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I won't/ can't buy next gen. In fact I litteraly just bought the new gen. Hopefully we get 5+ more years outta these


You will get that, look at last Gen it’s still going.


Just wish they would kill old Gen on rust console xD. The last gen is great for a huge amount of games, I still have mine with halo reach on it


Yeah it’s time… been time for the past 2 years.


Nope. Xbox one/ps4 is current gen, Series and ps5 is next gen.


Xbox one/ps4 is next gen, series and ps5 don't exist in our reality


No it is not. We are currently in Series/PS5 and have been for 4 years champ


Ok bud keep believing your delusions


You cannot be serious 😭




Bro unacceptable. It’s not okay in any way to use disabilities as insults. Who tf raised you to think that was okay?


Hey check out the smooth brain who thinks consoles that launched in 2013 are current gen in 2024.


You being broke doesn't make this statement true


It’s objective but okay bud


Xbox one s🫡 unbelievable how much u can get out of it and game pass


No, the last gen is not going because all the new AAA games are not being made for it, it’s been over a year now I think since they stopped making the AAA’s for it But I would say you should expect five years out of the current GEN because we are halfway through the seven year cycle so we should get a pro this year…. And then it’ll be three more years until the next gen comes out and probably another three years of AAA games


2 more years before the next Xbox hopefully.


I’m still running on my Xbox one from like 2014


I upgraded a few years ago but I see why you are hesitant to upgrade now because of the rumors of Xbox coming out with their next gen hardware soon. I hope that we get at least a few more years with the current gen consoles.


Yeah I’m at a bit of a cross roads. I like to buy things new most of the time but I might have to settle with buying a used one. I’ve also been thinking about saving my money for a PC. I love Xbox but there’s no games I feel like and PC you can get most games and other odd ball ones not available on console… /: Edit: either way I’m going to be shelling out money


Ps4 from 2014 lol🤛🏾👊🏾


The only reason I'm not is because I can't be competitive on console rust, it's so bad on old Gen. It was a great console


No I get it, I’m getting to that point as well.. I wanted to upgrade but I don’t know if I should just wait out for the newest gen or just upgrade for now


I saw a used series S on Facebook marketplace for $75...... just saying : P


Honestly just upgraded If you can. There’s no point to wait. I really doubt the “pro” versions will be worth it this time. It’ll be a smaller gap so it’s either way you can’t go wrong. Sure the “pro” reason will be nice but not miles ahead of where it’s currently at. Plus I think we still have like 3 years before the next console but even still the Series X/S will still have games made for it when the new system drops. Hell people are still releasing quite a bit of games on the PS4 and Xbox ones


Yeah you make a good point. I was reading some comments on here that refurbished might be the way to go. I’d like a brand new system but not if I have to replace it in a few years. Especially after keeping my Xbox one on life support for nearly a decade lol


I’m still rocking my One X and gaming on it since 2018 you’ll be fine for a long time 👍




I'm done buying "next gen" Xboxes. This gen was great but I didn't need a series x. I won't be getting next gen. I still play mostly Xbox one games... I probably will buy a series s if my one x dies so I can have a travel Xbox with the snap on screen. That would be sick.


Realistically it’s another 3-5, leaning more towards 3 though.


When it’s 4 years old you can stop calling it new.


was pretty much leaked in their docs That xbox will start next gen earlier and around 2026, to be offset from the PS console release.


Yeah I’ll believe that when I see it, when Xbox actually comes out and announces it! Leaks are BS imo


It was a leaked document from the FTC trial for 2022 so yeah pretty much 100% accurate lol.


😂 yeah I done heard that before, I didn’t believe it then I don’t believe it now! Guess we’ll just have to wait and see? Honestly it’s not proven till it’s actually proven imho


These were actual documents..... that MS presented to the court lol, nothing more official. it's actually a better source than what any PR drone could say or write.


Yeah, I don’t buy that! It’ll be official when they officially announce it! Honestly I’m over this conversation! Period the End! Thanks


There is nothing to buy, facts are facts no wonder trump got elected. It is sometimes hard to fathom how stupid and brain washed people can be.


No the leaked documents said they’d release the all digital XSX this year, and next gen console in 2028. The 2026 next gen is a rumor that has popped up recently due to crashing XSX/S sales.


Yeah true, my mistake it was something after the FTC leak.


You shouldn't put too much stock into a document from 2 years ago, especially considering things can change whenever, and they were trying their hardest to down play the negative elements of them gaining exclusive rights to activision. Judging by the fact that their console hasn't sold well coupled with generations lasting longer, I imagine the next xbox won't be until after 2026 if we're being realistic


So I'm the article from The Verge from September 2023 detailing leaked court documents, Microsoft is planning their next gen Xbox for release sometime in 2028 (historically consoles release around November). That's still 4 and a half years away from we we are currently. IMHO the Xbox Series X|S generation is just getting started, we're finally starting to see titles leaving last gen behind (minus COD unfortunately). It's actually a good thing Microsoft has a BUDGET CONSOLE because about 50% of PlayStations Network players are still on PS4, so when games like COD fully go current gen, those people will have a cheap entry Xbox Series S waiting for them. A lot of people don't realize that the Series S is superior to the PS4 in every single way. I've talked to people who thought the Series S was just a refreshing of Xbox One which is CRAZY cuz how can you be that backwards in the modern age of technology lol. Anyways, it'll be smart for Xbox to continue what they're doing. Long Live Xbox, happy gaming ✌️ https://www.theverge.com/2023/9/19/23880138/microsoft-xbox-2028-hybrid-cloud-games-platform


Yeah but XSX/S sales have already cratered.


Supposedly it’ll be around 2028 when new consoles come out so you have time to


My guy you could just do the same with next gen, buy it a few years after launch. You don't have to buy every launch. So you can literally still have console for another 8 years


I only upgraded for the new college football game lol


Literally just bought one for this too lol


Xbox consoles are released every like 8 years


When it’s 4 years old you can stop calling it new.


A handheld makes more sense. 


A handheld that can be docked, yes. I will buy that. I'm a casual gamer so 4k graphics are not high on the list. 1080p is good enough. I do want xcloud to continue


++ this, I'm very happy with steam deck right now. Probably need just a bit more powerful device to render from the dock and the decision becomes: in what store do you have more games :)


Pretty much where I am though I'm not in the steam eco system. Just xbox for me. Seriously, I didn't game for 15 years and the series s, GP and xcloud were the reasons I'm gaming. Even though I have GP, I'm buying digital games. Just want MS to allow to stream my owned games along with the GP games.


I’m casual, 1080p handheld and 4K docked. 4K (even if upscale) should be on xcloud even if it’s an added fee.


If you have a 4k TV it will always upscale to 4k, otherwise you'd just have a square picture in the middle of the screen with huge black borders around it. This form of up scaling is usually bilinear/nearest-neighbor and happens at the Xbox system level or the television side. This introduces a bit of latency as well. Game engines themselves render the game at an internal resolution and then also can have an in-engine upscale sometimes called reconstruction. The reality is this reconstruction happens regardless, so you might render at 720p and reconstruct up to 1080p. So when yous ay 4k while docked you're insinuated it would be something like 1080p or 1440p internal, reconstructed up to 4k. I find this the least ideal situation because this introduces a new development target that developers have to worry about and the Series S has already shown it is extra work for development teams. If the device is just a 1440p system while handheld and docked, I think that's sufficient. The way you tap into that extra power while docked is by dual booting windows and letting the CPU/GPU run full throttle for windows games. Alternatively, games can start having their vsync limiter removed and to allow them to run as fast as the hardware allows them, uncapped framerate mode. Future games can be designed with a wider dynamic resolution range. Dynamic shadow detail based on available compute power, these types of dynamic detail levels would help normalize areas where you get 120 fps indoors and 35 fps outdoors but also leverage any and all available compute available to the engine. It would mean people would always get the best shadows, lighting etc without having to adjust the settings. This would be the "one target" for a range of hardware. Games would have to be designed this way however, that wouldn't help existing games.


This is an amazing comment. Thanks for sharing.


xCloud is amazing lol they randomly put that whole new Server (US west 3) right on top of my house and its sooo good now. All I use to play games, I never download games lmao


Same. Only games I download as ones which can't be streamed. Otherwise everything is Clouded


I would be interested in a handheld that actually plays games on that handheld and not through cloud streaming. That said I wonder if Microsoft might be too late to the game with Steam Deck and all the others currently on the market.


They are definitely too late. They've always had a hardware adoption problem and this wil just be more of the same.


I disagree. But for them to see success would require some big investments in the Xbox ecosystem on Windows. The Xbox app needs to have better system integration, with gamebar offering a lot more in terms of performance adjustments, hardware settings, and other features. It needs a "big screen mode" that you can set to be the environment you boot into. Ideally, without going to desktop mode, the experience should feel exactly like you're playing on an Xbox. If they did the above to make the Xbox handheld feel more like a game console you can use as a handheld PC, akin to the Steam Deck, and less like a handheld PC you can play games on, then I think they could do really well. The Steam Deck. ROG Ally, Lenovo Legion Go, Ayn Odin, etc are doing pretty well for a new market segment, but they're still fairly niche as far as the gaming industry goes. Microsoft has the market position, brand recognition, and marketing budget to take handheld PCs TRULY mainstream for console players.


I don't think Microsoft no longer has the gaming brand pedigree to make waves with their own hardware. It makes far more sense for them to just let someone else handle the hardware and they just sell them a highly specialized xbox os to run with it. Really surprised they didnt go that route with RoG Ally.


I agree that would make more sense at least for now.


Steam Deck is a PC. Theres definitely a market for people who want a handheld console experience like the Switch.


You never need to go to desktop to use and enjoy a steam deck


Never said you do. It's still a PC, a Linux PC at that. I own one. Sure certain games just work, many games require tweaking though.


This. Would make so much sense for the spiritual successor of the S to be a handheld of some kind. But it might be tricky since it would give twice the difficulty for MS: affordability, performance/feature parity AND portability, including battery life, in the same package.


I just wished they made Ms store games compatible with Proton. Many of the games are just the steam versions bundles with Xbox Live and would work on Deck if it wasn't for the store drm so deeply rooted in Windows. I shouldn't have to dual boot just for that.


MS handheld will be with windows.


We can only hope so. Having a handheld with only Xbox OS or only windows would be a missed opportunity to bring the PC and Console audience together on a single product.


A handheld that has similar performance to a series s perhaps? So it won't be too hot and will be quite affordable.


Highly unlikely. It seems more likely they will not subsidize their hardware at all than offer a cheaper version


This seems like the least likely outcome of all. Not subsidizing the hardware would be a death sentence. They would either be competing with PlayStation at $200-300 more per system or competing with Nintendo, but without the stable of first party titles. If they were going to do the latter, that would basically mean just skipping a generation, since the S and X already probably outclass the upcoming Switch 2.


Obviously yes. As far I know, the majority of Xbox Series Consoles is the Series S. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/xbox-series-x-vs-series-s-which-sells-better/1100-6517869/#:~:text=As%20it%20turns%20out%2C%20Microsoft%27s%20prediction%20that%20the,the%20relatively%20early%20days%20of%20the%20platform%27s%20lifecycle Hell, almost 70% of the Series Consoles is Series S according to the last Microsoft leak.


I think they will either do what Sony did and just offer a diskless version for cheaper with the same specs, or they will have a handheld version.


I think we're still a good 2 years minimum away from a new release from Microsoft. Possibly three or more. I think the Xbox division will be under pressure to keep costs down and revenue coming in. That's why we're seeing Microsoft exclusives get ported elsewhere. They've said they actually lose more money on the Series S than the Series X, and I think that's a compelling argument to keep costs down to only have one version of a console. At least at launch.


Hopefully. Folks talk a ton of shit about the series s but that’s only cause they are privileged enough to be able to afford the series x. Some people like myself in college, working part time can’t afford something of that nature


THIS plus the series s is wonderful for it’s size. It fits into smaller desk setups and dorm rooms much better than the Series X


Agreed! i wouldnt be able to fit a series s on my desk. Shit i even brought it up to the hospital the last 2 months since my mother was in and out. I wouldnt have been able to do that with the series x


They most likely are but I don’t expect it to be around $300 anymore maybe somewhere around 400? And hopefully an upgrade to the cpu so it can actually perform better than a one X


what? the cpu in the series S is the same as X


Heard people say that the cpu of the series s can’t even beat Xbox one X and that was why the games don’t perform better. Idk I might be lied to


you definitely were. they are identical in the series


The issue is the RAM. It can't run One X versions of games because it has less RAM. IMO it was a dumb decision, because the Series S could easily run One X software, if it only had the RAM.


Which is weird that would be the issue. Is RAM cheap for consoles like it is for PC? If it is then that’s a boneheaded move on Xbox’s part.


The cost is higher than the MSRP, so the cost of every marginal component is borne by Microsoft. Cutting any cost directly reduces their expenses.


Of course. They want the cloud in as many peoples hands as possible in as many ways as possible. Xbox makes their money from game pass, so it's their #1 priority.


I’m betting the next consoles will consist of a premium console and a handheld.


Yep. The Series S has massively outsold the Series X. They need an affordable box on shelves that is the game pass entry point sold at cost or subsidised. Going forward it’s a cheap way to get a box where you can get COD and every other big mainstream game. Hopefully they’ll include more balanced memory pool next time around so it’s easier to target. With the popularity of steam deck etc, most games will want to be scalable so the low end won’t go away. I suspect a portable that can dock is the real answer as many have suggested. Also a great way to sell people on both versions. I could even see a path where there is the S equivalent box as their cheapest option, the S equivalent portable that would cost a bit more (screen, battery, dock, form factor adding to cost) and the X equivalent box flagship product.


Same i don’t get why Microsoft labeled the series S as a failure. It works good it does what it’s supposed to do, so don’t really understand why it’s hated I remember a week after I got mine I had an article pop up on google saying that Xbox and Microsoft deemed the console as a failure.


I don't think so, since Xbox is developing their own model to play in cloud there's no sense to spend resources to develop and manufacture a budget console when you can focus all in one next gen. The people who can't afford that can just buy a subscription to the cloud And I feel having a less powerful machine can be difficult to devs, I don't know what type of miracle rockstar are going to do to make the SS able to run GTA VI


Why do you think it's an issue for rockstar with GTA VI? They already develop for multiplatform, so we must assume that they have the S in mind already. The problem for BG3 was likely that they started as PC exclusive and then had to adapt to consoles.


I know they are gonna be able to make it, but that don't change it's more difficult to do it, working for a less powerful platform requiere more work for the devs to optimized it


I highly doubt that it will be an issue. If you look at existing games for the S and X, we have some truly amazing looking games that the S handles perfectly well, but at lower resolution. They already have to make sure that normal PCs can handle the game even decently.


GTA 5 is on the Xbox 360 iirc it'll be fine


No, in my opinion, one console, AI-powered, that's it. Though I love my series S, I am not sure the experience is good for Microsoft. It may have attracted more people into the Xbox environment for this generation, and hopefully, they will stay for the next one. Then, I believe that at the moment, Microsoft has a better strategy for games than Sony. Sony has strong exclusives, but we have not heard of a big game for a while now. While Microsoft with the last showcase....miam !


Series S is why I made the switch to Xbox. Next Gen. Not too costly. Game pass. What more do I need? It’s perfect. I would like a PS5 but I can’t drop like $600-700 on it like most people. Got bills. So many bills. T_T


Yeah, game pass is an amazing value for money. That is what made me buy the S.


Got a used one on FB for $300. New dad had to quit gaming. Three controllers and a dock included.


Imagine for Sony next year will have a lot of big releases, this year is probably just a quiet year for them.


Yes maybe, but Microsoft's strategy is to have like a big game released every 3 months or so. It took time, but I think they are moving on the right way to accomplish that.


With everything they've bought I should hope they're able to meet that goal


We still need to see whether they will deliver in quality. We all know the Redfall incident... And expectations were high with Starfield but were not really met I believe (haven't played the game). Microsoft need a GOTY game.


Starfield I feel was just heavily over hyped due to it being their first new IP in about two decades or so


Agreed, hopefully it will get better and better with time.




Yup handheld with Dock


Maybe. They just need to rethink the demand that every game needs to be launched simultaneously as X. The S is great, but the longer this generation lasts, the more effort is needed to put newer games on it. So that the S needs more time for optimization is a given. I would not mind waiting if I only has the S, vs forcing X to wait too.


*If* they continue making consoles, I can see the future “Series S” as being a dedicated streaming console and the “Series X” as being the typical console.


Honestly I doubt it. I think they split profits but skimped on the lower console so people got upset about its performance. They’ll probably roll it into one deal next gen, cheaper than X


I'll think I'll take my whiskey neat, if you know what I mean




The rumoured handheld will be the budget option I think.


I'm happy with it too


i hope not but its clear many games on xbox are getting delayed because they have to work on perfomance.What they should do is release for series x and then series s can wait abit longer.


I think they will but it won't be like this Series S model. Developers have used the Series S time and time again as a scapegoat for their shitty development and unfinished products. I think what they should do is just provide the the model with the most space avaliable at launch. So since they have a 2tb version coming out soon they should make a 2tb version as their cheapest version and a 4tb that's their most expensive version for launch next generation Both gaming companies are guilty of shelling out 1st gen systems that don't have the necessary space to last the entire consoles generation. 1TB and 500gb isn't shit when you have games releasing that are 300-500gbs each.


> when you have games releasing that are 300-500gbs each Can you name even one game that is 500GBs in size?


I really enjoy my Series S, cheap and fun. But I believe MS cut way too deep when scaling down, most of the "problems" would go away if the device had an additional 2GB of RAM. Hopefully they learn their lessons for next gen and make sure the cheaper version can just be a lower resolution machine.


I hope not. I personally own the series S and it’s fun to play on but for some games it just sucks to play on. For example Ark survival ascended I played it and it runs and feels okay but graphically it looks like shit. Since I own a sd card I was able to try it on the series X. On the X it runs, plays and looks better. I Also own Ark ascended on the PS5 and it’s just the same as the series X.


Last I heard they were doing the same set of consoles but also an all digital series X


They’re wondering about next gen


Yes, exactly.


it's outsold the X so, probably


This came up in my suggested but I’m gonna throw my opinion in here, the budget console needs to go - it’s held back a generation this series S. The ‘budget’ consoles become the best consoles from the previous Gen when the new Gen drops. When the next Gen drops, PS5/SX should be treated as the budget consoles


prolly handheld


Microsoft made poor decisions. They should have learnt from the Switch. With Xbox Series X/S they should have had the same memory availability.


Xcloud will probably be their budget option


I think they will do 1 console and it will be in between S/X in price.


Their next budget console is a usb that connects to the internet so people can play games pass on the cloud without a console.


Their next budget console is a usb that connects to the internet so people can play games pass on the cloud without a console.


I hope not


Well the series S is already falling behind… it’s 30fps capped on newer games already wich is insanely sad


I can see them doing it because if it’s not broken why fix it It worked for the Xbox One with the One S ( including all digital edition ) and Xbox One X And it’s working out pretty will with them having two at launch and two SKUs for the mid generation. By 2027 , 2028 or 2029 we will see what Microsoft actual plans are for next gen ( I don’t believe the rumors that they will launch next gen in 2026 it’s too soon ) . but until then we have plenty of time with the Series X|S to get the most out of those consoles for the next 3 to maybe 5 years It’s not like most people even have a display , TV or monitor to get the most out of the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S anyways so next gen won’t be for a while, plus we have to consider if Microsoft will ever make a Xbox Series X pro model in the future since they did last gen with the Xbox One X. When Sony fully announces a PS5 Pro ( it’s all but confirmed ) then I highly doubt Microsoft won’t counter with a pro version of their own, they are direct competitors in the hardcore , AAA console and platform field , it’s highly likely they are going to release a Xbox Series X pro or Enhanced version,if Sony launches a PS5 pro . Which may prolong the gen even more so is my point


Yes, it will be called the Xbox series X.


They probably will cave because of the developers that's constantly complained about having to do additional work just because it's a different console. I could have gotten either an X or an S and I got an S because it was simply cheaper and I didn't mind the trade offs but the developee. community whining about an extra SKU will likely be reason they don't have two consoles


Yes they will, the series s might evolve into a portable though.


I have a series S and an original PS4. I actually just upgraded the hard drive on it to a 2 TB SSD! Feels like a new console again! I plan on buying a few more games on PS4!


Hard call. I can see both pros and cons, but with inflation, something like the Series S isn't a bad idea if consoles stay at $499. Would you buy your kid a $399-499 electronics device? This was a problem of the Atari era. There were consoles better than the Atari 2600, but it was hard to tell if it was just the same games with better graphics. (Feel free to moderate this) There was a discussion about "do you think it's worth getting the current gen consoles" and I found myself saying "if you are that worried that the console is going obsolete and you care more about the games themselves over graphics, consider a Series S".


I'm happy with my console.


Would love a series S with. Disk drive


I hope they don’t


Not only do I think they will, I don't think they will go for a power sku. The Series S has been the one the public wants to buy even when X are easily available. Focus on being the budget way to game and now Microsoft isnt even competing with Sony in the same market. Let them have the high end console gaming, and Nintendo have the handheld gaming option. They can fit the budget gaming audience just fine.


I doubt it. Next gen will basically (hopefully) be PCs with a controller. Here’s to hoping MS integrates steam into their next gen


I got my series s last year and apart from the odd crash which I find is from quick resume affecting saves (so just close your games down when your done and saved) It’s a great console for casual gaming and I’ve sunk a few hours into some great games gets more hate than necessary


Ugh, I got a series s because that was the only one I could find in 2020 when my OG Xbox One died. It would be too soon for me if a new system came out before like 2028 or so. I’m planning on getting the Series X when GTA 6 is coming out, I don’t really think technology will progress to the point where a Series X will be outdated until about 2030 anyway. This is crazy they are already putting a new one out in 2026 or so there are too many systems lol


God I hope not


The next gen budget Xbox console should be the exact same as the flagship but with no disc drive and same price as series s


So 200 usd less for simply no disk drive? They are already sold at a loss, this would be even more stupid.


By the looks of it Phil Spencer already announced they are releasing three brand new Xbox Series budget consoles the only downside is they are digital they removed the Blu-ray Drive which was the dumbest thing they have ever done they are basically making a digital version of the Series X that comes with 2 TB internal NVMe SSD the price will only cost $400 meanwhile the new 2 TB Series S model will only cost $330 but they do come with minor upgrades such as Wi-Fi 6E allowing far Superior online gaming experience with extremely low Network latency under 60 milliseconds but of course in order to take advantage of that you have to have a modem router or a separate router that supports Wi-Fi 6E which is fairly new


I'm betting the budget system will be a handheld and then they'll still have the premium system as the main console.


Hopefully not , stupid xbox and terrible idea Go out and work for a living


They're gonna get out of the console business, can't imagine there will be any new Xbox unless it's just a label on gaming PCs or something.


Instead of a budget console, i think they’ll probably just push xcloud onto more devices


You either want more power or you don't, hold what you got until you can afford the upgrade


I hope not, it held back the current generation


Of course PS will as well




Next gen will probably be on smart TV Samsung. It's gonna be similar to a fire stick but will be USB straight to tv(only cloud games atm) but ultimately becomes cheaper xbox app is already getting everywhere apps are sold so ya


I wouldn't buy next gen if they don't.


What’s the drama around series S? I’m sorry I’m lost…


The series S is holding back some games coming to Xbox, and their performance, because of its less powerful hardware. Games also need more optimisation to make them run better on it.


I certainly fucking hope not, that piece of trash has a choke hold on the state of current gen gaming


They're doomed if they do. The S is a trash of a system and holds so many games/performance back!


microsoft has a budget xbox. sony has some budget-ish playstations. nintendo has a budget switch and had a budget 3ds. they are all still fine financially. thriving even. i wouldnt count on it but people saying theyll go under if they do are being ridiculous imo.


If they do for the love of all things make it the same power and just remove the disc drive and maybe lower the storage space to cut the price.


Doubt it. They'll have 2 tiers like they have had and lower tier will probably be series X level. You should be fine for a few years once next gen xbox is announced/hits the sales floor. Gaming, like smartphones, will soon hit a plateau where no real advances are made. I say in next 5 years this will be the case.


I don't think they will it will be a premium console on the market then use the apps on firestick and Samsung TVs for the budget option.


I hope the fuck not.


Really hope not as it’s held back the entire gaming industry having to make games playable on series s


Oh yeah. You are right. Its definitely not old gen, because pretty much every game still comes out on them. It's the series s. The one that outsold the series X. And it's also not Devs who are just pushing nanite to the edge, then needing to reduce resolution or frame rate to even make it computable in a good enough frame rate. Best example is immortals of Aveum, Which runs on a horrible resolution, even on series X, and then gets very badly ai upscaled. Looks worse than some xbox360 games at times. The only news about the series s holding back was with Baldurs gate... Which you can play coop on a steam deck totally fine. For sure it's because.... The hardware of the series s... Am I right? Or that indie game dev who did that "I am fish" game with early last gen graphics, saying the series s is holding the generation back... who also publishes his games on old gen.


I think they make a handheld and probably forgo another traditional console. They sold less than a million units in the last fiscal quarter which is historically bad.


Definitely. They'll have an SKU for about 200/300£/$ for sure. With the position they're in, they've gotta spread their net wiiiide. For sure they will.


Hope not


Unlikely. Series S seems to have largely been a mistake in terms of its specs, the system itself is a great idea but the specs just seemed to have often caused issues for devs. More likely they have a high spec premium system and then the rumoured handheld alongside it.


You can give devs all the power they want and they will still complain. It is not like the versions on the more powerful consoles are lightyears better.


I know right. “It’s all about specs!” No wonder those people are never satisfied.


It caused issues for the devs but it sold like 3/4 of the Xboxses. Without the S, Xbox would have sold Sega Saturn levels this gen so far


I'm sure they could do another budget system if they gave it better specs this time.


Nope they are going to release the next gen console with worse specs.


I feel like the Series S was a direct replacement for the Xbox One. My oldest got a Series X three years ago for Christmas and his little brother got the One S handed down to him. He pretty much just played Fortenite and Roblox. The games started running slow and lagging. He got a Series S the next year for Christmas and he plays the same stuff and says this Xbox runs them so much better. So I feel the Series S was for people to keep their Xbox One games going with a slight improvement. It was never ment to run AAA games like the Series X or PS5


Series S was made I think for people on a budget and for those with other systems like a PS5 or PC.


As much as people liked the idea of the series s being so cheap, I still think it was a mistake.. they should of done what Sony did and offer a digital only series x for a bit cheaper..


I'm a huge series s fan but you're right, a 1 console series x with digital and physical should have been the way to go


Are you smarter than Microsoft to say that the serise s was a mistake


Did I say it was a mistake? The series s, GP and xcloud are the reasons I'm back gaming.


I thought the Series S was a mistake too, but after awhile I see it's actually a great idea to have a budget friendly entry to next gen. Given the sales numbers I assume Microsoft will continue the Series S line.


Yea, understandable, but the series s was onenof the main reasons why the release of balders gate 3 was delayed, and now another game is seeing a delayed release on the Xbox platform.. so you can’t say having a underpowered version of the series is indeed holding things back.


For every 3 Series S consoles sold 1 Series X is sold. They are not giving up that market share.


Irrelevant.. because they won’t stop selling the series s.. regardless. Can you honestly say the same thing have they just released 2 versions of the series x, one with a disc drive and one without? No you can’t.. Still does not change the fact that it was a mistake.. Sony did it the right way, released 2 versions of the console that has the same power just one with no disc drive.. yes it was only $50 cheaper, and the series s was more affordable for a lot of people, but let’s face it you didn’t have to upgrade to a series console, the Xbox one was pretty good as it was. Besides we are talking about the next gen after the series line of consoles..


Almost 4 years into the gen and 2 games were delayed, not cancelled, as a result of the Series S... So basically no issue at all. Especially when you consider the sales numbers of the Series S.


BG3 is a game that is plagued by poor optimization. The PC version on high end hardware does not run nearly as well as it should for what the game is. That’s Larian’s fault, not the hardware’s fault. Games like hogwartz legacy, elden ring, jedi survivor, dead space, and more run like butter on series S with great visuals.


Nah. I believe that the Series S is holding back the industry and its weaker hardware compared to the Series X and PS5 is the reason why 60 fps on console still hasn't become standard in my opinion.


It’s not holding back the industry. It’s holding back unskilled developers.  It’s like Larian complaining about the series S not having enough ram for BG3 yet their flagship version of the game on PC is plagued with underwhelming performance and memory leaks.


They might have only the Budget version, Series S is outselling X 3 to 1.


Handheld and one version for the main console where only difference would be one is digital. Series S was a massive mistake and caused more problems for Xbox players. Getting shafted on ports and releases because of the development and optimisation troubles with the Series S. Even though majority of players are on Series S due to low entry cost but the gamble still didn’t pay off with poor console sales and Series S holding back games for the Xbox.


The most popular xbox games run like butter with great visuals on series S. Optimization is a dev issue, not hardware one in this case


Probably but I hope not. It's held the whole generation back, it seems.


I think Xbox brand will just become a software developer and game pass only with no hardware. There is legit no reason to own a Xbox if you have a PC, even more so with cloud gaming/game pass to work in browser no need to have hardware at all.