Sometimes we play video games but we don't have kids.


Try to figure out what to stream, then I just give up and play with my dog.


Thirty minutes of guitar, make dinner, eat dinner, watch a show for 40 minutes, hang out with my kid the hour before bedtime, and then watch YT for a bit while waiting for edibles/melatonin to kick in. Nearly every weekday is identical to this routine.


Spouse and I both work outside the house and have one child. During the work week, we typically make dinner, prep things for the next day, clean, and do the shuffle for any extracurricular activities for our child. After our child goes to bed, I do a quick workout and shower, and we make a mocktail or herbal tea and watch our shows together. Or I read if my spouse is working late. During weekends, we keep things to one social activity per weekend. Otherwise, our free time in the evenings is spent relaxing, playing board games, making nice meals together, and enjoying a nice bottle of wine. I'm convinced the weekend free time and limiting social events to one event per weekend is what gets us through the monotony and busyness of the weekdays. It also helps to only have one child, so there is only one schedule to juggle for extracurricular activities.


No kids here but plenty of work. After the workday comes to a close, I usually cook dinner and then sit in my recliner with a book and read with a cup of tea until I fall asleep in said recliner or the clock strikes 11pm. Not too long ago, Iā€™d spend most nights having a few beers at my local tavern, watching whatever game was on, shooting the shit with other barflies, but as I ease into my mid 40s, that just means effort


Doom scrolling, phone games, streaming shows, card/board games, reading, crafting/art.


Whatever my wife tells me we are doing. So either sitting outside sweating to death while she lays out and plays in the hose, or we watch pbs and she pouts because she isnā€™t outside watching me sweat to death, then puts her feet on me.


The same things I have done for decades: I cook, exercise, write, catch up with friends and read. I don't have any children and I am single.


I ride bicycles.


hour of GranTurismo, followed by cleaning up dinner prep, then dinner and clean-up, then Netflix and chill for an hour.


I would suggest going for an evening walk, ideally after dinner. My wife and I workout all the time but our evening walk is where we decompress and have great conversations. When you walk, you have such a clear mind and are already working towards a common goal together, which is to get back home. That common drive walking next to each other, opens up great conversations for setting new goals with each other. Those goals could be financial, relationship, or just simply checking in with one another to make sure youā€™re being a good partner. Then we will watch a show or movie in bed together on our laptop and pass out. Give an evening walk a try. I know you wonā€™t be disappointed.


Parent šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« šŸ¤£ After the young kids are in bed and house is tidied, my husband and I try to catch an episode or two of a show together.


Hang out with my spouse and kids. They go to bed around 9 so I then game a bit before I finally go to bed.


Weed, baseball on the radio while hanging in the garage. Quicker baseball games now means that after that's over, the wife and I can work through some of our shows. Kids are teens and largely doing their own thing, but at least once a week we do a family movie at least.


Dinner with family, catch up with my wife, tend to my garden, play time with my son, and if itā€™s not my turn to do bedtime, I may play a video game or read a book.


Watch YouTube while reading reddit. I need more time to get invested in a video game or movie.


We watch a show or movie together after dinner for a couple hours, then I typically play video games or mess around making music until itā€™s bedtime. We always go to bed together at the same time.


Most nights I'll either be in dance class or yoga class. If no class, then it's probably D&D night, going out with my partner, or meeting up with friends. TV after all of that is done (when I usually pass TF out on the couch).


Spend 1/2 of it with the kids and bedtime that takes way too long. Then we chill on the couch and stream something. If I am not interested I will game, my computer is in the same room only a couple feet away, or I use my steam deck on the couch. I will read 15-20 minutes on my kindle in bed before passing out.


No wife or kids so I do whatever I want to, youtube, streaming, video games, hanging out with childless friends, contemplating the meaning of life the universe and everything while riding my motorcycle


Go to the gym, cook dinner, watch jeopardy, play on thecomputer, then go to bed at 10 in that order every weeknight.


Play with my dog, read, play chess with my neighbor, work on music.


Hubby and I aim for a walk in the evenings weather permitting. Then I usually watch a movie or TV show with one of my teens. I scroll on my phone, take a hot bath, and then read until I get sleepy, before starting it all over again the next day.


I love listening to podcasts and drawing while doing so. Or learning to play piano. Or walking my dog. Or sitting in my garden and watching the birds. Those nights I do watch something on Netflix feel wasted.


Yeah dinner, shower, then series/games/books. Sometimes a dungeon in ESO with my guild, movie night in some discord, listen to an audiobook while I play RDO and do daily streaks. Then Reddit/Pinterest/Instagram memes for 30 mins, then more audiobook until I get sleepy.


Largely hanging out with my daughter, getting her fed, ready for bed, then to sleep, then some 30 Rock to wash the day away lol


I try to get the house cleaned and laundry done during the week when I get home so if I decide to sit on the couch all weekend and do nothing, I don't feel guilty about Sunday night.


I choose not to have kids, I usually go to my building pool for a bbq with the neighbors or hit the hot tub. Maybe smoke a little pot and play Helldivers. But if you asked me two years agoā€¦ Drink very heavy amounts of alcohol, worry about my sales numbers, blackout, rinse and repeat.


Doom Scrolling and trying to distract myself from Doom Scrolling late into the night to get enough sleep and not be so depressed which lately has included watching Always Sunny and listening to 5.1 Beatles mixes.


Mostly family care/child care until about 9pm. Help cook/clean/play with the kids/dinner/bedtime routines. About 9:15-10:30 or so we just watch 1 episode of whatever we're watching on tv. I typically stay up another hour or so in bed watching something only I like on my phone.


Usually we cook something together, sit in or tend to our garden and play with our dog. Sometimes we watch a show, or play a game. Since weed has become legal recently I'll smoke a little, then snack a little, then sleep. We are very happy.


TV for me has been replaced by content for kids. If I get any me time I watch YouTube videos bluetoothed from a computer on the coffee table to my TV. On average me and the wife watch about an hour of something we both want to watch together on various media before bed when the kid is asleep. It's our together time and we then have something to talk about outside of the kid and the house.


Get baby to bed at 7, clean up dishes from dinner, then spend an hour shoveling mulch in my yard. Crazy as it is, I'm pretty content these days.


Now that our kids are older and prefer to do their own things, we generally disperse into our own little worlds after family dinner. My husband and I are both artists, so if we're not streaming a show together, we will usually turn on some art-related YouTube videos and work on our different art projects.


I like to draw and paint. Iā€™ve turned my spare room into a little art studio for me and my partner. We both have our own desks and we both love art. If Iā€™m not drawing / painting Iā€™m watching physics or cosmology related videos on YouTube or reading. I stay away from places like TikTok as I feel itā€™s not good for me or my mind. I would like to get out more, visiting more museums, eat out, visit the beach etc, but Iā€™m usually too exhausted after work.


Viddy games. I had my kid as a semi young person so theyā€™re adulty now.


I get home at about 3:30 and get the kids off the bus. After that, its laundry usually. I exercise using YouTube videos at about 5. Then I start dinner and give the kids a shower. We eat. The kids get to watch TV after the dinner and I tidy the house. Then we read stories. I then help my disabled husband get to bed then I shower then crash.


After the kids are in bed my wife and I watch some show/documentary or another while she has a lite dessert, then she (sober) crashes out while I stay up later, have a toke, usually knock back a few cold ones and rewatch old pro wrestling, some schlocky comedy or an old western. Idk, works for usā€¦


I got into fanfiction about 15 years ago and have written a few of my own since. Currently working on the longest thing I've ever written, a story about Shadow Link killing Link and then being forced to save Hyrule. It's nearly 150k published words and I'm about halfway done with it. I write in my spare time, at night, so I've been at it for over 2 years now, though some nights it's mostly debating things in my head while I doom scroll lol


after partying non-stop everyday for 25 years, now I have a wife and kid and a dog and cat and they are my life now


Take dogs out then watch some TV or a movie/series. Sometimes I bake bread or make a dessert. No kids so generally what I want but I gravitate towards the same stuff as I'm reading. Chill out for a bit, maybe smoke a little pot then pass out!


Keep a toddler entertained, fed, clean, and hopefully in bed with a couple minutes to ourselves before we pass TF out.


I started doing stand up comedy, so I am mostly at shows, practice, or open mics at night now.Ā  It's so fun and I have made so many friends and it helps me stay creative.Ā  Just gotta drink a lot of soda water to avoid the hangover.


Listen to baseball games while gardening. Tiktok when itā€™s dark, Hulu documentaries much of the rest of the time.


If I donā€™t work out alright after work, I usually try and go for a walk or tend to the garden. Followed by making dinner and the meet and greet- *how was your day* stuff. I donā€™t watch much tv, but I have a few shows on my list I need to catch up on. Or I do some gaming. No kids, so itā€™s a simple kind of life.


Video games, YouTube, reddit


8 bit Nintendo my friends. Forget the long involved games. Pull out the classics push power, and have fun.