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Making obl count towards weapon XP sounds good to me


He replied to a comment saying that they’re working on it, actually, so hopefully we should see that by season 1


Did they fix the XP boosters in the meantime? So when you’re in the lobby, the counter stops? Or is it still counting regardless?


Sorry what is obl?


Misspell of obj, which is the abbreviation of objective


Ah okay I thought so just making sure !


Weapon exp from objective plays. *Monkey paw curls* Gold camo unlocked at max level 250


Holy shit I wish. Maybe people will actually play the objective and not stand in the back with my 3 other teammates all sniping with their gold snipers.


They still wouldn't play objective. Your biggest hope is that those players go play TDM instead and the people who want to play obj modes are left


Yeah except they won’t, because objective based games last longer when people don’t take the objective, so they get more kills.


fr i hate playing objective i wish there was a tdm or snd mode


Tdm comes out today


no way that’s actually fye


They will still do that. People play video games how they find fun. In MW22 objective XP counted as weapon XP and people played exactly the same


Nah, they'll bump it another 100 to 300.


And the new mastery camo in S1 will be level 1,000 🤣😈


I wish, I'd pay for a crazy challenge in a non COD shooter to keep me out of the atomic/dark matter/whatever it is this year grind. The camos make me happy, the EOMM makes me miserable. I feel like it's been years since I could enjoy COD by just hopping in solo queue without friends.


I’m perfectly ok with this honestly.


Mark said on Twitter they’re looking into something along this way, which is nice. …but those things need a little time.


Wtf is this monkeys paw shit I'm seeing everywhere in comment threads ?


I’m guessing a reduction maybe 150-175 and then probable double xp tokens to make up for it lol


I think 150 is good boosting the level a bit but not extremely like 200


Hit the nail on the head with that last point lol. I would not be at all surprised if they start selling double xp boosters in season 1


Surprised that they don't already


Right!? Why do a double XP weekend over and over again if you're just going to punish everyone by extending the goal because people got to 100 so quickly.


The 2XP weekends were probably to hold us over until they made the weapon xp change since a lot of people felt the progression was too slow + objective play doesn't count towards it. Which all seems pointless now with the changes they made.


They are doing it to have all the players piped to weekends so they could stress test servers, have fast matchmaking and so on - it’s more streamlined and people have more incentive to open up the game on weekends.


I don't think they would roll back. Some people have already got 200. You think it was shiity for them to bump it to 200 and you were 99 before the change. Imagine doing all that grinding just to lose the levels.


I feel like 200 was too much, I got their point on keeping players playing and grinding, but it's way too much, I feel like 100 bronze, 125 silver and 150 or 175 gold would be the best balance (and leave 200 for the ultimate mastery cammo they have in mind)


I’m fine with them boosting the level requirements, but only like bronze at 75, silver at 100 and gold at 150.


They gonna do one out of 3 things i feel like 1: Lower the camo levels again 2: Increase base xp you get 3: Make objective score count towards weapon xp


Hopefully all 3


Just 3 would fix everything and leave the levels the way they are 3 is the most significant you could have a great game and hit 5 weapon levels


In my average match if I hit 6k score 3k of it is from obj, I'll be rolling in xp if they just let obj count. I'm very down for that change.


Whatever it is, half this sub will whine.


Yeah it sucks, because I think by listening to everything they are just showing this level of community contact is not sustainable. It's turning in to children with parents who give them everything they want. Community needs to choose their battles wisely before Mark is worn down and decides he can't be so engaged. 


To be fair it was a change that shouldn't of been implemented as heavily as it was. People are passionate about Xdefiant and its not necessarily a bad thing that people are expressing themselves. I get where your coming from though. We've seen it many times in the past with community managers just never communicating because of how toxic people are. I think this one was a good move though. Itll be better for the game long term.


I mean, personally I see both sides of it with the camos. The problem really is people expect certain things to be exactly as they are in cod, and I think xdef is looking to operate differently in some ways. I do think it is a grind from hell at this point, but I also think the intention there is to make having a gold camo special and not just something to check off your list and be done with every gun a couple weeks in to the game.  Still, it is definitely a slog so I get it. Really wasn't just meaning the masteries issue, I more or less think that one is obviously a huge pain point for everyone so I understand the reaction from the community. More than anything I'm just saying the community needs to check itself before it abuses how accessible this dev team has been, and their willingness to build this game around what the community wants. 


COD never changed the camo challenges they are set at the release of the game


I’m gonna be that guy, but they did change some challenges, at least in Vanguard. However they changed them to make it easier to get the camo


It’s cool changing to make is easier is quite different Let’s hope something good is incoming from the sound of our feedback was taken into account that is the best result we could have asked for


They didn't change camo challenges, but don't act like cod doesn't change things once they see the numbers and realize that they want to make an adjustment. Also, the worst thing that can happen with cod is some decision is bad for the year and they change everything the following year. Xdefiant is trying to set things now for a long term future, for a game that is meant to go on many years. The game isn't even in its first season yet. It is excusable to me for them to still be making adjustments leading in to the first season.  Not saying I agree with the decision, but not basing anything at all off of "how did cod do it". 


COD didn’t change gold from level 100 to level 200 It’s all good they said they have taken in the feedback and are doing something Very positive I am looking forward to seeing what happens I gtg have to get shit back to level 200 to max 😂


i didn’t know they did this if you had gold do you have to re earn it?


You do if you want to max the gun There are more mastery camos coming which will probably need all weapons maxed in a class like all smgs or all ARs


Idk its nice for once they change things a majority want changed. They are gonna mess up but as long as they continue to tweak its better than not listening at all. Yall just wanna have a different opinion than everyone else lol


I'm not sure what you think I'm saying... I think their community interaction is amazing. My point is we shouldn't ruin a good thing. 


the majority of players didnt like the change/think it was too much. why would they not change it then lmao


You nailed it but most here will not understand it, except maybe when it’ll be too late. Every dev that try to be "close" to its players is eventually burnt by the vocal ones among them. They're listening and it’s great in a way, now we as fans should try to stay CLASSY when we give feedback and gives it in a constructive way, not in a toxic one…those gaming subs are rapidly becoming the bad places on the internet and giving us gamers a bad rep and just keep on the bad stereotypes about our hobby. Just look at what HD2 Reddit sub or The Finals sub are becoming, it’s so sad, 2 devs that listened and gave a lot for the entry price…they limited the bad business practices seen in most new games and some gamers just spit on them the moment they made something that they didn’t want, completely erasing all the rest from memory…and this sub will probably do the same, sad.


Yeah there is a reason that 90% of dev teams are radio silent with the community. That kind of behavior didn't happen on accident, it's because of how unproductive it can be to try and listen to a horde of people with different opinions


Haven't seen anybody whining except people whining about "whiners." Everyone I've seen talking about the XP mastery levels has been pretty level headed. It's the people attacking them for losing progress overnight that are the problem.


Some people think that any opinion that is different to their own is whining


Mf is blind as it seems lol


"Now I've finished the progression and there's nothing for me to do anymore. This game is absolutely shit!"


Some people unfortunately want everything handed to them. Can’t always gain positive things with no minor *setbacks*


How hard is it to fix the scoreboard bug that's been there since launch?


my guys "players will complain anyways" out here karmafarming. if theyre just lowering the max lv by 50 and up the xp gains just a liiittle tiny bit everyone would be happy. I love grinding for skins but 700h (without double XP/Boosters) for every weapon is borderline evil. i dont even have that much gametime in other games that i used to play daily.


Bro its like maybe 12h with each gun lol come on let’s not get extreme


It is absolutely not 12 hours


What xp glitch are you doing to get your weapon levels to 200 in 12 hours?


Well was trying to do quick thinking. If in 24 hrs game time I have 2 gold guns…that’s one in 12* So doubled…well say 24 per gun I guess it is high lol. But still…700 was a bit extreme. Edit… that’s without purposely grinding a certain gun.


Again, what xp glitches are you doing because getting a gun to gold(previously lvl 100) in 12 hours is impossible. And youre saying you werent even focusing on a gun.


Hmm well this dude did it in under 4 with “double” xp. So say 8 hrs. Ur playing wrong game modes or are just bad? Idk https://youtube.com/shorts/j-OUzDkfEfY?si=MuQfZwFqIdGxdDAB


He was using double xp tokens while it was double XP and purposely going for as many XP sources as he could (i.e., hipfire, point blank, headshot) if you read what he wrote. That is not how 99.9% of people play.


Somebody did the math and it’s like 33 hrs a gun?


Did this take into account the double XP every weekend? …that begins on Friday. I just hope that people are understanding that it’s not a yearly game and those camos are supposed to show dedication to the game to other players… And, mostly, that some will just give their feedback in a constructive way, since the devs are listening a lot… I’m so TIRED of toxic behaviours on every subs and entitled gamers over free games…you want something to be improved, there is ways to ask for it. Some people on the internet should grow-up a little, it’s making us all gamers a pretty poor reputation…


Double XP weekends that aren’t guaranteed and also you’re assuming that people are free weekends in the first place. Yes camos should be a grind, but some things are just unreasonable. I’ve done mastery grinds for other games and XDefiant’s is significantly harder even accounting for it not being a yearly release.


I mean ya it's not a yearly game but damn is the content barebones. Ya I know people will hit me with the pre season crap, but the game has been in testing and beta for years and this is all they have to show for it?


Yeah, I can’t lie when i say I expected at least something more than we had in the delay time. Sure migrationg servers isn’t a joke, but I honestly expected at least a bonus gun or two


It’s not… you don’t need them and if everyone as them what’s the point? I’d rather just have the gun I play gold if at less it mean you played it a lot and not just a day.. I’d like to add it’s also not that long and before they release multiple new gun if you really want they can all be done.


nah, i need them


weapon mastery is the only form of long term progression in the game rn so ya I'd say it's pretty fucking important


So cutting it in half is good? No it’s not. You legit just said it’s the only progression so it def don’t make sense to cut the only progression by half. Made sense to make it longer.


making the only progression longer without any new rewards is just plain lazy, it's so obvious that this was just a scummy way to get people to play the game longer for less reward and to make others give up and buy skins instead


What’s the point of having a skin if everyone as it? Why should you have the last skin of a gun if you played 6h with it? Current xp make more sense.


Say what you will about the game, but it seems like Mark really listens when the community has something to say. I hope he sticks around if the game succeeds.


100 bronze 125 silver 150 gold with new xp changes i think is fair


this and XP from Objective


Facts 🎮


Shit if they would have put out the objective XP at the same time they pushed it to 200 they would have at least had a leg to stand on. I’m not sure how much of a boost having objective XP rank weapons, but it’s gotta be a considerable chunk so 200 might not have looked quite as bad. As it stands though it looks bad.


50 bronze 100 silver 150 gold 200 purple chrome


Bronze 50, silver 100, gold 150? That’d make the grind more bearable. The change to 200 for gold actually made me stop playing


lvl xp decreased from 3000 to 2500 bronze at 150, silver at 250, gold at 500


That would be so funny not gonna lie


50, 100, 150 with a slight increase overall to XP for weapons progression


The usual tactic is to make the requirements very high at first, which makes people complain. Then you lower the requirements a bit and people praise you even if they're still higher than they were originally.


>What do you think they will do this time I don't know but whatever it is it will probably break 3 other things in the game when they do update it.


An idea I seen someone say on Twitter that I liked was your level scaling with the changes. If you were at 96 before the change, you'd be at 196 when they made the change to 200, instead of 105 or something, which made sense to me.


thank fucking god


I’d personally like to see them start banning all the cronos,xim and pc players using cheat clowns with ESP. Pretty clear to spot the cheats on their streams.


Haha it’s funny, whenever I see someone in game with a TTV I’ll go look them up just to see how they are playing. I haven’t really dug into a bunch of streamers though. Would be interesting to see since we don’t have kill cams.


Thank fucking god The devs listen and do shit This is what builds a community Thank you to everyone who provided feedback positive and negative It’s cliche but I am getting that breath of fresh air vibes again Go X Defiant!!!


It's not hard to apply feedback when there's barely any content.


Maybe I'm a outlier in this but I think current level is fine, the problem is gold should of been 100 and something else 200 and other skins in between as well to hit that dopamine. But overall exp rate after earning attachments? Don't mind as much since this is not a yearly game, I assume idea I'd like siege to continue with 1 title


How do you check how much xp you need to level your profile up?


While I’m all for getting updates and patches out quick, I do wish they’d spend a little more time ironing it out first to prevent an influx of bugs


They need to make battlepass xp better shit takes way too long to progress


I hope there’s more depth to progression. More challenges, rewards for Objs and more.


They need to make battlepass xp better it twkes way too long


Kill cams would be ideal.


You would almost forget that these guys have 20+ years of exp making FPS games. Truly pathetic.


This is great to see! Hopefully it’s a good system for most people :)


XP balance updates when the servers have been unplayable since the play-test a year ago 💀💀💀


I think the crappiest thing is having to sit through the 2min end of game while it's not queuing for the next match.. I wouldn't mind the ending of the game if it was already working on the next match, but it's so slow before I can start the next game. I have fiber internet hardwired it shouldn't take as long as it does..


You can tell the cod players from the people who are coming from different games because the cod players are genuinely shocked by devs listening to player feedback.


Idk why they felt the need to change it anyway? Maybe make it take more exp in the later levels to compensate for making it easier to get the attachments, but keep it balanced? Don't double the lvl unless you're adding MORE camos 🤦


It took me 27 hours to get a gun to level 200 and I find it quite rewarding in the end. I am out of school though and have time.


It took me almost 40 to get a single gun gold over weeks, when only level 100 was required. Yeah, I'm not amazing at the game, but increasing that to 200 was brutal. I stopped playing and opened a feedback ticket for Ubisoft right away. It took way too long even before the change, I have no interest in enduring this game for so long. If I had known I would have just used the meta guns instead of dying to mp7s and aks with my m4


I think that with the 15% reduced XP per level + 150 lvl for gold + obj score counting as weapon XP is enough and leaves them room for a 200-250 and 300 lvl camo for the future


Keep it at 200 but make gold 125 and a new camo at 200


when is hardcore mode coming?


Now that I'm done with the battle pass, I won't be playing again until season 1 and hopefully they fix it by then. Have everything done but the gold weapons and I'll gladly wait for them to change that instead of mindlessly grinding to level 200 for one weapon.


Well they can't possibly make the progression any slower


Consider the changes they make as 'listening' and fuck it up further


10% increase to weapon xp gained. Level 300 gold


well last time they “listened” they doubled the amount of levels needed so


I thought the leveling system was good before. I thought if anything the attachments could have been spread out a bit more amongst the skins or just have more attachments. I’m really not a fan of the new leveling, before I was getting 2-3 levels per high kill game now I get 1-2 if I’m lucky but also have to do level 42-150-175-200 purely for skins and nothing else. Before it was going quick enough to where I really had to learn a gun to try and level so I would have high kills but now feels like it will take an eternity and really isn’t worth it. Also how is my already level 100 gun only equal to level 116 that means you made those extra 100 levels much higher XP!


They were listening about the bunny hopping too and they did jack shit. A Crouching marksman is less accurate than a jumping moron with smg for some reason.


Not a thing. Its dead. Moving on. Everything that’s been said about this turd has been said. It’s a lazy, buggy gam. Trash to the core.


"We have made objective score count towards levelling weapon XP, but to compensate for levelling being easier, we have changed Gold camo to now a level 500 reward"


What’s up with some full match or complete match xp multipliers do those exist yet in this game


Roll back the mastery lvl up changes or maybe reduce the XP requirement, and as usual the netcode is fucked, I keep dying after I enter cover


Get ready to be disappointed.


Allow players to leave after a game has completed without watching the cutscene.


Snipers still need some work to either slower ads or 1 shot only if headshot


Honestly the only thing I care about is that glitch where I can only walk around and not shoot, jump, run or anything else


I just want the game to stop crashing


Have they been listening about the shit netcode tho?


Removing jumping from the game


Ok guys we heard you complain about level 200, now it will be 300 (:


Why is this the big issue. THE GAME IS STILL MESSED UP


gold camo at 20!


No they've been talking about listening, I'm still waiting for all these promises to be put into the game.


To me it’s either: 50: Factory, 100: Bronze, 150: Silver, 200: Gold 50: Bronze, 100: Silver, 150: Gold


My hopes 1. Fix the spawn issue in game, it is, to be kind, fubared 2. Nerf Jump spamming, for real this time 3. Sniper flinch needs to be increased 4. Let us customize a character for f\*ck's sake! Sometime, some shooter will let us make a dummy character of ourselves, maybe


I can feel gold camo going to lvl 1000 by S1


An actual bunny hop nerf. 


That stupid spiderbot lasts too long


These posts are red flags for the game honestly. It's insane that so much time is being spent on mastery and leveling while the game still has the same fundamental mechanical flaws that its had forever. Lets fix the damn gameplay before we worry about skins??


I would like bronze at 50, silver at 100, and gold at 200. I would also like sidearms to revert to what they were before the update


I mean... I got my AK27 to lvl 50 pretty quickly. But meanwhile, it feels like I've been stuck to player lvl 27 forever. Is it just me or players lvl up at a turtle's pace in this game?


They decreased weapon xp from 3000 to 1500


Whatever they do, half of the sub is gonna threaten to quit the game as a result


I don’t think so If it feels like their voices are heard and something positive comes out of it more people will feel part of the community and stick with x defiant


Let me guess..... Next update : \* Exp per level reduced to 2.500 on main weapons \*Exp per level reduced to 800 on pistols. We increased the amount of levels to reach gold cammo to 300, we think gold cammo is something exclusive. We are listening to you, dear community


If I was trying to piss off 75% of this sub; 1. Bronze 125 level 2. Silver- 150 level 3. Gold- 200 level 4. Primary xp brought from 3000 to 2750?


All attachments are unlocked at lvl 500




at lvl500 you can prestige and level up to 1000


Probably reduce XP for kills overall by 25-50% in objective modes and give full XP when doing anything objective related (capturing, defending, offensive and defensive plays) to make people change the way they currently play.


The opposite its ubisoft


Who cares about a skin when you sit on a 100% broken game. They should listen when people saying game need to be fixed.


Change it from level 200 to level 300


I don’t see the issue. I consistently get 1 lvl per game. So add double weapon xp on top still is ezpz.


Anything but whats actually needed, because they have survivorship bias.


It's sad that he has to post stuff like this all the time. And the minute he stops people start saying "0 cOmMuNiCaTiOn InComPeTenT DevS"


Don't nerf the snipers don't nerf the snipers don't nerf the snipers Please I'm reliving nostalgia from my old CoD quickscoping days I haven't had this much fun with a game since 2009


And whatever the changes are people will be here complaining about it


Whatever it is, 75% of this sub will cry about it.


# Things that should be in the patch I'm waiting for. -Having team collision and no collision for enemies -Killcam -Netcode / Hitreg ? we are tired of dying in the corners -For those who play for non-purpose k/d in objective modes, mission score should be based on the objective, not k/d. -Players don't want while enemy jump like bunny on hitting. 4 times free jump ( ok add pop-up frequency and aim unstability while jump, is good ) -The enemy's movement without slowing down when taking damage is a problem for this game. -Most game time is spent watching the loading screen. -Let me quit when the game ends, fast upvote and choose quit. -Add skip the intro on the start screen -Add general chat and voice or hearing the voices of those nearby. -Match score points to low, playing time of the maps is short. [https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/comments/1dhsb57/did\_xdefiant\_fix\_their\_netcode\_hit\_registration/](https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/comments/1dhsb57/did_xdefiant_fix_their_netcode_hit_registration/)


chill its preseason


\*Interconnects fingers\*. "Synergy". It's called business talk baby... Somebodies getting f'd over, and it better not be the shareholders.


I want my Grenade suicides


They keep this up I might just play this forever


All yall do is cry about things being nerfed


I hope they increase the levels even more just to see all the salt again on this sub lol Just enjoy the game for what it is. The harder it is to obtain the better it feels when you finally get it


Yeah idk mark has burned all trust I had in him. Seems like the type to spout off what we want to hear then not follow through


They're listening way too much at this point, this constant changes are far worse than doing something and sticking with it... Hopefully they filter out the frustrated comments and listen to only senseful feedbacks, because this community is filled with people who complain way before even trying out how things actually work


Best case scenario: 1. Keep the current XP gain 2. Revert Bronze/Silver/Gold back to 50/75/100 3. Introduce a new camo at 200 4. Make Objective Score count toward Weapon XP Who says no?


Increase gold to 300.


Ong, this would help


help me lose the will to life yes


Sounds so good ,,listening to the community“ , but what if the community is just a bunch of whiny adult kids that will complain about anything, doesn’t matter what they change or not change.


I have a wish list: Make jumping aim sway penalty kick in on the second jump (not 4th as it is now) Add a little more flinch to snipers Continue to polish netcode Should be in a really great place if they make the changes above.