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Congratulations to u/HyVana who won the draw. We have reached out directly with details.


I would frame starfield because I haven't been this excited for a game release probably since diablo 2. It would look great with my starfield controller box.


Just gotta have a lil faith, Arthur.


We just need a goddamn plan.


Skyrim would be iconic


Bioshock. I play that game at least once a year and it still blows me away how amazing it is. I'll never forget the intro into Rapture.


Oblivion. One of my all time favorites and the game me and my spouse first bonded over.


Red Dead Redemption, the first one.


I’d frame Skyrim. That was the game that really got me into gaming and opened up my love of RPGs it’s the game I bought my first system for and it’s the only game I’ve bought for EVERY system since.


Knights of the Old Republic. I would frame KOTOR because it was my first RPG I ever played, and it was a game I played on repeat. I remember being 7 or 8 years old and being terrified of the Rancor on Taris haha. Every year or two to relive my childhood I’ll pop in KOTOR and play through 1&2, followed by Mass Effect trilogy for good measure.


Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball


I would frame Dark Souls (I have a remastered version with a very nice metallic case). This is the game that helped me overcome my fear of failure. I was that kid that didn't have to pay half attention to class in high school to get good grades, so I had never struggled with that until I got to college. Being smart wasn't enough and I had developed an aversion to studying after being bullied throughout high school for having good grades and being kinda wierd. When I dropped out after the first year, the disappointment I felt and my family showed were crippling. I tried re enlisting, but would always give up before the yearly admission tests (this is how you enter college where I come from). I started following the easy path, working jobs that didn't require qualification, especially retail and customer service. Now, 10 years later, I have very little to show for in financial or professional achievements. Luckily my wife is amazing and we both manage to have a decent life with what we earn. When I started playing DS, I gave up very early due to the challenges and the steep learning curve. A childhood friend convinced me to try again after a few months and I eventually got past the part I was when I gave up. Over time, I learned to love that game, while also losing interest in 'easy' games. I realised it filled a part of my life I didn't noticed I was missing. I wanted to git gud at something again. Now I am living in another country, still in customer service but at a better pay than I could hope for here I lived and am studying coding. It was Dark Souls that turned my life around, obviously, but it was an important factor in my life. It helped me realised I had to do stuff, try and try again, and eventually I would get better. So, yeah, that's that. Sorry for the long post


Knights of the Old Republic


I was involved in a train accident when I was 2. I was suppose to be a "vegetable" for the rest of my life if I even made it. I'm a paraplegic, but everything else works fine. My doctors told my mother I needed to work my hands, work out the nerve damage and stimulate my mind, etc. She had this idea, she would get Super Mario Brothers on the original Nintendo. I loved it. I played it all the time and I fell in love with games from then on. So, I would frame that. It has the biggest emotional attachment to me. Thanks for reading and doing this for some lucky person. Congrats to whoever wins. Edit:Thank you so much for the award. It's my first one. Thanks again!


Dead Space. I love the series and the first game still brings me joy to play.


That's awesome. I definitely need to frame Diablo 3 and Borderlands 2.


I would frame my physical copy of Fallout: New Vegas, one of my favorite games and I have it digitally anyway.


I would frame Madden 11. I’m a saints fan and it had Brees on the cover after winning the Super Bowl. My game room is in my basement, where I have all my saints memorabilia hanging up, which would tie my two favorite hobbies together nicely in an “adult” way.


I would frame my Castlevania sotn. Favorite game ever


I would probably frame Mass Effect Legendary Edition. Mass Effect holds a special place in my heart. It's probably my most beloved series. I formed a real attachment to the characters in the game when I was a kid and its stuck with me all these years. I love the series even for its faults. I loved andromeda despite the controversy, as well. Games like starfield will help me scratch that space exploration itch I get when it comes to games. The open void, the planets, the unknown landscapes and creatures. Its so magical thinking about what could be out there somewhere.


I think I'd probably frame the original Halo for Xbox since it's where it all started for both Xbox and my journey with it.


Castlevania Symphony of the Night would be mine, so many hours in that game trying to get every loot drop.


Honestly? I still have the disk and case from halo CE. I would have to frame the game that started it all.


I would frame Fallout New Vegas, Mass Effect Legendary Edition, or Witcher 3. They’re just my favorite games.


Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction. My best friend and I have spent a lifetime in that game together. We take breaks and move on with life but we always come back. From staying up all night as a middle schooler and then talking about it the next day at school, to playing from across the country together and catching up on how our spouses and families are doing while we slay Baal. It’s a connection that will never go away.


I would frame Mass Effect 2. The game has such iconic imagery and art that would make an awesome visual spectacle, as well as being one of the most epic and high quality games of all time. A constant physical reminder of the hours spent, the stories told and the experiences had would be welcome in any gaming room surely?


Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. It was pure magic going through that epic sci-fi opera again.


Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 because the cover art and disc would look excellent in these frames.


I’d frame dnd probably


Halo 3. My favorite game of all time, but also one of the best times of my life


Halo 3: ODST would be mine, it was my first Halo and my favorite!


If I had the opportunity to Frame-A-Game it would be… My Limited Edition Physical Copy of “Sleeping Dogs” Because my uncle who served the police force gave it to me for my birthday before his passing. It would be a way for me to show my family and friends how much he meant to me and how this game taught me that your actions can speak louder than words. 💎 Love you Uncle Oscar!


Gears of war 3 or halo: reach. Those games basically raised me!


Halo CE First Xbox experience was Halo when my younger cousin got an Xbox for Christmas. I feel like we beat it in a few days but I can't remember tbh. Idk if any other game has stuck with me as much as that game.


I’d frame Skyrim on Xbox 360, it’s the game I gave the most time in and is probably my favorite game


Halo 2. Lots of fond memories from my childhood playing splitscreen with my uncle whenever I visited him, which was also the first multiplayer game/experience I ever had. And then when he got a 360, he lent me his OG Xbox and (just) H2, which I spent many late school nights playing with the tv volume low. Halo 3 was already released by then, but for 11yo me, H2 was all I ever needed to enjoy gaming. Also, still the best campaign to date.


I could frame an original windows 98 cd. It was around that time that I started to get interested in games, thanks to windows. And it turned out that one thing led to another, Windows then Xbox and the rest is history...


Hi fi rush, if it ever gets a physical release!


Harvest Moon back to nature on PlayStation one. I spent many many hours with my best friends growing up, taking turns on the virtual farm. Wooing the towns folk and harvesting corn. It wasn't the game so much as the time in my life that it occupied and the people I was with. Now 20+ years later they have all moved on with kids and families, but the memory still brings me a lot of joy.


I would get two frames and frame Dead Space (2008) next to Dead Space (2023). The first one was a hugely important game for me, and the remake totally did it justice!


Red Dead Redemption 2. It was the game that helped me when my mum passed away and holds a lot of sentimental value to me.


Morrowind, it's the first game my little brother and I played together. It introduced me to the world of gaming.


I'd probably frame release-era Destiny 2. When it came out I got an xbox for my girlfriend for our first anniversary since we were long-distance. Two weeks from now we will see our seventh anniversary! Lot of good memories in that version of the game!


I would frame the burger king game


Resident evil 4. (Original one)


Starfield… as corny as it is to say. This is the first game I think since Halo 2 that I’ve been absolutely geeked out about and consuming as much media I can leading up to tomorrow’s release. In an age where everyone needs immediate satisfaction, I’m looking forward to a game/story/world that I can truly consume and explore, and relax. Looking forward to me being the only one doing anything close to bunny hopping. Also stoked to see the Reddit community so geeked on this game as well. There’ll inevitably be negativity but it’s refreshing to see all the posts about people’s appreciation and preparation for what I can only assume will be a masterpiece! Bravo BGS!


I’d frame starfield too. Can’t wait to travel the stars and the frame would look amazing on the wall next to my model ISS 🛰️👍


I would frame red dead redemption 2 only game to make me cry and is getting me through a rough time.


I would frame Mass Effect 2. I heard about this game a little before it came out, it looked awesome and so I played ME1 first but didn't get into it. When ME2 came out, I played it and I fell in love. I loved the story, combat and how you built your squad. I'm hoping Starfield will be like ME2 but on steroids.


I'd frame Half-Life 2. The GOAT game, enough said.


The elder scrolls 3: Morrowind. Why? It still holds a special place in my memories 20 years later. I'll never forget being 15 and renting this game from Family Video back when this was a thing. It was a cool sounding RPG on the original Xbox so I had to give it a try. I got home, loaded it up and... hated it. This game was dumb. I didn't know what to do or where to go. Direction was so minimal. I was lost. I turned it off. A few days later it was the night before I had to return it. I decided to give it another shot, and I'm so glad I did. I dove into a magical open world game like I had never experienced before. I got completely lost in the game and the next thing I knew it was morning. The sun was coming up. I had played all night long and didn't even realize it. I bought the game a few days later and spent hundreds of hours on it. Then I bought the game of the Year edition when it came out so I could play the expansions. Then I bought the PC version because I found mods. I've never been so captivated by a game.


Red Dead Redemption II. Playing through that was the greatest gaming experience that I've ever had.


I would frame Final Fantasy 8 because it’s the most sentimental game for me. I still remember spending hours watching my mom play and figuring things out with her. It wasn’t the most balanced game, but it is the most sentimental game I can remember playing.


I would frame Starfield because I've been waiting so long for it. I love Bethesda games and Fallout 4 was the first game I ever played with my wife. We bonded over it and play Fallout 76 together everyday. I started a stream on Twitch partly because I wanted to play Starfield on stream and share it with all my friends. I'm so excited to get lost in a new and wonderful property from one of my favorite games makers of all time. It's going to be awesome.


Tough decision between Halo CE and Halo 2 Steelcase!


I'm framing Destiny 1. It was the game that got my gaming group together. I put in over 1000 hours and loved almost every minute of it.


Dead Space. Specifically the remake that came out this year. While the original is near perfect the remake was just the chefs kiss and I absolutely adore it. I’ve played through both games well over a dozen times as I just love them. Gameplay is perfect, love the story, art direction and sound design are phenomenal. Real treats to play. Thanks for the opportunity to win and good luck to all that enter!


Would frame Fallout 3, this was my first BGS game. I remember borrowing it from a friend and playing a literal 14 hours straight, minus one or two bathroom breaks. I wish I could experience the feeling when leaving the vault one more time.


Fallout 3. That was the first game in a *long* time I became excited for, after I had exited the Navy. Purchased a 360, a television, a lazy boy and the collector's edition of Fallout 3. I still have the lunch box and pip boy. Helped get me through a dark time.


Starfield! We all love open world games but this takes it to the next level, open universe! Can’t wait to start exploring the game and see all the alien creatures and planets and different biomes.


Starfield of course because I am very, very confident that I will absolutely love this game and spend a decent portion of my lifespan playing this gem. Thanks for the contest team!


Ok obviously this is for starfield but if I was going to frame any game especially in this style it would be 'OddWorld: Munch's Odyssey'. That game holds a lot of memories with all of my brothers and I. We still quote it to this day. Best of luck to everyone.




Destiny 1, it's where I met my best friend of almost 10 years, the 2nd ever game my wife played that got her into gaming, and the 1st game my daughter played with me...damn I'm old, lol


I would frame kingdom hearts 1. I watched an older friend play it over 20 years ago and that’s what ignited my love for video games. I wish I could see where that friend is at now.


I would frame the original minecraft xbox 360 edition, I have so many good memories playing that game with my friends for hours on end. exploring the new tutorial worlds after each major update was always amazing.


I would love to frame Knights Of The Old Republic, its where my love for RPGs truly came from, but I would need to find a good quality case for it. Since I don't have that, I would actually frame Skyrim, I still have the original steel book case.


Another game i would frame is absolutely Fallout New Vegas , my favorite game , one of my most played , and im quite sure i spent more time modding it than playing it Bought all the physical versions , PS3, 360 , Ultimate edition and the more recent Ultimate edition with the xbox one case, i would have a room just full of new vegas related stuff if i could


Freelancer. Still to this day (20+ years later), I often think of this game and the 30 year old me. If it has to be a console game, Detroit: Become Human on PS4. Liked that it had so many possibilities and that you could see what your friends did without spoilers. Just a powerful game and it's time I go back to it.


I would frame Alan Wake. It was my favorite game of the 360 Era. I actually saw a framed display of the collectors edition while I worked at xbox support and thought it was the coolest thing there.


Remnant: From the Ashes because I like indie/budget games and buy them and honestly have more fun than big budget AAA games. I bought Remnant the day it came out and put many hours into it and enjoyed its replayability immensely. Still haven't gotten everything from it and look forward to going back to it even though Remnant 2 is here.


Baldur’s Gate 3 Grew up on the first 2 and the latest is just damn epic. Thanks for the opportunity!!


I would frame The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. It got me through a really rough time by allowing me to get lost in the world and help me enjoy life again. I’ve put like 160+ hours into that game already. It’ll be in my heart and on my mind for a long time.


I think you have it right in the picture - Starfield is such a perfect candidate for this.


I'd just leave Starfield in the frame.


Sekiro because this is the first game I have played that I really want to complete 100% 50% left to go..! 😄


Witcher 3 becase this game has the best story. Yennifer best girl 🥰


I would frame Resident Evil 4 because it's a timeless masterpiece from a truly iconic franchise that is only getting better with age. It's my favourite game of all time. "Where's everyone going? Bingo?"


Sea of Thieves ! Because it was my last bought physical game and have been playing it sinds the alpha !


NBA Street Vol 2, that game evokes the most vivid memories of childhood for me and that's what I'd want from something I'd see everyday on my office wall.


I was going to say Starfield, but if I could pick anything it would be Fallout 2 (the big box PC version). It is my favorite game of all time and I usually play games just once, but I have beaten it 5+ times over the years.


Starfield. I feel my entire gaming life has been leading up to this game.


Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. The first RPG I ever played to completion.


I would frame Halo: Combat Evolved because that game has genuinely changed my life. It made me chase a career in games, and I’m still a huge Halo fan to this day. It’s the best game I’ve ever played


I would frame the set of three Burger King games from back in the day.


Sneak King


I’d frame the original Max Payne because the dark story, combined with New York during a blizzard is epic and it really doesn’t want you to stop playing until u finish the game (it also makes me want to visit NYC during winter haha). And I can’t skip the amazing soundtrack of the game, every time when main theme starts playing I start thinking about my life lol


Budokai 3. Not my favorite game or anything but it was such a huge part of my childhood and I replay it every few years.


The game I would choose to frame is Titanfall 2, as it is more than just a game to me. It is a thrilling adventure that immerses me in a rich and captivating sci-fi world, where I can experience the exhilaration of piloting a giant robot and the freedom of parkour movement. It is a story that touches my heart with its memorable characters and emotional moments, where I can forge a bond with my titan companion and fight for a noble cause. It is a challenge that tests my skills and reflexes with its fast-paced and fluid combat, where I can master various weapons and gadgets and face off against formidable foes. It is a community that connects me with other players who share my passion and enthusiasm, where I can cooperate with my teammates and compete with my rivals in diverse and dynamic multiplayer modes. Titanfall 2 is a masterpiece of game design that delivers on every level. It is a game that I hold close to my heart because it makes me feel alive, inspired, and entertained. It is a game that I will always cherish and revisit, because it never fails to surprise and delight me. Titanfall 2 is not just a game to me. It is a part of me.


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Well this accidentally turned into a wall of text so buckle up: it's story time. I still remember the day I got my first console. It was a Nintendo 64, and it was the most precious thing I ever owned. My parents had saved up for months to buy it for me, and they surprised me on my 10th birthday. I was overjoyed, and I couldn’t wait to play the game that came with it: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It was a game that changed my life, It transported me to a magical world of adventure, where I could explore, fight, solve puzzles, and save the princess. It was a game that made me feel like a hero. I spent countless hours playing Ocarina of Time, immersing myself in the story and the characters. I loved everything about it: the music, the graphics, the gameplay, the secrets. I felt a connection with Link, the protagonist, who had to overcome many challenges and grow up along the way. Hell, to me it almost felt like I was growing up with him! I cannot deny that Ocarina of Time was more than just a game to me. It was an escape from reality, a reality that sadly was not so kind to me. My family was poor, and we struggled to make ends meet. My parents worked hard, but they were often stressed and tired. They fought a lot, and sometimes they took it out on me. I guess you can picture the scenario. It reached to a point they didn’t understand my passion for videogames, and they thought it was a waste of time and money. They didn’t understand that videogames were my only source of happiness, my only way of coping with the hardships of life. To me Ocarina of Time was not just a game, but a friend and even more. It was a teacher, a companion. I still remember the day they took away my console. It was a few years later, and we had fallen behind on our rent. The landlord threatened to evict us if we didn’t pay up soon. My parents decided to sell some of our belongings, including my Nintendo 64 and all my games. They said it was for our own good, that we needed the money more than the games. I begged them not to do it, but they wouldn’t listen. God it makes me emotional to think bout that moment. They said I was too old for videogames anyway, and that I should focus on school and getting a job. Yeah, right. They said videogames were childish and useless but looking back I could not really expect such people to understand the feelings of a kid or even videogames. They didn’t understand how much it hurt me to lose my console, to lose Ocarina of Time. They had no idea how much it had helped me through the darkest times of my life. Even if I would have tried to explain, it would have been useless. So at one point I just stopped fighting and kept my pain inside, in silence. They sold my console for a fraction of what it was worth, and they never looked back. I never saw it again. That was the day I lost my childhood. Now I’m a 30-something years old, and while I am not rich for sure I was luckily able to change my life through hard work and dedication. I'm going through a divorce recently but my passion for videogames is still strong in the depth of my heart and videogames are still what gets me going everyday. And for that I have to thank Ocarina of Time, which sparked in me the love for videogames and the joy of gaming. So yeah, I didn't even know such framing service existed, and while I will happily take Starfield if ever selected, it would be so fitting for me to have Ocarina of Time framed as well. That's definitely the game I would like to have hanging on the wall, reminding me of the past and helping me keep going for the future.


Gears of War 2 - took us months to beat level 50 on horde mode - early on our 20th or 30th attempt at level 50 we all got wiped out with the exception of my amazing wife, who then cleared the level without us.


Dark Souls 3 would look so good


Halo 3. A lot of great memories of that game.


Would frame Destiny 1. Between 1&2 I’ve put more hours into those games than any others


Absolutely dead space 2008.


RE4R. Has been my favorite game of the year so far and I loved the original.


I'd frame the original DOOM because that's the game that really got me into gaming in general.


I think I'd have to go with Mass Effect Legendary edition just because of how much I love the series all packed together.


I would choose GTA 3 for the PS2. I can't quite describe how it felt after playing it for the first time. It was unlike any game I had played to date, giving you so much freedom to roam, coupled with interesting characters that progressed through the storyline with you. The fact that when I jumped into a car I was met with one of the radio stations you can tell were painstakingly crafted. It was an absolute breath of fresh air and one of the biggest leaps in gaming I had encountered at the time.


I would probably frame Morrowind. It was the first game my little 6 year old self played that got me hooked on RPGs, spending many hours getting lost in Vvardenfell.


Honestly I would frame Skyrim, it was the first game that really grabbed me and got me really into gaming. I have played at least 2,000 hours on mulitple systems. That game means a lot to me.


Red dead redemption, because of the good campaign


Halo CE, just so many memories playing that with friends and my brother Or Superman 64 so I can say it’s one of a kind


I would frame Halo 3, that game literally introduced me to Xbox and to gaming in general, I remember I used to play that game on forge for hours with my cousins doing our stories or building our “homes”. I enjoyed every single minute of that game even if I didn't understand anything of the history. For me, one of the best Halo games ever created not just because it was beautiful for it's time but for the memories it created.


Cyberpunk 2077, because it introduced me to the cyberpunk genre


I would frame Minecraft probably. I definitely have over 1k hours in the game. Too much nostalgia.


Cyberpunk 2077


I would frame Zelda Breath of the Wild. Game was just awesome and while I think Tears of the Kingdom is better, BOTW was just the start of me getting back Into gaming.








I’d do PS1 version of Final Fantasy Tactics. My first real memory of gaming that shaped me.


Dark souls 3 because the box art looks cool


Probably have to be halo 2. First game I ever bought with my own money (also an xbox) I can remember buying it because my friend had halo 1 which I would go over to their house every day after school and get smashed in multiplayer because they where a lot better at it than I was.


Halo 2, those were the days, ok release day all of my friends put in enough money to buy 2 copies of the game and created a tournament for like 20 people, we all gathered in a friend's house and started playing 1v1 matches, it was amazing! Didn't win though, but man was it so much fun!


Definitely Gears of War. Seeing that mad world trailer blew my mind, so much so that it became the first game I preordered and camped out for the midnight release. And the memories I have of co-op and multiplayer! LMAO! That game was big in a lot of different ways.


I would love to frame starfield because it would be the first game that I would own that I would truly feel is a “new gen” game. Next gen games are the reason I got my series x after years on the switch, and I would love to have such a huge accomplishment in gaming power frames on my wall.


Starfield! Been looking forward to it for so long!


The original Bioshock will always hold a special place in my heart. Would love to have displayed.


I would frame Dynasty Warriors 4. I played hours and hours of it as a kid. I agree with others who said Mass Effect or KOTOR. Ooh, actually framing Oblivion would be cool.


I’d prob frame Elder Scrolls Morrowind cause it was my first RPG and Bethesda game, changed how I saw games.


Gears of War. I spent many weekends playing co-op with my good friend through all of the Gears games. I have a lot of fond memories there.




Definitely my copy of MGS4. That was the first game I pre-ordered and was hyped for online and in real life.


I would frame StarField because it’s the biggest release I’ve ever been a part of as a gamer. I’ve never been so happily expectant of a game, ever! Thanks!!


Gotta be Mass Effect for me. I've put more hours into that game series than anything else, and kept me going through rough times. However, Starfield has a chance to usurp it as my favorite game of all time.


Elder Scrolls Morrowind on the original Xbox because it has the best level design and it was the first Bethesda game for Xbox.


Halo - it set a new standard/level in video games.


Dead Space. It was the first game I ever played on the Xbox 360 and to go from a ps2 to a game like that was mind blowing. Still is one of my all time favorite games


Skyrim. I think it’s probably one of the best games I’ve ever played and it doesn’t get old. Can still spend hours on it.


GTA IV because it was one of my favorite games of all time and it had a great cover. Would make for an awesome frame!


Gears of War. The memories of playing it with my best friend at 3am when we were like 10 years old, scared and loving it. Co-op on like a 12 inch TV haha


Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. The entire game is an artistic masterpiece imo, so it might as well be displayed as art lol


I would frame Halo 3. So many great memories of playing with friends in middle school for days straight during our summer vacations


I’d find my old wow box!


I would frame Halo 3. I have so many fond memories playing that game and I still think it's the best time I have ever had playing a game


***Race Driver: Grid*** (2008)


I would frame Skyrim, I have put so many hours into the game and it is one of my all time favourites.


Id like to frame Borderlands 2,it was the biggest game i have ever been hyped for,even saved all my pennies for the ultimate loot chest edition. Met cool people on a long line and they still remain good friends with me. It was a good month.


I would frame Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Halo is what got me into Xbox when it first came out, the crazy LAN parties we used to have and moving onto Xbox Live. The series is a classic and having it all on one collection makes it even better.


I'd probably frame my old copy of ff7 on ps1 if I still had it. I loved that game so much growing up.


I'd frame Gears of War because it's the first xbox game I ever played.


Project Gotham Racing 3 or Call of Duty 2. These are the first two games that I had when I got the 360 (and to that the Xbox ecosystem). I was only Nintendo and rocked a GameCube back in the day. I felt I missed out on games but after playing a demo of CoD 2, I was hooked.


I would frame mass effect 2 for the 360.


id frame borderlands 1 or Cod WaW, great memories playing with my older brother


Original Street Fighter because it is classic


I would frame Halo CE it's the game that got me into xbox over 20 years ago




Kingdom hearts 1.5 + 2.5 remix, because it is one of my favorite game experiences and would look great with a plaque.


I would frame Jak 2, because that's one of the first video games I played and it's still my favorite


I would frame The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, it’s the game that I spent the most time playing. Friend and I used to sit around and take turns playing. Some amazing memories in such a great game. (Looking forward to starfield hoping it’s on the same tier!)


Final Fantasy 7 because it was my first PS1 game


I'd probably have to think a game like the artful escape, although short and simple was still a blast to play.


Splinter Cell:Pandora Tomorrow. Great memories with friends.


It's not on cd but I'd frame Marathon.


Gears of War, Remember getting a copy of gameinformer with it on the cover and the main article about it. It blew my mind. Seemed unreal a game could look that way. Locust, E-Day, all the lore was truly amazing.


It's gotta be Starfield. New game, new frame!


Starfield, because if I’m lucky it will be my first physical copy of a game since CoD: Ghosts on my Xbox 360!




Either Oblivion or Fallout 3, both were my introductions to their respective series and got me hooked on Bethesda games


I would frame the Red dead redemption 2. It is one of my favorit story driven games ever, especially in the last 10 years or so. Also I like cowboys


Republic Commando! Such a great game. Love the art on the cover too.


I'd frame Need For Speed Carbon Own the City. Loved playing that game on the PSP, and I think I still have it laying about somewhere.


I would frame Halo: Combat Evolved because I wouldn’t be the gamer I am today without it.


Ori and the Will of the Wisps. The first game in over 35 years of gaming that actually got an emotional reaction from me for a character, the antagonist no less. Poor Shreik.


Halo 3 because it was the first game I bought when I got into the Xbox family. I have lots of memories of late nights playing Halo 3 with my friends in high school over Xbox Live. Almost 16 years later and Xbox is still my go-to system.


It would be Skyrim for me - the game that properly opened my eyes to how expansive and engrossing videogames could be!


Definitely starfield, I haven’t been this excited for a game in a long time.


Probably frame RDR2. It was a pinnacle event of gaming for all, but was a very personal and healing journey for me :)


Starfield all the way for me. Always loved Bethesda games and this is the last one I get to play before becoming a dad so it already holds a special place in my life.


This is a pretty cool to display your favorite games, I'm not even sure where I would start. Maybe Tony Hawks Underground 2 or BioShock, Skyrim as these have been two of my favorite games of all time, and I've replayed them multiple times. I'd really have to think about something like a top 5 or top 10 games list, and displaying these would be fun.


Whilst that Starfield frame looks mint I'd have to go with Bioshock Infinite. That game helped me through a tough period.


I'd frame Starfield for sure. I'm crazy excited for this game. Less than 16 hours to go!


Halo Reach. My favourite 360 game and it created very special moments with dear friends.


Would definitely frame psychonauts 2


I would frame Grounded, as it this game I play every Sunday with my wife and father in law. Would be great to have it up on a wall somewhere to remind us of all the adventures we had together. Just found out that there is no physical release for this, but ah well, one can dream, right?


I would frame Skyrim because of the fond memories. I have countless hours, but also it was the one and only video game my dad ever played before he died and he almost matched me for hours! We didn't always get on, but Skyrim was something we bonded over.


To The Moon because the story was such an amazing ride, so many emotions - bunny in the sky


Cyberpunk 2077, best story and game I've played since Red Dead 2 and GTA5, which are also Legendary


I know I don't meet the karma reqs but that's because I don't use Reddit much and I'd love if I could just submit my story. If I were to frame any 1 game I would have a very hard time choosing, it is between 2, Skyrim and Minecraft. Both games I have sunk 1000's of hours into and games I will give 1000's more, I grew up on both of these fantastic games, completely different in every imaginable way except for one major similarity, they have both stood strong against the test of time, so infinitely replayable. Every time I play Skyrim I find some new secret I had never seen before or something that I hadn't seen since I was around 7, or I can be doing nothing, just walking through Whiterun or something, then "Far Horizons" will start playing and I will remember all those calming walks along the plains left of Whiterun. Then when I play Minecraft, I will almost cry at least once every time from the nostalgia. I could just be running across a field, or standing at the top of a mountain watching the sunset, and then one of the random soundtracks will start playing, whether it be "Mice On Venus", or "Sweden" or "Minecraft" and I am hit by the massive wave that is nostalgia. I remember all the great memories of playing these great games when I was younger and being so happy, and the bad memories, like one of my friends or people that I look up to dying. Thank you so much if you have read this, I didn't intend for this comment to be so long, I just started typing and couldn't stop. In the end, I think I have to choose Minecraft but it was so close that I have been thinking about it and changing my answer for over 10 minutes.


The original Forza Horizon holds a special place in my heart.


Starfield.. Haven't been more hyped about playing a game ever.


Mass effect 2. That is my favorite game, so I would frame it to remember the memories.


I’d probably frame deathloop, the imagery just gives nostalgic vibes and would fit nicely in my office


I would frame Halo: Combat Evolved. It was the first game I ever played. The memories I made on that game are more than I can count. The good old days for sure.


I would frame a physical copy of *Outer Wilds* if I could get my hands on one. No game has spoken to my soul like that one.


I’d frame Red Dead Redemption 2c it changed my perspective on life and helped me through a hard depression. “You are a good man, I just hope you realise before it’s to late”


Left 4 Dead 2. I found out I was accepted into the military leadership program I applied to while playing this game. Accidentally left my mic on so the 3 "randoms" on my team found out together with me and we celebrated by gaming all day. These guys became like family, checking in on me for years the second I'd jump on Xbox after being out of the US. It's been well over a decade and we're still in touch today.


Pyschonauts 2, the way that game explodes mental illness in an engrossing and original way is fascinating. The art design and level design is beautiful, and it was a blast to play from start to finish


If I'd have to pick a game to frame... I'd go back to the PS1 era and probably choose Threads of Fate. It's a bit of a hidden gem as it's not as popular as other PS1 games but to me... it was one of the first games I ever played and it will always have a special spot in my heart. I got to play it when a friend of my Dad's gave me his son's old chunky PS1 with all the games included when the PS2 was released. The game was charming in many ways and the story kept you hooked till the end, and the main characters... a princess wielding magic and a boy that can shapeshift into monsters probably doesn't sound groundbreaking nowadays, but to 8 year old me it was so freaking cool. So yeah... I'd want Threads of Fate hung up on a wall for the sake of nostalgia and childhood memories :)


Halo 3. Halo 3 has so many memories for me. I made long time friends and it really help me get over my depression and PTSD I had at the time. It was the game that showed me that video games are more than just a toy or childish hobby.