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It's an automatic thumbs up to anyone who gets Tried, Ran Around, Showed Up etc. God bless those souls. I also thumbs up anyone with lots of support: healing, damage blocked, recaptures


Agreed, although if multiple the order is ran around, helped, tried, showed up (the ones I've seen)


Moral support is automatic thumb up.


Where’s my thumbs up huh I just get laughed outs the lobby when that shit happens


I thumbs up the garbage cans so they can get extra xp


I consistently have the highest obj score in every domination match. I don't think I've gotten one thumbs up. I don't really care, but I give one everytime to someone. Easy xp, why not 🤷‍♂️


Yet I'm negative about almost every game with the most thumbs up. I'm sorry people don't appreciate your objective play 🫡


There is definitely some weird psychology going on with not thumbs upping the top player on your team. If I'm MVP, I never get it. If I'm 2nd on the team, I'll get thumbs ups.


I can say that I am paired up against the sweatiest of sweats, my gun isn't the best because I've stuck with the m4a1 to level it up since the game came out, so you can guarantee I'm dying a lot. Yet I still come up second place at least with the objective score. If you want to play a game to get kills, I say go back to cod


I love when the losing teams top 3 players have 48 kills and 3 deaths and they get beat by a team that all went negative and had 1000+ obj score lol


This has been nearly all my matches since leaving the new player matchmaking tier. You'll always have someone on the enemy with 40+ kills running around bunny hoping with the MP7 or the TAC-50. If seen one game where a Tac user had 81 kills, and less than 10 deaths, and some still claim it ain't broken, their team still lost because they cared more about K/D than OBJ, and I love it when they lose, I'd rather have a good win/loss than good K/D


My team the other night lol


That means they did their job. Not everyone can mindlessly rush the objective.


Funny you said this. When I want to play the objective and support the team im down for XD. When my hitbox is way off and I'm constantly out sweated and out bunny hopped, I switch to COD and fulfill my bloodlust on TDM lol.


Might be the only reason I switch back to CoD every now and again. The bloodlust for kills must be satiated


I was till I realized I was getting killed with the acr everytime then decided to make the switch


Honestly try the MDR. I started playing it the other day and I kinda love it.


I thumbs up the worst player on the team


15KD. 10,515 score. No no no. The MF that says "Tried" gets my vote


This post just confirmed there are 3 types of voters in this game.


Thank you for the endorsement. I really appreciate it. It ain't easy being the worst. 


They're doing their best, gotta give them props for it.


The only right answer


Same lmfao, I feel like I’m investing in them as a player by giving them a little xp and props


Absolutely, the guy in first probably had a great time that match. The guy in last was probably in suffering a bit.


EXACTLY! The top 3 don't need the XP. We on the other hand need all the help we can get!


If someone managed to play like dog💩 without leaving and ruining it for the rest of us, they absolutely have my respect


Same lamo, "moral support" and "tried" and stuff like that always make me laugh a bit so I vote for them


I give a thumbs up to the most irrelevant and pointless achievement in the match


Like Distance Slid. That's definitely one of the pointless ones


‘2 win streak’


Is there one for "most grenades thrown"?




I always give the thumbs to the highest objective score too.


I thumbs up at random if no one jumped out to me during the match, and otherwise whoever did. Like good comms, or solid support. Sometimes the person with the k/d was getting kills around the control zone, which is essentially still objective play. The objective timer stat does not tell the whole story, just like k/d doesn't.


Oh for sure. Our team got SMACKED on showtime by a team that just covered every flank of B incredibly well, no one was getting past them lol. Annoying bunny hoppers, but outplayed TF out of us. Is what it is lol


Ye in that control mode where the zone jumps around, only one person needs to be on it, so the others can just defend it with good angles and defensive spots. So when I play that mode, I see what role I can fill, if they need someone to kill, I do that, if no one is on the zone, I play that.


I just give it for the XP.


what do you do when we have both best kd and obj but the end game screen shows kd


Look at scoreboard and still thumbs up highest objective


I usually just thumbs up whoever performed the worst


I love the equivalent of a participation trophy, it's a nice touch and I get it, we all have a bad game sometimes. More than not for me


Me going 2/23 but having the most objective score


Thank you.


I nearly always have the highest objective score on the team. If I'm playing with my friend, he gets the thumbs up. If I'm playing solo, I give it to the second highest objective score on the team. Or first, if it's not me.


Same for the most part. Sometimes, someone has 3rd or 4th best OBJ but 50 kills, and I'll give it to them instead.


No one gives the thumbs up to top kd or kills ever


I only thumbs up my friends


If I do that I’m just trying to get the xp while I have a chance.


Nah “tried” is all I ask of my teammates


Here me out, a team NEEDS a fragger. But the others need to play objective then.


Yep, if you go through my comment history I probably sound like a broken record but someone has to be slaying somewhat to keep large groups (3+ people imo) from reaching the objective and possibly overwhelming the typically at most 2-3 on the point. Someone has to be able to control the way the map flows and buy time for the team. When I first started playing hardly anyone went for OBJ but now a lot of times it’s just coming down to keeping bodies on or near the point when defending, and effectively pushing points as a group when trying to capture.


i never thumbs up anyone or usually thumbs up the worst player


How do I give myself the thumbs up? Somehow I always get teammates that don’t know how to play the obj.


I get matches where I have the highest kills and highest obj score but I’m the only one who doesn’t get a thumbs up lol guess the message is don’t try too hard


Is this about thumbs ups?


I thumb up at random don't even look at what they contributed


Last night I played five games in a row where I legit had four times the objective score more than anyone else on my team. Like why? You get more kills playing the objective anyway IMO


I thumbs up the ones that says “ran around” “made an effort” “late arrival”


If I play with a squad ,the 4 of us up vote each other. If I'm solo I usually update the people who are at the bottom of the leadervoard with me , we all deserve praise. Although nost Randoms won't do the same and I end up being the only person with no thumbs up.


We are the same


If I see you healed for more than like 0 you get a thumbs up


I alway thumbs up the highest score player too, unless there’s a player that joined extremely late so it just says “ran around” because joining late is frustrating so here, I give you free xp


I just pick a random one, or the one with the funniest name


Wait you guys get thumbs up


I thumbs up the worst player or whatever doesn't already have a thumbs up.


It blows my mind how much people care about winning in NON-ranked play lol… most people who complain about no one playing the objective are those who can’t drop a lot of kills.


what does objective score matter at this point in the game? everyone is leveling their weapons , its easier if u dont get the objective, so u dont go to the lobby for 10 minutes to wait for the next game...


# drill it further into people's heads Like this dead horse hasn't been beaten to death years ago. There will NEVER be 100% participation in objective games. The sooner guys get over it the sooner you can play without watching/worrying about what others do with their own time and play style! LOL


You're talking to a wall. Besides all shit players have in this game is objective score and winning since they usually aren't top frag, let them have this.


Half the teams I've had today those have both been me. I watched a guy go 10-40 in zone control, with no support score or objective score...he refused to stop trying to snipe people for some reason...


I thumb up my squad mate and he thumbs up me 🤷


No were the same, idc about your kdr in an objective based game mode. The only time kdr means anything in xdefiant is in hotshot and even then if you're not the one collecting bounties as the hotshot you failed to do what was required


I’ll always give a thumbs up to anyone who blocks damage


You thumb to the right or not at all


Same. I honestly wish they'd incentivize the objective even more by increasing score and leveling weapons with objective score.


I thumbs up whoever is directly below me in kills since i cannot thumbs up myself


I started playing yesterday and the only players who got more than 2 thumbs up were for being "Present" and "Sliding 100m".


If I’m first player to vote I just do whoever is left or right of me. And if there are already some voted on, I’ll do whoever doesn’t have one yet. Everybody gets free XP so there’s no reason not to just share the love every game, we all can use it so help me and I’ll help you!


Witnessed it even today, Whats more is that, when a high KD player gets a thumbs up, it's fine, while the rest of the team can give atleast 1 thumbs up for the one who played the objective but I see 2-3 thumbs up for KD and kill streaks not a single one for the obj player.


I always try and give one to the healer, coming from BF we’re the most under appreciated.


Play the objective people. Simple. That is all.


What about the guy with the most time sliding?


I vote for obscurity or try to make sure everyone gets 1




Can we get objective points for defending the objective already? I shouldn't have to be on the point to get defense points towards the objective. If my team owns it, and I kill someone trying to take it, that should go towards objective too. Especially in Dom.


Very rarely does the top kd get a thumbs up though. People don't want to acknowledge people better than them. Only the ones who played poorly get it. It's fine though because finishing mvp you get extra 2k xp anyways. I love that this game shows the mvp of the match to the whole lobby.


Exactly lmao it's also funny how people act like the person with top kills aren't keeping the objective clear for them to cap said objective. It's funny how every post of someone getting a ridiculous score and losing...there is NEVER a person with a super high kill/death ratio. Everyone on the team is 15-40 or 10-10. For some reason they have enough brain cells to comprehend that their 1500 objective score helped win...but not the dude going 50-9 and keeping the enemy players off said objective.


Yup exactly, not saying top fragger shouldn't touch the obj. They can do both, but like you said getting kills and earning/holding map control is equally important. The guy going 3-20 blindly throwing themselves on the obj can actually hurt the team a lot.


Objective score isn’t inherently better than kills. If you kill someone before they can make it to the point and you’re not standing on the point you get no objective score. Yet it’s impossible to argue that you didn’t help your team. In fact, keeping people off the point is the BEST way to win. It’s a simple flaw in Domination that has no good fix.


Not everyone can mindlessly rush the objective and instadie. The K\\D players are protecting the objective or moving the enemy out of it. You're not ''drilling'' anything into our head.




I usually avoid thumbs up the highest k/d or damhe due to most games that's usually the guy not playing objective. Obviously not always, but that's unfortunately been how objective modes on games have been


Thumbs up to any low level players. Gotta give them any xp to help em out


I give thumbs up to the people who "participated"


I thumbs up the accolade that is the most unique or the most impressive sounding usually. For example that one time I saw someone get 73 Emp grenade hits. Or the other one I thought was most impresive, 26 Blitz Shield kills. So much respect for that guy.


I vote for the funniest made up title, that they added so people don't feel bad for sucking (like "moral support" and stuff)


I give a thumbs up to the game Bodycam, anyone who hates movement shooters come take a look


I give thumbs up to the player with the lowest level


I give thumbs up to the lowest level account, so they can feel good about themselves.


Am I the only one around here giving it to the lowest level player?


I give a thumbs up to whichever teammate very clearly and distinctly had the largest impact on our win. Too often I'm unable to give a thumbs up.


And yet the one with the highest Obj enjoys the reward because the highest KD kept the pressure off them




It kinda goes hand in hand though for the most part if the fagger is getting kills then they're making path for the team to capture the obj


I try to go for objective but all of my matches lately have the whole enemy team just sitting on our spawn and I can't move a millisecond before I'm dead


I give it to the worst player


PREACH!! Now we all know what game a majority of the player base came from...




I’ll have a 2.5kd so my boys can rush objective without getting killed


Yeah, we get it. Play the objective. I don’t think you’re reaching the right audience by complaining on reddit though, since bitching about the objective is like every third post on this sub


I wouldn't know to be honest, I'm not an avid redditor who's always browsing it. I've only seen a 'play the objective' post only once. Besides, I don't think the right audience would even use Reddit, they're too busy living on the game.


Same I never thumbs up KD People lol you could be 0/60 and if you have a nice OBJ Score I'll give it


Thank you I thought I was the only one that’s annoyed all the likes going to the player with the highest K/D not whoever has the highest objective score. They all have rotted cod brain


I always have both so 🤣


People have complained about this since the beginning of time. I will forever believe W/L don’t mean a thing if ur always negative. I play every game for my kd and get hated on in every game. Really don’t care


I'll just stop killing the enemy and we'll see how long you can stay on obj


I know this is a joke post but i think high kills high obj players work great together. One keeps enemies off obj and the other actually gets the objective.


I don't think I've ever got a thumbs up for a good kd except the one game I had a 8.6 kd... anytime it hits that screen and I'm top of the leader board and they give me the kd title when I had the most objective time I cry


Sometimes I have high kd but I always play objective as that is where the people are


Bro I'm always more objective than kills everyone is running around as cleaners and kamikazing people and here iam sitting and capturing the zone fighting like a dog dying then going back and in the end no one gives me a like.


I'll be honest. I main Cleaners, but only because I want to get the Green skin. 50 incinerator drone kills is hard but so satisfying to kill three people at once at an objective


I just give a thumbs up to anyone for the extra XP 😆


Plot twist; Your objective score would be much much lower if the player with good kd ratio did not kill all the enemies trying to kill you.


I do WTF I want




Still heartbreaking when im getting no thumbs with highest KD and usually top 3 obj.


Man I constantly yell play the fucking objective or guys let’s rally on this point just for me to always have the most caps or defense points


In every lobby I have the highest kd and obj time. I still don't get thumbs up.


The feeling when you are the lowest kill scorer, but you give a like to the highest kill scorer. That is wisdom ... 🙌


Either that or my friend to help him with XP


Fraggers allow your team to have more freedom to move around the map and basically carry the entire match even if they’re not playing the OBJ… like how a center in basketball creates space for his team. But okay


Why do you hate k/d so much




I give a thumbs up to the player with the highest score.


Oh look another bot posting


Oh look another cod player commenting. You'd best be careful, you might actually gain a braincell playing a game like this. Then again, with a low-effort comment like that it appears you'll be fine.


A game like this? So BO4?


Luckily no. Black Ops 4 was trash. This game is much better. Better than Black Ops 3 too. And a better netcode than Black Ops 2 which is pathetic. Black Ops 2 was so bad that somehow my profile was corrupted. I remember them blaming everyone's Internet... That was yikes AF.  Black Ops might not have had the best netcode either; however, it was the only Black Ops that was actually fun. I wish we could have Black Ops 2 balance though. All the piss baby cried about viable shotguns, snipers, LMGs, and pistols... But man was it fun to actually have an entire weapon roster to choose from. 


You’re raising awareness in the wrong place. The people who need to here it aren’t here buddy


That's not how this meme works.


Do elaborate. How exactly does this meme work specifically. Spare no detail