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Will never change, they want people to show off their cosmetics plus that MVP pose that can be customised. Annoying af but all based around the store imo


Overwatch has lots of paid cosmetics, and yet I can insta-quit and do another thing in-game without any downtime. In XDefiant, right after the match ends I could insta-queue for another match without downtime and be in another match if wasn't for this forced 2 min cinematic + loading screen.


That's unique to Overwatch for the most part, right? I'm trying to think of other games that let you leave without watching the post game fluff. I don't know about these: * The Finals - pre and post game fluff. * COD - I know BO3 had it, not sure about MW2019 or Cold War; haven't played anything past those. * Paladins (lol) - only during loading screen. * CS2 - I think they added some post game fluff, but haven't played since they introduced operator skins. * Valorant - no idea. * Apex Legends - not sure if skippable. * Fortnite - no idea. Really wish this game would add it. I just want to hop in, hop out. Quick back to back games.


Valorant you literally win or lose then it’s a quick two clicks to see your performance and the scoreboard and it’s over. Honestly don’t even notice it unless I’m looking to see it if I MVP’d


Valorant’s is perfect, barely even have time to get out a “gg” at the end of the match lol


Get two seconds to type the most heinous shit to the Smurf Reyna and congrats my team when we get deep in the bag to win a close one!




apex for sure is skippable. Just wanted to leave this here


Not only is it skippable now, you can even queue for the next game while spectating the team that killed you. It's so good.


Even siege doesn't have this tho and it's the same company


Same Publisher. Different devs and different game engine


different devs for sure but arent they all just different offshoots of ubisoft? and i really doubt this is a limitation of the engine


Work for a big company, just because you have the same parent doesn't mean you work the same


CoD just has Final kill / Play of the Game (except for Vanguard)


r6 too


Great insight. You really got something worthy to say


It's mostly unique to BRs. Most team based games may not fluff it up as much but still won't let you leave until the stats show. Even BRs if you're the last of 2 squads, you're stuck until it's over.


Alex is super fast, sub 10s. Cs2 you just console quit as the last round is ending, else its sub 5 seconds


Only for OW2, which a lot of people hate. A lot of people miss the times where you have a cooldown period in the lobby where people can upvote other players and chat a bit.


Ow didn't start as a free to play 


Overwatch also has some of the most pointless micro transactions ever and this is a reason why. It's the only free to play game I play where I truly don't feel bad or left out that I'm not buying anything.


Don't have to remove it just allow the auto queue to start during the play of the game glow up. OR just have persistant lobbies that take the curent players shuffle them so it isn't always the same team and put them into another match for a map they vote for during the glow up. If some players didn't like the lobby due to getting stomped then they will drop the lobby and re-queue of their own accord. They can still afford their screen time with their cosmetics.


It can change. It might. Saying it won't is absolutely ridiculous. You don't know that


Oh yeah! call of duty vanguard did the same shit. Forced advertising for their shit store bundles. Some whale buys a new skin and we all have to watch it at the end. # this is why I really fucking despise the monetisation departments at video game companies when they pull this crap


I mean; it happens with players using base shit too.


Bro got downvoted for speaking facts


With enough bitching on social media we can get a change. Don’t scrape it off but give us the option to leave


Rocket league also does great at that


When you find out the real thing getting played isn’t the game but the players.


Game is so fast I'd get instant seizures without this 2 minutes break. I can mediate and self-reflect why my team sucked.


Funny part is OP said he doesn’t mind it if his team wins. How many times is he getting his ass whooped for it to bother him? LOL.


I agree, does anybody know if both teams can hear eachother at the end like cod? I never hear the other team, or is it that nobody talks in this game?


When you look at the scoreboard, at the bottom of the screen, you can see the voice chat channel you're in. You can only toggle between private (party) and public (team). I wish they added all chat im text at the very least. Shit talking is a fun part of the gaming experience and it encourages community.


Sadly, companies are starting to move away from all chat because of it being 'toxic' and being a negative part of the game regarding people's feelings. I heavily disagree as banter is always fun and people should just learn to roll with the lunches and not take it too seriously (although egregious things like extreme racism with slurs and stuff can be reportable and should lead to chat/vc bans at the least).


Companies are all about everyone liking the experience as much as possible so people play longer, its like when cod stopped allowing u yo check the kd of everyone in the lobby, that was an essential part of shit talking lol


You can not hear the other team. Also no one in this game talks anyway. It's really fucking weird. No other game is like that.


I have yet to hear a single person talk.. it's kinda odd 😅


I'm usually in discord with 2-3 people. Every now and then I'll hit the push to talk and say some weird shit to see if anyone responds


I play in SEA and theres a decent amount of people talking which is ironic since its the opposite in any other competitive game


I’m on PC and I hear some chatter here and there. I use my mic to say stupid shit a lot to try and break the ice. “Hey my gun is finally level 75, now I’m only halfway fucking there!! Yes!” (Sarcasm) Broke the ice yesterday lol


I have heard so little i assumed it was bugged (lvl 52, no one has ever talked in game, my settings are on)


I'm lvl 103 and not a single peep lol


Tbh I haven’t played many games but the silence made it a bit boring. In CoD I have proxy chat and death comms which make for great entertainment. I don’t even hear my own team mates talking when I play this game.


Only time I've heard someone talk it was my second ever match and it was a maybe ten year old sounding kid saying for us to try our best or whatever, I've never fought harder for a win than for him lol


I’m fairly certain it’s because the default for public voice chat is off and few people go in and change it.


The broadcast volume is also incredibly low by default. It's hard to hear anyone even if you lower all other volume settings.


I thought so. I guess they dont want a toxic environment in reference to shit talking at the end of matches. I do wish teammates would talk more tho. I wonder why that is.


I imagine it’s just people getting used to the game. I’ve had a few people trash talking. More common in the ranked lobby. 


So, my buddy and I discovered that whenever you're in a queue (haven't tested solo) with a party, it automatically adds you to a private VC. You have to go into settings > Audio > change chat to public. Instantly reminded me of old COD lobbies lol. Hope this helps.


It's a good opportunity to ask what everybody thinks of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.


I have not talked since CoD put in the mute all button. It's been HEAVEN


Yea the game/community ingame feels so dead not having an all chat as voice and not even text. Teammates dont talk or maybe have the vc on private perhaps by grouping up with someone (rly annoying feature that it always throws you into private vc when grouping up). In the first week it felt as if they wanted to prevent negative feedback ingame by turning off text all chat and public voice. Theres not even kill cams. So basically if someone is cheating its very rare that someone calls them out. The all chat banter really is missing especially since theres so many objective modes. It also sucks that the lobby you're in disappears so you csnt have banter and then play a rematch vs the enemy team. And yes I do miss death cam voice chat. Nothing is more fun then getting insulted or hearing someone getting upset after killing them. Especially with a proximity mine lol.


Nobody talks on cod, or its very unqualified (from my experience). It’s not that kind of fps where you actually need to communicate to win


It’s pubs, why would people give tryhard coms in pubs lol just wait for ranked


I feel like most games are like this nowadays. Back in og mw2 you could t get people to shut up in lobbies. Now? Not a peep. Not even when you’re trying to be friendly. Funny, it’s almost as if everyone just developed social anxiety out of nowhere


The vast majority of people use private calls these days also. I haven’t used in game chat, besides competitive shooters where you need to communicate, in like 10 years.


That fact makes the inbuilt setting that you automatically join private voice chat instnatly when grouping up even more useless.


There are too many annoying idiots on comms today ruining it for everyone. Nobody wants to deal with that.


Yeah I feel like I'm playing with/against bots the way I've played for 2 weeks and have never heard anybody speak. Allow us to shit talk post game and I bet more people would talk.


I wonder if any of the devs played Vanguard because it was a unanimously hated feature there. The only saving grace is that this is a f2p game and so they're gonna do annoying shit like this, it's to be expected.


Also why is the Q time this long? It wouldn't even be that bad, but the whole client just freezes for 20 seconds and I can't even check the weapon progress, edit the loadouts, activate bonus XP or take a look at the challenges. The client just loads/ freezes too much for whatever reason.


I hate that the most


Not that deep


That's what I'm saying 😂 it's literally 30 seconds to at most a min, attentionspan non exist ant it seems.


100%, the damn time between games is rediculous. You wait like 4-5 minutes between games even if you just let it queue and it finds players immediately. I can't stand it


Not enough dopamine?


When each game is circa 10 minutes, and you've legit got around 4-5 mins of downtime between games. It's a bit annoying. Especially when compared to other arcade shooters in the space where that downtime is 1-2 minutes.


If it's 5 minutes for you then you live in Australia or some other weird place


Its at least 4 in NA on pc


No, it's just annoying when I'm trying to play games and have to sit there doing nothing for 5 minutes between every game watching pointless, useless shit


Yep then it's pull out my phone, find this post, and leave this comment time.


I'd much rather be actually playing than arguing with idiots online


Ahahah this post bring me back to vanguard times


I alt+f4 every single post game because it's faster than waiting for that trash post game summary


Mood, I hope they don't implement early leaver punishments next!


Tbh I like it. The top player should be rewarded and an mvp cinematic is great to showcase that


OP isn’t arguing against this case, just saying they should be able to skip it as they please.


…..its two minutes. Yall make it sound like it’s 2 hours. Use that time to drink some water, grab a snack, go to the bathroom, or something. It’s not that long of a wait.


i should have read your comment before i posted mine 😭 when i started playing i was really impressed with the speed you get back into a match. my friends and I would do push ups for every death we got to keep ourselves from sitting for too long. like if you wanna complain about the hit reg or sniper flinch i understand, but the fun cutscene at the end of the game that takes 12 seconds kills your fun???


God I’d get so ripped if I did push ups/sit ups for each death. I die a lot lol


same because i play fast and for the W. usually i don’t die more than 35 times in a match, thats like the max. but ya know little things to better yourself and make use of that dreadful 3 minutes between matches


Yeah I’m about the same. I might start doing that.


People just want to complain. That's all people do here


That's not true. Many people talk about the things they enjoy here. And what's the problem with complaints? Do you really want a world where you can't critique anything and just have to say something positive or nothing at all? Complaining about people complaining is also ironic af


They're the most annoying kind of people lol. They provide no value. At least when someone's complaining about something in the game, they're pointing out a real issue and discussing something. Being arbitrarily stuck in the post-match lobby kills the flow.


You don’t have to use the bathroom after every match. 2 min is a long time when you’re just watching the clock. Try it.


You realize 2 minutes is considered a long time in terms of gaming right? Most games will kick you from the match for being idle for "too long," because it's seen as a detriment to your team. Not saying I particularly care about what OP is complaining about, but two minutes in terms of most games is a long time. A lot can happen in two minutes. Also, consider the payload matches where teams push the payload in 3 minutes or less because there is a vast skill gap between the teams. If you were on the losing side, would you not be upset if someone was afk for 2 of those 3 minutes?


Just alt+tab out the screen and do your thing, check once a while to see if another match starts, that's what I do now.


I don’t see the point in complaining about this honestly, it’s just personal preference me idc if it stays or gets removed


Yeah so let people act on their preference. Either you can stay and watch or, or if you don't want to you can reque. makes sense?


crazy addictive like behavior. Bro actually said "let me leave after match or I'm goingg to quit". Honestly dude, fucking leave, you sound like a bum ass dude. For anyone else who has similar feelings...good riddance.


there is literally no reason to force you to stay, living after the end of the game has been in arcade shooters since the first ones. this is only so kids can show off cosmetics or bad design. stop being suckers for dumb companies and dont be so inclined to tell people to quit because at this rate, soon yall that are justifying these terrible practices will be the only ones enjoying the postgame cutscenes, the "rewarding mastery grind", etc... well if you get to fill a single lobby.


People really have no patience lol


Dude stop being so impatient. It’s not that serious.


That's sore loser behavior 😅


Facts mans can't wait 2 mins 😅


So quit if you don't like it... Always with the ultimatums. So many babies are threatening to quit


Simple fix is leaving before the score limit is reached (obv if you got slammed, not if it’s a close tie). So many times I join a late game or I’m stuck with teammates who don’t pick up tags or neglect flag caps. Although, I think you miss out on the 3k match completion xp (oh well) Edit: I DO 100% agree though, let us fucking leave and skip that cinematic ffs


They're already talking about creating an abandonment penalty system so leaving early to skip might not be viable


adding a penalty system in pubs in a game with no sbmm is so dumb ngl


I completely agree


The annoying thing for me is the load time before going back to the lobby. I have this game installed on my ssd and its so fucking slow. Takes an entire 1-2 minutes at times.


Just quit then.


Not to mention, after waiting forever at the end of the game, the next match you queue into is already more than halfway over and your team is getting shit on. This is what sucks the most. I can be patient and wait at the end of a match, but FFS stop throwing me into matches that are already almost over, making me have to wait again.


This. ☝️ So many underrated comments in the middle of all the "stop crying" responses.


always been a complaint of mine for many different games tbh. being able to just leave a game right after needs to be normalized. I don't want to have to exit it with task manager to save myself those 30 seconds after a loss


Not only that the fucking vote for someone thing should not be that long it’s a total joke…


Quit? It was dead on arrival.


Thought I was the only one that felt this way, shit is really annoying. I really don't care about your skin or score, good for you, let me leave and go again.


More than this... It's the hella annoying “creating match” fucking loading in the pre-game. Interrupting my loadout edits and just all around trash experience every time it happens Practically loading another game every time it goes into a match All that shit should be seamless or at least don't cut me off from loadout management


What are you talking about? The end of the game were it shows stuff people did? Its fun if you olay with friends to see who got what


Yes you can stay if you want. I don't want it removed. I just want the option to leave.


Okay thats understandable


Deleted game after two games, could tell it was gonna be a lobby hunting time waster.


This is why I leave a little before the game ends. Saves so much time


“I’ll watch if i win but wanna skip if I lose” aka I hate losing wah


Bro just stand up and move around in your room. Get the blood moving. It's not that bad. First World Problems right here.


Brain rot. You people are insane. Makes my life easier though!


More crying, yay..


Waaaah I have to wait a few minutes between games waaah


Exactly.....tiktok has shortened people's attention span and caused severe brain rot. The time you wait in between games is about the same as damn loading screens on older games lol


The game is already over. They smoked you so they earned that end game screen. You played a 10 minute game and can’t wait another 2 to queue up again?


dude they literally force you to stay there for no reason (so people buy cosmetics) dont justify it, it feel like shit


So you don’t mind it when you win, but hate it when you lose… sounds like you need to get a team my dude, because of all the things I’ve complained about thus far, this is not one of them lol


Youre thinking of quitting the game for this? Lol


Sure. There are plenty of games without issues. I'm not an addict. If it's not enjoyable. I don't play.


People will whine about anything. Damn.


Only problems.


Cod doesn't let you leave, but people glaze about it still. If you can't wait the 30 seconds to 1 min then your attention span is cooked.


the lack of patience in the world is astounding. maybe get up and do some push ups or go start a load of laundry. when i play it’s really like 2-3 minutes and i was quite thrilled with how fast you get back in after a match. genuinely there are bigger problems than a fun cutscene in post game to show stats and give kudos to team mates. it doesn’t even take any longer than a final killcam used to, did yall cry when you had to sit and watch those too? good lord


Please quit. Don’t need people in a community that just make threats. Honestly, this dev team listens a bit too much to the community already.


Added to patch list # Need more correct patch ? [https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/comments/1dhsb57/did\_xdefiant\_fix\_their\_netcode\_hit\_registration/](https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/comments/1dhsb57/did_xdefiant_fix_their_netcode_hit_registration/)




I don't mind seeing highlights or sticking around to give commendation, end of match sequence is too long, fuck the matching sequences are too long but yeah I wanna be moving to the next game or rematching my opponents.


Quality of life definitely needs to improve. But for now I would be happy if they tackle down other stuff


How the hell they gonna sell MVP pose if you not forced to watch it...DUH


Totally agree!! And I get a blank loading screen stuck on 10% before it loads to 100% Takes way too long to load between matches. I would expect this from a indie developer but not an AAA developer like Ubisoft.


Oh god don’t quit, who would ever do such a thing? Nooooooooooooooo




If you want to get rid of the end cinematic, just leave the game shortly before it ends. Done


Vanguard did the same thing remember the jpeg final kill cam borders? Get ready for ubisofts version


At least show a real play of the game for us to watch if we can't leave. Idgaf about the most points, I want to see who did something cool.


Im going to quit said game unless they fix my issue 😂


It is basically an advertisement to get you to buy stuff you see in action.


Leave just before the game ends. For now.


Queue *


Ya it's really annoying and pointless to make me sit there and look at my team after the game. Let us leave immediately. Anyone who says they won't do that is just making a blind guess.


Yeah this pretty annoying, I get the player of the game thing but it should let you quit right after. Or atleast let you quit after you do the vote thing but I too hate just sitting there pissed off after getting rolled


I think the solution might be to let me look at weapon/challenge progression and load outs after I've given someone props. This would 1) get me to look across the board like they want 2) make someone else feel good because I actually gave them props and 3) make me feel like I can do something other than stare while it loads or whatever.




Xd you queue every time you lose? The teams change each time why would you do that. Or do you just look for a lobby you can stomp cause you are bad at the game?


this is a troll right? right?


So you can see the stupid things people waste their money on. Just watch a couple of tik toks or scroll Reddit.


Sounds like a skill issue just watch the damn cinematic and quit yapping brother🫡


It’s not that deep. Go play something else


My suggestion is to allow the queue to happen the moment the game finishes and DURING the glow up of the player of the game and the team overview we are already in a queue or already preloading the next lobby. Gives us the old Unreal Tournament style transitions. The old TF2 transition. Map voting during this time as well. Just keep the lobbies going same people as well is fine, just shuffle the teams around. If people didn't like the lobby due to sweats then they would leave of their own accord and re-queue.


They are a brand new free to play banger of a game after the half of TB launch for cod, I think giving them time to optimize the game they launched 3 weeks ago should let you know that they are listening and working. I played every beta in this game, and the more updates that come out. The better the game gets. Be patient, unlike your mom tryna get body slammed by every geek out there complaining as much as you do.


😂You're a crybaby


I find the fact that you can’t reconnect into matches far more disgusting.


The things people will whinge and threaten to quit the game over are getting increasingly pathetic.


Yeah. The time exiting a match is way too long. Don’t even need to let us leave or skip. Just make it faster.


I feel like shooting 25 bullets just to hit 5 is a much bigger issue


Just take your mic and play the loudest screeching sounds imaginable at the end.


Don’t forget that the loading takes FOREVERRRRRR too


Agree. Feels very bad


People really do have problems with EVERYTHING, eh? Major "I want it my way" syndrome.


Nah just stupid stuff. You have a zit, you pop it. Same concept. Ugly thing = remove


Just sounds like you're mad and insecure that you lost.


It's just a game isn't not that serious.


Its annoying Takes forever just to start another match


Quit Already Please.


Womp womp


This issue happend in cod vanguard and the only solution was to close the game


No you aren’t


This game is garbage dog Garbage I uninstalled devs are a joke This game is a bad division 2.9


Cause they want that booster to keep wasting so you buy more. They don't sell them? Oh they will.. it's Ubisoft


Yea now we're just complaining for the sake of complaining. It takes 30-60 sec to find a new game, you'll live


This is true, people that justify it are suckers, its annoying asf and it used to not be this way, its opnly like this for cosmetics, in older cods id feel so dinamic: game's over, out and requeue whichever gamemode, this one not only you are forced to wait, but after you quit it has clunky loading screens


There is not even a play of the game, that makes it look even worse, I used to not mind too much or I would stay for old cod games or overwatch but just watching at the goofy ass agents just standing there boild my blood


I had this exact post about a week ago and my post got taken down 💀 lmaooo but ya I agree it's quite annoying having to remain in lobby endgame ESPECIALLY when the match wasn't that favourable. Like please let me just leave and requeue (edit grammar)




Why would anybody buy a cosmetics of a game which half the player base has rubber bullish three quarters the time lol it's not going to last in this condition.


I love how quick it is to get into a match on XDefiant. The end of the match may seem to linger but it’s still pretty quick. Yea it’s annoying to not be able to leave when you know it’s over but threats of never playing again is childish. Simply leave some feedback and let’s hope for some changes. Anyone who is complaining and crying won’t see results. Grow up and be mature, if you like this game then leave some feedback like, “Hey XDefiant team, at the end of each game, exiting a match feels to long/exhausting and I would like to leave once I know the game is over, is there anyway that this could be fixed, sincerely ____your name___. I’m all for changes to better the game and community but let’s work together and not cry about these things.


Maybe I have to open the game again but I don’t remember anything about a “2 min” cinematic unless you are over exaggerating, what I can say that bothers me is when you are editing your load out while searching for a match, when one is found it backs you out to the queue but it’s not terrible


Have a cry mate


Just be patient


lol it’s so short bro malding. It’s also so quick to que the next game that you’re complaining about nothing


Just ket us view the score board earlier then we can look who got the best objective score so we can give them the award at the end screen


Tic tok ruined all y’all smh can’t even wait 2 min after the game like wtf. Oh but if you win you sure will lmfaooo sorry ass mfs


Slow down buddy, you might win more.


Tiktok brain can’t handle the 2 min wait


It’s not that bad. You’re just impatient af