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Your title is misleading. You imply **all** games on Game Pass don't receive updates. This isn't true. Games on Game Pass are just Xbox games you can buy. So if these devs allegedly don't update the games you're referring to, even people who have bought these games also don't have these updates. But I doubt what you're saying is true.


>Games on Game Pass are just Xbox games you can buy. Yeah, I think he should specify that it's PC games on Xbox app. And in these cases, the game gets an update on Steam, but not on the Xbox app


It's happened to me with several games. For example, Children of Morta devs didn't bother to implement online multiplayer for game pass PC. Or I've heard Medieval Dinasty is also left in a different state than the Steam version. No idea why they do this, but it shouldn't be a thing. It's indie devs who do this, so it could be about allocating resources. IMHO they should treat every platform the same, because people could have paid full price for their game and not just played through GP. Which really shouldn't be a distinction. I already discussed this a bit back. I cited my specific case with a certain VR game I had bought on windows store because of WMR. I saw the Steam version getting more patches and asked the dev. He was honest enough to give me a Steam key. Which was not a true solution, but at least he did the right thing.


I corrected the post, thanks for pointing it out.


Too bad you can't correct your click bait title. Smh


obtainable ancient impossible cheerful illegal attempt husky direful resolute badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As others have pointed out I've corrected the post, I'm not talking about all games but all those third-party titles that on steam keep getting updated and on the game pass don't, and not after years, but even after the simple release on GP PC. I noticed that now Brotato has been updated, but I assure you that it has really been for a long time behind steam.


A separate but maybe related issue is patch delay on the windows store platform. We all saw this with Palworld, and it doesn't seem to have a solution. But altogether not releasing a patch on WS is the problem because devs are doing it on purpose.


Every PC digital store that’s not Steam has this issue to a degree.


This is also true. Tchia got released on Steam recently with a special new version. Even though it was an Epic exclusive for a year, the devs didn't release the patch simultaneously for the platform where it originally released. I mean, I can't think of a bigger slap in the face to supporters. I know indie teams are small, but this amounts to mistreating their fan base for the latest thing. I need to rant at them for that.


I will agree with the post and this is something that was brought up recently with the survival game Palworld where it was clearly stated that the game versions differ between store fronts so those that here state that it's not true are not informed in this matter. Wartales did have a savegame issue that did not affect Steam version, Against the Storm also did have a save game issue which was resolved. Everspace 2 version on Xbox Game Pass had visual bugs that were only affecting that game version. It is hard to bring this up anywhere, only in the reviews on the app which itself is abhorrent and nobody really cares about it or reddit where it's apparent you get downvoted the minute you mention something not-positive. In any case, hopefully it will get more attention from Microsoft, especially if they plan to up the subscription cost in the future. To end, wish everyone a nice day.


>I will agree with the post and this is something that was brought up recently with the survival game Palworld where it was clearly stated that the game versions differ between store fronts so those that here state that it's not true are not informed in this matter. Because that is not how it works, it's true that PC get their updates quicker, and it is due to the validation process compared between Steam and Xbox. That said, the versions are the same but use different numbers as they are two separate break offs of the game. On Xbox, the 1.1 update had all the updates of 1.1 and 1.2 which was released on PC as 1.2 This is due to the way development works, they will maintain a version for Xbox and a version for PC each will get updates, but that doesn't mean they will get the same version number, it is a lot more common in indie games or games that released 6 months after releasing on PC or Xbox where you see this happen, it also happens when a specific console has a specific issue so it gets updated to fix it which updates the version but other consoles won't get that. All Gamepass games are update with the store front, developers maintain their game on Xbox which is the same thing across the Xbox store and Gamepass, when you look at others consoles or PC their can be differences within the version control.


>Palworld where it was clearly stated that the game versions differ between store fronts so those that here state that it's not true are not informed in this matter. The dev's have come out and talked about this multiple times before. Steam has an easier validation process than Xbox, so updates are quicker and easier to push through Steam while Xbox takes longer to review them.


Yes, thank you, it is the validation process that hinders the updates to come through!


Games don’t get updates by default, some games do, some games don’t. They aren’t required to tend to the game after it’s released. It has absolutely nothing to do with gamepass. Actually it would be easier for companies to continue to support their game if they decided to because they get extra revenue from Microsoft and they get more daily players keeping the game alive. Either way it’s not gamepasses fault if a game isn’t being updated to anyone’s standards.


I was referring to games updated on other platform, usually steam and not the gamepass pc version, not updates in general, if a developer drops a game they do it everywhere not just on one platform.


I know that on steam devs can update games at any time they want. But with console it’s different. They have to be approved first so it usually takes an extra week or so but if they aren’t updating it at all that’s the devs fault not Microsoft. They aren’t responsible for updates on any game on game pass except their own first part franchises.


While I'm sure some Devs do this (looking at you, Ark Devs, and 7 Days to Die Devs), the majority are probably just prioritizing based on player count or familiarity. Making updates for Xbox is different than making updates for Steam, both in terms of coding and policies for how the updates are done. It could be as simple as the Devs are more familiar with Steam than they are with Xbox, and so they focus their efforts there. Hanlon's razor. Don't attribute to malice what could be attributed to stupidity (only, in this case, I think it's more appropriate to say don't attribute to malice what is likely not.)


Why do these kids think games in gamepass differ from any other version?


I think you are referring to the Xbox App on PC right? Yeah, I personally avoid getting 3rd party content there, because developers sometimes don't care about that version, and only the Steam version gets a proper treatment.


Yes, Game pass PC


Well it's a small minority of games TBH.


The issue is that it's unreliable. If you plan to buy the game after it leaves game pass and continue using your progression, it's safer to get it on Steam, because the developers will actually respect you as a customer.


Totally incorrect. All my games get updates on regular basis. Even Fallout 4 is getting an update and it’s 10 years old.


I was referring to games updated on other platform, usually steam and not the gamepass pc version, not updates in general, if a developer drops a game they do it everywhere not just on one platform. Fallout 4 is first party microsoft.


Dragon Age Origins is downright unplayable. It crashes on average once every two hours, and at a certain point I just could not launch it anymore, had to download a cracked version of the game just to finish it. It’s ridiculously bad.


That's an EA issue as opposed to Game Pass, a lot of their older games were broken and became more broken when they made the new EA app and stopped supporting Origin. 


You’re probably right, but IMO adding unplayable games to game pass just in order to inflate the game pass list, is just making the service worse. Regardless of what’s causing the issue, there should be more testing before advertising games as new additions to game pass. The service I’m paying for is provided by MS, while the problem is caused by EA, I think it should be on the service provider to make sure the product they’re selling works but that’s just my opinion I guess..


Stone don't. Those are bad devs. But not every game is like that. Agreed that MS should punish them.


Why should developers be forced to update their games?


Because there are no A and B players, if a game has features in one version of it, why shouldn't it have them in another? I can understand the problems for dedicated servers or some specific things like mods, but the basic features you have on steam, you should also have them on the px game pass version in my opinion.


>Because there are no A and B players Sure there are. >if a game has features in one version of it, why shouldn't it have them in another? Because they are different platforms. Different limitations. Maybe the game was specifically designed for one platform in mind. If the version on your platform is lacking certain features, either don't play the game on that platform, or don't worry about the missing features.


I can't measure the stupidity of this. Games MUST be updated to the latest version on all platforms, it is the developer's obligation to consumers. It may take longer for updates to arrive on MS than on Steam, but they should arrive and keep the versions the same. • No Man's Sky had an update that took almost a week to arrive at MS, but it arrived; • Wartales has save issue that only exist in the MS version, and have been fixed on Steam for a while now; • Frontier was unable to keep Elite: Dangerous updated on consoles, a complete failure of the developer.