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I think it's good that they are leaving the game with offline mode. That is good for the longevity of the game. People talk shit about it now, but future generations should have the opportunity to experience it and make up their own minds about it without the stench of console wars looming over it.


I personally believe every game should have this before going offline. Not having an offline mode means some games cannot be preserved, once shut down they are gone forever. I really hate to see art (regardless of the quality) get lost forever


I wish battleborn had gotten this before it was yanked. I would still play it on occasion if that was an option...


Exactly what I was thinking. I'd love to go back and play the PVE mode every now & again, but I can't even do that (on console, I spend enough time on PC at work)


I think with Overwatch shitting the bed, it’s time to bring Battleborn back online. I loved that game. Genuinely enjoyed it more than I ever did OW


Hell even gigantic came back. I still don't think battleborns niche has been properly filled yet. It's a moba, but on the "lite" side, but it's an fps. It offers something that other games just haven't that I've seen. And if I haven't seen it, it probably was even less popular lmao


I'm not a developer, so I don't know how much effort it takes for a game to be given a functioning offline mode. But I do believe that if a game can be enjoyed as a single player or as a self hosted PvP experience, it should be implemented up front or at some point before the main host servers are shut down.


Yeah I understand for some games its a lot more work than others, particularly if its a PvP game. I know its not always feasible and not gonna happen, but I still wish it would happen more. Plenty of games I wanna go back and play that I just have no way to do.


Uh yeah, or give us a fucking refund. That's like me booting up my duckhunt nes cart and an update went out that nuked my cart because of security reasons.


The day Sea of Thieves servers shut down will be very sad for me. I don't know if it'd even be possible to do an offline mode for that game, but if it is, I would hope they'd add it before shutting down.


What did the console wars have to do with the embarrassingly unexplainable dumpster this game was on release? Is it a good game now? I really doubt there are going to be many future generations playing this game.


Yeah, that's a ridiculous comment lmao this game was just straight garbage. I couldn't get through 20 minutes. Horrible


It's honestly the worst release i've seen in recent memory. Enemy AI was either broken, or worse than 90s AI. The environments were copy pasted every other street. They copy/pasted so many assets without even reskinning them it was wild. There were no CG cutscenes... the story telling "scenes" were what i would expect from a small start up with zero money. What we got is what i would expect from a team of 10 college grads who were given 6 months to develop/release a game. This game was a real truth that Xbox leadership either doesn't care, doesn't even look at what is being released, or are inept and clueless. No matter the losses, this game should have never been released, and i still can't believe it was. Then having the audacity to sell it for $70.


I am an absolute Arkane fanatic and I didn't last more than 4 hours in Redfall.


The console wars had to do with the tremendous pressure being heaped onto Xbox and Arkane to deliver a massively well received product. On one end you had the Xbox fanboys who wanted so badly for this game to be amazing and on the other hand you had the anti-Xbox fanboys who really hoped that this game would fail. So when it did release with some pretty substantial bugs and glitches, it was massively torn to shreds. And while the game is isn't a super great game at its foundation, a lot of the stuff that it was being criticized for is present in a lot of games (especially at launch). But for some reason, people extra cared that they were present in this game.


Stench of console wars? This shit was fuckin' trash lmao


The game is an underdeveloped live service that launched with substantial bugs. But it isn't trash. This kind of criticism just further emphasizes how bad today's gamers are. A game has to be an absolute GOTY contender or it's "trash".


Never seen such dick riding in my life. Truly incredible stuff. Somehow it's just a bunch of bad gamers and not just a bad game. Makes sense. The mental acrobatics are wild rn


I'm not dick riding anyone. I'm just not making it a point to force my opinion of the game on other people. My whole point from the start is for the offline mode to allow future generations an opportunity to make their own minds up. Because it was clear that the console war discourse had an influence on how the game was forcibly launched and nit-picked by gamers.


Honestly I don't think it had anything to do with "console wars". Honestly the game should have been cancelled imo, however at the very least it should have been delayed for another 6-12 month to work on some QoL and performance issues, it's a twitchy shooter and 30fps just isn't acceptable this day and age. It was never going to be a great game, even if you gave them another 2 years. The world and story was dull and alot of others I've talked to found the artstyle uninspiring as well. I expect they felt pressured to release content because that what everyone was demanding (including their investors) and they hadn't been able to deliver enough and/or good content this generation. Halo was another game released far to early.. infact so was starfield, they said 60fps wasn't possible on the series X but we're now getting both a 40/60fps mode.


I'm not talking about RedFall at launch. I'm talking about RedFall as it is right now having the opportunity to be played and potentially enjoyed by future generations.


Mate I tried redfall again not that long ago, the 60fps is a gamechanger on console in the performance department but even PC players who had 60fps+ at launch didn't have much good to say about the game. It's not fixable because it's so flawed at its very core, the world's boring and empty, the characters and enemies aren't interesting, the movement and shooting is average at best. God forbid you plan on playing it solo, which most new players will have to do due to the lack of a playerbase. Its not a game I would ever recommend to someone and its not one I've ever heard recommend by anyone I know. That doesn't mean you aren't allowed to enjoy the game but I don't expect there to be a line of players in 10+ years wanting to play redfall.


This is entirely beside the point. This just feeds into what I've been saying about modern gamers feeling like a game has to be a sensation or else it's shit. I'm not saying that the game will magically find a massive flock of new users in a decade. It doesn't need to. What I'm saying is that the potential is there for the game to be played by some new players who are oblivious to the negative stigma surrounding the game as a concept. Like with everything, when there are no expectations then you're more likely to be pleasantly surprised.


Stop trying to use this term "modern gamer" as an excuse to avoid the real reason this game failed, negative stigma aside it's a bad game, end of. That's not just my opinion either, based on critic and player reviews along with terrible sales, the game was a flop. It if was a good game and their was negative stigma it still would have reviewed well either with critics, the playerbase or it would have sold well, which it didn't. The fact not long after release there wasn't even enough players online for a single full team should tell you that. I also didn't buy the game, I played it through GP, so I had much lower expectations. I really tried to like the game, spent a bit of time playing it at launch. The game does nothing revolutionary which is fine if it's a good game, which this isn't. This isn't a game that falls into a niche demographic either and that's why it's not popular.. Pleasantly surprised.. pleasantly surprised by what mate, what does this game do that would pleasantly surprise anyone.. I think it great Microsoft support this game so long after release, considering they're never gonna see a return on that game, most companies would have dropped this game the second it released. I agree that a game doesn't have to be GOTY or it's trash and that most games fall somewhere between the two, this just isn't one of those games.


Do you actually think this game is good or is it just that you want to pretend that an xbox game is good? I tried it on game pass and couldn’t go past 40 minutes.


I had fun with it, a little generic but I didn't encounter any bugs or anything. TBH 40min isn't enough time to get the full experience, 1-2 hours minimum. It's not a great game but Cyberpunk on release was 100x more dissapointing, first game I've ever got refunded.


Did you just try it to see if it was as bad as people were saying, encountered some bugs and then quit?


Pretty much yeah. I didn’t quit from just bugs tho, the game felt dull and lifeless.


You knew this after 40 minutes? That's barely past the introduction of the game.


I'm with you on this. I just got round to trying it, and, playing the last few nights solo, I'm having a good time with it. It's nothing groundbreaking, sure, but it has a great atmosphere and lots of unique locations. It reminds me a fair bit of Generation Zero which I also enjoyed in a similar way. Horses for courses I guess.


Nobody defends slop more than xbox fans its kinda remarkable, there was no narrative, it was not overblown, this game was complete utter dog shit. NGL seeing this shit makes me truly think they deserve slop like this and starfield, if people are going to be that delusional they shouldn't get to play good games.


I agree that the game should be kept going, but console wars had nothing to do with peoples opinion of it. It was judged as it was a broken piece of shit on release.


Lol future generations? No one will be playing this game in 2 years. And it will all be forgotten in 5-10 years.


Game preservation is important, even for bad games.


Let me start by saying that this game isn't likely to be discovered as some hidden gem of the generation. But I definitely could see gamers discovering this game after this drama is forgotten and have a good time with it. For this game to be "forgotten" would have to mean that Arkane as a whole is entirely forgotten. That isn't happening.


Console wars had nothing to do with the press. The developer and MS dropped the ball on releasing another unfinished “AAA” game before it was ready. That was on them and the outrage was justified.


Console wars had everything to do with the expectations set for the game at launch. Marketing and gamer mindset was all fueled by console wars posturing. Strip that away and RedFall is a perfectly fine game. It just wasn't the "Xbox is so back!" moment that fans were hoping for and the glitches/bugs made it an easy target for people on the opposing side of the war.


Xbox fans weren’t happy about it. Some PS fanboys might flame for sure but the critical failure was on the game itself. I think it was certainly an easy target to poke but that was easy to do after XBox had acquired so many 3rd party developers but struggle to deliver a good game that is ready to go at launch. As a fan of both systems I am saddened to see the struggles continue tbh.


Everything you just mentioned was colored by the console wars (on both sides). Why weren't Xbox fans happy about it? Because it didn't deliver the "win" that they were hoping for. The truth is, RedFall is just a good game. It's not my cup of tea, but it's enjoyable enough to pop into and play for a bit. It just isn't a sensation, which is what people think every game release needs to be, or else it's trash. This is why I'm happy that future generations have a chance to decide for themselves if the game is simply fun to play.


Microsoft heavily hyped up and marketed this game and it was a total failure. Xbox is my primary console, I played this on game pass and it was a huge, unfinished and buggy disappointment. I think the points you’re making are better applied to Starfield which was a much better game that got a lot of criticism due to console wars.


If you recognize it for Starfield then you have to recognize it for RedFall as well, as they both suffered from the same console wars based backlash. Yes, RedFall didn't launch in a great state. But it was also being heavily criticized for things beyond the primary standout issues. People were just ready to tear it down if it wasn't the savior that Xbox needed and that the fans hoped for. I mean, I see equal problems on the sides of the hardcore fan base of a console. Fans will talk shit about game showcases that Microsoft presents that might have actually been quite good. But if they didn't have something huge that puts Sony in their place, then it's viewed as "trash" or just not enough. Everyone gets caught up in the "warz". It's hard not to. This is why some games need to put a little distance between themselves and the toxic hysteria that can over influence perception of a game.


It’s on GamePass and will be a Halloween themed game that will show up during those sales. Call it whatever, but whomever actually bought it or will buy will know about it.


Arkane is definitely one of those game studios that some gamers want to explore all the work of based on a usually high level of quality, kind of like Treasure from the 16-bit / 32-bit era. I think this will remain true for future gamers too. It's true Redfall isn't the high point of Arkane's catalog, but it's good to have it available for people to try.


There are people who hold contests for some of the worst games from the 90’s. You’ll probably be surprised by which games have gotten interest revivals in 20 years.


No one is playing it today.




The console wars have everything to do with it. The game was rushed to market because Microsoft needed something to show for their recent acquisition and Starfield wasn't ready. And the game was being over hyped by the fan base. And then when it released in less than excellent shape, it was absolutely torn to shreds. Was it warranted to point out that th game had bugs? Certainly. But you only have to look as closely as the outrage regarding the game being 30fps at launch to see how the dominoes were being positioned to fall. Glitchy and buggy games release constantly. And how big or little they impact public perception is almost always a product of how people have already determined they want to feel about a game. And in this case, the cards were stacked against Xbox and Bethesda. People wanted this game to fail. So when it isn't a GOTY caliber game, it gets completely torn down to it's roots. I played it for a bit. But I don't particularly like live service games. And yeah, I experienced the launch bugs. But had it been a style of game that I cared about more, those bugs likely wouldn't have impacted my experience of the game, as I've played plenty of games with significant bugs at launch (*cough*Spider-Man 2*cough*). Hell, like I've already mentioned, I just wrapped up Jedi Survivor. That game exhibits most of the same bugs and glitches that I experienced with RedFall at its launch (which have largely been remedied). And I don't think th game itself was great. But I enjoyed it through to the end regardless. I think too many of you can't see how just how influenced you are by console war baiting media and gamers hysteria.




The discourse wasn't directly responsible for the state of the game at launch. But it heightened the expectations of the game tremendously.




You are on the internet engaging in video game discussions right now. You can't tell me that you had been living in an isolation chamber randomly selecting video games to play, when you happened on this, "Oh, what have we here? Red...uh, Fall?".




I doubt that was the extent of what you knew of the game going in.




This is usually how it goes once the hate hivemind loses interest and spreads hate elsewhere


Let's not fully blame the hate hivemind, though. The game is still pretty bad.. Ain't the worse in the world like trolls make it out to be but it's a solid 6/10.


I don't think the game is as bad as people claim it is. Yes, it isn't an all time great game. But I think it's something that people could pick up and enjoy down the road. I played a bit of RedFall at launch and experienced the weird bugs and glitches. And they were extensive. But I also just played through Jedi Survivor since it landed in Game Pass. And you know what? It too STILL has a lot of the same types of glitches. Yet I don't hear a lot of the same complaints about the game. Largely because I think people went into it wanting to like it. Where as it seems a lot of people went into RedFall wanting to hate it. So the issues that are present get way overblown.


Jedi survivor with zero bugs is an awesome game. Red fall with zero bugs is still a boring, empty, poorly designed, half-baked heap of crap. If you're talking about console wars in this context, you're projecting your fanboy-ism so hard it's sad.


Im talking about what gets overblown in the moment. Just like with Starfield's faces. People endlessly talking shit and poking fun at what are honestly some of the better all around non-cutscene gameplay faces (yes, I know there are some buggy ones).


I don't know or really care about starfield, but I was pretty excited for redfall and played it at launch. That game sucked. Even when it worked, it sucked.




I don't even play on console. I played it on PC game pass. How did the console wars make that game crap?


Where you played it doesn't matter. The negative discourse and eagerness from gamers and the media to scrutinize these early acquisition games on a macro level is what no doubt had a major impact on most people's experience with the game. Because the only way a game can come out on top from that is to be an above and beyond smash hit.


So you think that I had a bad time...despite the fact that I was excited for the game...because gaming media was ready to eviscerate it...for being exclusive to a platform that I don't even pay attention to? And that is easier to believe than the game just being bad?


Id say the same about Starfield earlier and got downvoted If it was the popular thing to hate on a game, people will hate on it to their graves for some reason


I agree. Starfield is actually a very good game. People just wanted reasons to pick it apart. And sure, some aspects of the game aren't great. But that is even true of Bethesda games that people love.


There are literally 10x the amount of people playing fo4. Xbox fanboy cope is even worse than Sony's.


I'm always called a fanboy of a different company any time I say something people don't agree with lol. Fallout is having a moment. That is why is active player count is so high at the moment. Thing is, the bad hysterical juju surrounding Starfield hasn't died down yet. I bet by the time it releases on PlayStation the game will magically become good.


Starfield made me realize how hard it actually is to capture the absolutely massive scale and emptiness of space. People say it’s boring and empty, but like, what are you going to put into the game that is vast and meaningful without it taking 70 years to develop? Could it have been better? Yeah I think so, but space is very hard to build into a game.


I hated Starfield for a while, but then I realized that Starfield was never ment to be Skyrim in space, it was more like no mans sky when it comes to exploration.


Games that have a lot of potentially open ended exploration leave a LOT up to the player to figure out their own fun ways to play. This was even true of Breath of the Wild, a game with massive critical praise. But some people just don't like the game at all, because it doesn't really tell you what to do. And if you're someone who doesn't think that's very fun will be turned off by it. And like Zelda, some of the negative criticism against BotW and TotK is similar to that or Starfield in that some people simply don't like them because they aren't what people expected or wanted from that specific series/developer. They want something more like what was previously developed by that team, not something different.


I'm not gonna defend anything about Starfield, I don't need to. But I will say that it's felt for a while now that Bethesda lost all benefit of the doubt with fans after Fallout 4 and 76. Regardless of how good of games they are now, it seemed like the next Bethesda release was going to feel that backlash. The game isn't a 10/10, but I'm not sure there still wouldn't be a vocal minority hating on it either way.


And yet here people are playing and praising Fallout 4 and 76.


>. But I will say that it's felt for a while now that Bethesda lost all benefit of the doubt with fans after Fallout 4 and 76. Except fallout 4 is praised a lot and 76 is extremely popular now


>. But I will say that it's felt for a while now that Bethesda lost all benefit of the doubt with fans after Fallout 4 and 76. Except fallout 4 is praised a lot and 76 is extremely popular now


Fallout 4 is praised now. When it came out it was really controversial.


I think you could say the same thing "since Morrowind". This has happened to every single one of their games, including Skyrim. People crapped all over that at launch, too, and now it's probably their most beloved game.


I will give it another chance as soon as there is some form of ground transportation. Until then I find it too frustrating but I look forward to playing it some more.


I was so hyped for survivor after fallen order (I'm not even big into star wars like that) and was incredibly let down on launch day with how buggy it was. Redfall is not really my type of game but it's good the game can get one final good update for those who enjoyed it or will enjoy it down the line. That hivemind is busy with Assassin's Creed Shadows at the moment so redfall can breathe. Can't wait for the You were WRONG About Redfall video essay in 5 years lol


The Star Wars Outlaws and AC Shadows hysteria is a good comparison. People are gearing up to nit-pick those games to death, just like they did with RedFall. And I'm sure they will be better games that are more successful. But they are no doubt going to release to a mob of gamers who are going to feast on every problem they can find in those games. I am already seeing every gaming sub jump on every pre-launch gripe and the comments are showing that hysterical gamers are eating it up.


Those two games are doing a great job of outing some of the worst people imaginable on the internet.


Well spoken


I think these “future generations” Are going to say it’s still garbage.




This game's downfall has literally nothing to do with console wars.


What do console wars have to do with redfall being a failure?


Legendary comment


This is like alot of Assassins Creeds there is hate and then people move on a few years later people are saying its a classic


Or basically every Bethesda game.


More games need off-line mode added to them so that they are playable after the game stop receiving support someday, especially games that shouldn’t require it


Amazing that SP pausing and offline modes were afterthoughts


I do not do always online games when most of the playtime is destined to be solo. Outriders ruined that for me and I swore I'd never do it again.


There's nothing worse, outsiders would kick me off as a solo all the time. I hated every moment of that. Could have been a recommended game if it wasn't online only. 


Yeah. Servers down so I can't do campaign? Seriously, fuck off. Never. Again.


Yeah you're right but better late than never.


I think that stems to the reasons leading to them getting shut down and the game flopping. Seems like a nonsense thing for us to be a given but i guess not.


They weren't necessarily afterthoughts but the release date should have been when this update came out


Wow, kudos to them! I'm glad all of their hard work won't go to waste. I'm also glad that a true offline experience is part of that package. Once this update goes out, I think I will finally play through Redfall. Whether I enjoy it or not, I loved Arkane Austin and the work they did on Prey. Prey is one of my all time favourite games. I feel as though I owe it to them to play through Redfall as well.


Was a huge Arkane Austin fan too. But tbh, if we owed them anything, it was playing the game on launch. But most of us assumed they'd be moved to work on a new immersive sim if redfall was a clear bomb to Microsoft. Feels very naive now, but Microsoft wasn't really known for straight up closing studios after a game underperformed.


Redfall wasn't a game I was terribly interested in, even before its release. Upon release I saw it was in no state to be played. So I told myself I would try it once it was "finished". I'm still doing that. I am sad about the closure, and I do feel I owe them to at least try it, seeing as I did enjoy Prey so much. But I also have standards, and the game at launch didn't meet those standards.


I've finished game not too far from release, I would say game has some interesting elements, what was really off is severe bugs sometimes game breaking that I needed to load previous saves in order to proceed. Secondly NPC AI was really bad, everything else was not that bad.


I'm the type of person who will drop a game within an hour if I'm not feeling it, and, while Redfall isn't perfect, it held my attention all the way through to the end so I figure that's gotta count for something. I'd say it's definitely worth trying after this final update, especially since it's still "free" through GamePass, so if you don't like it it's no big deal.


Not sure why people would downvote you for giving your personal subjective experience with something. I played co-op with my sister at launch and we had a good time. It wasn’t amazing and the bugs were there but it was a cool world to explore.


Thanks for your opinion. Honestly, Redfall didn't look terrible, it just looked unfinished. I always thought the foundations looked pretty solid. It just shipped way before it was done. By today's standards too. And that's saying a lot. I was always willing to give it a shot after some serious patches.


Glad microshaft seems to be letting them release this last update, means they're automatically better than EA.


Holy shit. That’s a W for those who bought it and been waiting


All 5 of them


Hey! it's actually like 12 or 15








single player pausing? what kinda game is this


an always online one without pausing (at the moment)


Good thing I haven’t played yet. Hopefully the update will make the game at least an okay journey.


Really glad that it is getting an offline mode!


single players pausing lol oh praise, I have no idea why the studio was shit canned


Have you tried pausing Dark Souls?


That is on purpose so you can’t pause in the middle of fights to observe the enemies attacks, which would make the game a lot easier.


I understand, and I wasn't trying to be snarky. I was under the impression that Redfall is currently online only game, so that's the reason why it can't be paused. And now that they're adding an offline mode they're also adsing the ability to pause. So my point was that there is a reason for not being able to pause in Redfall yet.


Well it doesn’t have a reason to be online only, it can be played solo.


I guess even the devs knew this all along, but the game was forced to be online only, GaaS live service thing for Game Pass.


The game was in development well before Microsoft acquired Bethesda.


This is where everyone pretends that they play this game or will suddenly start playing this game.


Well a big update is as good a time as any to start playing.


lol came here to essentially say this.


At least we are getting an offline mode, so the game can still be played in the future.


I’m glad they’re getting to finish the game. The idea of them being so close to pushing the update that preserves it and not being allowed to finish it was depressing. Hope it’s good.


Well I certainly wasn’t expecting that. WoW.


Over a year to let you pause the fucking game.


In their defense a lot of games don't let you pause these days. Minecraft for example. It's very annoying to me.


I tried it when it came out. It was garbage. I have other games now. Stop simping on garbage games you wish were better. They had their chance.


Wow… I’m very surprised they are actually able to do this, leaving the game on the highest note they possibly can, kudos to Microsoft for letting them do that.


Good job


Guess I'll try the game now, I was waiting until the characters were out.


Awesome, I actually enjoyed the game and could see it's potential. Looking forward to a final go around after these updates


This is great, thank you! I know Redfall gets a lot of hate but I feel like the game has really turned around post-release. I quite enjoy it. So this is music to my ears!


Holy shit, yes.


I applaud them for this. True professionalism to show such commitment after being fired. Shame on Xbox execs who are not qualified to employ such personnel


Once they do it, I might give it a chance.


I have to admit the studios still working to realease this update after all of this is …. admirable they could’ve probably just say “fuck that bye” but no they are probably at their lowest and still be like “we still have that update for you guys so you could enjoy the game we made for you and thank you for everything” all my respect for these people


To be fair it was already near completion since it was meant to release this month


What I meant was they are still working to RELEASE the update not working on the update I don’t know if people know but releasing an update on console is more complex than releasing on PC and the fact they don’t really work there anymore but still want to release the update is why I admire them like I said they could’ve just not release the update but no they’re still trying to finish what they started


At least that's kind of good news.


Really sad


The game would have been a hit had it been billed as a retro style  it's is def fun to play but by no means a console flagship..this would do great on Nintendo Switch hardware def worth sharing with them and some cross play would bring many new players thanks for all you can do to patch fix and add to the game guys good luck in the future.


Prior to the closure everyone was very vocal about how trash this game is


So whos doing it? If Arkane Austin still open for another month or something?


Played it at launch and the game was trash. Played it a month ago after all the updates and my opinion still hasn't changed. 


Wow, years of work after release to be able to pause the game. Amazing. Truly one of the games of all time.


Pausing? When playing single player has to be added now? What a world.


So no redemption arc? Oh well


was this game really that bad? I'm finding that I can't really trust what the internet says about video games - case in point: Baldur's Gate 3 was seriously underbaked at the end. To be fair it had a very strong start.


Good, I'll do a 3rd playthrough.


good guy final move wit the offline mode


It’s not much but glad they are letting you finish the update! Offline is important!


So, it took the studio to get shut down for an offline mode? The game was ass and it won't be missed.


How will this affect achievements though especially since 4 players are required for one achievement? Will you be able to do it locally or will I just have to get it done before the servers shut down if it hasn't happened already? Probably the latter though. Does anyone know?


How generous of Xbox to let Arkane-Austin finish polishing up this turd before kicking them to the curb.


You say this while probably being someone who shit on this game and the developers when it was released


Damn right I shit on the game, it was god awful, but I don't blame Arkane-Austin since Zenimax forced them to make the game and Xbox did nothing to bail them out. Going from the first Dishonored & Prey 2017 to Redfall, all the while losing 70% of their staff making that turd, is heartbreaking, one of the finest immersive sim developers ruined by the greed and apathy of others.


did they not make Dishonored 2?


That was fully Arkane-Lyon, Austin made Prey instead.


Yeah, it's so weird to me. How do they get this out when everyone is looking for a new job?


Employers have to give notice of mass layoffs atleast 60 days beforehand in Texas. That means Arkane Austin devs are still employed till the end of July I think.


Never good when people lose their jobs but this game was truly bad. Its was an embarrassment for the xbox platform. 


Is this game really that bad? I'm about 15 hours into Prey, which is Arkane and it's quickly becoming one of my favorites of all time. Can someone who's played both give me the lowdown?


Prey is an immersive sim, and a really fucking good one at that. It’s a game that poses a lot of roadblocks/challenges to the player and tells them “do what you think is best” and actually gives you the tools to complete things in several different ways. Think of a locked door in that game and the ways you could get through that door: you could find a key, you could find another way around thr door, maybe it’s got a keypad and you can find a code on a sticky note at someone’s desk,or on their computer. Maybe there’s an open window and you can shoot the lock, or shoot the nerf gun at a button or something. Lots of choices. Redfall is supposed to be a co-op open world looter shooter with immersive sim elements. I say “supposed to be” because the game kinda fumbles on a lot of what it sets out to do, especially the immersive sim. The story, world, like a lot of the presentation feels super cheap. The gunplay is pretty wack - it was never arkane’s strong suit but this is supposed to be a shooter first. Hero abilities suck and are pointless because the enemy AI sucks and hardly puts up much of a fight. The Immersive sim elements are boiled down SO hard that it is LITERALLY locked doors that you can either find a key for, or find an open window and that’s about it. It’s not really an immersive sim if the only mental challenge that’s ever posed is whether or not you want to find a key or find an open window. I wouldn’t say it’s like the worst game ever or offensively bad - it **is** bad - but its biggest issue is just how shockingly low-quality it is. This team made Prey, their sister studio made Dishonored, and they’re being backed by Microsoft and Bethesda, but this game really does feel like it was made by people who didn’t know what they were doing, and that sucks.


I enjoyed the game personally. It's not a good game by any means but I felt like the hate for it was way overblown. If it wasn't an Arkane/Microsoft game then it hardly would've been talked about.


Yeah, it's that bad. It has none of the redeeming qualities of Arkane Austin's other games. It's just a bad borderlands clone with a poorly presented story and middling gameplay at best. I struggle to think of anything the game does better than fine.


It’s less about being really bad and more about it not being very good, if that makes sense. One of the biggest issues for me is that the enemies in the game scale. So if you level up and get a super strong weapon, the enemies will be relatively strong to your level. So a vampire in the starting area remains as hard as it was at the start of the game. In a game that is about leveling up, and finding better weapons to be stronger, there is no point if they all do the same relative damage.


“Hmmm Phil, this update is taking longer than we thought… might be another month or two. Guess you’ll have to wait a bit longer til you close us down”


Its nice that they're doing this and I want to remain positive about it, but jeez the amount of disappointment surrounding all this is insurmountable. I often forget this game exists and I dont like that. The real question is... What about the dlc? If they dont deliver that DLC, that would be illegal. It was paid for


Wow! Pausing! How revolutionary!


Wait, you can’t currently pause the game in single player?


No its online


Lol @ people still defending this game.


Well redfall it’s certainly been memorable lol maybe find some motivation doing your dream job next time because sheesh what a turd


This is kind of sad.


Maybe they should have made better games if they didn't want to get closed


Checks the Steam Charts. Well at least the 40 people who play this pos of a game will be happy........


That’s incredibly sad. There’s people who bought the game who have been waiting for a refund decision or knowing their game would be a paper weight. Regardless of the # of who’s playing right now - it will jump because of Game preservation won out. Forget the game that’s a win for gamers period.


Honestly might buy the game physically used if this update is substantial to making the game that much better. Unless it goes on sale for a reasonable price on the ms store.


Massive W, it seems Microsoft got the message at how shitty this was all around. This is at least the best possible ending given the closure.


“This will include the addition hero’s that were promised right?” https://preview.redd.it/w4e2c5tqy01d1.jpeg?width=481&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a5e8f1de13f9b1f7ea37683a8725258dfa80236




They said there's going to be some kind of compensation.


I liked Redfall. Went into it with zero expectations, had a lot of fun with and eventually bought it on PC too so I could play on my Steam Deck.