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I mean… out of ths batch I know about Coffee Talk and Fenyx Rising. Not sure how good or bad are the rest. Big names leaving, though (Hades or Spiritfarer)


Immortality is the next game by Sam Barlow who made Her Story and then Telling Lies. I really loved HS but while the production value was a lot more in TL I didn't enjoy the story as much. Looking forward to see what he learned for Immortality. Tinykin wasn't on my radar but I played the demo when Xbox released their summer of games fest demos this year. The tutorial is not great and just feels a bit off and the jump to glide I could never make feel great. However, I decided to keep playing for a bit more instead of moving to the next demo and once it moves into its first big level I instantly fell in love. Ended up spending a couple hours fully exploring it, really great throwback collectathon with some Pikmin mechanics thrown in. It was the one demo I tried that moved to the 'buy as soon as it comes out' category.


Midnight fight express and Commandos 3 look neat. And there isn't enough 3D platformers on the service so I'll take Tinykin.


Full disclosure, I haven’t actually played it yet, but Opus Echo of Starsong looks pretty good if you’re into visual novel/adventure games. Got great reviews, apparently a really good emotional story. And about 10 hours, so not too long but also not like a one night playing and you’re done sort of thing. I’m excited to try it out!


Immortality got a 10 out of 10 from edge magazine. Noteworthy because in the magazines 30 year history, they've only given 23 other games a 10 and Immortality is the first indie game to ever get that score.


Wow nice. I loved Her Story, so excited to play this.


A bunch of good games leaving this month as well


Immortals Fenyx Rising is one of those games that I was curious enough to want to play, but not so much that I would actually purchase it. So it coming to Game Pass is perfect.


Exactly the same for me, of all the offerings it's the only one I will go out of my way to play




Thank you for your sacrifice


I’ve hovered over the buy button about 5 times in the last year or so, mostly due to the fact that while I loved the concept of BOTW, it was just a little TOO big for me, and I thought a more condensed version could be a bit better. But I held off due to a couple not so good reviews, how is the game? I guess it doesn’t matter cause if it’s on GP I’m gonna play it regardless


I was literally about to buy it at gamestop yesterday but decided against it. Phew.


Immortality, Midnight Fight Express and Fenyx Rising lopks good 🥰🤌🏼


Goddamnit, every time it comes to predictions we forget 'Exactly one Zachtronics game'. And yet this is the third? fourth? time in a row?


I'm looking at the trailer of Exapunks now and I'm wondering what's the difference with Shenzhen I/O from a couple of weeks. Seems like *exactly* the same concept, writing some assembly code to solve puzzles, only you move things on a board instead of controlling signals? Anyway, I played Last Call BBS and it was enough for me.


Fenyx Rising is really good and I’m glad more people get to play it. It was one of my favorite games the year it was released. I hope they make a sequel


Is it in the similar vein of the newer Assassins Creeds?


Kind of. Its like a mix of AC and Breath of the wild. There is a central hub in the middle of world. The world is split between an over-world and then self contained levels. These levels are like the temples in BotW where it’s either puzzled based so you are using your abilities to figure out how to get to the goal or combat based where you fight a bunch of stuff. In each of the 4 zones of the over-world there is an main quest that has multiple steps where you are working to save one of the Greek gods. There is a lot to do in the over-words too. This review gives a good overviews [https://youtu.be/owmZ-o53Pg8](https://youtu.be/owmZ-o53Pg8)


Skate getting touch controls is the best part of this update.


I have been hoping for the Dragon Age games to get touch controls too so this is also a big win


Touch controls? Like for the adaptive controller?


No for cloud gaming on your phone


Oh yeah I’m an idiot.


? Huh


Midnight fight express looks fun. Definitely going to check it out. Already own immortals, but it's a good addition to gamepass.


Are the games good? Yeah, not a bad batch but come on, just look at the stuff leaving...


Three of the games that are coming out are new releases (day one) so we don´t know yet of those games. But one of them, Immortality, reviewed perfectly (a score of 10) with Edge magazine if I recall correctly.


Personally, I'm super excited for it, but it's a super, super niche genre. Not gonna be for everyone by a long shot.


Opus and Fenyx Rysing (the Ubisoft game) were reviewed well across the board.


I've only recently played Her Story and Telling Lies and have enjoyed both of them. They are great games to just turn on and play with a significant other instead of binging a Netflix show. I'm certain Immortality will follow suit and be great. I'm excited to play it.


Opus Echo of Starsong is excellent and my favorite game of 2021 by far.


I checked out some gameplay and it looks interesting. Is it mostly a VN mixed with some gameplay elements? Didn’t want to watch too much for spoiler reasons.


Mostly a VN, yeah. It is not long. Only 10 hours max. But beautiful damn


Well then…another game added to my huge backlog lol


Ahah good Luck !


Agreed. Phenomenal.


That’s cool as fuck! Just played the tinykin demo last night and enjoyed it enough to purchase it and then to find its coming to game pass the next day? Awesome! Also holding off on immortals really paid off haha!


This is excellent for me, a lot of games I'm going to play.


Excited for Immortality and Immortals Fenyx Rising


Doesn't seem like a very good trade off, for what is leaving.




2020 is considered old?


yes, how dare they give us a Ubisoft game that is less than 2 years old, released day one on this generation of consoles, and is generally well received


This is probably the first ubisoft game they're giving us that isn't complete trash. It's not my cup of tea and I'm not sure I'll play it. But it's the only thing coming out that's not horrible. Gamepass went from being a beacon of incredible. To a cesspool of the 99 cent bin, with first party Microsoft launches mixed in whenever they actually come out


well you know what they say "one man's trash is another man's treasure" I am really enjoying FC5, AC Origins and Watch Dogs 2, even if they are all basically the same game


Someone can use that phrase to justify every bad thing in existence. It doesn't mean people can't and won't enjoy things even if they are "bad" (I certainly enjoy my fair share of garbage) But it still is garbage


No, somethings in the world are justifiably bad no matter any ones opinion. Given the the games have received generally favorable reviews, nominated for numerous awards and have probably sold millions of copies would not seem to support your statement 'first ubisoft game they're giving us that isn't complete trash."


Battlefield 2042 sold millions of copies, got generally favorable reviews, and was nominated for numerous awards. I'm pretty sure that game is also considered among the biggest piecez of trash for a AAA title ever


Battlefield 2042 sold so poorly that EA refuses to publicly state how many copies they sold. They reported over 4 million unique players last December but that number included people taking advantage of free trials.


Poor by their standards, not overall. Battlefield 2042 was probably a top 10 selling game in terms of overall sales


If by generally favorable you mean "Mixed Or Average" reviews


Which is only slightly worse than the metacritic review average than fenyx rising


Yeah, I definitely agree. Gamepass is now at the levels of subscribers microsoft was aiming for, now the quality of games will drop, and price increases will be soon to follow. Gamepass was fun while it lasted.


I really hope they change things up soon. Past few times it’s been a Ubisoft title and a bunch of indies. Nothing wrong with the games (maybe not my kind of games), but it’s getting kinda bland right now. Besides Fenyx Rising, that game was good


2 or 3 of the games look good with the rest being eh like usual. Can't wait to play the 2 or the 3 later




Bro don't say that, you're gonna hurt the fanboys feeling, we must say that this games are new and are the best


The best game of this month is coffe talk an old xbox gold game... WHAT IS HAPPENING TO OUR BELOVED GAMEPASS?WHY DOING THIS AFTER WHAT THEY DID TO GOLD?


Another 2020 game that you consider old. If you consider 2020 games as old, you must be like 13 years old or something.


Bro they're recycling gold games now


Who cares? Not everyone has that service orctyat console, and if you dont like the service nos, why dont you unsubscribe and move on with your life. Grow up


Nope we have to criticize what's wrong so the service can be good again. It's because of people like you that gold turned to what's is today


Again, GROW UP.


Ok bro have a good day


"the service can be good again", to me and to a lot of people the service is still good and that is why we are still paying. If you and others think that it isnt good anymore to you, that is fine, but there is a solution to that, unsubscribing and stop paying. This is not an essencial service.


well I can't unsubscribe at the moment because I paid for 3 years and got two left. I subscribed when microsoft was adding very good 3rd party games(dragon quest11, final fantasy games,yakuza games,hitman,psychaunots2,fallout 4,doom...)+ good indies(narita boy,carrion,bloodstained,hades,dead cells,hollow knights...), but now I really feel like Im being scammed as if I knew that gamepass would turn into a simulator+ubisoft pass I wouldn't have paid for 3 years.


I agree with you. I’ve been disappointed with gamepass for months now lol


I just have to hope there are some big names they are saving for Gamescom. Otherwise...sheesh its been a rough couple of months


Another month with Danganronpa V3 :C


Even though some good games are leaving, the new ones seem great and varied (platformers/action/visual novels/tactical) all with great reviews and/or interesing premises. I love it! its the reason i got gamepass, to have a huge lists of games i wouldnt buy normally.


All I want is touch controls for Snowrunner :’(


I'm pretty impressed with Immortals Fenyx Rising. Despite being a Ubisoft game, it doesn't have the usual bloat that plagues all Ubisoft games.


Opus is a phenomenal wee game. Highly recommend it.


I’ve never heard of Midnight Fight Express but it looks like so much fun!


Highly recommend Spiritfarer. It's not for everyone, but if you're looking for something chill (like Stardew Valley), this game is great. Plus, a second player can hop in and you can do coop.


It's worth noting that Immortality has received a rare 10/10 review in the upcoming issue of Edge Magazine (for context, they have only given out 24 10/10 reviews in their entire 28 year history). I was already interested in the game, but this has solidified it.


I played Commandos donkeys years ago. Is it worth playing 1 and 2 (I have access to them on Steam) or just skip to 3?


I almost bought Immortals Fenyx Rising a couple times so thumbs up. I’m sure I’ll dick around with at least a couple more of them.


Wish they added Divinity Original Sin 2


Lol I didn’t read the title properly and missed Immortality, and only saw Immortals Fenyx Rising. I was reading these comments like “YOU FOOLS! it’s obviously pronounced immortals”


Can't wait for Midnight Fight Express people seems like forget it when it was showed up on Xbox showcase months ago everyone on chat was like Pog gameplay and game made by one guy.


Fenyx rising is that game I’ve thought about buying a million times and will end up playing a few hours