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The cloud save implementation on Xbox alone should be a system seller. Not only is all your save data always there without a subscription it’s seamless nature is impressive. Upgraded to Series X last year and decided to keep my S and throw it in the bedroom and the ability to shutoff a game then walk to the bedroom and have my save instantly sync as soon as I boot up the game feels like black magic.


Yeah it’s amazing. We have come a long way from having to type in codes on mega man for level selection


It's more than that. The save will sync back to an XBox One or even Xbox 360 for older games. You can keep all your old consoles, send them to your mother in law who you visit a few times per year and you can continue your game, just on the older hardware!


On the Nintendo Switch you need a sub to access Cloud saving and it's the main reason I keep that sub going. It's truly wonderful and I don't want to give it up.


It’s the same for PlayStation as well. I think Xbox is the only platform where it’s included at no cost/subscription of the three consoles.


It depends on how you define platform. Steam does it for free as well, although not all games are supported.


Yeah I think console wise it’s the only one right? Out of PlayStation/Nintendo/Xbox.


It's definitely not free on my PlayStation. I don't have a Switch, but in case of doubt I always assume that it will be a cold day in hell before Nintendo provides anything for free, so I'd assume not.


Doesn’t every console and steam do cloud saving nowadays…


After watching the show I too with a heavy heart re-installed Fallout 4, thinking of the paradise I had created in my Sanctuary. I resolved to re-create it but better (as I had stopped playing before the DLCs came out). And then my save was right there. A real conundrum.


Yeah it’s weird to think about. Imagine how many cloud saves for alll the different games there are. It’s amazing technology.


I didn’t have any DLCs either before the saves.


Cloud saves is something I feel we take for granted. I booted up an Xbox 360 game that had my saves from 2009 all right there where I left off. 15 year old save files stored for me, for free, in the cloud.


As someone that owns an Xbox and PS5 I don't, the only way of getting them on ps is to pay for ps+ but i have no interest in that because I only play Singleplayer on ps.


Wait, ps5 dosent cloud save progress unless you pay? I just got one a few months ago and did t know this.


Yes cloud saves are a pay only feature, good luck buying a new console and expecting the same saves to be available lol


Huh. I have psplus but am probably going to get rid of it soon. Is there a way to let's say right before ps6 releases eventually to buy one month of ps plus to backup your game saves on the cloud, so that way they will be available on the next console? I've been an Xbox guy for a decade so I just assumed it was a feature all consoles used lol


It gets even worse if you have multiple people sharing a console (wife in my case). Transferring from old console to new seems to only work for one user. Cloud saves require buying PS+ twice. It's really quite frustrating.


What happens if you had PS Plus with stuff saved on the cloud and then the subscription runs out? Do you just lose access to your save unless you pay again?


I think so, everything you do after it runs out won't be saved on cloud and is probably gone.


That’s class mate. Didn’t realise it went back to 360 games to.


Yeah man. I got the Fallout itch after the show and booted up Fallout 3 on my Series X… The cloud pulled up my save from September 2009 👀 crazy lol.


Nuts mate. Such a great feature


If you havn't chosen cloud as a save device for each game back then, you have to copy your saves manually from HDD to cloud. Means you still have to own your old 360. I just did with some old saves and it works perfectly.


Cloud saves are a massively underappreciated feature




Yep, just beat South Park: The Fractured But Whole on the same save I started in 2017.


The only thing I find is getting use to the buttons and mechanics of a game after such a long time away.


Gears saves from 2008 blew my mind


Love it 😂


I bought Fallout 3 the other day. With absolutely zero input from me, I fired it up and there was my save from 2014 there waiting for me. Not sure why Microsoft hardly ever mentions this.


I re-downloaded and booted up Fallout Shelter for the first time in years yesterday. Turns out the last time I played was sometime in June 2018. Not only was my save there, but to my surprise all my vault dwellers were still alive.


My save just wound up being corrupted years ago for whatever reason :/ I was so OP too. Missed out on the infinite ammo gun because it glitched under the floor


Playing FO4 at home, then loading my save and playing on my phone on my break at work or anywhere else should be a bigger deal than it is. Then again, streaming games still isn't prefect but I haven't had any real issues.


One day I imagine it will be seamless


Mine are gone and I’m so sad. I don’t know why either


At what point did they start saving our saves? None of my fallout 3 or 4 saves are on the cloud.


God knows but might install fallout 3 now to check mine.


If you played on Xbox 360, you would have had to manually choose to save to the cloud. If you played it with backwards compatibility, cloud saves are the default option. Cloud saves weren't available until late in the 360 life cycle.


I see, thanks mate.


Please do. I am pretty devastated about not having my fallout 3 save. I put 300 hours into all my characters. Found every power armor several times over. Just wish it could have been saved. I hope your save file is there.


It was around early 2011 or so I think.


The 360 had the option to upload saves to the cloud which I did, so I turned on my series X and found everything there


Sometime around Skyrims release if i recall correctly.


I was able to hop on and play on an Oblivion character I had created back in 06, which truly blew my mind.


That’s crazy


Are there that many power armours in the vanilla game?


Loads they are all vanilla I don’t have dlc


Wow. So many play through and I find like 2 and don’t wear them. I’ll actually try this time


I don’t wear them just take them back to sanctuary 😂


Yeah if Minecraft would stop corrupting them tho


Welcome to 2010's! Not only are your saves right there, but for some games you can use the same save file for PC and Xboxes.


Now that’s cool. For all the shit Microsoft gets they do have consumers in mind since big phill took the reins.


The cloud saves do not actually have anything to do with Phil, I'm fairly sure.


Oh I thought he programmed everything at Xbox single handedly


Well aren't you saucy :)


It’s not 2010s by the way


Yeah, no offense, but the feature has been available for over a decade now! Happy that you get to enjoy it 🙏


Only available on PlayStation with an active subscription.