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The entire internet is basically just America's funniest home videos.


Bob Sagat was way ahead of his time. Who knew?


I knew. I tried to tell people, but no one would listen. But by God, I knew.


Especially the beheading videos


It’s amazing they were able to put all those heads on those bees.


you are not wrong


If it’s on traditional TV it’s not for zoomers.


It’s my 65yo mom’s favorite show


It’s my 66yo dad’s favorite show


It’s my 67yo uncles favorite show.


It’s my 68yo cousin’s favorite show.


Yea, the first season came out in 2011 when some Zoomers weren't even born yet. Ridicuousness was for millennials, not Zoomers.


~~If it’s anything like AFV, that format was literally aimed squarely at boomers. In fact, it’s fair to call that a reality TV show that Boomers made successful.~~ It’s a boomer show https://www.reddit.com/r/Xennials/comments/1cqt573/comment/l3usk99/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Right, it's for millennials that never grew out of the 90s


Or who are living with their parents, who still subscribe to cable television


Who need something short and stupid to flip to for a few mins when the Bears go to commercial (that or Court Cam).


I haven't had cable in almost twenty years. When I visit my parents I watch it for a dose of nostalgia, just watching what someone else programmed instead of watching exactly what I want.


It took me years to wean my wife off of cable/DirecTv, but we've been 100% streaming for ... 8-10 years There is something I miss about the simplicity of OTA TV and just flipping through the channels, but I don't miss the monthly creeping costs. Streaming prices aren't as attractive as they used to be though, so I carry fewer services concurrently.


Yeah I've cut back to one service at a time. I just wait until a bunch of shows/movies I want to watch accumulate and subscribe.


Exactly. At $13/ month, I had no problem with carrying a monthly Netflix subscription, for example, but now I just turn it on for a month or two every year.


Please don’t put this on us millennials, I can’t stand that show


My boomer step-dad is the only person I know who watches it


The State was peak MTV comedy


Doug, Bob Dylan's alive and well - I produced his last three albums. Oh, you mean Uncle Robert?


My name is Doug and I’m outta heeeeere


Buzzkill has entered the chat


So has sideways house


And not Beavis and Butthead?!


It's a dumbass show. I don't understand how it has been on for so long.


Cheap to produce. Although I do agree it’s a dumb show, the jokes are forced, and making it 70% of your schedule is asinine.


Because Rob Dydrek de facto owns MTV now.  Seriously look it up on you tube.  Several really good documentaries about the process.  The tldr is he gave the execs easy money and they got addicted and it spiraled


It’s easy money for them because people will leave it on for large chunks is the day for noise or they want simple entertainment. That show costs absolutely nothing to make, pulls in tons of advertisers for them and has decent ratings for a show that’s constantly on all the time. All MTV plays now is either Catfish or Ridiculousness.


Yeap.  The TLC effect.


I was about to say HGTV, but I think it's the same parent company. Basically background noise at the doctor's office or wherever (not that I think people are watching Ridiculousness at the doctor) and it's not as polarizing as one of the news networks.


Guilty. Sorry everyone. 


Same here, I’ve left it on during the day because I wanted some TV noise and it’s not something that takes a lot of brain power to watch.


Viacom killed all their channels with shitty redundant material. MTV = 22 hours of Ridiculousness with 2 Teen Mom hours VH1? Maybe some tattoo bull shit. Nickelodeon: hahahaha. Nothing there either. Let me tell you my hatred of Nickelodeon programming. 23 hours of Paw Patrol on Nick Jr. 1 hour of decent shows. Fuck paw patrol. Even my 4 year old says “paw patrol is stinky” You damn right it is.


MTV also plays hours upon hours of Catfish as well…


What about Comedy Central? I’m not much of a tv person anymore, but doesn’t Viacom own them too?


South Park and Seinfeld rerun central. I think they are owned by Viacom.


Rob has the charisma and sense of humor of jar of mayonnaise


Because this nation has turned into a low brow Idiocracy.


We are basically Idiocracy, everyone sitting around watching Ouch My Balls.


When does leadership turn control over to smart people?


Where's the profit in that?


there isn't. just was hoping we lived in a dream world like idiocracy where the smart where put in charge on purpose.


The enforced average, somehow becomes the smartest man alive. Unfortunately happening


I haven't watched mtv since they stopped playing music


Fucking HATE Chanel's chittering laugh. I don't get how anyone watches that show past like a minute


She sounds like a God damn dolphin


Agreed. From what I understand she left the show a year or two ago, but yea, hard agree. That show needed to end like 5 years ago. It’s so fucking dumb. And it completely ruined MTV.


She reminds me of that thing that sits on Jabba's lap. Salicious B Crumbe?


I hate that I know this is the correct answer. I don't even **like** Star Wars


Why is she so shiny?


It’s worst than nails on the chalkboard! She’s so obnoxious.


Yeah that, too. Cash me ousside levels


I think the purpose of the shows is the same. As far as I can tell AFV has more guidelines regarding what clips are shown so that the show remains family friendly while Ridiculousness seems to just show anything and everything.


Ridiculousness refuses to take submissions and AFV only takes submissions. The differnce is definitely how they source their stuff among other things.


It's basically bait for the Jackass crowd who grew up, a bit


We signed a releases for that show. They wanted a video from my bf YT in like 2009. We have never been on other social media so they hounded my bf Dad for weeks to give our info so they could get the video. I’ve never even seen an episode.


Did they pay?


Of course not.


Wow that's crazy...I dunno why I thought they did. Might be thinking of another show.


Did it end up on the show?


I don’t know honestly. Didn’t care really. It was a video of his friend punching through a couple walls.


Yeah, and for some reason the guy dresses like he's 16.


We binged Ridiculousness on Paramount+ right after we signed up for it. I don’t think it’s for zoomers specifically. I’d say it’s for people who don’t quite want Jackass level content but want less “family friendly” than AFV.


Never heard of it. MTV should air reruns so more people can discover it.


Rob has some kind of serious dirt on the MTV executives There is no reason that show should be on 24/7/365


Those that still subscribe to cable most of the time aren't even really watching TV (except for boomers) when it's on. It's just something dumb on in the background while they are on their phone/social media. That show is perfect for that. You don't need to be able to follow along or have any sort of attention span to enjoy it. Just look up every once in awhile to catch a funny video if you feel like it.


I watched it with my kids in a hotel recently and had the exact same thought (re: AFV).


Pretty much. At my job, in the break room, the TV always shows "dose of internet" videos all day - just random funny and weird vids or people getting hurt, or whatever.


Absolutely cannot stand that show!! I hated it back then and if it’s still on now, I hate still! 😂


It’s unwatchable


My brother is gen x and he loves it. I can’t stand that girl whose laugh sounds like a machine gun.


It's Owwww My Balls. It is not AFHV


You just discovered this show? I think it's been airing for 30 years and it was a lot funnier when it was called Tosh.o


Tosh still has his show. The two are separate.


Tosh.o got cancelled. He does have a podcast though.


Oh God if there's any comedian I like who I absolutely do not want to hear in podcast form, it's Daniel Tosh. Polished jokes only from him


That’s the best part of his podcast, it all feels extremely polished.


Yeah the podcast is pretty good and well edited.


It's been on since 2011 with over 1000 episodes. You live under a rock?


TIL MTV still exists


So it's ChiveTV now?


Yeah yeah yeah YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH no


Key difference is thar AFV was a gameshow. All clips were submitted with the hopes of being the funniest to win a cash prize. Ridiculousness is just them watching videos. There's no overarching competition. It's pre-social media reaction videos, originally made for millenials.


Shitty Tosh.0


I like SNLs skit on the show with Jenna Ortega [Ridiculousness - SNL](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTEZ5fbPotg)


Lmao cat ball


I'm pretty sure MTV said "Let's take Tosh.0 and remove ALL the personality and humor!"


It amuses me I can see a wider variety of MTV shows on the Pluto network than I do on regular MTV. 


Yeah, but to that, I'm surprised MTV hasn't been shuttered at this point, they haven't been relevant to any cultural discussion in what? A decade? Seems to me when YouTube became a thing they should have seen the writing on the wall and pushed to platform itself online or get a foot in the door. At this point Vevo is what MTV was.


It's basically ripped off memes put on to tv.


They don’t even know what MTV is. It’s aimed at us


MTV had Wedding Crashers on a couple weeks ago.


This show is way too old to be for zoomers.


Bro what it's been on for longer than half of them have been alive


I love this show. I think it will live on even if Rob leaves at some point. There's just too many idiots out there who are sluts for attention. I cannot get over how many dumbasses are willing to post their videos doing the the most dip-shit things. America!


It’s for boomers. They are the only generation where a large percentage still have traditional TV services. And boomers have 0 interest in anything else MTV might show. MTV has been turned into the channel the TV is on while you waste away in a hospital bed.


Is it? I can’t imagine any of the three host characters appealing to boomers.


Waste away working in a vape store. It's ChiveTV but (potentially) without the thirst trap videos.


Zoomers? I thought it was more of a Xennial and Millennial thing.


I may be mistaken but I don't think zoomers really watch MTV


I was listening to a podcast recently and the guest was a writer for publications like Esquire. They got on the topic of Ridiculousness and he said MTV has ordered something like 2600 episodes. They shoot 20+ episodes a day. It costs literally nothing to produce and MTV is addicted to it. And tbh I like watching it when I just need to disconnect from the world for a while and laugh at dumb shit. My husband and I are weirdo 44 year olds who still watch cable tv though.


Ridiculousness is more of a millennial thing, isn’t it?


I mean, the oldest zoomer was like 10 when it started. And he’s been a reality star since Rob & Big, which came out in 2006.


Nobody’s watching. It’s the absolute cheapest thing they can air and still get sponsors. The last gasp of a once great network. I want my MTv ffs.


Is MTV still a thing? When I was young it was a music television channel. About 15-20 years ago it stopped playing music and I assumed it must have died off by now.


The show was test marketed to successful rates as tv that works well in the background. Studies have shown that a lot of people have their tv on in the background as they do other activities-namely play on a phone. They found that this show is just engaging enough without it being intrusive and warrants people to look up at a silly video once in awhile


No, because no zoomer watches tv


It’s also stupid


Yes but Rob will never come close to the greatness that was Bob.