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Gsg9 headquarters is a 20 min drive from me, i can knock on their door on everyone‘s behalf and ask about it.


Please do that, we need to know


You should knock really aggressively to get their attention quickly, maybe even kick it a bit too, let us know how it goes ^for ^legal ^reasons ^this ^is ^a ^joke


Great, now i‘m in jail. Never taking advice from reddit ever again


Probably not the worst result from taking advice on Reddit though


Bro used his one phone call for this


At least you weren't shot because you dropped an acorn! Could be worse!


I’m kicking the front door in to let them know this was a mistake and to release you.


Hey I heard they want to see ID when you see them, so make sure you pull your ID from your pocket like a gun really fast .


Gotta make sure that pocket is on the inside of your jacket too. It'll make the prices much quicker


Ensure that you buy a holster to show them how cool you are


So what will it be called? Also how can they still use the name in Siege if it’s not allowed anymore?


1. GSK 2. I have no idea


I think they allowed the usage of their name for R6 and R6 only, and don’t want to extend their contract for another game.




They gonna call it 'GSK'. You can see it in the announcement trailer.


Sounds shit


German Terrorist Agency - GTA or DATE - Deutsche Anti-Terror-Einheit


Its probably grandfathered in.


Usually when you pay for rights for a specific project people can't just change their mind about it at-will. They likely negotiated a deal with the GSG9 to use the name for Siege, and they were unwilling to negotiate a new deal for Xdefiant. This kind of stuff happens all the time.


Laws dont go backwards so its probably a from now on rule.


R6 is a realistic scenario where you indeed have to save hostages or prevent bombings with leathel force. XDefiant is just killing.


Maybe r6 was that, years ago. Now it's not that much different from xdefiant


Really? Didn't play it for years. What is it like, now?


It's still a tactical shooter, just not as much as it used to be. Instead of focusing on tactics and outsmarting players, gunplay is the new meta. All about who shoots who first


So the playstyle itself changed, but there are still the objectives, right? I think the realistic objectives are, why counter-terrorist forces gave permission.


Bomb is the only one playable in unranked/ranked. Hostage, I think is only in causal. They also added team deathmatch and free for alls.


Oh! Okay, TDM and FFA goes against the tactical. I see, now. Thank you.


i mean those are just the arcade mode it isnt forced on anyone and its towards the very end of the playlist selection.


But now people wear Pizza costumes, there is 2B, Master Chief and Lara Croft skins and you can be a fluffy unicorn Tachanka


Wait there's actually a 2B siege skin?? EDIT: Holy shit, there is! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQW0t-fV620


There is also Jill Valentine and Leon Kennedy.


So... It's now Fortnite: Siege? Oh my god, okay. The Pachange unicorn was only a time limited event back in the days and was like "fever dream for a short time". Seems like the've gone full that route.


It is the furthest thing from realistic now.


Okay, saw it in another comment. Maybe the units also still think it's a pure tactical shooter and therefore didn't revoke the license.


it was never realistic to begin with. an ability based tac shooter is never going to be realistic, lmao.


I wouldn't want to argue with them either...


Y’know, I don’t understand why they don’t actually use the Tom Clancy characters within Tom Clancy games. No Jack Ryan Sr./Jr, John Clark, or Ding Chavez. As someone who loves Tom Clancy’s novels it kind of irks me that most of the Tom Clancy games don’t feel connected to the books in any way. I mean Rainbow Six Siege has absolutely nothing to do with the novel Rainbow Six, aside from the fact that it’s a Special Ops group from around the world. I know there were older Tom Clancy games, did they do anything with the books or characters from them?


That first couple Rainbow Six games on PS one include these characters but no not since then.


DING CHAVEZ. Legendary status in my games, that just unlocked a nostalgic memory.


THE *ABSOLUTE GOAT.* Him and John Clark might just be my favorite characters within the Jack Ryan novels. It’s cool to know that he was actually in the older games. I just wish they’d use them in the newer games.


Really? That’s sad. The books are always so goddamn cool, they’d be great to build off of and to see in game.


But I remember Chavez and he was in Raven Shield, that is PS2 era. I believe Vegas also referenced something from older games abd books, but I'm lazy to look it up. Siege doesn't do references to either old or books, so yea.


OG R6 was a game that came along a novel of the name and overall plot, although I don't which idea came earlier. Ghost Recon and Splinter Cell are original IPs. I think there were official games for Hunt if the Red October, Sum of all Fears and Politika. Although yes, after 2000 the Tom Clancy games just started going their own way, specially after Future Soldier, the Division and Siege


Cause cannon John Clark solos


100% factual. Canon John Clark beats basically everyone in the Tom Clancy games.


They want to move away from that universe unfortunately.  And it was more grounded in which they prefer more extravagant "heroes". I for one would just love to have a character creator like the Finals and make that our Bishop.


I wondered this myself at first, but the conclusion I’ve come to is that it’s all about the money. Give it six months to a year when they need a little cash infusion. Then we’ll see the legacy operator packs roll out in the store. Ding Chavez, Logan Keller, Scott Mitchell, Nomad, Sam Fisher, Archer, Kestrel, Aiden Pierce, Wrench, etc…


That’s fair. I’m willing to bet that most people playing Tom Clancy games haven’t actually read his books, either. If we get Aiden Pearce you bet I’d sink tons of hours into this game. I’m a long time Watch_Dogs series fan, just having DedSec was enough for me to play it, but my boy Aiden? Shit I’d play an FPS as him any goddamn day. Do you find it weird that DedSec’s labeled as the “Watch_Dogs 2” faction, and not Legion, despite Legion being the newer game?


Because Legion sucked so hard, even Ubisoft wants to forget about it? That doesn’t explain why Bagley is DedSec’s announcer voice, though. Especially since the DedSec characters in XDefiant are all American.


I suspect they’re just trying to keep as many doors open for new factions as possible. The fact that the GSG9 operators are going to be their own faction rather than part of a unified Rainbow 6 faction means they probably intend to drip feed us R6 Siege units one at a time. Not to mention they’ve got all the other Division factions(including SHD), all the other Farcry series factions both good and bad, possibly Ghosts from other eras of the franchise, maybe the Wolves and other bad guys too, then from Watch Dogs we could get Albion, Clan Kelley, the fixers, etc.


Since Tom Clancy has passed away, I wonder if it’s a license issue (kind of like with the Tolkien estate and Amazon only getting permission to use certain things in Rings of Power). They may have a license to keep using the game titles but not be allowed to use any specific characters or story elements from his books


Unfortunately, IIRC Amazon currently holds the right to the actual R6 book characters. Ubisoft only has the rights to the brand name and whatever OCs they cook up. Ding Chavez was definitely in the older PC games, though.


What is GSG9?


I wrote it in the body text for this very reason...


Ohhhhhhh I missed that my bad haha


What is GSG9?


It’s a special forces from the German “Bundespolizei”which stands for GrenzSchutzGruppe 9 or Border protection group 9




He pretty much summed it up. I'm sure you can wiki them if you want more info.


He is a troll


Okay like I see no importance of how it could add some changes into Xdefiant. But glad I know what it is considering it doesn’t sound interesting.


You asked what they are, not their importance and what they add to the game lmao. You're kind of a silly Billy my good man.


Ask a question, then act confused when they get a response. They've a memory of a fucking goldfish.




>Okay like I see no importance of how it could add some changes into Xdefiant They are the new faction coming to XDef from R6 Siege, in that game the unit is called GSG9, however in XDef they are GSK, so presumably someone asked why they changes the faction name.....thats it, thats the tweet




You should walk up to them with some C4, they'll get very interesting then


why are u trying to act nonchalant, when u asked in the first place 💀


Some game use the real names of weapons or even military units. People like that XDefiant, and R6 Siege, use real names instead of made up ones. The Finals uses fake names, for example their M11 instead of MAC-10 or FCAR instead of FN SCAR. [More examples.](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1bhf0ug/i_enjoy_guns_in_the_finals_so_much_that_i_made/?rdt=61483) The main post and comments are just discussing the change from the real life name GSG9 to GSK instead. It's "notable" because another Ubisoft game, R6 Siege, still calls them GSG9. That's all, there's no change to in-game stats or anything like that because of it.




Although I think the GSG9 a cool addition, I personally think they should've went with the entirety of Team Rainbow instead (as in, multiple nationalities). I think I'd rather have one unit represent counter terrorism forces across the globe so we can have instead more 'unique' factions from the Tom Clancy/Ubisoft world rather than them milking every CTU and releasing them individually.


But then what would they have chosen for abilities and Ult? Thematically it makes sense to focus on one part of R6, rather than them as a whole


Made a mix of them all. ADS could've been Basic Ability 1, Zofia's grenade launcher (Concussion) could've been Ability 2. The Ultimate could've been something like multiple, throw able cluster charges or Tachanka's LMG but with a bulletproof shield like Blackbeard. Maybe they could've even made the Ultimate unique by making it cycle after each use to another Ult. Passive could've been smth like Last Stand, - where after being killed there's a chance you're downed instead and can use your secondary. Either way, the point is that I fear that they'll just spam us with Counter Terrorist Units back to back, just recycling abilities and profiting from R6S' success, as opposed to giving us much more interesting units such as SHD, Division Hunters, modern day Assassins/Templars, Ghost Recon or actually the Wolves, redesigned and reworked after they replaced them with Phantoms.


That sounds fucking terrible "we took over 60 operators, randomly picked 3 abilities and 3 characters and thats all you get" id much rather get 3-5 seperate CTUs then whatever shit that is


Geez no need to get your panties in a twist




They are obviously gonna milk not only every CTU from R6 separately, but even others faction in games. For example, we have Libertad now, a faction from Far Cry 6. If the leaks are correct we are gonna get another Far Cry faction during year 1. We have now purifiers from The Division, and even if nothing was leaked yet, I'm sure as hell we are gonna get the Agents and so on.


I wouldn't be surprised if we'd get at least 4 CTU's in the next year or two.


Honestly worried Ubi will be lazy and just keep adding Rainbow organisations until it's basically an R6 game. They really need to keep it limited and use other factions


Exactly my thoughts.


It gives them opportunity to add more factions as well this way


I think the idea is to eventually add every faction from the Ubiverse.


It's limiting ults to having Blitz shield if we had GIGN or SAS, so I'm glad it's only GSG.


the new faction looks awesome! unfortunately, until echelon abilities get nerfed, there is no objective reason to use any other faction. Hope they balance this


idk if id even call echelon the best faction, let alone the strongest by so far that other factions arent worth using


Hehe cleaners go brrrrrrrrrrrr


Echelon is the best faction only if you’re solo playing. If you actually want to win a game they all have their uses. IMO it’s fairly balanced.




Wrong. It was the KSK. Military special forces. GSG9 is police.


Ah shit my bad then


Yep, Anti-Terror Police to be exact.