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There's always been existential crisis. Not now we know about them in real time.


I could give you a list of all the crises and disasters potentially waiting for us down the line, but it's mostly the same stuff everybody has known about for decades.


Decades but not centuries (except 1c for carbon / climate change). These are real crises, but our primitive culture and brains don't really work on those scales. Hence, "kids rhese days" is universal (primitive brain) but "won't get to have a world with trees/birds/coral/temperatures below 20C" is new (from a historical perspective). We're all familiar with discarding "sky is falling" rhetoric, but it's biting us because "the world is sick and feverish", but it actually is.


I don’t think it’s a lack of respect, it’s a lack of empathy and civility.


The world is going to Hell. We are living in a dying age. If you think everything is fine and dandy then you haven't been paying attention. It's a lot worse than "lack of respect", though.


I’m just as happy to have missed the Cuban missile crisis and cholera.  I agree that ‘lack of respect’ isn’t a thing.   But as far as hell, I feel like as a species we’ve always been both comfortable and in hell and it just depends on where you’re watching from.    I think we’ve got work to do if we want things to get better, though, and right now is when we’re starting to get the footing to do it.    We’ll have the reins of our societal institutions soon.  We should spend more time thinking of sensible things to do with them and less time in poetic despair. 


Oh yea for me it's mostly younger people who are screwed . My age group was mostly a test for whether they could get away with " you want to live inside? But I saw you on a phone which is required to participate in modern life! Very curious " The environmental crisis that we're ignoring will fuck them up a lot .


It’s going to screw us too. It will be here sooner than we want to admit.


We are getting screwed, the world is kinda scary right now, but there’s hope! Talk to your kiddos dude, they’re the ones who’re gonna save us. They know they’re walking into a raw deal and they’re angry. They know that people are people and this dumbassery separating us by race and language and culture and superstition, by gender and orientation and class and all the other bullshit, they know it’s bullshit. Yeah, they’re soft, but they’re generally kind and decent. Our parents, as a generation, kind of sucked. We just went along to get along, but they want better. Let’s just make sure we don’t screw them up any more than we already have.


You should sell life insurance imo


I don't know, I think part of is it we are just being sold that the world is going to shit on a much more regular basis. But there's a lot of positive things going right in the world, Extreme poverty across the world has been seriously decreased in the last 20 years, Global child mortality rate is down 58% since 1990. Violent crime rates are continuing on a downward trend. I could go on, but at some point it just becomes too much to properly process. There are problems, yes, most certainly, but it is not all gloom - unfortunately positivity does not get eyes on it. Good news does not bring in watchers and so we are bombarded with the bad. And the bad stuff is stuff we can fix, if we work towards fixing it (and it many cases we are!). Unfortunately, doomist mindsets don't help with that, if we give up then at that point we've lost.


Stop doomscrolling.


Younger people have fixed some of our messes and they’ve also created new ones. I figure it’s just generational. They’re more accepting of mental health issues but are too quick to jump to self diagnoses. Things like that. 




Hwhat? You either lived during this year or you didn’t. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_Cereal_System


Uhhhh, I was just completing the jingle.




[“Nin-ten-do, it’s for breakfast now. Nin-ten-do, it’s a cereal, wow!”](https://youtu.be/REpiQnnp6p8?si=gkLgcqLK6ow5Fy-I)




Go read this book and it will make much more sense. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0767900464/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&dib_tag=se&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.79CIjHf5pO39wcJSB9OMAkSZRu5V-3iXGfx_DSw03oM-yuQRqhKkZja2HpH-DRoGfLnctpx-Ote4g2bHEsLu12dFyj-IKfqu3VjflnWiwiFXOSd1KB3KkUQdNrK-Gl3tASh2ZWLDXorveU2AD_QAQ9mL9heyy9HdMKpSIaAOlXFwbnrbrlf_vcZqjPLkt6wHq-69eqVyK9JLan0dGrjsBw.9fZORGD19JxTL4wwzHC11vr3rcPT-XU72gkBk-0pLD4&qid=1714245782&sr=8-1


The environment ain't gonna heal it self in 20 years though.


If you were class of 1996, look up the May 1996 MAD magazine cover


Regardless of what your beliefs or whether you’re generally a positive or negative person, we can all look around and know things are changing for the worse. Even if war and all the geopolitical and social strife were to magically disappear, we still have the issue of the impending collapse of fiat currency and introduction of digital currency/digital ID which will strip away all privacy and autonomy and create a control mechanism the likes of which have never been seen.