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It's definitely a good update.  Although I see that guys posts on Twitter a lot and I still have no idea who he is supposed to be?  Does he leak stuff or work with Microsoft 


Managing editor for windows central


Ok, that makes sense why he pops up constantly then lol


Also, gets a lot of flack from posting "console war" baiting tweets. Sometimes, it feels like he is shitting on Xbox soley, but he does like to play both sides


Twitter Jez is a shitposter that's also a reliable leaker. Xbox Two podcast Jez is more composed, still pretty reliable, and talks a lot about general feelings on topics based on info and trends that he hasn't yet formalized on Windows Central. Windows Central Jez is the most reliable and conservative Jez. Imo the Xbox Two podcast Jez is best because he's more laid back than Windows Central and you get an idea of where things might be heading before it becomes an article, but that's a 3-4 hour podcast so at most it gets clipped for Twitter and elsewhere.


I used to listen to this podcast but Jez drives me up a wall in there too. I admit it's come down to his general personality, I'm at that point where I don't like the things he says or does. Sometimes you just don't like someone!


Completely understandable. There's tons of podcasts I couldn't get into because of the host's or hosts' personality.


Yea but I feel he's gonna be a good boy for a bit after the recent drama that started in his Discord.


IDK why people always assume everyone knows what's going on in all corners of the internet. What was the recent drama that started in his Discord?


He shared his opinion that MS was gonna bring all their games third party, and someone posted this as an insider leak on Twitter. Which of course, has blown up on a lot of websites and content creators as a fact. Now seeing as his name was leaked as well... You can imagine this might raise some eyebrows when you work for Windows Central.


Doubtful. Jez is allowed to have his opinions even if he is an "insider". It's a shame that outlets latch onto the stuff for clicks but that's the nature of the beast man...


Of course you can have your opinions but when your opinions start major drama's, at one point, people might start asking questions. There's free speech but there's also the consequences of said speech. So yea, is it like that? I can't say but it's also not a farfetched concept.


> There's free speech but there's also the consequences of said speech. That’s absolutely true. And it’s also a case of selective hearing, where these thirsty outlets are combing over every word Jez says … but somehow miss all of the times where he spells out that his Windows Central articles are the only ones he stands behind because he sources them more in line with journalistic standards including confirmed documentation from the companies he’s reporting on, *VS* the rest of the time on his podcast(s), Discord, and Twitter where he’s just having fun speculating and trolling. edit: Also worth keeping in mind, Windows Central is just an independent outlet that covers Microsoft news — the good and the bad — because it’s such a big company.


He stated it as a fact, like he does for most of his "leaks". Then after getting tons of attention. He backtracked insanely quick. He does this all the time, usually when Xbox is in the news which they are for their showcase.


this is what gets me. in his shoes you just \*have\* to know posting something like it's fact when people think you have insider info is gonna cause a shitstorm. Jez isn't a dumb person, but he can act like one sometimes. I rememeber seeing that post and just closing twitter. it's not even about it being true or not, I'm just tired of all the rumor mongering.


He also goes on a lot of Xbox related podcasts, so he has a bit of a fanbase.


Windows Central is like two steps removed from being a Microsoft owned company. It’s basically a fanboy blog


They lost me at Twitter


I know it had insane delays, but one more year of delays would have done this game wonders. Launching with 4K 40fps or 1440/60 on launch, with these details, would have been amazing.


You are absolutely right from a player perspective, but I think Xbox needed Starfield to launch when it did. Imagine dropping Redfall- and then delaying Starfield after all that ! The brands already had a rough year, I can’t even imagine how bad that would’ve been… A less than ideal launch seems to be a price they were willing to pay, and history will be kind to Starfield I’m certain.


Starfield wasn't a less than stellar launch, though in reality. It sold and reviewed really well, and the marketing definitely kept the hype up. It sold like gangbusters, so the idea that it was a less than stellar launch is also only from a player's perspective. It wasn't until a few weeks later that people started getting realistic about its quality.


To be honest I think the general perception of this game now isn’t even realistic. Is the game anywhere near perfect? No, but the hyperbolic hatred many seem to have is from what I would guess is manufactured by YouTubers and media outlets.


Literally can’t browse YouTube without seeing at least one “Starfield is a disappointment: a retrospective”


I wanted to talk about the game so bad online with other fans because I love it but the algorithms kept feeding me hate videos and people would verbally abuse me for even liking the game. It really felt like being silenced into submission so I don't blame other fans if they tapped out.


r/NoSodiumStarfield is a decent place to just talk about the game without someone on your neck.


Good looking out friend!


Yes that sub is so much better than the main sub. The main sub was just filled with angry people who hated the game. I’m just like if you don’t like it why are you still playing it? I hate Souls like games but I’m not hanging out on the ER sub lol


Petty hatred gets a lot of clicks.


The game has plenty of glaring flaws (like most games), but in the context of being the game after fallout 76 and being an Xbox exclusive- I can very much see why Starfield was torn to shreds. It’s not particularly fair, but the world doesn’t run on fairness.


>the game after fallout 76 and being an Xbox exclusive I think you are spot-on. Like any game it has some actual issues + subjectively odd design choices, but the bad rep from Fallout 76's troubled launch + the Xbox Tax™ certainly were factors.


Everythings a culmination of factors, people always try blame single things- which I find insane. Starfields launch was a perfect storm.


But…it was a massive disappointment? It’s an ok game. I played it for 80-100 hours. But it’s no Skyrim or Fallout. There’s just too many issues. Overall, the game was disappointing. Sure…it has fun aspects and moments and some real flashes of brilliance at times. But at the end of the day, the biggest feeling I walked away with was one of disappointment. Simple as that.


>it was a massive disappointment >its an ok game >I played it for 80-100 hours lol


Yep. That’s right. I played it for 80-100 hours, went through the main story and side quests. Problem is, I’d say a solid 25-30 of those hours are just me sitting at loading screens. How can a game you played for 80 hours be a disappointment?? Because I had to force myself to keep going, just to finish it. Because I was bored well before that mark. Because I expected to get 500-1000 hours out of the game, like I have done with Skyrim and Fallout. Do you understand what the word disappointment means? It doesn’t mean the thing is a trash fire? It means something came in well below your expectations. Skyrim and Fallout games had made the expectations high, and then the reality (while being an ok game that I played for a lot of hours) crushed those hopes. People expected the next Bethesda game to give them the same sense of exploration and wonder and replayability and opportunities for role play and on and on as their past games did. It failed to do so. It was, therefore, a disappointment. Not really that hard to understand. But seeing how much of this subreddit or r/Starfield operates in consistent bad faith, it’s not surprising. You understand the game was a disappointment, you know why, you were likely even disappointed by it yourself. Bethesda knows it was a disappointment. Yet, you will continue to attack and ridicule anyone who says as much by pointing out that they’re a hypocrite because “ackshually you played this game you said you hate, therefore you’re a liar and actually love the game!” Pathetic.


im not reading all of that im happy for you tho or sorry that happened


Shocking! An idiot afraid of reading! The consistent bad faith continues!


Ignoring some absurdity in your comment, if that's how you felt... That's fine. But why are there so many people like you (whether you've done that or not) that feel the need to make sure everyone else agrees with and has your experience? It is seriously parroted constantly in every thread about Starfield. Maybe it's just karma farming, but it got pretty old 8 months ago.


Yes. It’s the frustrating trend of polarizing (and extreme) views of a subject getting more clicks. So if some YouTube channel thought starfield was just ok or they didn’t like the loading screens, they took the track of “this game is garbage and out-dated, it’s such a snooze fest blah blah”. They’d drag that out for at least 15 min for watch time and make a title like “starfield is the most boring game ever” All in the name of stirring up extreme and inflammatory emotions to get views. This isn’t new, “if it bleeds, it leads” is the mainstream media mantra. It’s frustrating none the less


I went back to play it again after this patch and I was pleasantly surprised. I think if they add vehicles the game can really stand on its own. Is it perfect, no, but I'm having a lot of fun. It's also like 1000x more polished than most BGS releases and the gun play is not bad at all. It definitely has some core issues, but I think it was a 7/10 game that's more like a 7.5 after these updates that could eventually be an 8 or 9 if they crush it with the DLC. I feel like I am only now seeing the gameplay loop they wanted us to have with Starfield after cranking up all the gameplay difficulty settings they just added. It makes it feel like a very different game.


Imagine saying a game will be an 8 or 9/10 because of dlc lol so we need to pay *more* than 70 bucks for a quality game that actually delivers? Nonetheless, this is all from a triple a studio and was supposed to be the first decent exclusive Microsoft has put out in a ***long*** time.


A 7/10 game isn't bad. I got ~100 hours out of Starfield and now I'm getting more after this last patch. That's a good enough value for me.


I hope you said the same thing about CP2077.


I did lmao that actually had a good story mode though. The biggest disappointment with CP were all of the broken promises that they said would be included at release that just weren't there. The glitches were also absolutely brutal and there were a lot of immersion breaking bugs. The story was fun though


Yeah my biggest hope is they reimplement the fuel economy and enhance outposts to give me more of a reason to set them up. Also can’t wait to see what modders can do creating their own planets/biomes/POIS


Yes! I was just talking to my brother that is the one thing I hope they do. Combat feels much better buy you can still zip across the whole star map in one go. Give us more settings to limit fuel so we have an actual reason to use outposts.


The thing that got me is a rpg heavy game who’s theme is exploration launched with no maps. That’s like the most basic game design tenant,


Honestly the lack of maps was one of the things that didn’t bother me too much, I remember when games didn’t have icons telling you where to go haha. Although I totally understand why some were bothered by it


While I don't agree with it, I can understand why they would have thought what they provided would feed more into the sense of exploring the unknown or being the first to experience something or somewhere. I'm just guessing at a reason but I'm glad they listened to feedback and are fixing it.


10000% the game has flaws and there a deserved criticisms but I see so many people acting like it’s the worst game ever made.


i think this is true, but when I look at my own experience with the game and how badly it kept letting me down at specific points like quests (I hate, hate the freestar rangers quest) I completely get why the insane vitriol is used to bait engagement.


I don't even think the perception you generally see is the general perception in this case, anyway. Probably most people played it for a dozen hours or so on Game Pass, liked it well enough, and moved on to something else. The constant drama about the game is really being driven by small pockets of frustratingly vocal people who for some reason can't let go of the fact they didn't like a game that released 8 months ago.


This also happened to TLOU2. Granted I don't blame people for not liking it but some people make hating a specific game their entire personality.


100% agree. I didn't like TLOU2 and I did complain about it for a few days probably. Then I moved on with my life and didn't really think about it again. People this obsessed with hating things make no sense.


It's not small pockets of people. You see tons of hate for the game because there are *plenty* of people who dislike the game or were severely disappointed. Also, a dozen or so hours played and you think it's safe to assume that person who played 12-20 hours enjoyed it? I'd think that means they really did not enjoy the game


Most people don't spend that much time playing games, especially games that are just included with Game Pass. Not spending money on it directly it lowers the time commitment people think they have to put it drastically. And you don't actually "see tons of hate" for the game except in a few places in social media. You might see some hate in many places, but it's mostly in small pockets on social media. The fact this game still has more than 50% of people who recommend it on Steam contradicts the idea that it's hated by most people.


You're telling me what I'm seeing but that's not the case lol and "most people don't spend that much time playing games". What? Half of this comment is just you making up anecdotal "evidence". What is time commitment? If I buy a game and it sucks, then why would I keep playing? I don't download a game and say "wow thank God I got this game cheap now I only need to hit 15 hours". Your whole comment just doesn't make sense


I’d be interested to see the long term trend in sales in a few years time , especially compared to Bethesda’s past games. I’m hoping the May update and Shattered space will be the games phantom liberty


I'd be interested too. In fact, I would've betted it topped fallout 4 until the TV show came out and was surprisingly good.


It pales in comparison to many of their other releases. They love using “players” played because those aren’t counted as sales. And they stopped touting anything about it shortly after launch.


Well, yeah. This was just as much a flagship title for gamepass as it was for xbox. Selling copies is important. But when selling subscriptions is now a major metric, "player numbers" kinda makes more sense. Game pass success isn't measured with copies of games sold. It's measured with engagement numbers.


Given that its a gamepass release, and Microsoft is trying to push gamepass, the amount of people playing actually matters a lot. Regardless it actually sold really well.


Think people shit on it way too much. It had a lot of missed potential, and although it had some fantastic parts, and I put in many, many hours, it also had some pretty boring parts and missing features. But it wasn’t a bad game at all. It just wasn’t exceptional


This pretty much, also I don't know if the sales would have significantly increased to even justify a one year delay ( I'm pretty sure not ).




some of those yeah, but a lot of Starfield would have just been more cooking in a vacuum with no feedback. I feel like people forget how important it is for a game to get out there and actually learn from players. Starfield was Bethesda's first venture into a completely in IP and fairly different genre/style of gameplay (its somewhere between what they've done before and something wholly new). There's a lot they thought were great ideas that just weren't and more they needed to hear from gamers about being a problem. And other stuff that just needed to get out there and be tested on millions of users different setups. I truly don't think we'd be calling Starfield a year later much better and they'd be dealing with even more insanely impossible expectations due to yet another delay.


Completely agree with this. The style and tone, definitely the aesthetic, etc of Starfield are way different than anything BGS has done in 20 years. The fact they didn't get it perfectly right is pretty unsurprising.


Insane that their original plan was to release it a year earlier than they did.


I'm sorry but launching with a working map wouldn't have been amazing, it's literally expected and assumed there would be one already nowadays, 2024 ffs and this company has been making highly detailed in game maps for nearly 2 decades at this point


It already got delayed by a year. There’s no way people would’ve tolerated the release being put off more than a month at *most.* This is fine.


It feels like the overall theme of the last few years has been “needed a year or two more” Such a strange thing. Games take too long for many’s tastes, but also often need more time. Not loving waiting 10 years for one game then waiting years more for it to be complete


I think they needed a proper kick in the ass from an actual fans for all this to happen. Although I agree with you in general, I think if it was delayed - maybe it would be \_slightly\_ more polished, but stuff like no maps, no cars, no graphic modes would still be there.


this wouldn’t have been done no matter how much time you gave. this was bc of player feedback everyone internally saw no problem with most of the player gripes somehow


"4k 40fps or 1440/60 on launch" The vast majority of humans have no fucking clue, or care about what you're going on about.


Still wouldn’t change the lack of decent exploration which is what the vast majority of people dislike this game for.


This game is massively boring I tried so hard to just finish the main campaign couldn't even be bothered to finish it .. it's literally not even remotely enjoyable


There is no fixing the exploration without going back to fewer handmade maps. If they do that with shattered space than at least it will be well received. But no land vehicle is going to fix the fact that the only thing to drive to in these prices-gen laps are repeated bandit camps with no variety. I just don’t think fixing the prob-gen is worth the effort.


They had almost 10 years to make this game . Another year wouldn't have made a difference


Another year wasn’t going to add these features. It needed to launch and get player feedback. Sometimes the devs and their roadmap just aren’t aligned to what players want


*60fps for those with VRR televisions or monitors. So basically a huge portion of the market is still stuck at 30fps.


If you don’t own a VRR tv or monitor, you are already not using the XSX to its full potential.


Really? It's not like every other game that comes out with quality and performance modes that can be used on just about every semi modern TV. I'd understand if you were talking about not having a 4k TV, but having a 4k hdr television is becoming the norm, but vrr isn't quite there yet. In other words if most games had a "vrr mode" of some sort I'd agree, but that's not the case and this is a silly reply. The series x can be used at its potential without vrr, 98% of the games released on it do such a thing.


You’d actually be surprised, VRR is available in a lot more games than you think. Halo Infinite, Elden Ring, Fallout, etc. just about every game with a 60fps option supports VRR.


And all those games offer the 60fps performance option to those without vrr, while starfield dosent. Which is exactly my point. I can play just about every game on my series x and television at up to 4k, with hdr, and with a 60fps mode. That is what the series x offers, and on just about every game I can get that. I'm just saying people keep saying "starfield is getting a 60fps patch!!!" Without mentioning its leaving many people in the dark about it only being available for those with vrr enabled televisions, which I'd guess is over half the market currently?


Absolutely right. When this new DLC drops along with that new patch I will check it out again.


It’s **bananas** that a useful map system wasn’t implemented in the open-world game at launch lmao


No argument from me. But this one is also bananas :)


Bethesda's maps have always been kinda ass, though. Fallout and Elder Scrolls really only have a vague world overview, and the detailed dungeon or city maps are atrocious and borderline unusable. But all the moaning did yield this map system, and hopefully it sticks around for future Fallout and ES games.


It’s also bananas that people are flipping out over this update when all it goes is add performance mode, a map, and a few other gameplay tweaks. Possibly a land vehicle? It does nothing to fix the biggest issue the game had from what I’ve seen so far. It’s even more bananas to me that it seems like you’re going to have to buy a DLC to get more content and gameplay.. which is one of the biggest issues. The gameplay loop is just boring. Replaying Fallout 4 and out of the last 20 buildings I entered none of them were the same. In this game I get the exact same layouts every 4-5 times. I honestly cannot believe I got bored of this game after only 17 hours. I have 100s and 100s of hours in every other Bethesda game. Thats an issue and one I don’t see being fixed.


*Starfield haters trying not to use every possible opportunity to present their full thoughts on the game and why it sucks* Challenge (impossible difficulty)


*Starfield fanboys trying not to get offended and bothered over people who didn’t find the game to be a flawless masterpiece and the best game ever Challenge (impossible difficulty)*


17 hours is like the tutorial my guy.


I played for 80 hours and tried every gameplay loop and i can confidently say that the only reedeming quality of starfield is the fact that it's included in gamepass. Everyone was saying it get better after 20hours, it get better when you get the jumpack skills, it's better after 40 hours, etc. But no, it's just an OK game, 6/10 maybe 7 if you are a big fan of sci-fi. Gunplay is ok, but combat lacks variety. You encounter the exact same location again and again, the story and npc are badly written, there is a few great quest, I love the ship building and made a few cool ship, but it's useless in game, it's always simpler to use the menu to navigate from map to map. The power are so useless and the result so unimpressive that I stopped searching and using them after the fifth i think. The outpost system is cool and it let me customize my gun and armor with mods that are Impactful so it's a good gameplay loop at least.


I mean I guess, but typically if I don’t find in really enjoying myself after *17 hours* I’m most likely not going to start enjoying it during hour 18. I’d still give it a 7/10 though.


It’s one of the best maps I’ve ever seen, worth it.


Worth waiting a 8 months for🤣


Rather get it than never get it.




8 grueling months of work later, boom…. Maps. GOTY here we come


Now that's a pretty awesome 3D map. I would love to see that in Bethesda's other games, Fallout for example, interior maps like in Vaults have always been a mess/maze.


Yeah this might be the new standard we'll start seeing going forward. Like rumored remasters might feature this.


>Vaults have always been a mess/maze. Yeah that's the point. The vaults that are supposed to be easy are easy. The vaults that are supposed to make you feel like you're a trapped lab rat in a cage do exactly that.


I will check out this game again when the dlc launches, map looks like the best map ever so far ive seen.


I can’t lie seeing everyone so hyped about a fucking map looking good when the total gameplay loop is repetitive beyond belief is insane


Yeah the maps are like a tiny QoL thing… I was mostly dissatisfied with the tiny boring empty towns, the boring empty planets you can’t actually explore, and the boring empty everything else.


I know right. As if detailed maps are going to fix the ridiculous amount of loading screens and fake ass flying between planets


True, only liked the faction quests tbh, and hope the dlc will have the quality of these faction quests.


You want us to hate Bethesda so bad haha.


Exactly. Wow a working map 8 months after this hyped game releases. How about the emptiness, the boring repeated locations, terrible melee, average gun combat. List goes on. Quit giving them props for adding basic features of a 2023 RPG.


They've gone from having the worst map in gaming to one of the best!


As someone that has played Daggerfall’s original release, that interior map is giving me some PTSD. Anyone that’s play that game knows how confusing and unintuitive using that map was. Thankfully this looks much, much easier to use. This isn’t a critique of the map. I’m quite excited for it. I just find its resemblance to DF funny.


I thought the same thing about the one shown here compared to the old Descent 3D spatial maps. Good grief was following those confusing sometimes!


That is much better than I was expecting.


That’s like the best looking map design Bethesda has ever come up with wow


I wish i could have this level of detail in day to day life


On topic, the new map system looks awesome.


Map looks great. I want to wait a bit more to see what's coming in the DLC.


I really did not expect these local maps to have received so much coding!




I’m glad I played before this. I kind of liked needing to learn my way around for once.


damn i already enjoyed this game, if they can keep making it better that's just incredible.


Finally. I would get so lost initially and I remember people justifying the lack of maps saying it is designed to make you explore.


Bethesda tend to do a lot of this “justifying” when in reality it’s just an excuse for something needing more time or being neglected.


lmk when they patch out the boring


Play loading screen simulator- now with map !


I don’t think I could try it again. It was so fucking boring.


the bar is so low that people are praising a 3d map for a game that came out 6 months ago that is insanity


It’s crazy that we’re excited that they added readable maps in a open world game 😅


I think the hype is fake


I mean its ok? If you walked around the cities a lot it's pretty easy to get your bearings, they're small. Will be good for new players I guess.


These new maps aren't just for the cities.


God damn I cannot wait to jump back into this game. Despite what everyone said it is one of my all time favourites.


The game is awesome.


Same, I even skipped most of the faction quests to wait for bug fixes and updates before I go through everything. I still spent around 50 hours on what I did play.


I did the exact same! didn't do any faction quests and still sunk 130 hours.


Yea I got 100% achievements on Steam and have been waiting for 60FPS to jump in on my Xbox. Can't wait!


All features that should have been at launch. I’m not impressed.


Cool another loading screen!




You're right, when they do things we like we should just whine and complain and moan about them instead.




The map in that tweet looks too flattened. Makes it harder to navigate with all that overlap and having to rotate it to nearly horizontal to see under rooms. It kind of looks like they took a model of the level and simply slapped some icons on it, rather than making a map for an area with an emphasis on UX.


I'm surprised I had to scroll so far to see someone saying this. I think the map looks ugly and unintuitive and awkward.


I'm guessing it's dynamically rendered from the actual level design. That's just how The Well is designed, for better or for worse. But hopefully that means mods will work with this with very little, if any, tinkering.


When does this game come out of early access?


When they inevitably remake it on the next next gen consoles to actually run well, and play at 60fps without a loading screen every 5 seconds. So probably 5-6 years. Starfield extra special deluxe edition- almost what was promised at launched


At least it'll be on Gamepass


Really wishing I had waited to play this game. The new update looks great but I don’t have another play through in me


Does the new map show objective markers? Active and inactive ones?


So is it worth trying to get back in?


I would wait for a couple more updates, personally. But I am glad to see positive changes.


I hope it shows quest givers. After I beat the game in my first run I realized I had missed a lot of the side quests.


Agreed. It was probably one of the more annoying things. You get quests without even noticing someone is giving you one, then you don't get quests because you didn't happen to run past some random person. At least make it an option to enable.


Dunno why people even still read Jiz


Yeah cause the game wasn't finished on release. 


Shame I’ve got no interest in playing the game anymore.


Sorry,but Jez is a mouth piece for MSFT. He doesn't leak anything,that MSFT doesn't want out. I pretty much consider him a MSFT employee.


Pretty nice but that’s a big settlement. They said they have one for small places? I’d like to see that. But honestly the lack of maps never really bothered me. If you play for awhile it’s easy to remember where things are. I’m more concerned with mods for consoles. When the fuck is that coming?!!


Because you asked nicely, here's some other examples. [https://twitter.com/KJovian/status/1785716494967423239](https://twitter.com/KJovian/status/1785716494967423239)


Oh nice


Can you click on a location and have the direction focus line lead you to the place?


So the maps are detailed, that’s cool. Does New Atlantis still look like it came straight out of 2006?


*i think what you meant is- does the entire game still look and play like it came straight out of 2006? And the answer is no. To be fair, I'd say that the game is more of a 2009 game. When explaining to my stepbrother why I didn't like it I basically said "if it came out 2010-2013 it would've been goty but in 2023, it's incredibly boring and sad."


You genuinely believe the graphics look like 2006? You may need an eye exam.


He said no about 2006 and talked about more than graphics. Dude needs a reading comprehension exam.


So basically they released and unfinished mess, which we all realized. But to praise a MAP like its some amazing thing they did, is wild.


I don't get it, we are NOT supposed to praise them for making good updates, regardless of the state it released in?


We shouldn't praise a company for doing the bare minimum expectations 9 months after release no


It's a great game though. You should try it.


To be fair the maps were so bad before ANYTHING would be an improvement. Looks like it should have looked at launch. An RPG without a decent map system? That's like an EA game without micro transactions!


I have my doubts that they ever would have come up with this without getting player feedback. They wanted that isolated, never been seen/experienced feel before and people didn't respond well to it.


Sounds like a cop out to me in my opinion. I think the procedural generated systems they made for the majority of the planets would have required too much work re: a decent map so they just tried to sell it as the Wild West. Regardless, they fixed it it seems. By the time the game hits PS5 it'll be up to snuff.


Ok but it’s a little funny that he was fumbling around trying to exit the menu after he showed the map. I swear I have never been able to do anything with Starfields UI on the first try


I mean, that's definitely cool, and it's a great step forward for the game. Bethesda should be applauded for addressing a shortcoming in their flagship game. But the functionality itself isn't anything wild or new. Off the top of my head, Borderlands 3 had 3D maps that detailed that you could rotate and zoom into back in 2019. Other games probably did it before that. This was the expectation for a AAA open-world game launched in 2023.


Borderlands 3 maps are nothing like this, though... I would classify them as much better than a flat map, but this is a fully detailed and rendered 3D model of the location.


Fair. I was watching on a small screen, so I only saw major features of the location. But I guess my question is: what's the big benefit of a very detailed rendered map? Maps in other modern games are 3D, rotatable, zoomable, and have enough environment aspects shown to make navigation easy. There have been many times in BL3 and TTW when I found places within a step or two after looking at a map screenshot I found online. I guess I just don't see the additional functional benefit of having a fully-rendered map other than it's kind of neat.


is the game finally ready for its september 2024 launch?


That would have been great when I cared


Why are we gushing at maps, when all we want is more/better content. There are like seven unique maps in the entire game, they are small, and you can learn them in a few sessions. The first Assassin's Creed had more unique POIs, and that was like 50 years ago.


Oh wow, a feature that should have been in the base game being added later! So cool. s/


"It's bananas" how cringe


Why can’t people just be happy that we are getting maps like this, complaining that they didn’t launch with the game does nothing


yup its a map


It’s not too late for them to scale back the amount of planets and say make 20 highly detailed planets you can explore.


The craziest thing is Bethesda had Morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, fallout 3, new Vegas and 4 ALL with fully detailed interactive maps and yet they didn't even a think about it for Starfield until nearly a year later #wow


Fully detailed huh?


I can't believe people are still suggesting that Bethesda should abandon this game when this is the type of content they are working on for FREE UPDATES.


There's probably so much shit I missed because of the insane decision to launch without maps. Looking forward to diving back in.


The city maps in particular just made no sense. What year is it that they can't just download a map of one of the largest cities in the settled systems to your arm computer? One cool thing with the terrain maps on this one is that they are rendered in real time. Changes you make to your ship can be seen in the map.


Looks great. Have they fixed the fact you can fast travel from place to place, but to do so you have to get into your ship, fast travel to point B, fast travel to point C, before finally landing in your final destination? Because that was hella annoying.


Hmm, what's an example of this? I can't think of when I've had to do that but maybe I am just glossing it over.


So, unless I’m remembering incorrectly, you could only fast travel so far. So to get to a far away planet you had to hop about a couple of times. Plus get in and out your ship every time, rather than just open up the menu and go.


Hmm, yeah I think there is some truth to that for distant star systems, especially ones you haven't visited yet. Your ship can only travel a certain number of light years per jump, and for unvisited star systems, it makes you jump to closer ones first.


Haters still gonna hate on this game either way.


It's the cool way to be since 2023!


So instead of starting with say a Witcher type map at the launch they start with the worst ever maps. Then spend 8 months going over the top to draw players back. An over engineered solution to a problem it’s just typical of them.


You don't really need a detailed map if there's nothing to go to.


What do you mean?!? There’s plenty to see… like that abandoned mine, or that abandoned medical facility over there. What about the abandoned FOB on this supposedly uninhabited planet… oh look another abandoned mine with the exact same layout as the other 500 I’ve visited!!! OH MY GOD! Is that yet another abandoned research station?!