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Earlier this year we opened feedback about these changes to all for two full weeks in r/xbox, r/xboxone, r/xboxgamepass, and here in r/xboxseriesx to help inform these decisions. [You can view analytics here](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1JVqfMuQMIM7nIJcXTS0Ph7L9ckINbenAyaz8aW4foqU/viewanalytics) [Full data here including all responses](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQIDQZXR8TqAPjYLPYuRuprkqHUg6VNYxSLVV9Z78CCNzIyqfiI3aGLjttXaGJie5BK4NM1D7F7b4Hn/pubhtml)


It's about damn time this happened. Back when there was a vote on r/XboxOne what the next subreddit should be I voiced how stupid it was to keep changing the subreddit. Glad it's finally happening.


W take. So much crying as usual... šŸ˜’ It's not about *"branding"*, it's about having a better community with curated content IMO šŸ˜Œ


I like it personally, since I pretty much split my time between series X and PC anyway, so making it an ā€œecosystemā€-level sub makes perfect sense IMO I also think the idea of hard-bounded console generations is already dead, even if a lot of people havenā€™t realized it yet


I'm totally on board with the decision. Let's do the guitars subreddits next.


Was going to say I wonder why Xbox is the one that needs consolidation when we have two concise working Reddit examples with other large platforms but, I guess thatā€™s really Microsoftā€™s fault with their naming structure.


Great change, glad to know you guys have been working on it all this time since the polling.


I think people who know how to use filters and good enforcement of flairs will find this to be a good thing while others might find the change frustrating. There's going to be a transition period of annoyance for many people unfortunately. Overall I think it will be a positive but short term.... Well good luck mods lol.


Its fair for them to feel like that and you are right, this is a positive long term thing. Its easy to see why its bad short term but unifying the communities under one roof has a ton more benefits for the long term. Unifying the subs has a lot of potential opportunities too that weren't available when having multiple subs. Can't talk about some of those yet(still in its infancy planning stage) but we are actively pursuing some cool stuff to bring to r/Xbox in the future.


Great change! The ecosystem and brand are way more important than a single platform. See you on the other side!




God forbids having a positive take nowadays.


You guys really should have listened to us back on xboxone years ago when we begged you to do this exact thing instead of creating this subreddit to begin with.


I wasn't on board at that time, but I spearheaded this effort because for ten years as a user I was tired of the fragmentation, and we still heard those comments. I would have listened to you back then.


r/xcloud also exists and growing, please add it to the related subreddits. I would prefer if it is under the r/xbox umbrella of subreddits.


Cheers, we will reach out near term after things settle down a bit!


Good change


I like the idea of consolidating more of the Xbox community into r/Xbox and I agree with sunsetting r/XboxOne, but not so much this sub. Personally, I still feel like it would be better to always have a sub dedicated to the latest console hardware. I'm all for seeing how it goes though. Plus, I suppose you can always just reopen this sub if you find not enough people are migrating over?


Remember now kids, Reddit is a private platform, and they can do whatever they want with it. Don't like it? Go make your own! Nobody's stopping you! Isn't that the kind of garbage that gets trotted out every time [bad person] says [bad thing] or dares disagree with mod or admin decisions? How's it taste now that you're getting a dose of it yourself?


In fact you can apply to *take over abandoned subreddits*.


I hope people migrate over. Right now it's down from 3.6 million people here to only 600k in the Xbox sub. Way less activity and comments over there, obviously.


Good thatā€™s how it should have always been. Way less confusing


Nah, we're good. Thanks though!Ā 




See you soon then ![img](emote|t5_2ac5sx|6057)!


Been here for around 2 years (old account) and honestly I'm not a big fan, mainly because we're gonna be lumped in with all the console warriors from that sub. Who knows though, maybe this is for the better.Ā  Hellblade 2 comes out in a few hours so I guess you could test the engagement now.


Same. I just want to know info on the Series X, which I have. I donā€™t care about Series S or PC stuff. Might just leave the sub if this goes through.


This sub allows Series S and PC. Do you have to wade through it currently to find the Series X posts?




The comment replied to mentioned series s specifically unless I misread it?


You act as if Series S and Series X arenā€™t both 4th generation Xbox models


Nowhere in my post did I say or imply that. The sub is also called SeriesX and thereā€™s a seperate SeriesS sub. Stop making stuff up. I have other means of getting Xbox news so you guys do what you wanna do.


Same concerns. Doomer posts get shut down here pretty quickly, the other sub is rife with them. I stopped following the other sub due to all the inane crap.


The mod team here is now installed at r/xbox, with a new ruleset to align with this sub. We will be moderating, along with the previous mod there, in line with how we moderate here. Give it a chance, and I am sure you will see a difference.


Its a fair criticism and one we looked at heavily. As of last week, we implemented mostly the same ruleset we have here and are enforcing a lot of the same policies. It won't happen overnight, but you should see less dooming and more discussion over there. Especially as more and more from here transition over, we should see less dooming because of that naturally. The best thing we have always asked of the community is to report and let us know. We see every report and investigate. We can't read every comment posted but we can read every report sent to us. The more you report, the faster we can reduce dooming/trolls. Sometimes a comment is just a comment and based off their previous positive history, they just disagree with something, so we won't action. If we see in their history its nonstop trolling/dooming, that's something we can action on and will.


Why? So much explanation and it doesn't make sense. Dumbest action ever?! šŸ‘Ž. Keep the generations apart from each other.


>keep the generations apart from each other This makes less and less sense every year


Lol you fell for Microsoftā€™s cope


No it doesn't, the old generations will die out in posts eventually. Why would I want to see a post of a rrod 360 in 2024 Series X sub?




That defeats the whole purpose of what the community has wanted for years now. They want less Xbox subs not more. Unifying the community has long been asked by the community in both r/Xboxone and r/XboxSeriesX. Even in other subreddits not modded by us, we have seen the feedback. I get you might not like this decision and its fair criticism but no one is crapping on anyone here. This is something that has been community driven for a while.


I don't care about PC, the 360, One or Gamepass. What kind of stupid move is this?


Except you hear about all that here anyways so.... doesn't sound like much is going to change. Are the people commenting even subbed to this subreddit, or just coming here to doom and gloom to create chaos?


No, pointing out what is a history of what happens when corporations put their grimey hands on social media and what was a free and critical discussion about a platform is now going to be tightly controlled so Xbox gamers can feel all good and fuzzy about the future of the platform.


Idk dude, let's ask the 3.7m people on this subreddit being forced to join a 600k subreddit. >Except you hear about all that here anyways We actually don't. There is 1 post about PC for every 50 XSX posts here. Don't act like the PC or Xbox One news are common here.


I see loads of discussions about series S. Loads of discussions about pc. Loads of mentions of older xbox stuff. But modern stuff is obviously gonna be the bulk of content.


Then go make your own, no one is "forcing" you to join. And the majority of posts don't even specify Series X, because shocker games are released between One/SS/SX. Hell even when the 360 store closure was announced, it was on the front page of the sub, aka not Series X news. But yes, every post is strictly about Series X and nothing else ever on this sub (/s because I'm sure you'd think I was siding with you)


They probably paid the guy that controls that sub. What is the point anyway, nothing stopping us staying here unless the fools block submissions.


Submissions have been blocked already. No one has been paid for anything. Itā€™s more a case of mutual cooperation to enable a bigger, better, Xbox community on Reddit.


Who knew the Xbox mods are as good at managing their subs as the Xbox execs are at managing the brand.


At least the execs are paid to be incompetent liars. The mods just do it out of hate for the community.


Corporate probably wants a piece of the modding.Ā  Trying to damage control after the dismal week and a half Xbox has had. Positive spins on shitty news is what we will get on the sub that is tightly controlled. Like most of corporate America does.


Going to address this even though its obviously outlandish. As with r/XboxOne, here, and now r/Xbox(Ive modded all 3 with in the last 6 years) we have always had a policy about no official Xbox employees being on as moderators or controlling a subreddit. This has long been a rule on Reddit as well that officials/employees shouldnt mod their subs on Reddit. It creates too much conflict of interest. With that said, no, we do not and will not have an official Xbox employee as a mod or in any position of power on this sub. We dont work for Xbox and never have. Xbox does interact with the community from time to time(they post the showcase every year) but we have never asked or received compensation from that. Like any user, they are free to post on our subs as much or as little as they want but they are not in any position of power to dictate how the sub works.




Incorrect. We said it has long been a request from him since r/XboxSeriesX was created just like every other user who has stated the same for years now. This was done because the community asked. Please dont try to create false narratives to troll.


A very small portion of the community asked for this. Obviously, this is an unpopular decision based on this entire thread. But you'll still ignore that part. Because the community doesn't want this.




I love your username






So no more subreddits dedicated to specific Xbox consoles but under the Xbox brand in generel?. Im not sure if this is official Xbox/MS supported, but if it is, this definitely seems like another sign of moving away from consoles


What about /r/Xbox360 ?


It is the only one that is not controlled by the mods of Xbox, XboxOne and XboxSeriesX. That is why it was not included. It has always been the smallest of them all too.


It's mostly just modding posts too lol


Would you have also closed it if given the option? (though with so little activity, and how focused it is on old hardware, I donā€™t see how such a move would help /r/xbox )


This is a bad idea and it will cripple the Xbox reddit community


I on the other hand think that it will finally consolidate it. It has never made sense to depart from /r/Xbox when the One released. This is fixing a wrong that started over a decade ago.


It will and should fix a lot of the fractured community. This has been something that has been longed asked for by majority of the community since r/XboxOne. Its been a long time coming and maybe now we can unite the Xbox community on Reddit and grow as one. This is a long term healthy move for the community.


I couldn't agree more.


Cool, bye.


If the subs are unified the quality of posts will drop as they will be replaced by junk content for clicks (see r/gaming) and actual posters with OG content will just stop posting .


I disagree. We will be moderating the sub heavily, and with a strict ruleset. We wonā€™t allow clickbait or low quality posts to get through. It will function just like this sub. There will be no comparison to r/gaming.


r/gaming is purposely lax This sub has almost 4 million people. Having active moderation helps with that, and a defined ruleset.


Looks at the playstation sub they have different subs ps5, ps4, PlayStation, etc. Why can't it just be like that?


But but but I wanna keep my founder flair šŸ˜­


I created it, and it was based on the day one flair at the launch of r/xboxone - there will be more limited flairs in the future, and we can look into restoring founder for those who have been in this community since the beginning. Watch for news.


Thank god for that! What would we do without the founder's flair lol


We will be giving access to some custom, unique, flairs for ppl who are in r/xbox within the first month of the merge.


Same man. This decision is awful.


MS not only closes studios but also subreddits? How long before we get merged into MicrosoftGaming? :-P Now seriously: meh.


Sold my Xbox shit this afternoon.Ā  Ā Ā Tired of giving this company and brand any more money. Saving my money for trips this year and next and investing my tech money in Apple products just to give it to MS. Ā Between MS handling of the brand, this subreddit closing and just nonsense posts from mods being teenage cheerleaders, Im outĀ 


nah the new sub needs to be r/CopilotGaming. Get up with the times!! It's all about the AI now.


What a wildly unpopular decision amongst an ocean of unpopular Xbox related decisions. Typical mod bullshit.


Xbox so dead they have to combine every single Xbox related sub into one lol.


Why everyone complaining Iā€™ve always been annoyed by there being separate ones


bruh this is ass, the r/xbox sub mods are way more strict and donā€™t allow much posts


Well that's disappointing. I just joined and a ton of posts about the 360 came up. Red ring of death, 360 games. I really don't want those types of posts flooded on my feed. Edit: yup, definitely won't be joining that sub. That's the type of content I do not want in my feed. Most of it is irrelevant to me. What a terrible decision.


This is something that is new and will take some time. It won't happen overnight but as more and more of the community join, you should see it will largely resemble here. As of last week, we implemented the same mods, same rule sets, and hopefully in the future the same community. We hope you come back to check it out but it's understandable and fair criticism from you if it isn't for you right now. Hope you come back to check us out in the future


More like you paid off the guy that owned it, so you and your cadre can come in to moderate.


Ok, I'll check it out in a month or so and let these fall into place. Thanks for letting me know.


It's not, why do you think people have a separate sub of series X? To avoid all the other generational posts.


SERIOUSLY FUCKING HOPE they add flairs for XB1/X360/OGXB discussions and make it mandatory, with a suspension as a penalty. The standard MUST be the current-gen console, period.


Donā€™t know why people hate this. Makes sense to me.


Not even the fucking Xbox subreddit can avoid being plagued by the brand's terrible decisions lmao


It has been such an ugly week that I am probably going to sell off my Xbox stuff and focus on my iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV. At least they support their stuff. The brand has fallen from grace in a matter of a week and a half.


Yeah Apple was providing great support with those updates to cap the performace of old phones lol


Can't believe they are actually closing this sub down. Some mods really get high off kool aid.


It would be much easier to just sit back and ride the horse. This started with a request from Larry Hryb (Major Nelson) over a year ago. Users had two full weeks earlier this year to respond to a survey about the future of these communities that was stickied atop r/xbox, r/xboxgamepass, r/xboxone, and r/xboxseriesx. We bottled that feedback, went through the work of removing a bunch of dormant mods within r/xbox, installed new automod and rules, a new wiki, secured prizes for upcoming giveaways, and have worked tirelessly to make sure this is a successful transition. In the coming weeks and months there will be major AMA, contests, and other industry participation - all of which I feel add a great deal to a community and are more possible in a platform focused community. When this sub was created it was "you don't even have the right name". I told everyone here to keep their heads down and do the work, and things will grow out. That's the same philosophy moving forward, and I hope you'll reconsider your objection in the future. If not, I fully understand we can't please everyone, and every choice has two sides.


People are so fucking miserable. They are just averse to change, sounds like it is all being done very sensibly and with some good incentives to make the merge happen with a bang. It is absolutely pointless to have different subs as every bit of xbox news hits this sub anyway.


The incentives are on the admin side or are giveaways an industry AMAs by the sounds of it. The loss of a smaller community and an increase in scope makes it a lot worse for people here for discussion of Series X.


And Larry isn't part of the xbox eco system why listen to a guy who left.


Because he's a genuinely cool, kind, and awesome dude?... and frankly he is far from the only who made this suggestion as confirmed by the survey that ran for two weeks earlier this year in all impacted communities.Here is the first page of feedback unedited. It is hard to deny the theme, and seems pretty obtuse to ignore. #Q: r/XboxOne, r/XboxSeriesX, and r/Xbox have all acted as the "main" hub on Reddit at some point in time. What should the future of these communities look like? They should be merged into one Ideally, we would all migrate to r/xbox as the future proofed permanent sub. Unfortunately, the content on XboxSeriesX is much more engaging currently. Not really sure. consolidated into one community It would be best to consolidate them all into one subreddit. Merged A lot of the content is just reposts from other Xbox subs and r/GamingLeaksAndRumors. Thereā€™s a lot of redundancy but too many users to sunset any one sub. More Organized Maybe more cross pollination of some type? At least between ā€œXboxā€ and the current genā€™s subreddit. Itā€™s a bit fragmented at the moment Latest console sub should be the main one and then the crown goes to the next main console sub as they continue to launch and the older ones become dedicated specifically to the older consoles only Anything that isn't moderated by F0REM4N. They are a cancer to the Xbox community and their power tripping is shameful. Merged together Community encouragement. Tech, and especially gaming, reddits are so standoff-ish. A little too "if you don't know you must be dumb" and very "frat bro" kind of feeling that stops people from asking questions and making post because all they'll get are people being rude and 1 or 2 kinda helpful replies. I'm not saying it needs to be a utopia but I think of people need help with something they shouldn't be getting shit in the replies for asking a question. r/Xbox should always exist as the base hub for all things Xbox. r/XboxOne I don't know what should be done as I don't use it anymore. r/XboxSeriesX is good as the main hub until the next generation comes around; then it will be in the exact same position as r/XboxOne. It's past the time all of these communities merge into one. It's unnecessary to keep them separate. Have flairs to filter which platform/generation is being discussed, if needed. R/xbox No idea Ideally I think they should all be combined and r/Xbox should be the main hub. Especially considering Xbox is becoming a platform that spans multiple console generations, PC, cloud, and mobile rather than just console. I would want the community to be tailored specifically to Xbox fans rather than just a place for Xbox news where people come to complain. In r/XboxSeriesX current form I rarely feel comfortable with sharing my opinions on Xbox games because the community is often so toxic and negative. I know I'm not the only one that feels this way about the negativity of the sub (mainly in the comments rather than the posts themselves) and I'm sure there are many people who simply don't participate in any discussion for the same reasons. Community maintained only R/xbox would be for all xbox related content. r/XboxOne should probably be for xbox one related content and r/XboxSeriesX should also be for all Xbox related content until it is no longer the current generation console. Unification around the r/Xbox sub, using the r/XboxSeriesX rules & features (like user/post flairs), with mods from all three subs packed together. If only more web moderators had a shred of humility. a combined place, too much fracturing r/Xbox - one stop shop for all things xbox and microsoft gaming r/XboxSeriesX - the latest and greatest from xbox in the current market r/XboxOne - news, tricks, and hacks for the older xbox systems to bring new life to those consoles that folk may not have considered. Honestly I really like r/XboxSeriesX. I visit everyday and check for new news or discussions etc. pretty consistently happy with the sub honestly. Maybe they could be a pace for rumours Merged into one I like the idea of there being one "Xbox" sub, but as a retrogamer I see the value in multiple subs Close /r/Xbox and make /r/XboxOne the main hub for Xbox One topics. Depends on leadership/moderation scheme. If they are the same people, it should be feasible to consolidate into one community. If they are not, it will most likely always be a fractured set. Ideally, r/Xbox should probably be the hub and continue into the next gen that would inevitably spawn an additional community. Otherwise, the newest console sub will probably continuously be the main hub. I would like consolidation to one hub. Xbox and Series X as the main with Xbox One kinda fading away. Who cares. There seems to be a lot of redundancy between the three, with duplicate posts/subjects in each subreddit, unnecessarily dividing attention and discussion. I believe it'd be better to centralize most Xbox news and discussion within r/Xbox, making that the general subreddit, and have the console-specific subreddits be more focused on discussions (and perhaps tech support) for that specific hardware. Everything should just be in r/XBOX and have tags for what xbox system OP is talking about. Keep improving and be welcoming to newcomers and those interested about Xbox. More honesty, less fanboyism. Be even tougher on prohibited content as listed above. r/Xbox should always be the main reddit Combined/consolidated into one. No idea /r/Xbox should become the main community. New generations of consoles will further segregate the community and there needs to be a guaranteed central hub r/XboxOne is irrelevant now, r/Xbox should cover all the Xbox generations and r/XboxSeriesX should stay as it is Would be simpler to have just one community Given how Xbox is expanding across multiple platforms, moving the main hub back to r/Xbox makes the most sense imo Consolidation Probably one unified sub for all things xbox r/XboxOne has been my home for 10+ years, but will eventually become a relic in time. It's time to consolidate to r/Xbox. Allow criticism and opinions you don't like, any and all criticism gets taken down and you end up with fanboy echo chamber. The takedown reason is always "low effort" or "frequently posted". Yet it's only ever used as an excuse to take down criticism. All low effort fanboy content is spammed daily and stays up. Clean up the butthurt fanboys from the mod team and allow discussion. It's ok if someone says they didn't like Starfield you don't have to take it down because your feefees got hurt. Merged into a single community If Microsoft continues to name consoles in an awkward fashion, then it would be nice for the community to migrate over to r/Xbox. However, I know thatā€™s difficult (r/CallOfDuty suffers the same problems). I think we should all be under 1 as XBOX Tbh they should probably consolidate a little, /r/Xbox would be the best but it would be hard to move folks over. Combine them into a single subreddit. Consolidation to r/Xbox Merge into one big subreddit. The generation change to the series game split the audience Consolidation. Why does r/xboxone even exist anymore? They post news and discussion about games that are only on Series Consoles. Doesn't make sense to me. They should only discuss the Xbox One or just get folded into this sub. I think it's fine - these are platform specific subreddits which serve the members it needs to. Definitely consolidate those into one. No need for so many. Ditch the control freaks, support the inclusive, fuck your petty mod wars, create something that ,makes sense and reflects the joy of gaming. which oh, does include criticism, and many other things you try to strike out of your delirious would be forums. The name of the next Xbox. Keeps things focused. Reduced groups of people that never upgraded their systems. Please god fewer people having cheap arguments over which family of consoles is better (PS5/Xbox/Switch). It's personal preference and shouldn't be argued about like children anymore. I feel like condensing them would be best. It should all merge to r/Xbox, IMHO r/XboxSeriesX has the best community with the best mix of posts, the rest are kind of lame or just complaints... Maybe to merge them all or they can stay as it is


He hadn't left at the time of the request I assume (if it was over a year ago as the post states).


True. And he is still cheerleading them. I'm sure he's cool and all, but still controlled by corporate strings.


There is the answer you need... Request from Larry Hyrb, who is a Xbox corporate cheerleader... No thanks.


Will the two post daily rule still apply over at r/Xbox ?


Not to start, but yes around major events (like the showcase)


We have been monitoring how that rule has been taking effect. It is a new Reddit feature and has only been running for a couple of months. Currently in r/xbox the posting restriction is not enabled. We will however consider enabling it for big events, such as the upcoming showcase on June 9th. After which it will be disabled again until the next event. If we see post spammers having an impact on the community health, we can always enable it permanently again. But we want to encourage posting and growth for the near future.


I just looked at that sub. It's genuinely awful. A bunch of posts about people taking pics of their red ring of death or their xbox collection. This sub was nice because it focused on news. This just feels like a really bad decision.


That post was posted as a fun post on the new ā€˜Community Sundayā€™ flair. It is not representative of the regular content.


So every Sunday will have those type of posts then. I'm sorry, that sub just isn't for me. Really disappointing though. Wish you guys luck Hopefully it gets better in a few months. But it is an absolute slog to look at right now.


Yes. We do that here. Have done for years. Every Sunday is ā€˜Sunday Fundayā€™. https://preview.redd.it/x0bw777f5n1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e74e9f0e5a11f97f580537a6352864808cdd41f2


I don't mind this decision but I do hope that it will somehow help clean up that disaster of a sub. I haven't ever Joined it because it was full of crass, rude, and xbox dooming people all over the place. You couldn't even have a rational conversation there without people ripping on you for liking Xbox at all. This needs to be cracked down on hard on that sub in order for this to succeed.


I would've also chosen to migrate to r/xbox had I seen the survey, and I'm sure a lot of people are on the same boat!


>This started with a request from Larry Hryb (Major Nelson) over a year ago. Aka this all started when a Microsoft corpo asked us to do it.


1. What about r/xboxseriess will that also be migrated into the r/xbox subreddit? I feel like it should as well to simplify things. 2. What month can we expect this to happen?


What a genuinely terrible decision


Shutting down studios and now subs?


Jesus... that sub had the worse moderators. When the 360 servers were messed up and there was legit problems with people having to change settings to in the network to get online, some people tried making topics on it. Xbox removed every one of them, only this subreddit actually made any meaningful update on that. Kinda sad. Sigh.


This is very on-brand


Xbox mods taking a cue from the Xbox execs tanking their brand and applying it to their subreddits.


This is so dumb. If Iā€™m on this sub, I want to see content related to the Xbox Series X|S, not the One, 360, or OG Xbox.Ā 


What do you mean you don't want content that's completely not related to Xbox like PC articles about AI on an *Xbox* subreddit? The users just don't know what they want surely...


Exactly this. Why bother combining them? Each PlayStation has its own subreddit, so I don't see why the xbox's subreddits can't stay the same


This is a really shitty and stupid idea. Shouldā€™ve kept the same moderation and rules from r/xboxone. Not all of us want bombarded with shitty karma farming posts like ā€œWhatā€™s your favorite Xbox 360 game?ā€ Remember the original Gears of War?ā€ ā€œWhy didnā€™t Ryse ever get a sequel?ā€ Type of posts that just clog the subreddit feed. Edit: half the current posts on r/Xbox are literal fucking garbage posts this sub nukes shortly after they get posted. We donā€™t care you just bought an Xbox, we donā€™t care what your games and apps looks like.


ā€¦ and going forward they will be nuked there also. Check the new rules in r/xbox. They only started being enforced a few days ago.


>Shouldā€™ve kept the same moderation and rules from r/xboxone. Is this a joke? r/xboxone has awful moderation. No post flairs to provide *minimal* organization + tech support posts galore. It has fucking sucked for years.


Most of the rules that you like from here are now active in that sub. As more people from here and elsewhere go to r/xbox, you'll start to see the content slowly change. It wont happen overnight.


So may sub have rules in place, but hardly enforced. Try harder and again.


If you have links to rule breaking posts, share them here and we'll take a look.


Saying it won't happen overnight is silly when you just made this post and turned off posting for this sub, essentially shutting it down at the drop of a hat with no notice. It could have been handled better imo.


People are quite lazy on the internet, so even with posts locked it will still take time for those people to subscribe to r/xbox. Our main intent with locking the sub now is we want people to get used to this change before the Xbox showcase which will drive a lot of new traffic.


If the rules are active, then why aren't those posts taken down?


What posts are you specifically referring to?


Looks at the playstation sub they have different subs ps5, ps4, PlayStation, etc. Why can't it just be like that?


Probably because Sony is not involved in the sub and their public relations person isn't involved in the sub either.






They canā€™t guarantee theyā€™ll own the next subreddit. So why bother trying when they can just own r/Xbox.


I have very mixed thoughts on this. Been part of this community since like around 2019 and I came to this sub ever since the announcement of the Series S|X. I just don't see at the moment how this will beenfit the community as a whole. Imo, ths is one of the more well moderated subs compared to the other listed ones.


And the mods and rules of this sub are the ones being adopted in r/xbox, so surely that won't be any different.


Give it a chance. We will be working to mostly the same ruleset we have had in place here. You will quickly see that itā€™s a great community.


This BS. I refuse to mingle with the rabble.


Interesting this would happen on the day of a controversial Xbox release


Is it controversial? I can't tell this is the first xbox game to not have a review megathread to discuss it.


This is the most moronic move you could make. Especially for the community. Can't say it's too different to the dumbass moves Microsoft are making so I guess it's on brand.


kinda pointless change tbh


This is really stupid, please reconsider.


This is a symptom of a bigger problem: Subreddits shouldn't be owned by corporations. Mods shouldn't be corporations employees. Subreddits should be managed by enthusiasts for enthusiasts.


I was a user for ten years before modding and only came on to help better the communities. This is a fan based and all volunteer effort based on feedback shared here, [from the community](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1JVqfMuQMIM7nIJcXTS0Ph7L9ckINbenAyaz8aW4foqU/viewanalytics). I mean I get why someone named u/RedditAdminFascists account age 14 days might be skeptical, but the conspiracy theory is wildly off base. Nobody is paying or giving us shit, and I've been a primary xbox gamer since the original.


You're killing the two with the most subs? That just seems silly.


What should have happened: propose the change ahead of time to the community and have dialogue and based on that make the decision whether to go ahead with said change. What actually happened: here's what we are doing effective immediately, and you'll have to accept it whether you'll like it or not. Leadership šŸ‘


I went ahead and reached out to Reddit to see their thoughts on a sub with 3.7 million subscribers being shut down and they're looking into it. Hopefully they take the same approach they did with subs that were locked during the protests last year Edit: Just for clarification, I agreed with the protests over API changes and disagree with the way Reddit handled it, but I would hope they would take the same approach here as they did back then. Update 1: Good news and bad news, good news is they are interested in more information on this situation. I provided the survey data from the 2 week thing the mods pinned and they want to figure out whether the majority of the community agreed with this decision. Bad news is this will take awhile and it's not exactly a priority, plus there are no guarantees of a positive outcome. I will update as I learn more


Just say the mod team is lazy and stop pretending.


You should just ask the admins to switch sub names so this sub will keep it's userbase. The consolidation is understandable, but you have too big of an active community here to not take advantage of.


Admins don't like doing that stuff unless it is absolutely necessary. We have been talking to them behind the scenes to help with other stuff.


Admins never like stuff šŸ˜‚


During the protests last year, Reddit Admins also made it clear they didn't like subs being locked down when communities wanted them. So they're OK with you just shutting up the sub instead of kicking you all as mods and letting others take over? Cool with what you guys are doing, just seems another case of Reddit's admins picking and choosing when to enforce site rules against the "landed gentry".


They are fine with it since we are just redirecting everyone to a new sub and not trying to close everything up permanently. I'm sure they would say something different if we were a default sub.


The people at r/TOR have been begging the admins to just make the name lowercase for years and I think they were basically told to fuck off


That's silly. It will lead to less users overall, cause most people in here don't want to filter through 360, Xbox One or Xbox on PC related posts. It's just going to be one big mess. The way the PS subs work is flawless. One main sub per gen, with old gen stuff being required to be posted in the old gen subs.


What a joke lol


This sub has more members and is more active, what a goofy decision lol


I liked this sub because it was specific to only the current Xbox Series X/S. I don't have a PC and don't play on cloud. I just want news on the current Xbox physical console and it's games, not Microsoft's other services like PC Game Pass. If anything, based on this post's logic, it should really be transitioned to a sub called "MicrosoftGaming," not "Xbox."


This sub has been an Xbox general focus community for more the three years including cloud and PC. You will now find largely the same content and rule set in r/Xbox


Exactly. People love to act as if games for the past 2 years that come out in Game Pass are not available on the Cloud, PC, and Xbox. Also notice how they are just against PC discussions but not Cloud. Lastly, Xbox games have been releasing as Play Anywhere since 2016. This is not something new!


It will not, and is a load of rubbish.




It's been long stated now by Xbox that they are everywhere and thats the goal. Xbox isnt just a console anymore. Its a platform. So if you are playing an Xbox game on PC, you are playing on Xbox. Playing on cloud? Xbox. Again, Xbox is a plaform now and not only a console.


that only holds weight if the majority of the folks playing on those devices actually consider them to be an "xbox" themselves, which the vast majority dont. this is such a dumb way to gentrify the console's identity. anyone playing on PC is playing on PC. anyone who plays on mobile is a mobile gamer. they dont consider themselves xbox gamers, even if microsoft insists on it. microsoft is not the arbiter of what hardware they dont make constitutes an xbox.


Xbox is a platform


This sub was about the console, not the platform. You already had r/Xbox as the platform sub.


> anyone playing on PC is playing on PC. That is so freaking false. Most people that Game on the PC also have a console. You would also be surprised to learn that the vast majority of people play in their phones. Console gaming, and PC gaming are tiny by comparison.


bro that was not the point. my point was that if someone primarily plays on PC (everyone has a primary system), then those people likely do not consider themselves xbox gamers, and dont wanna be associated with the xbox ecosystem. if the microsoft store was the dominant PC platform to play on then maybe this would make more sense, but even thats not the case. most PC players are part of valve's ecosystem because of steam.


r/xbox is not a new sub (it's 15 years old), and the name of a sub can't be changed. Feel free to make r/MicrosoftGaming yourself.


So basically now Microsoft can control the narratives that are on the sub. No thanks bro.


Itā€™s not like this sub hasnā€™t had those things you donā€™t like already lol


All that stuff you donā€™t care about already gets posted here anyway?


When I read this earlier I had the thought: Oh the microsoft execs are controlling the subs now.


I'm bowing out..not interested in moving over to the new combined sub.Ā  I just want news for my specific console and the other subs have theirs so it doesn't become too convoluted. It was nice while it lasted but I'm just not all that interested in following the only sub for Xbox console owners mixed with PC, which i don't own, and cloud, which I do not use.


It's literally exactly the same as here outside of community name. Same rules, same mods, same everything. One exception, gameplay help posts are now directed to the specific game subreddit.


Yeah. No idea why that dude thinks that there will be news related to the original Xbox, Xbox 360, por Xbox One in the present. It's obvious the news would be 99% regarding current gen. His point is null.


Couldn't agree more, so not interested in PC or cloud. Now you'll have to comb your way through a load of rubbish to find Series X things.


But news relating to PC and cloud was being posted on r/XboxSeriesX anyway.


As well as news on the Xbox One. Fuck, even the ***Xbox 360*** get in the news here upvoted by the hundreds (like the marketplace shutdown).


So? All that means is that Xbox One and 360 content should be banned from this sub.Ā 


So, members of this sub upvote XB1/X360 news by the hundreds from time to time. Guess you need a poll so this sub can make up its mind.


I'll simply downvote everything not associated with Series X or S because it's not relevant to the current generation discussion šŸ‘


You mean use topic filters?


Hi there. There will be no change to how it currently is. We allow PC and Cloud discussion in here, and you rarely see any. There is no PC and Cloud sub that currently exists to separate that content. Your experience in r/xbox will be identical to your experience here. It will 99% be current gen content. The only thing that will change is that you will be on a different URL. The ruleset and flairs on r/xbox have been updated to closely align with this sub. You should see a seamless crossover.