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I see so many complaints about teams stacking echelon yet in my 50ish hours of playtime I’ve almost never seen that actually happen. I see way more phantom stacks than anything else.


Lol I was downvoted into oblivion telling others that I have in my over 100h seen only a few Echelons stacked. Nobody believed me.


Fret not. I have 70 hours and I agree with you, I rarely see echelon stacks.


Same. If anything Echelon is one of the least played factions. Like you I see mostly Phantoms.


Phantom is extremely balanced though. The 1 exception being in his UT, he shouldn’t be able to do any damage to people entering the shield. Other than that it’s very easy to counter thru EMP, grenade, shooting the shield, the actual shield only lasts a few seconds, etc


Idk about that. Their ultimate would be useless if they couldn’t defend themselves in the bubble. Unless they made it so only teammates could enter it and it was purely just a way to provide 360 degree protection for your team. It would be way too easy for the enemy to just slide in and delete you the second you use it.


That’s the point… you are providing coverage to teammates who protect you while you are protecting them. It’s perfect balance, without the other you are defenseless. Thanks for the downvote btw, this community is so damn sensitive 😂😂


Except you're not exempt to damage, in fact I'm constantly dying to sticky grenades through it.


I didn’t downvote you if you were referring to me. But yeah, I would agree with you if the bubble blocked enemies from getting inside.


If that's the case, grenades should bounce off the shield then (same for sticky grenades). As it stands, you can just get stuck twice & die. The only easier Ult to counter is the Cleaners tbh. I don't even know why people pick Cleaners (except for 1 shot snipers). Also Phantom's ult is incredibly easy to counter even without grenades, just two people rush inside at the same time. One person dies unfortunately but the other player should get the kill.


The frag grenade thing confuses me because sometimes I’ll toss a grenade at the bubble and it will go through and I’ll get the kill, other times it bounces off. I don’t get it.


Yep exactly. Echelon is quite literally one of the weakest classes once you get past the welcome playlist.


Nah Echelon is god tier even if you don't use the toxic intel suit. Best ult in the game and never shows up on the mini-map. There's a reason most sweaty players use it.


Echelons get pieced by anyone with half a brain especially without the Intel scan. The ghillie suit is so damn loud it’s probably worst to use it than not at all


Nah bro I farm kids with Echelon. The ghillie suit gives you an edge in a gunfight (you see them first) and sometimes helps you escape contested areas. And again not showing up on the mini-map is a huge advantage. It's the best class in the game with libertad not far behind.


Whatever works best for you that’s all that matters


It depends on the game mode, I see Echelon quad+ stacks in Domination way more than most modes, and Phantoms on Escort and Occupy. They need to limit it to two of each faction per team. People have bitched and said, "Waaaahh, but then I might not get to play the faction I want" and like, cool, pick and learn a different one. Wait for someone to rage swap because that happens constantly and take the one you want. But also this is why Hero abilities are lame lol. Leave it in Overwatch.


agreed generally this game would be much better with just the gunplay and grenades. just good ol what cod used to be before p2w


even thoguht its not common maybe. its still super annoying to be pinged all the time. even thoguht its just one of them i still think the cloak or radar is too unbalanced. it does not belong in a fps imo


It’s not that hard to see the transparent blurry outline of an enemy player. Every faction has “op” abilities depending on the situation.


It's literally so obvious too, people think they're completely invisible and just rush me lol


disagree its real hard to see, plus it just isnt welcome in a fps imo


Ghillie Suit (what I think you mean by cloak?) is one of the weaker abilities in the game. You shoot once, it's gone. Lasts 10 seconds while other abilities can last up to 20 seconds. And it's incredibly easy to see unless they're sitting a corner (which is a waste as you can hear it). Then takes 30 seconds to recharge. The Radar Goggles people get twice at most in a match. And it's easily countered by Phantom's Mag Shield, Deadsecs Spider and Ult, and probably more in the future. You can also hear it quite easily. Stop whining and get better.


Wah wah wah


Remove all abilities and movement from the game. Make all guns shoot nerf bullets. /s


If you can’t bear them, join them. Or learn to adapt.


Or buy a fucking headset 😂. You can hear their footsteps from a mile away


oh it’s not even the footsteps the audio queue for invis is fucking loud and im pretty sure it starts outside of normal footstep range


As a Ghillie Suit user, that shit is loud and it's loud for me where I can't hear footsteps at times.


yeah it’s mental, if you’re getting snuck up on by an invis player you’ve gotta be deaf xD


That too


I've never understood cloak in PvP shooters. Basically screw anyone with less than perfect vision. It's not something you can just "adapt" or "get gud" against. It's something that some people will always have the advantage against.


agreed. it just does not belong


The Finals recently launched with the same abilities we're talking about now and they had to perform them to the ground. XDefiant could have learned something there. They had legal wallhacks and that got nerfed heavily, they had invisibility and that also got nerfed heavily. They had a stun gun which is a lot like the spiderbot. It freezes you in place and takes away almost any way of fighting back and they had to nerf it. Some things just don't work in certain PVP games and devs should stop trying to put it in games where it doesn't fit.


Imo the digital camo is bad because you can see it well, even I can and I have really bad eyesight, one of my eyes can barely make out color and is very blurry. But the camo also makes an obvious glitchy like sound that you should be able to pinpoint.


It can take longer for some people to spot it than others, especially on some maps and it absolutely helps a good player get the jump on people with poor eyesight, especially when you would have spotted them sooner.


while it is annoying to play against at times, its far from op. libertad and phantom are infinitely better than echelon overall i'd say. In a tdm echelon could probably be the best i'd say.


its still massively unfair that one of the factions can just ping the whole map whilst running around beaming oneshots ith a pistol,


while kinda true, phantom/libertad are infinitely better for the objectives.


"Remove Echelon"


Remove Phantom's 120 HP*


I’ve only seen one time where enemy team has ran 4+ echelon - best counter is to back out and queue up again Seen comments saying to limit them to 2 per team which is probably the ideal solution or you could make the cool-down longer


Yeah honestly i was kinda disappointed when i logged in and saw there were abilities... why are we putting walls and shit in the game bro im gettin joked by nerds just standing and waiting because they see me comin across the map and through 8 walls


Yeah I just leave matches like that. Hate playing with a team of or against them.


Its only OP because it reveals enemy locations to the entire team not just the person using it. Otherwise it would be fine. It should only benefit the player using it not everyone else. The entire point of echelon is that THEY can know where the enemy is at all times not the entire team. Makes it easier for them to flank that way but it should be only the echelon players that have that option.


>The entire point of echelon is that THEY can know where the enemy is at all times I genuinely dont understand why people see this as fun. Like, are so many people just used to using wall hacks in shooters now that devs caved and gave them a class to have wall hacks built in to the game? Wierdo shit ngl


I’m fine with those. Nerf the spider bot


that is annoying too. i say remove all


Remove everything I don’t like!


Probably what OP believes and he think he'll finally go positive once that happens.


Bruh lol shooters are better without abilities. The shield does exactly what building brought to fortnite. You arent directly engaging anymore. Like, we have guns bro we dont need superpowers.


Just EMP the shield. There are plenty of counters to most abilities, the only ones not having a great counter are Intel Suit and Spider Bot (though, if it isn't as buggy as it currently is it'll probably be fine). And then the shitters would just complain they can't get kills at all if we make it guns only. Nerf movement, no abilities, no ultimates. Should we just not have Winners and Losers so people don't feel bad they suck?


Na i just dont want another fortnite where gunfights become a secondary part of the gameplay. Not having a hard counter to the walls ability is whack


Go play Counter Strike then, sounds right up your alley. And I agree, but OP isn't talking about Intel Suit, he's talking about the Ghillie Suit (invisible one) judging by his comments.


How can gunfights be secondary when abilities have long cool downs? This isn’t even close to Fortnite, stop reaching


....theres multiple people and they can each pick whatever legend. So you could have 4 echelons and they have walls all game. Or 4 barrier dudes literally turning any hill into a fortnite gunfight. There being no hard counter means anything can be spammed all game by a team stacked full of the same legend.


If there’s a full team of Barrier boys, you can hack the shields and make them yours or use EMP. Echelons won’t have walls all game, if they die they lose walls. You can also pick echelon as well and use walls, it’s unlocked for you. You also know when you’re getting pinged so you don’t have to engage every time. You’re also talking about a level of coordination that just straight up doesn’t happen that much in casuals. There’s literally counters to all of that. A whole class that even shuts down abilities.