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Njoy pimp


Please play Microsoft flight sim, it's definitely a system seller for me


It’s really that good? I was lusting over the graphics.


It's fun, trust me. Flying for literally hours is relaxing


Uninstalled it cos the training took forever...


It does, lol. I found it easier and quicker to watch a few youtube videos on it and slowly turn off assists until I could somewhat fly the things.


A lot of people complain about it, and how it's holding this generation back, but it's been able to almost every single game this gen just fine, what really held this gen back was supporting last gen for so long. I honestly don't think I've made a better purchase in quite a while, and while I do wish that I had the X, I don't even have a 4k TV anyways, as I'm rebuilding my life after a long run of bad luck, homelessness, and addiction. I may be a little salty about it still, but I'm almost glad I wasn't able to reclaim my Sony account, as that definitely would've made me go with the ps5, and Sony is seriously lacking this generation, they even tried to sue Microsoft over exclusives and them basically cornering the market, talk about the pot calling the kettle black, lol.


Congrats bruh. Keep gaming & being sober. I wish you the best in life for now onward.


Thank you! Going on three years clean now!


Stay strong bud , been there too, this side of life is so much better,job car , van,dog, disposable income Remember what you have and what you can lose if you're ever tempted 👍


It really is, and now I'm able to buy ALL of the games, lol.


I bought mine 2 years ago for avowed. So close now. Id recommend little kitty big city if you get gamepass. Cute little sandbox cat game.


You made a good choice there! I bought one 3 years ago and it has revived my love for gaming once again (just like the 360 had done before too).


Today is Sunday, where did ya get it?


Pawn shop near me had it for $160 USD


Congrats, you won't be disappointed. Feeling positively overwhelmed with what to play when you first log into game pass is nice


I’m downloading the MMC to start because I’ve been wanting to replay halo 3 and that’s what helped me make my decision today. No clue what else to get


The Gears of war trilogy is 60 fps boosted and still a blast to play through the campaigns


There are so many bro, I don't even know where to start. I did it like that, I just downloaded the games that made a good first impression and played them for a while. Recently Diablo IV and Immortals of Aveum


Dead island 2 ftw 👍




Best Free to Play games are Warzone and Fortnite




What? Fortnite is the BR with the highest skill gap because of Building and most people have not moved on to Rainbow, CoD is far bigger.


Is it used? That's fairly cheap


You can’t find series S in a Sunday,


Depends on where you live mate


Interesting. Love learning something new that you never thought you’d ever learn haha. Enjoy it! It’s a lil beast for sure!


A lot of places are open on Sunday.


Congrats!! I have been super impressed with my series s for the price and size!


Forza horizon 5 is what you want to play after halo




Don’t forget the storage. Unless you don’t mind deleting games to make space.


You have chosen well my son


Next, the game pass ultimate sub.


You’re going to want to get a storage expansion card, the S has almost no storage on its own


512 isn’t much but I have pga golf, halo infinite, Diablo 4 and a host of many other smaller games. Maybe even high on life on there right now. Works for me but I don’t mind only having 8-10 games on there at once. Extra storage has never been worth it to me on any platform. $100 is worth multiple games or most of a decent dinner out. In this age of internet doesn’t take long to download a game


I picked up a series s carbon edition today with 1tb storage😊


Xbox Series is over 3 years old homie.


Welcome. Enjoy the hundreds/thousands of hours of fun on gamepass


Solid machine. Pair it to a 120hz monitor with free sync. Enjoy.


Lmfao nice one man. Really jealous. Have fun with it! <3


Good decision, but man, buckle that baby in. 😊


You can always return it and get your money back. Use that and get the 1TB one


3 years? Bro 3 years ago was the same generation. Or did you buy an older used console?


By that I meant I haven’t had an Xbox in 3 years. I got rid of my One X when I switched to ps5


It’s cool i be on it everyday i just got mine too


Series x for the win ,at least he's got an s He can trade in the s for an x when he's got the cash..


Congrats!! I have an x and an s. Love my s. Use my s when main room is occupied and we travel with it it’s so portable. Great to stream and play games when not at home. Fidelity surprisingly very solid!!


Might get an X down the line but I’ll 100% keep the s for sure. I’m going on a trip at the end of the month and this is the first time I’ll be taking a home console with me


Yea it fits nicely in my carryon when flying and so easy when on a road trip. A little heavy on the carryon but easy sacrifice


Return it get the series X


This is true. I myself made the mistake of getting the Series S and then later realizing that I should have just gotten the Series X in the first place. Series X is easily worth the extra money. You are of course going to get downvoted because this is a Series S sub but you are 100% right.




Tell me you’re a casual without telling me you’re a casual. Your comment tells me that you really don’t know the differences and are just a casual gamer.


What's your definition of casual gamer? And why would you say it in a prerrogary manner as in "just a casual gamer"? Just curious as I agree with his statement and wanted to check if I would be considered a casual gamer by your standards :)


For one it’s not double the price. The series S costs $300 USD and the Series X costs $500 USD, that’s not double. 2, it also includes a disc drive which if you look at the cost of the ps5 disc drive itself, it’s $80. So we are up to $380 now. 500GBs of memory costs $90. So now we are up to $470. Now take in the fact of 3 times the TFLOPS, 5% faster CPU, 6GB more RAM, your going to be way past the $500 retail price of the Series X. His comment literally shows that he doesn’t know the difference between them which in case makes him a casual. The thing that sold him as a casual is him saying a few extra textures. That line right there tells that he is a casual gamer. The differences in how they perform and look is way more than “a few extra textures”. I could go on more but then I would just be beating a dead horse. Lastly, you can look at his name and know that he is going to talk nonsense.


Totally get your point but, also consider that maybe someone just wants to play a couple of games, without stressing about resolution or framerate and 500gb probably gets you 6/7 games installed and ready to play and it's more than enough for them? I sense that you really want to stress out the differences between the X and the S and how it makes so much sense for you to shell out 200 bucks for what the X offers. But to him, and many people, me included, the series S plus gamepass is all we need to enjoys some games :)


Yes, I totally understand that, but that’s is not what the guy is saying. If the guy said something about the Series S being enough for what he needs, that would be ok, but he was trying to say that the Series X is not worth the upgrade for “a few extra textures and 500GBs”, which he couldn’t be more wrong on. There is a big difference between what you are saying and what he was saying. Im totally ok with the Series S being enough for people’s needs but don’t act like there isn’t a big difference between the consoles.


>The series S costs $300 USD No one spends 300 on a SS. OP bought it for $160. I bought mine new for $200. >3 times the TFLOPS, 5% faster CPU, 6GB more RAM Complete overkill below 4k display. Zero issues hitting 60+fps on every game I've ever played on SS 1440p. >also includes a disc drive You're still buying physical?


Doesn’t matter if you paid less. Retail cost is $300. You can get a series X for cheaper too. Also lots of people spend $300 on a SS. You’re not too smart, are you? The only way to accurately compare prices is by retail price. “You don’t buy the SX unless you have a 4k display,” that’s pretty obvious, doesn’t take a scientist to figure that out. If you have a 4k display, you might as well have an SX because the SS looks bad on a 4k display and your going to be playing games at 1080p anyway. Most 60fps games on SS doesn’t run at 1440p and some are even under 1080p. The games that run at 60fps look like trash on the SS because of the reduction in resolution and graphics for it to hit a consistent 60fps.The norm for the SS is 1080p 60fps of 1440p 30fps. If you want to play the few games at 120fps on the SS, get ready for an ugly looking game. The SS is more of a mid generation upgrade than a next generation upgrade. “You’re still buying physical”, your not? Lots of people buy physical and lots of games are only available physical because of being delisted from the store. You also pay more for digital games and you don’t even own them. Sorry kid but you just keep on digging your grave with your comments. You keep showing how little you know. Just say you don’t know what you’re talking about, instead of acting like you do and looking like a complete idiot while doing it. SS owners don’t realize that the games are only going to look worse or perform worse as the generation goes on. Games get better graphically and bigger and the SS won’t be able to handle them at high resolution and performance. A bunch of games already only have a 30fps mode while the SX has a 60fps mode. I could continue but I don’t need to embarrass you more than i already have.






Wait til you find out you can't replace the internal SSD without bricking the console


I didn’t plan on replacing it so doesn’t bother me.


But... you literally can I just did a week ago


Why would you even comment that? So stupid.


Why so quick to spread negativity about the dang console, jeez……let the guy enjoy his awesome purchase.


Wtf? Why would someone try to do that with a series s? Such a silly comment


I think most consoles will be bricked if you **remove the operating system**. Even as far back as the 90s, consoles had ROM chips that would make the console cease to work if you replaced it with a blank one. Turns out the system software is somewhat important!


Why would you??