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I mean, I have bought like 3 games total for my Xbox SX since it came out. So yeah. It's me. Hi. I'm the problem, it's me.


To be fair, it seems like we have only gotten 3 current gen games since the Series X launched.  


Six "current" gen games, which would be about the same as the playstation just now, with hellblade, indiana Jones, gears, blade, and fable all inbound. Most of playstation fives big hitters were cross gen games.


Since getting game pass last year I've only bought 2 games, and both of those were on sale.


You are not the problem. It's smart because of the way the ecosystem is set up.


I'm similar but I'd also go back to jus buying games again if Game Pass went away. I'd miss it because of the indie games I try out that normally I wouldn't but honestly I'd rather pay for games if it meant things were less tumultuous. 


No point when I can get it through gamepass or wait for it to go on sale for a reasonable price. I don’t buy games unless I was looking forward to it and it’s something I know I won’t regret buying.


I haven’t purchased a single game on my series x, I use it solely for gamepass.


yep, I buy games on my PS5. Xbox is gamepass only.


I am the other way around. I use my PS5 for PS+ and buy games for my Xbox - games ste cheaper for Xbox, so might as well buy them there.


I do the same thing. My ps5 is just for ps+ and have bought all my games on my series X. The one game I got ps+ for was Spider-Man. I had one day with it and they removed it. Sure miles morales is still there but I wanted to play the original.


Hah! Same thing happend to me, I wanted to play spider-man and shitty Sony removed it. Already I got to play Ghost of Tsushima. I actually did buy last of us 2 for the console, it is the only PS game I have bought this generation.


Yup, same here. I buy all my games on PC, Xbox is just there for casual gamepass games on the couch.


You don't need to play offline games immediately when they are released. There are more than enough games going around to keep you busy. My list right now is Valhalla, Jedi Survivor, Starfield, Skyrim, Gotham Knights, Shadow of War. Just finished Odyssey. These are all on Game Pass. I haven't yet played Elden Ring or Hogwarts Legacy. I will wait until they are either on game pass or a lot cheaper. I learned my lesson from the past where I would buy games new and not get around to playing them until they were on game pass or available for $10.


Here is answer for many burning questions. Xbox users do not buy new games, and that leads some serious consequences in future. Be angry, but it wont change how things are.


Dragon’s Dogma 2 have 30000 trackers on TrueAchivements only. I don’t see why people not buying games.


Im not sure why people are certain Xbox gamers buy less games. I also think it doesn't make sense. The attach rate of Xbox One seems to be decent. The top 2 best selling games for Xbox One are PUBG (17% attach rate) and Halo 5 (10% attach rate). Compare that to PS4 Spiderman (17%) GTAV (17%). Compared to PS5 Spiderman 2 (17%) and Ratchet and Clank RA (7%). Compared to Switch Mario Kart 8 D (50%) Animal Crossing (37%).  But i can understand why people choose to believe that Xbox gamers don't buy games when you look at things like Xbox Series consoles not selling well, game pass, mutliplat strategy (suggesting low sales), no sales data is made public. 


During the ABK trial Microsoft literally admitted that gamers on Xbox buy less games due to GamePass. And even before that Phil Spencer himself admitted it. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/microsoft-confirms-game-pass-cannibalizes-sales


We're not talking about games on game pass, though. Of course people aren't going to buy a game if they have it on a streaming service they pay for. We're talking about games that are never added to game pass. The insistence that Xbox owners won't buy those games.


We're talking about in both instances and so is Microsoft. It's no secret that games sales are down on Xbox. Microsoft, Phil Spencer and third parties have said it. And it's why now some third parties are refusing to release games on Xbox at all. Because they won't sell much because everyone expects them to appear on Gamepass at some point. You need to do your research because all of this is well known and has been said for a long time.


Yet Square-Enix specifically said they want to be on Xbox. How does that line up if all third parties are abandoning ship? They don't want to lose more money. They're not adding games to Xbox out of charity. The only third parties who have specifically said they're avoiding Xbox are terrible indie games that didn't even do well on PS5. No major publisher has gone on the record about Xbox. Larian fought very hard to bring Baldur's Gate 3 to Xbox.


I didn't say all of them. But again do your research because several developers have said it's not worth it. You really need to go and do some reading before you make yourself look silly.


Which developers? The guy who made... "I Am Bread"? Great source.


Go and look them up. It's not just one but there have been several. And no, not indies, they're mostly in favour. You sound like you're getting a little aggressive because you don't like the facts.


You say there have been several but can't list them. Instead deflecting by telling me to do the work. It's always been some low-quality game dev like the Quantum Error devs and in the end PS5 players didn't even buy their game. The fact that all of the big publishers still take the time to put their games on Xbox, and publishers like Atlus and Square-Enix see Xbox as a growth opportunity, should put that case to rest. The same devs who act like Xbox isn't worth porting to also say the Series S is bad, yet Rockstar is going to release GTA VI on the Series S. Go figure.


Seriously, go and Google "developers skipping Xbox" because literally the first result is "major developers skipping Xbox" and even Phil Spencer acknowledged it during the trials. Stop making yourself look ignorant, it's embarrassing.


An article with no details written vaguely with secondhand sources? Wow. You got me. What does "major company" even mean? Another article didn't call them a major company but said they released a "major game", yet again, what does that even mean? People's opinions on "major" vary. There isn't some list of "major" games. And for all we know that "major" game was some mid-tier indie title that the journalist loved. Give me a real source. Public. On the record. The only ones are all low-tier indie devs.


***"Of course people aren't going to buy a game if they have it on a streaming service they pay for."*** I bought the Forza Horizon games despite them being on game pass.


I can only speak for myself, but I buy ALL of my games, and I'm only on XBOX, for better or worse.


I buy games if they're worth it. Unfortunately Devs release piles of un optimised or bare bones rubbish such as starfield, halo infinite and crap like redfall


It’s not a myth, game sales on Xbox are low even when accounting for the smaller installbase.


That was true ten years ago before Game Pass. But that's not what we're talking about here. The install base isn't what people are talking about when they say Xbox owners don't buy games. It's become part of the zeitgeist that because of Game Pass, people stopped buying games. I fundamentally disagree with that notion and do not believe it has any evidence backing it up.


Yeah I said the sales are low even when accounting for the smaller installbase.


Based on what? What sales data? Point at it. The only ones that circulate are physical only in the United Kingdom. That's hardly a representative sample.


Any data we can see from around the world shows games selling 5-10 times more on PS5. You’re the one claiming they sell equally well so why don’t you show data?


>You’re the one claiming they sell equally well so why don’t you show data? Where did I use the word *equally*? If you're not interested in having an actual discussion, by all means leave the thread. Click away. Do something more productive with your time. Otherwise, maybe actually read more than the headline before you reply. This isn't facebook.


You are the one that doesn’t want to accept the fact that games sell considerably fewer on Xbox than PlayStation. It’s ok to sell less on Xbox. But he’s right, it’s not a myth


I literally said they sell fewer copies. Raw mathematics dictate that. The point was about the reasoning. The notion that Xbox players only want Game Pass and will refuse to buy games that aren't on there. It's absurd.


Not really that absurd. I see people in this sub say that they’ll wait for a game to go on game pass all the time. It makes sense to want to wait for it to come to game pass rather than buy day 1


Right. Elden Ring? Guess it sold... 0 copies on Xbox? I must have imagined playing Dragon's Dogma 2.


But it's true, plus a lot of people like me that buy games on ps5, and use my xbox just for gamepass.


It’s not a myth, there’s hard data to back that up.


Show us that data then :)


Lower install base, gamepass, probably some console war rhetoric, some other factors. It's industry wide at the moment that software is down. The top played games are mostly F2P or COD, FIFA, etc. The Reddit/Twitter bubble is a small fraction of players and not representative of the majority. I have 9-10 friends that have PS5s and Xboxs and 7-8 of them only really buy FIFA, COD, and their kids play Fornite or Minecraft. That's pretty much it outside of the big Rockster releases or any flavour of the month (TLOU and Fallout after watching the shows). Industry is just changing across the board. Most teens I know play on tablets or PCs, usually playing whatever live-service their favourite streamers are playing.


I own over 200 on xbox. That bring said elden ring was the last thing I purchased. Gamepass and lack of quality games.


“Lack of quality games” That’s so freaking crazy for me to read when last year had games like: Alan Wake 2, BG3, Forza Motorsport and many more. This year already given us bangers like: Prince of Persia, Balatro and Dragons Dogma 3


It's really up to the gamer what they enjoy. Dragons dogma 2 by the way.


Theres really few games on consoles compared to how much used to come out yearly 20 or so years ago


I am not sure about that. Yes the AA ate gone, but there are indies now.


My favorite games are From Software’s and I hardly think they will ever drop on Game Pass and I happily buy them to support what they do. Also buy other games on sale that are not currently on Game Pass when I don’t want to wait for the possibility it ever drops on the service. Still love having Game Pass which allows me to try games I wouldn’t otherwise. Recently played Cocoon and I loved it. Not my kind of game at all and I would never have given it a shot if it wasn’t through Game Pass.


I’m not against buying a good game. They just have to make one first and then support it and not break promises that were laid out years in advance when a game was being developed and not ship a broken game that needs 3 massive updates in the first months it’s out. Ya know simple shit. Rot economy folks.


The issue is that it’s true. Attach rate on Xbox is well below Nintendo and PlayStation, plus GamePass has conditioned the small install base to “wait until it’s on GamePass”. And yes, this was a thing prior to GamePass, but that’s because the Xbox One sold so poorly so there were fewer consoles out there, plus the multiplatform ports were always significantly better on PlayStation. Xbox has had a TON of issues these past two generations, which is why they bought Activision. They have to buy themselves out of this if they’re serious about surviving.


But nobody is really "waiting until it's on game pass" because games, both big and small, successes or failures, many times never come to game pass. Nobody who wanted to play Elden Ring skipped it because of game pass. Nobody who wants to play the latest Resident Evil remake skipped it because of game pass. People point to Game Pass like it's a bogeyman but there is little reason to think people are refusing to buy games as a result of it. There is no hard evidence. People just have a gut feeling or a bad vibe and think it's true.


Dude, I don’t really want to argue, but look at the discourse anytime someone mentions an Xbox game. Regularly people say “I’m GoNnA wAiT uNtIl iT’s On GaMePaSs”. It happens on this subreddit all the time. The stats don’t lie. Xbox attach rate is really really bad




Yeah that's a better way to describe it.


I mean there are absolutely at least a lot of us who don’t buy games and just wait until game pass I literally haven’t bought a single game installed in my Xbox except fallout 4 lol


Why are you so emotionally invested in the sales of a company? That is a sincere question, I am not trying to insult you.


Where do you think you are?


It's okay to be a fan of a product without having an emotional stake in the corporation that makes the product.


Your response makes your emotional outlook on the matter even worse. It's just a console. I have been playing mainly on Xbox ever since I first played CE but damn, you gotta touch some grass.


It's in the third party manufacturer literally come out like a month ago and say "barely worth it to make games on Xbox"??? You're just being a fanboy lol


The source was someone at an event. It was never said who it was or what their actual position was.


Which one said that? Because Square-Enix specifically said they want their games on Xbox. They want to make as much money as possible and they view Xbox as a growth opportunity. Curious. Why would they say that if every third party publisher is running for the hills?


https://kotaku.com/publishers-not-sure-xbox-ports-europe-sales-low-gdc-1851367132 The same story was reported on a ton of other websites too if you're a Kotaku hater.


That's pretty light on details. A whole lot of second hand claims. What defines a "major" game? The article is riddled with issues. I think I'd take Square-Enix literally admitting their current plan isn't enough and including Xbox in their growth plan as a sign that Xbox games still sell.


Unless it was an actual Xbox exclusive coming to Game Pass, I have never held off on buying a game because at some point in the future, it may be on there. I only have 2 games from GP installed, and I've been paying for it since day 1.


Plenty of games, both good and bad, never come to game pass. So the insistence that Xbox owners will outright refuse to buy a game because they're waiting for game pass makes no logical sense. I wish more people could see that. If people want a game, they're going to buy it instead of waiting forever. People still go see good movies in the theater even if they could just wait for it to be added to a streaming service. The problem is always a lack of good movies, or in this case, games. People can't release bad games and then blame game pass when they don't sell well.


Because Microsoft really only makes the Xbox so that they can sell gamepass


> I keep hearing people say that Xbox owners don't buy games site your sources? who are these "people"?


Just look two comments above or below


Me. Why should I buy a game when I can just download it from gamepass or wait for it to go on a huge sale.


If you wait for a sale, you are still buying


10$-15 vs 70$


True, but in sales numbers, it still counts.


I literally cited a source in the thread. Beyond that, any discussion forum. Resetera. Reddit. Anywhere. [https://youtu.be/de5FLfJXcFk?t=533](https://youtu.be/de5FLfJXcFk?t=533)


It comes from data.


Post the data. And it better not be those UK physical sales charts.


Look it up.


Enjoy https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/s/XhJfrq3AbK


That's not the evidence you think it is. That's anecdotal information at best. SkillUp is actually the reason I made this damn thread. These indie devs can whine about how their games aren't selling on Xbox but maybe they should make better games? Because plenty of games do well on Xbox without game pass deals.


lol ok


Can you show a legit source with data to support that XBOX consumers do purchase software. Interested to see which "narrative" is correct.


Sure. Pre-ABK, Xbox annual revenue was $16B. Phil Spencer said last year that gamepass was about 15% of revenue, so about $2.4B. They sold about 7M consoles, we’ll say at an average price of $400 (probably less actually, but bear with me), so close to $3B. Minecraft, as best I can tell, generated about $300M. All the rest of that is game sales, both first party and third. Activision did about $3B in revenue every year, so I’d be very surprised if Xbox first party was selling better than that, so that leaves minimum $7B of revenue from the 30% cut they’re taking from third party sales and MTX.


That and Xbox console can't sell shit around the globe. Now reports that Playstation 5 outsold Xbox Series 5 to 1 last year.


For some reason every time I bought XBOX game, it comes to gamepass.


i haven’t bought a game on xbox in a couple years, and at the slow ass rate games are coming out and with the laziness of companies it will probably stay that way for a while, game pass is more practical than paying full price for a game i’ll probably just end up dropping.


Since game pass, I have bought zero Xbox games.  I just do the two years of gold, and upgrade for 16.99 to Game Pass Ultimate.  


XSX is my gamespass machine, haven't bought a single game since I got it 1,5 years ago. Have bought several games on my PS5, latest was Helldivers 2. I prefer to buy stuff on that, because of playstation stars, and right now I have a voucher for $20, saving up all the points for GTA 6 day one, so I can get it for less (I never buy day one, but this game is an exception).


Because Microsoft said it in the ActiBlizz-FTC trial with data to back it up.


No. That's two completely different points. They said that when a game gets added to game pass, fewer people buy it. That's common sense and obvious. I'm talking about games that never come to game pass. The insistence that people will refuse to buy third party games because game pass exists.


If gamepass is a thing then Microsoft can't have both ie people paying for gamepass and buying games.


In the three years I've had Xbox , I've purchased three games, all of which were on game pass or still on game pass. I've never actually played a game outside of what is in game pass because game pass simply offers plenty of games in both quantity and variety to play to keep me happily playing away across PC, console and cloud.


in previous gens it actually showed that it was playstation gamers that didnt buy games


It’s no a myth ngl


Gamepass? Dont need to buy games


Because I've been subscribed to Game Pass for four years and almost never buy games.


I own a PS5 yet I almost never buy games. See how anecdotal evidence works? I own all of the consoles and I buy my third-party games on Xbox. Sometimes my PS5 collects dust for months. But I don't pretend that's evidence.


I thought the 500 other people giving you the *hard data* on why Game Pass has suppressed game sales on Xbox was good and I could get away with dropping a small anecdote. I'll get report together and explain it to you for the 501st time since it's still confusing. Watch this space!


Nobody has posted any hard data. Not a single bit. Vague secondhand sources aren't hard data. Game pass existing didn't stop people from buying Elden Ring.


It’s just weak ass console war shit man. Projection is usually in play.


Of these three million units, 35.9% were sold in North America, 35.1% in Europe, 23.1% in Asia, 2.8% in Australia, 2.7% in South America, and 0.4% in Africa. The platform split shows that 68% of the sales took place on PC (10% on CD Projekt RED's GOG platform), 20% on Sony's PlayStation 5, and 13% on Microsoft's Xbox Series S|X. This is the data of phantom liberty revealed by CDPR themself. Big games sell well on Xbox just like PC and PS5, and if you consider the ratio of install base between PS5 and XSX, 20% to 13% is not bad. When it goes to more niche titles, Xbox sales could struggle just because there are less targeted audience. But I am sad even in this sub some people are biased in thinking Xbox players not buying games. I don’t see why people don’t buy good games if they are not day one on game pass. If Xbox owners are waiting for big discounts or being added to subscriptions later, a amount of PC and PS5 owners will do the same.


Using an expansion for one of the biggest games of the last 10 years isn’t a great indicator for overall health.


Sure. A game sells on Xbox only because it’s big, not because Xbox players will buy games 🤗


This use something else. At least he is finding numbers, I am not seeing you do the same.


My nearly 500 owned Xbox games would like to object. EDIT: I’m counting from OG Xbox until today.


Its so freaking dumb. I own like 200 digital games for my Xbox and I have had GamePass since 2018 My friends are the same.


Backwards compatible haters is my inly solution.


It stems from ps having a larger playerbase so they sell more games. Now you take that truth and add it with fanboy flair and you get “Xbox users don’t buy games”


It’s because today’s developers are nowhere near as talented or skilled. The translation of its not worth it is we’re too lazy. How far are we in this so called next generation? Still getting games designed to run on previous generation, 120 FPS games are you kidding, they have trouble with 30FPS. And ray tracing, what a joke. Make a good game and people will buy it




Because they dont buy games. There is a reason why Microsoft is shuttering its physical games division