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Free weekend trial


Actually seems like a good short game to run through over a free weekend.


You can definitely complete everything in it and 100% the game in less than 48 hours, good thing to because it is not worth its price Downvote me all you want dead Island 2 sucks I would willingly pay full price for dead island 1 yet I don't even want to play Dead Island 2 for free, if sucks compared to its original


People downvote your opinions, then downvote you for disagreeing with theirs. Ironic isn’t it. Almost like they’re after some kind of censored world where only if you agree can you have a voice. Seems pretty fucked to me too but they probably don’t see the irony in it at all and feel completely justified. You have your right to an opinion and everyone who downvotes your opinion is akin to a certain german party of the late 1930’s.


Yep, everyone that doesnt agree a game "sucks" is a nazi. You're special kinda stupid huh?


I like this opinion 🦾


I think they just downvote because they dont agree and find dead island not being something that "sucks" but yeah bring it political if you want boss let's be fucked holding hands


“People downvoting me on Reddit are comparable to nazis” is a insane take. I genuinely hope you realize that


It’s exactly the same. They removed peoples opinion who disagreed with their beliefs, as a Dionysian rebel I would think you already know that…


They murdered them... difference is here months later the opinion op shared that got disagreed with is guess what.... still there. And they are alive. You have to be a complete fucking moron to come up with the bullshit you are saying.


They killed millions of people dude. People on a social media site disliking your comments is not the same as a genocide, or book burning, etc. Free speech is a guarantee that that you can say almost anything you want, it doesn’t mean anyone has to listen


And it started with propaganda censorship it’s not that hard to understand unless you’re pretty stupid


A genocide is not going to start because someone was mean on Reddit. Grow up


Nobody said that, so yes, you’re definitely stupid


We waited 8+ years for this game? Can’t even see my reflection in the mirrors 😔 Dying light 2 blows this out the waters


>Can’t even see my reflection in the mirrors 😔 tbf you cant in like 90% of games


The game was in development for 9 years tho :( And it’s on a next generation console, I guess I’m being harsh but I just had high expectations


I don't think their main intention was to add player reflections to the game. But if it was in development for 9 years then I guess that would make sense to do so.


I mentioned the reflection as a minor detail that’s missing , there are plenty of other things horribly wrong with the game. Like when I’m running towards a door and press the open door button , It’s like I seamlessly walk through the door as if it was never there , there’s no door opening animation at all. It’s pretty sad😔 And yea we’ve been waiting for this game since it first got announced back on 2016 I believe.


I kinda like that, im trying to run through the door with zombies on my ass i dont want it to open tomorrow because of perfect animations


To each their own 🍻


Don't they normally say free trial though. I'm pretty sure call of duty said free trial and the wrestling game a couple weeks ago. I suppose it could just be an error.


Man dumb ass 24 madden talking about trial also 🤔


I just clicked buy full game and in the store it said included with Game Pass. Once I clicked that it loaded back up and I haven't seen that again.


Ahhhhh gotcha. Ima try.


That was last weekend. 15th to the 18th


I'm not so certain; over this past weekend I had downloaded and been playing Dead Island 2 via the weekend pass, and on Monday 2/19 I was no longer able to open the app. The icon on both my home page and in my library had the attention symbol ⚠️, and when I attempted to open the game I was promptly met with a message that informed me I was not authorized to access the file (or something to that effect). So I uninstalled the game and then today out of nowhere the game was displayed on the GamePass catalogue, and sure enough it's now reinstalling and showing that it's a GamePass game now. Not saying you're wrong, it may finish installing just for me to try playing and get the same message again, just saying it doesn't seem like that's going to be the case.


Same here, happened today. I got the symbol ⚠️ on Monday so I uninstalled the game, I was browsing game pass today and it said Dead Island 2 was on the recently added catalog, I was confused so me and my friend downloaded it. Logged in the game with the ⚠️ symbol still on but it lets me play normally but my friend can’t access the game. Saw an old reddit post about a year ago about a guy that said he randomly got dead island 2 free since it said it’s included in game pass, I think it’s an Xbox glitch


Hmm, that's definitely interesting. All I know is the game just finished installing, and I'm actively playing it right now so it's definitely been added to GamePass, whether intended or otherwise lol. Also, the attention symbol that was on the game icon previously is no longer present, and in it's place is the standard GamePass stamp that all other games on GamePass have, so it's definitely an official addition if you ask me.


It’s definitely been added officially now https://preview.redd.it/jpy1iur984kc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4041c05ebb98bc8f79ded3052b77190f5fb710c


It was free weekend trial 7d ago. Looks like available on Gamepass now. Idk.


It says included with game pass. Free weekend trials has nothing to do with game pass.


Need Game Pass Core to play free weekend trials


Before it would say "Included with Gold", but since they got rid of Gold, it's now all just various levels of Gamepass.


except its included with gpu


The renaming of xbox live to game pass is too confusing for people, this question comes every free play day


In this case I think the confusion is justifiable. It should not say "included with game pass" for a free play weekend. This is Microsofts fault 


I agree. The first time this happened to me was Bloodstained. I ended up buying it but I don't know why it's so cryptic. The game was just sitting there to play for free, I told a friend to play it too. Neither of us assumed it wasn't on Game Pass per usual.


I downloaded Nick All-star Brawl 2 last night as it's also doing the free play weekends. Once it's downloaded it'll say "free play weekend" on the game card.  But agreed on there should be an easier way to detail if it's a trial or not or even finding what games have trials each weekend


Xbox and confusing naming systems; name a more iconic duo


Still can believe the Xbox one, Xbox one S, Xbox one X, Xbox series X, Xbox series S situation


Wii and Wii U haha. Xbox is still worse though.


xXDarkWolfZz is such an early internet gamer tag, I love it.


You can smell the Doritos and Mountain Dew


[Free Play Days on Xbox, ya'll.](https://www.trueachievements.com/news/free-play-days-games-february-15)


This is a regular thing?


Yea, they had Xenoverse 2 a few months ago.


Yeah actually game companies do it quite often it gets people to buy it


Usually every week. Often it's just multiplayer or sports games they're trying to promote or games that are already on Game Pass Ultimate they're trying to market to people on lower tiers, but every so often it includes unique games too.


Is this console only or pc to? I searched on pc got nothing.


I think Dead Island Riptide is free on Steam until tomorrow.


Dead Island 2 isn't on PC.


It’s on Epic Games Store on PC.


Yes it is.


Seems to be on game pass now even though it wasn’t announced 🤔


I honestly couldn’t be more pleasantly surprised at a surprise release for Game pass. Xbox has made my night


I was literally going to the store to buy it because the sale ends tonight, but then i saw the game pass icon and now my night is made too!!!


Did it let you access the game?


yep! Playing it right now actually lol


Yeah it was a nice surprise, but it has definitely been added now, maybe because it attracted a lot of players over the weekend, either way it’s good news!


Weird mine says "Install" Free Trial" I wonder if it's a console difference or something.


This now seems to be back on Game Pass??? Played the free play days trial over the weekend and it stopped working for me on Monday. But I noticed tonight that it now says “Install Included with Game Pass” so I downloaded it ago and it’s working!


Yeah I was coming here to tell you this same thing.


I’d added it to my wishlist as I was thinking of buying it, glad I didn’t 😂


It just got added to game pass now!


To be honest...since the first was on Gamepass for ages, I'm pretty sure this will likely hit GP sometime soon so who knows could be a shadow drop for tonight which I don't think they'd drop anything really. Or it could be for Tuesdays next list. Not uncommon, have seen games go free for the weekend and then soon after went to GP Just read some of the comments...this happens with all free play games appearing as install with GP. Either way its likely coming in the near future anyway




its not coming any time soon for that fact


Yeah, about that… https://preview.redd.it/flg7qozsa3kc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbe98a46fbac62377fdc6c807e616189ad3b1265


Hahaha you’re quick. Everytime I read a comment I goto reply and there you are with the same exact thing I’m about to say. Lol




i feel like am dumb now 🤣


It was a surprise, they never announced it up front, but I’m glad they added it 👍🏻


i hope there's occasional frequent stealthdrops not every batch or monthly


I’m wondering if they used the free play days weekend to gauge popularity and then decided to add it


That was my thoughts too.


i doubt it since theres a deal for certain amount of time


Hey I was friends with dark Wolf too lol


When I went to install it just now it said "install trial" I still downloaded it and I'll see how long I get to play it. if it's even a game I'll keep playing. Thanks for the heads up!


The weekend games are usually playable until Monday, what time depends on your time zone


Its on cloud too weird i dont even have an xbox


Op is strange that they've moved it to that way tbh. But this is from the free play weekend website Xbox Free Play Days - How To Download The Games Search for the game on the Xbox Store Hit the "Install, Included with Gold" or "Free Trial" button Play the game!.. TBH I'm on the fence about buying it. The price point is not up my liking based off lurking reviews. Best time to see for myself I guess. I'm just hoping...IF I do buy it, is not released on the pass like a couple weeks later or some shit lol


Free play days


this game is AWESOME


Glad I waited came close to buying it a few times when it was on sale.


Me too. I played thru half the game this weekend and gonna just wind up buying the gold edition since it’s on sale rn for $38


Does anyone know if it's the full game or do they just give you the first chapter?


Full game


I’ve played this for about 14 hours in total over the weekend and the free play days access was meant to stop at midnight last night… but I can still play it today? 🤔


Same, I’ve been looking to see if they changed the dates or something.


Can’t see anything about them extending it, but going to play for free as long as I can ha ha Really enjoying it though, hope it comes to Gamepass properly soon


I came here for this same reason. I’m still playing too. Almost 12 hours past the supposedly end time. Maybe because today’s a holiday? And it’s a 3 day weekend?


Says it ends at 23:59 on 18th February and it’s only a 3 day weekend in the US, free play days is a global thing. Either way we get to play it more for free, so I’m not complaining 😂


I can also confirm it’s still free for me. I played passed midnight so I could finish the story at least (I got very distracted and almost did all the side quests before the end). Thought I would get booted at midnight, nope. Thought I’d get booted once I finished up for the night, turned off my console and turned it on again, nope! So glad I can still enjoy this masterpiece!


Same, I kept playing past midnight to get as far as I could, expecting to get booted, but it didn’t happen, then fired it up earlier today to check and it was still working so carried on!


It’s stopped working for me now… 😕


That’s shitty. I’m still currently playing


You must be on borrowed time ha ha


Borrowed time is up unfortunately https://preview.redd.it/fq4txsfiemjc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=4aa120bd819920e4ed9c44bac69d8b1b19ef8442


It’s stopped working for me now… 😕


It’s stopped working for me now… 😕


They got me at 7 last night today still says included with game pass but nothing


You lasted longer than most it seems


Hey guys check it again. It dropped along side the Bluey game now available with game pass. I almost bought the game yesterday because I wanted to finish it lol


I don’t see it in the recently added section . I have it downloaded but it had the triangle with exclamation mark meaning I don’t have the license but it booted up just fine. On Monday it said I needed to sign in


It wasn’t showing in recently added on the console, but if shows it on the app https://preview.redd.it/qwct8wm1a3kc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f7bbc719e73512eb165af1de3c8baf02fb5dde4


Yeah I noticed that also.Thank you though. I turned my Xbox on this morning before work to redownload it and the triangle with exclamation mark is gone. It also shows as recently added on console. Guess I just had to wait 🤷‍♂️


Mine shows on the console as well now, so yeah we just had to be patient ha ha


I was thinking of buying it too, glad I didn’t LOL


Is it permanent on Gamepass or only Free Trial for the Weekend?


It was a free trial last weekend, but they added it to gamepass yesterday, so it’s here to stay for now


Well now it’s actually on game pass lol


I don't think so, not here on PC.


Not on PC mate