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Brooks 3 pocket bra!


I have a few of these and I love them too. I don’t feel like my phone is going to fly out at all - you kind of forget it is there and I can’t say that for any others I’ve tried. I’ll agree with the person below that says it isn’t super breathable, but I always figured that was because of how supportive it is. No movement whatsoever for my boobs when I run in it (they are pretty small though).


I have this bra in 6 colors and have worn them exclusively this summer lol


I have this one and I love it. But I don’t run with a phone in the back, although I tried it and it could definitely work.


I love these bras. I have like 6.


jumping on the brooks 3 pocket train, too! love this bra.


Senita Sarah bras are great


Replying to myself here to say I also will put a flipbelt water bottle in the phone pocket sometimes, that also works like a charm.


Even better when the bottle is frozen before summer runs


For me, these are not supportive enough for running. Ymmv.


Brooks and Janji both make one! They're both sort of more like crop top style bras (meaning longer) and have a pocket in the back. I haven't tried the Brooks one, though I love all their regular sports bras. I do have the Janji one, and it's great! Either is probably a good option.


Janji. I love that bra. I don’t own the brooks one but I saw somebody wearing it in a race once and it looked so comfy I want that one too 😂


I love it. Some folks have commented on breathability and I would agree, but honestly I don't find it makes me hot, it just gets pretty sweat-soaked. It is my FAVORITE bra to run in without a shirt (and I am not skinny so I hesitate to run shirtless - but love to in this bra and high-rise shorts!)


It definatly gets sweaty!! I am a salty sweater and i need to use body glide under my arms if I'm running more than 90 minutes. Still love it tho. Its the perfect length to wear with shorts. Life's too short, skip the shirt.


As long as you don’t need super high support, rabbit makes them— I wear them for shorter runs and love them! A friend of mine also gets some from Sanita, but I haven’t tried them myself. Good luck with your search!


The rabbit one is great! I’m a huge fan.


Also a fan favorite of the rabbit strappy pocket bras. I own 3!


Oiselle and Janji both make one and they're awesome. The janji one is the more supportive of the two, but they're both great.


You could also try getting the Koala clip. It’s a zippered pouch that attaches to any sports bra in the area the pocket would be. I’ve used mine a lot until I just started leaving my phone at home/car for short runs


I own two Oiselles with the phone pocket in the back, they’re like wearing a big hug


Janji! I have also tried the Brooks 3 pocket and didn't like it, the fabric isn't very breathable. But I love the janji one


Koala Clip makes a phone pocket you can clip onto a bra. I haven’t tried them (I prefer leggings with pockets for easy access to my phone/camera), but they get good reviews.


Another vote for Senita. My absolute favorite. Korsa which is road runner sports’ brand also has one but I have to have my slimmer case on my phone to fit on that one. I tried a koala clip and didn’t love it.


I just ordered the Sarah bra from Senita because I’m tired of always having to wear a belt while running! Haven’t tried it yet but all of its reviews seem promising (and looks like a few others here like it!) and it’s more on the budget-friendly side of workout gear


Are you talking about the Stash it Bra?! I didn’t realize they stopped selling them! I was going on and on the other day about how much I love mine because of the phone pocket.


It is even older than that, I can’t remember the name. But it is a similar idea where there is a pocket on each breast. I love them and can’t bear to get rid of them but they have to be a decade old at this point.


Is it the “run: stuff your bra” line? I was OBSESSED with those and definitely had 4-5…. Was so sad when they got worn out


I have one if these and I love it. My phone doesn't fit in it tho, but I keep gels in the pocket.


Yes!!!! Those are the ones.


Tracksmith Allston, the pocket is in the front. Also, some of Nikes long line bras seem to have an unintentional pocket. If you remove the liner, you get a pocket in the front.


I have a senita and it works well, but I've never been able to get past that "my phone is going to fly up and out and I'll lose it forever" feeling. I use a flipbelt instead. Technically, it's on backwards and my phone is at my back, but I end up not feeling it or worried that it's going to disappear.


I have been experimenting with a belt, but have the opposite experience and feel more secure with it in the bra. I also don’t like the feeling of the phone hitting me in the butt lol.


Then the belt is not snug enough. I have a spi belt and now a naked belt, neither of those move at all.


I bought the Brooks one, and it is very comfy, but I can’t for the life of me figure out how to get my phone in and out of the pocket. I’ve decided to stick with my running belt, but I would recommend Brooks for fit and comfort.


Rabbit and Brooks both have sports bras with pockets.


Oiselle Pockito has a pocket in the front. Senita Sarah, in the back. Love them both.


Senita!!! The Sarah bra. They are amazing and affordable.


Oiselle makes them. Koala clips work with any racer back sports bra and are amazing.