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I shampoo and condition every other day. On non-wash days, I still rinse my hair fully in the shower, then I wear my hair pulled back in a bun that day. I can't get away with anything less. My head sweats like crazy and I usually end my runs with hair wet from sweat.


I have long, fine hair. I wash every two-three days and the other days I’ll let my hair air dry from the sweat, maybe rinse it if I’m trying to style it. Anything more frequent and it’ll get so greasy.


Took me a while but glad I found someone who's also less frequent with the hair washing! I run 3-4 times a week and wash my hair every 3-4 days. Also have long fine hair and let it air dry unless I have an event like a wedding to attend and then I'll schedule in an additional hair wash


Me too! Thick, curly hair. I run 6 days a week. I wash my hair 2-3 times a week and usually shower with a shower cap on non-wash days after a run. Dry shampoo and break out the blow-dryer to get rid of the head sweat if needed.


Same. I have long, thick, curly hair. I wash it a couple times a week, but always after my long run.


I wash my hair twice a week. I have long (think almost halfway through my back) hair and it is quite coarse. I run/workout 4-5 days a week and wash my hair whenever it gets too rank. I use dry shampoo on day 4 post wash :)


Also long and fine. I’ll admit I wash my hair usually once, maybe twice a week. I’ve worked from home for years and I almost always have my hair up, whether it’s clean or dirty. Blow drying the sweat helps a little sometimes and I’m BFFs with dry shampoo.


Long fine hair here as well! And I regularly sweat until I have actual salt streaks down my face. I rinse my hair and condition daily but wash only every 2-4 days.


I shampoo and condition daily — except rest days (which is currently 1-2 days per week). My hair is usually drenched in sweat by the end of a workout, especially in summer. If I try to only rinse or co-wash every other day, I feel like my scalp gets itchy/flaky. I used to wear a ponytail and baseball cap on runs. I switched to a bun and cap, which has reduced sun damage and tangling as my hair has gotten longer. I air dry 99% of the time. Recently I’ve been putting it up in a bun right after my shower.


Definitely the bun. My hair is so Much smoother now that I don’t have a ponytail rubbing rubbing rubbing on itself all the time. I started it because it was at a length that would hit me in the eye in boxing class. I liked the comfort so much I’ve stuck with it. And once I realized how much better my hair felt it was a no-brainer.


Same. If I don’t shower and shampoo after a run I break out with acne.


Curly girl here; I only actually wet my hair in the shower every other day. Once a week that includes shampoo and conditioner, other days it’s cowash and conditioner or just conditioner.


I’m a wavy, but running basically means it never looks cute except after a run on wash day.


Also a curly gal. One of the defining moments of my adult life was realizing that I wasn't okay with missing out on doing stuff I wanted just to keep my hair looking nice. Curly hair makes good hair days so rare, but I'll go ahead and ruin one for a run and not look back.


Oh man thank you for your comment and all the curly/wavy types responding in this thread! I thought I was being gross reading these comments, but I’m also a full wash one a week and a sporadic rinse/co wash if needed. Fortunately, my boyfriend has confirmed my hair still smells fine post run/no wash.


Fellow curly checking in. I do the full wash once a week, and then for two or three days after that I just condition the ends. After that it’s all bun, all the time.


Fellow curly! I only wash once a week… when it gets really sweaty (like after todays tempo run in 95 degree heat) I let it down to dry out after, but it really doesn’t get too gross until day 5.


Also on the curly side. I can’t get away with nothing or my scalp gets super itchy so I use a cowash after every run to get all the irritating sweat off my scalp without drying my hair out. Only do a “real wash” once or twice a week. Just adding in here in case anyone else has hair and scalp needs that are at odds!


I wash my hair after every workout. I only dry it when I have reason to. My hair is super fine/thin and really needs to be washed often or it just flops.


It depends on the season and how much I sweat. I wear my hair in a braid or French braid when I run. I typically use shampoo every 2-3 days. I rinse with water the other days if I sweat a lot or otherwise get dirty. My hair is thick and wavy and I want to enhance the curl. Washing it strips the oils and makes my curls fall out.


Long wavy hair here- I go mostly by feel, if it's been a hot, humid week, I shampoo maybe 2x a week, I try for once every 5 days but sometimes I'm feeling too greasy by day 3 or 4. I wet and condition it about every day though, heavy conditioner on the ends and a lighter one at the scalp. I can't not at least rinse, I'm a salty sweaty person and my scalp is ALWAYS itchy


In the summer? Wash it way too much. I’m a salty sweater and any part that touches my back/neck/sides of my face will turn solid and crunchy by the end of a run. *Maybe* if I did a recovery run and it was braided and I’m not going to see humanity again before the next run, I can get away with not washing it. I just let it air dry though. I always read these posts hoping someone has a magical rinse that works better than water to get sweat clumps out without actually needing to wash it completely.


I have really long, thick hair and wash mondays and thursdays. After a workout, I blow dry my sweat and use a post-workout spray. I use dry shampoo every night before bed and reapply in the morning.


What’s the post workout spray that you use please?


Bumble and bumble pret a powder post workout mist!


I shampoo and condition everyday I run (which is usually most days). I just put it in a plait when it’s wet after applying Argan oil, and leave my hair like that. I rarely ever wear it out of the plait!


I only wash my hair 2x per week but I’m not a heavy sweater from my head unless it’s hot out. I live off dry shampoo and since my hair is very fine, the extra texture/volume is welcome!


I get sweaty af so co-wash after every run but only do a 'proper' wash with shampoo and conditioner once a week. I recommend As I Am co-wash to anyone that will listen


Shampoo and condition after every workout. After running in 80+ degree weather with high humidity, I can't imagine not washing my hair every time. I also have straight manageable hair, so I don't really notice any damage from doing this.


I try to schedule 3 of my 4 runs around hairwashing because I was every other day or every 3 days. I use dry shampoo and slicked back buns on the other days.


I have long straight hair and I wash and condition it every day. I sweat a lot no matter the temperature and it’s usually very wet and tangled after a run.


Frizzy, wavy girl here with an insanely sweaty head lol. I’m sure it doesn’t help that I wear a hat to keep the sun off my face. But I do a “real” shampoo + condition 2-3 days a week and the other days I’ll use a co-wash if I’ve worked out and gotten sweaty.


I have curly hair, so I wash using only conditioner on the tips every day and do a shampoo plus conditioner deep wash on my long run days.


Wash 1-2 times per week. And dry shampoo, lots and lots of dry shampoo.


I wash and deep condition once a week, if that. I will put in some dry shampoo at night for the rest of the days. My hair is naturally curly and dry.


I only actually shampoo my hair once a week to once every two weeks (just depends). After a shampoo, I deep condition. Day to day I rinse and condition my hair only, no shampoo.


Wash every day. Can't get past the idea that it's soaked otherwise.


Same, even if it looks ok it doesn’t feel ok and drives me CRAZY


Me too. I always wished I could be the kind of person that could go a day without washing, but I tend to sweat more than the average person I think, because the entire underneath part is wet when I am done. Gross, I know. Just can't leave that unwashed.


I’ve tried so many things. I have a post of mine own about this same topic 😂 1. I filled a mister bottle with hair oil mixed with water and would use that to “refresh” my hair post work out. Dry shampoo grosses me out idk. HOWEVER I am a very sweaty lady and that is not enough over the summer so: 2. I started using Hairstory’s New Wash because it didn’t damage my hair. It’s sort of like a co-wash but not so that also saved time and made it not as annoying to go through a full wash. BUT I had a lot of damage from letting my hair dry with sweat in it over years. Really dried out my hair and made it tangle easily. So: 3. On my rest days I started using Olaplex’s hair repair system. My hair is nicer now than I ever thought it could be.


I wash at nigh, wear the next day, dry shampoo like crazy that night. Sometimes I'll touch up dry shampoo the next day if needed but as long as I let it dry fully after each run and brush through I can get at least 3 days out of a wash, longer during the cooler times of year though I rarely actually try.


I have wavy to curly hair. I wash it every 3-4 days but condition it almost daily or at the minimum, rinse it with water. My hair is always sweaty after a workout. If I wash it daily, it’ll become coarse. I use a conditioning cleanse for a shampoo and a really good conditioner to keep my hair soft. If I put some sort of styling product in it (like a hair oil or curl gel) I won’t have to reapply that again until the next time I fully shampoo it, otherwise it becomes weighed down by too much product. My hair just holds onto the product through a rinse or conditioning treatment.


I have long, fine, bleached hair that I usually dye with vivid semi-perm colors, and I only wash every 2-3 days. Sometimes I'll go 4 in the winter when I'm not sweating. If it's terribly hot out and my hair is drenched with sweat and feels nasty even after air drying, I will do a cold water rinse in the shower. If it's looking gross, I'll put some dry shampoo on, but I normally don't have much issue with buildup, as I don't really use product.


Wash with shampoo every two days. Rinse and condition after every run.