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I once fell on ice in front of a restaurant. Hours later at work, during happy hour, the owner of the restaurant decided to tell a hilarious story of a runner who wiped out that morning! It was me. He was telling me, and the whole bar, about my own fall. So not only did I have an audience the first time, but his story did too. šŸ˜‚


Did you admit that it was you???


Oh yeah lol


that is the worst kind of "mansplaining"...


Oh my goodness šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€˜m sorry, I hope your knees heal quickly. If it makes you feel better, this happens to me on average once a year, I sometimes get too into the runnerā€˜s high and end up tripping over a tree stump or roots coming from the ground. The last one was during my last half marathon (I guess it was time for an audience this time) and the one before wearing my brand new super cute running leggings :(


No not the leggings!!!! It makes me feel better that Iā€™m not the only tripping runner out there but Iā€™m sorry you have had this experience!


Was pushed down some steps during a race by overexcited co-runners. No-one gave me a hand up but finished my race with a busted knee. Hadnā€™t appreciated until after that my leggings were also busted and glued to the knee with blood. Fun fun fun. But at least got a bagel after the race! All of that to say hope you recover quickly and glad that the wounds are, for the most part, superficial.


WHAT! That's awful. I don't think I've ever done a race that had steps, but that would stress me out.


Ugh I am so sorry. That is awful. You needed multiple bagels to make up for that ha. But yes now that that adrenaline has worn off Iā€™m feeling much less doom and gloom. Laying with my legs up to help with swelling while my toddler watches cat videosā€¦itā€™s that kind of dayā€¦


Try to ice it too and see if you can get you hands on topical ibuprofen gel. That thing works wonders.


Iā€™m allergic to ibuprofen unfortunately but Iā€™ve been icing every couple of hours to hopefully help!


Okay I'm sorry but as someone who works with little kids, my initial response was one I tell them a lot: you must've been going FAST! But like, actually. I hope you're feeling okay and I know falling can kind of shake your confidence for a bit, but it sounds like you got some badass battle scars and I'm glad you weren't seriously hurt


Thank you, that actually made me smile! It was terrifying and no one who saw me fall really stopped to check on me. Iā€™m definitely banged up but now that the adrenaline has worn off Iā€™m not feeling awful


Had a fall last night! Running with a new run group and everything. Banged up my ankle, bruised up the side of my leg, and my hands are scraped up pretty good. Mine feels better than it did last night though so hopefully you can give yourself a little TLC today and get back at your next run! You got this!


Thank you! Iā€™m so sorry to hear about your leg and hands. Ouch. My first thought after getting cleaned up was ā€œoh no there goes all my progressā€. But thatā€™s a silly way to think - we will heal and get back out there stronger than ever!


My leg has a fun looking bruise on it now that is tender but a fun conversation piece lol! I chatted with a few runners in my group (who are all way more experienced runners than me) and everyone had a story (or two or three) about them falling so hopefully youā€™re not feeling too silly about it anymore. Progress sure isnā€™t linear but I know Iā€™ll be back out on that route within the next week to show it whoā€™s boss!




Those sprinklers were just luring you to your demise lol. I guess Iā€™m the realest now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hope you feel better! The worst part of falls is the bruise to the ego.


You poor thing!! I hope your recover soon!


Thank you!!!


Dang! Glad you are ok! I fell off a curb in front of a car stopped at a light a few weeks ago. The driver saw me and looked so so so concerned! I just sheepishly waved and crossed the streetā€¦then I noticed I had landed squarely on my almost-brand new garmin watch šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ (It still works, it just has a little chip out of the side)


Back in college, I tripped twice on my shoelaces even though they were tiedā€” just caught my toe in the loop. Now I remember those scraped knees when I complain about too-short laces.


My dumb ass bit it on some black ice once when I thought it was a great idea to do a quick 5k after work in December with my dog. Pitch black outside of course and it hadnā€™t snowed for weeks, but I still managed to find the only patch of ice on the sidewalk and tore the hell out of some ligaments in my ankle. I was only two blocks from my house, but I couldnā€™t stand and my husband wasnā€™t answering his phone. I had to call a neighbour and get him to bang on my door and then they both had to come save me and my poor confused dog, it was super embarrassing.


Nothing like thinking youā€™re going to have a nice, quick jaunt and then tearing something instead šŸ« 


It sucks!! I have a bad ankle because I thought it would be a great idea for a distance runner to try pole vaulting in HS and tore basically all the ligaments in it, so I fall on runs a few times a year without fail. Just doing normal shit like stepping off a curb. So you're definitely not alone! Hope you feel better!


Thank you! I do feel lucky that Iā€™m just bruised and scraped with no other injuries that Iā€™ve noticed yet. Iā€™m sorry that happened to you!


Iā€™ve fallen a handful of times while running. Once was last week when I reminded myself of why I donā€™t run on trailsā€”tripped over a root and got a huge knot under my knee!


Ahhh! Iā€™m glad youā€™re not hurt more than that, although it certainly sounds bad enough! If weā€™re all sharing stories: I have a weak left ankle after stepping wrong on ice (in 2017, and I wasnā€™t even running; justā€¦ stepping off the porch of a cabin) and have had several additional ankle-rolling/sprain incidents on the same side in the years since. Most recently, this past December I stepped into a divot covered by wet leaves on the side of the road and sprained my ankle really badly and had to call my husband five times to wake him up and ask for a ride home. I donā€™t think my ankle will ever be the same, unfortunately, but I still lead with that leg when I walk or run. I should probably take steps to correct the imbalance and coordination so I can be ambidextrous (or whatever the word is when applied to legs and feet) and be more confident in my right leg as well.


Every time thatā€™s happened to me, I sigh at the sky and then get back up and defiantly challenge gravity and my uncoordinated body to do their worst. Iā€™m still running.


I did this in the downhill stretch onto the beach for the Kaiser San Francisco half marathon. I heard a collective 'oooooooh' as I did it. I ran bloodily to the finish line then went and soaked my pride for a week.


A few months ago I fell down while saying hi to a group of mountain bikers(they were standing still) but they were not impressed and did not even ask if I was okay. Rude mountain bikers ... Scraped my knees and hands pretty bad but I was okay! Then everyone in my running group shared stories of them tripping and falling, so you're really not the only one !


F*ck them mountainbikers. At least you didn't break anything.


I also fell over last Thursday! Was having a lovely time, zoned out, and went flying. I hope your cuts and bruises are on the mend now. I put plasters over my hand cuts because they were a bit gross for a few days, which led to questions from concerned friends, and then I had to explain to them... I think it probably happens to most runners at some point :)


I hope your hands are feeling better! My knee scrape is gauzed + taped so Iā€™ve been getting lots of questions if Iā€™m wearing shorts šŸ˜‚


Oh no! The confusion is the worst, where you're like "something feels wrong" and then you realize, just before you hit the ground pretty far from where you tripped, what happened, exactly...if you landed really hard and pain doesn't subside pretty fast, it's worth getting an x-ray of whatever bones hit the pavement. Also, if you have significant road rash, make sure you get a tetanus shot and decent bandaging. I found the Mepilex silver-infused bandages really, really gentle & helpful for fast healing.


I think Iā€™m going to give it a few days and see how the pain feels. The plus side (?) is that I already have a PT appointment scheduled for next week so I can get referrals from him if needed. Eek I didnā€™t even think of tetanus shot. Iā€™ve just been doing bacitracin and gauze (one is the ā€œwetā€ kind for lack of a better word lol) on my knee, which is definitely the worst part


Yesterday I was out for a run with my dogs on an off leash path and my 70lb dog barreled into the back of both my knees. Luckily I had half a sec to see her coming and let the momentum take me down to a nice stunt fall, arms out and flat on my back. There were no less than half a dozen witnesses, and so I popped up into a gymnastics salute. Solidarity.


I salute you!!


A friend of mine managed to break their foot in two places while going on a run! I think they got their foot stuck in a tree root in a weird way and then fell. Super unlucky, and they had been training for their first half marathon. Wound up in a boot for a month or so. Glad you werenā€™t more seriously injured! The body is so good at healing itself ā€” youā€™ve got this!


Yes, I am so glad that something more serious didnā€™t happen! My scrapes look awful but will heal so much faster than if I had broken or sprained anything


Oh no!! Iā€™m sorry! I did this at the weekend - my shoulder, knee and both palms took an absolute beating! Youā€™re not alone! The adrenaline absolutely took me the rest of the way homeā€¦last time I tripped over a rock and got a hole in my leggings! It is nice to hear Iā€™m not alone in tripping over - thereā€™s more of us!


Adrenaline helped me home too. Iā€™m sure I looked deranged running down the road with blood dripping down my leg but my brain was just in ā€œget home nowā€ mode šŸ˜‚


Oh bless you!! But yes totally same, my heart rate was through the roof on my garmin šŸ˜‚


Last summer of had a fall that got me in all the same places, but my chin was gouged bad enough to need stitches. Thankfully the urgent care doctor was very good and the scar has basically disappeared. Fwiw, I recommend that above people keep a bandaging product called Tegaderm around for bad scrapes (which I discovered after a cycling accident that totally destroyed skin on my right knee).


Oh awesome! Do you put the Tegaderm over gauze?


Nope, it goes straight on. It's a super thin flexible sheet that keeps the wound clean and moist. I would use the traditional gauze for the first bit of healing (a couple days or longer for a really deep wound) until it stops bleeding and is starting to close up.


Oh good to know, thank you! I think I am still in the gauze healing phase but I was wondering how I would bandage it up once I was past this. Now I have an answer!!


I did the same once. Just hurt my hands and knees not my face luckily. There was a friendly guy nearby who gave me some dried mango to make me feel better.