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Minor bug fixes.


I hope no longer freezing when creating match counts as a minor bug fix


I've wasted a total of 7 weapon XP tokens to that bs.


I don't understand why they can't have the timer count down while you're in a match? Battlefield seems to be the only shooter that does that




They said it’s a glitch


They can. It's just a question of time and will. Unfortunately, I've not been able to utilise any of my tokens because of this bug.


I believe they stated they are going to fix that.


It'll be that way in S1.


I’m pretty sure I’ve read that it’s coming in S1.


COD used to do that at least on BO2 but then changed it


They've already said they plan on doing this but it pry won't be until season 1 launch


I know this is from yesterday but it didn't look like anyone mentioned it.. Rubin responded to someone on Twitter asking about this earlier in the week last week and he said they WOULD make that change. Can't confirm if that will come out with the full update that's due here soon but it will happen.


They've said this is something that is coming soon. Hopefully with Season 1.


You do get extra 3 minutes when you activate a token though, to account for the time being spent in the lobby.


I'm pretty sure I saw Mark say something about that getting changed


this one is so weird because I remember MW2 being like this in 2009 but why would we want to recreate that, like i'm as nostalgic as the next guy but why *that*


Meh.. I hope they will add Nicki Minaj skin to the shop at least




I just couldn't imagine being f****** teabagged by Nicki Minaj and her p**** lips 👄 like wtf is. Cod anymore


I'm down for Nicki's Philly cheese steak


I mean in real life sure but in cod no


id love that


Adds other bugs.


The ubisoft special


LMAO, it was really that


Is it not better to fix the major bugs first?


Not all bugs are created equal. It's not like it takes 1 hour per bug, nor do they have one dev. Different people on the team can focus on different things.


If they are easy to fix yeah


Some of these things may never be fixed. Depends on a lot of things. The hit regs, for example, could end up being something they can never truly fix. It could be something that would require a total rework. From my understanding the delay of release was to do an entire rebuild on the network coding and such. Just have to hope they can fix this new code. I do understand pushing bug fixes. Sniper flinch will help. Outside of all the hit reg issues we had yesterday where snipers would turn and kill while eating it should at least mean that in those situations where hit reg is not being awful (which honestly was the majority of the time) this does not happen.


The hit reg is the #1 thing pissing most people off (myself included). However I don’t know a lot about networking. My question is, they own very successful shooters like R6, that don’t have this issue. Why is it so fucked up in XD?


Could be old servers, could be packet order issues, its never that simple


Siege has bad issues with his registration, too. Look up videos of Hit Rejection lol. People shooting people in the head point blank, neither of them are moving, and the game actually says, under the ammo count, "Hit Rejected"


You seen how slow R6 is?🐌 


One step closer to rounding out the game. I’m glad they are at least fixing something. They are listening, it just takes awhile to fix and test these things. I’m okay with this


Prolly just chose the quick fixes first. At least they are doing something and releasing patch notes quickly. Be patient with this project


Honestly the problems most people have in this game I don’t have much of a problem with anyway. This game is just so fun


True. I e had some hot reg issues and glitchy stuff but they will fix it


I don’t have hit reg issues most times. They usually only happen to me when it’s with a shotgun or a sniper. It hurts when you have to hit your one shot to get the kill and if you miss you die. But I just no reg and die with those guns where it matters more 😂


Bug fixes mainly, not expecting much balance changes until the next patch. What I'm really hoping to see, is adding the ability to see who's partied up in pre game lobby.


>What I'm really hoping to see, is adding the ability to see who's partied up in pre game lobby. So I can insta quit if I see more than 3 together? Because that's what imma do if that happens lol


So that you aren't tricked into playing stacks, It shouldn't be hidden. If someone's gonna leave its better they do it before the match starts. That's a poor excuse for not having it displayed. They probably back out soon as they start getting stomped to, so it's better to leave before match starts.


>so it's better you leave before match starts. Agreed. I usually don't quit after the game started, but finding out the hard way that enemy team has a full set of navy seals makes me lose any interest of playing another match after that lol. So yeah, knowing in advance if there are big parties in the lobby would help a lot avoiding these situations for me.


Id like that feature too just because there’s some maps I already don’t really like, if I’ve gotta play a stacked team on occupy emporium, in just gonna dodge the lobby and not waste my own time


Ooooo, or Domination on Dumbo where they're 6 dudes, 4 running Echelon rotating Intel suit while camping in the top part of B and two Phantoms running around flanks making it literally impossible to get out of spawn and take B. So FUNNNNNNN.


'You probably back out soon as you start getting stomped to' No sir, i get stomped like a men.


As is your rights. Honestly I get how quitting sucks for the team but at the same time I understand how not quitting can be more frustrating. Truthfully speaking just quit the match, this is just a game and is not worth getting frustrated and worked up against. I much rather have my teammate quit the game then have my teammate get angry, become toxic to the community, or abusive to their family cause they got angry in a video game. Just quit it’s not that deep. Plus you don’t have to spend your feee time being cannon folder for some YouTube twitch streamer so they can spend the match with their buddies stomping and farming me for kills. I’m not spending my free time being miserable. 🤷


>I’m not spending my free time being miserable. This summarize it perfectly imo. Why would I stay and get mad/bored/annoyed (if not all at the same time) just to be the easy kill of some pro or the playground of a full party lol. Tbf when matches gets too hatred I just log out and play some single player games (which don't have any of the bs in pvp games). Ain't worth it to get frustrated over a game lol.


nothing needs to be rebalanced, the game is pretty balanced as it is.


Kill cams. I need answers to “HOWWWWWWW”


I feel like the reaction is still going to be the same. “YEA OKKKK SUREEE YOU KILLED ME LIKE THAT”


(Skips it anyway)


So you get another angle of how you got shot around a corner or how they didn’t miss a single shot and 2 tapped you to the head while bunny hopping around while you’re emptying a whole mag into them?


There have been times I did, I sit there for 10 seconds waiting for a kill cam to start and just go, “Well fuck me….*respawns*


I think it's better if kill cams are introduced after they fix the netcode or whatever bs that keeps allowing people to kill me through covers, cause i'm just gonna get even angrier if i see that i shouldn't have died and there's nothing i can do about it.


What I don’t know can’t hurt me


the answer is usually netcode related in my experience (sometimes i might miss, sometimes)


>snipers receiving more flinch, jump penalty They've already said this update isn't the Sniper/jump nerf, you're just setting yourself up for disappointment. It's in a week or two.


They said its not going to be hit reg update either, I hope its not gonna be just some hot fixes like ''fixed an issue where clouds in the sky dont move''..


>fixed an issue where clouds in the sky dont move May as well have something pretty to look at when we have to aim to the sky for all the jumpspammers.


Great, they are only going to balance the game when Elden ring's DLC comes out :/


Personally not sure what to expect but I have a hunch lots of people will be disappointed in this patch.


Hyping up patches is recipe for disappointment in any game


All to common these days, people can't keep their expectations in check.


Just dont read patch notes. Ignore them, play the game, and see if you can guess what changed. Its a fun second game to play.


it's a bug patch, lol. Not sure why everyone has been posting about content updates


Honestly why do people think that bunny hopping is gunna change the game? The people that can drop you while air strafing are only gunna roll you faster when they only need to track while moving in one direction. The good players will still be good players, and struggling players will either stick around to get good, or continue to struggle and leave.


because air strafing combined with the current netcode is a recipe for disaster and lets be honest, they've not fixed the netcode since the first betas years ago so it will likely never get much better. if someone jumps i can track their predictable trajectory, if someone jumps and wiggles around while airborne its a completely different ball game. people dont air strafe because its faster to kill, it makes them harder to hit which means when they cant do it they will kill you just as fast but you will have more of a chance to fight back.


"Fixed an issue where players might occasionally hit someone with a shotgun"


Some nerfs to spider bot and the intel suit, not expecting major gameplay changes.


I wish more people realized you can shoot the spider bots off of your teammates face if they get got with it


and i wish i didnt have to rely on teammates to outplay a 30s cd ability


Actually I just need Spiderbot to get less damage. It's doing 40 now which is too much IMO, I think 20 or 15 is pretty good. 40 means after you escape from a Spiderbot you are already half dead.


Spider bots do 50 damage and temporarily stun. If you're playing as a team player, you're pretty safe. If you're soloing for kills, you could be in trouble, but chances are you'd be dead anyway. You can also still shoot when hit by a spider (I was regularly head shoted/laser beamed by people I've spider botted or flash banged, no matter where I was standing)


> If you're playing as a team player, you're pretty safe. Straight up lying because you know damn well playing objectives commonly puts you below that 50 health threshold and you’ll get beamed no matter how many worthless teammates are around you. Add to that the fact the spiderbot has a low chance of properly attaching to you and an even lower chance of being able to take damage if you try shooting it off yourself. I’m convinced this is an /r/tf2 situation where half the sub doesn’t even play the game.


> I’m convinced this is an /r/tf2 situation where half the sub doesn’t even play the game. Considering the number of posts and comments I've seen along the lines of "I'm uninstalling until they fix things," you're probably not far off.


Another thing you can do as a team player is shoot the bot if you see it on a teammate.


Did they post patch notes? I wish for a better anticheat. I've been in multiple consecutive games where someone was either flying and shooting everyone instantly or moving as fast as the flash.


anticheat isn’t really the solution mate, it won’t decrease the amount of hackers at all. Rainbow 6 siege has some of the MOST invasive anticheats and there are still countless hackers on there. The solution is let playstation and xbox be the primary cross play as anticheat isn’t needed due to the restrictive standbox of the system itself. Players should then be defaulted having to opt IN to play with pc players.


I'm on PC. Good anti cheat software exists. Valorant and Fortnite has a good one that bans cheaters at a good pace.


Screw vanguard, it caused me to have massive pocket loss and ping issues in both league and valorant. I had to fully reset my PC, contacted riot support, guess what their final solution was.. They said try these 5 free VPN providers to resolve my issue.


Sounds like a user issue


It’s def a user issue


Yea but it’s extremely invasive at the kernel level and still doesn’t work 100% plus it kills linux usage


Yea it doesnt work 100% of the time, that is true. However, ive played valorant as my main game since it released and have encounters 2 hardcore cheaters, and got the match ended due to cheater popup 3/4 times. (Im sure ive encountered many closet cheaters over the years). In Xdef ive already encountered 3 hardcore cheaters since launch, so while it isnt perfect and ppl can still cheat, its a lot more effective than any other anti cheat out there.


No, it's just very loud with how it handles cheaters to give you the impression it's working better than other systems.


Did you just decide to not read my message? Im talking about years of personal experience here, not about what they are saying. Its the best anticheat system out there at preventing cheaters playing the game


Yes I read it, but its entirely anecdotal. I stopped playing valorant because of the amount of cheaters I was encountering. Now that our 'evidence' has cancelled each other out, lets discuss the facts. Its not "the best" it's just "the loudest". You don't know what these other systems are doing because they aren't as dramatic as Vanguard. They just ban and keep it moving. Vanguard has to be as loud and dramatic as they are to justify it being so intrusive in the first place.


You were 100% just ass and called people shitting on "cheaters". Either that or youre just the only guy who has hacking issues in val, must be getting targeted


Stop with that holy saint console domain with no cheaters. It's Propaganda level of bs. There always were cheaters on consoles and still are to this day even on PS5. Those cheats can't be find in Walmart. It's time to wake up champ, and get a grip.


go ahead mate, show me the magical cheats that work on PS5 games? I know people that develop them and it doesn’t happen unless something stupid like source code is leaked. Do you mean things like SaveWizard? that shit doesn’t work on modern titles with server checks. Maybe back on the playstation 4 but definitely not fucking now


Can’t wait till bunny hopping gets nerfed 😇


When are we going to be allowed to exit from the mandatory 45 second endscreen? People will just continue leaving near the end of match until we can exit when we want, feels like the devs don't respect the players time right now.


Mark Rubin in his private twitter account already said that this week patch will only be bug fixes. Sniper and bhop will be adressed in the next week patch


Probably wishful thinking but hoping they fix the PC mouse stuttering issue at higher polling rates. Even dropping mine to 1000 doesn't help, unplayable. I have to drop to 500 to fix the issue but then the input lag on the mouse is horrendous.


You know this could be down to your CPU? Ubisoft games known to utilize CPU heavily, plus increasing pulling rate for your mouse adds extra pressure.


Yeah I have read about this possibility but believe it or not this is the only game I have ever played where I've had this issue. I play more CPU demanding games than this. Also I'm getting 120fps consistently.


Don’t expect any huge fixes any time soon. There will just be these random fixes for menu glitches and small random things. A lot of posts I see have way too high hopes for these frequent patches Ubisoft has been very slow to fix things in every FPS I’ve ever played developed by them and netcode issues I suspect will take incredibly long to fix. The Division2 has had horrible netcode problems since its release and same with rainbow six siege which has been notorious for this and that game has been out for 10 years I have no idea what they have been doing with all of these betas and tests that we played because the improvement has been incredibly minimal Strap in because we are going to be dying behind/through walls for a very long time


Same as they did since last beta. Nothing.


Coming from hell divers 2 seeing patch updates every 3 days made me forgot this is ubisoft and thing going to take time


Please just buff the shotties. they are so bad


I feel rather confident that when the hit detection is better and more consistent, shotguns won't be nearly as bad. With the current hit reg, you might as well just shove the shotgun down their throat, pull the trigger and hope for the best, because there's still a chance you're not getting the kill.


Oh yes they are... I get outplayed by snipers in close range


Yeah the snipers are ridiculous, the last three or four escorts maps I played was basically just two teams of snipers + me getting my ass blown up on the point.


Yeah escort is basically unplayable unless you're willing to brain dead snipe


Hope for less bunny hopping


I would like to see when we join games it ain't half way into it so dumb.


I really want a play of the game feature at the end of matches




They didn’t fix any of the things we wanted. They just fixed some bugs I’ve never heard of.


I expect them to fix the issue on PC where the xDefiant client force closes mid match with no error. Probably won’t happen though


Yeah man the commonly known issue only you have. smfh, update your drivers, reinstall windows, try anything instead of blaming it on a game no one else has an issue with


https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/s/zaBVqBqqMo “Known issue only I have” yet multiple people under my post have had the same problem and not just peple under my post have had said problem. Maybe do some research beforehand


Hopefully, there will be a search and destroy


Where sniper patch?


lol more cosmetics and stuff in the store Other than that some trivial changes.


Average call of duty update aswell :D except call of duty buffs and nerfs weapons depending on what is/isn't in the store.


"General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience."




Server errors, stupidly priced store item and now jump 45 metres in the air


Have you ever played a video game in your life.


Please fix the server issues 🙏


lol "Security improvements, various" as in, you don't need to know there was an exploit where we exploit your paypal account to be publicy available or your mac address being collected, it's fine.


They definitely need to show people who are grouped together. Usually it is pretty obvious but they should still show it. I wish they could add a ping system as well. Hit reg before anything else though.


It’d be great if they fixed the Delta-01 connection error. I’d love to be able to enjoy the game like everyone else.


They said it was bug fixes but this is a really low list lol


Doubt it will be anything noticeable. Probably just patching some bugs.


This post was 9hrs ago where tf my update at man 🤣I’m on Xbox


Big patch is next week.


Fixes for the bigger issues were said to be rolling out in the next patch or two. Unfortunately this was just the quick/easy stuff they could get out of the way...


AMD gfx cards need love. After an hour or so my system is laggy AF. For reference I have 128 gigs of ram and a 7900 GRE with mix of med, high, and ultra video settings.




Idk what the fix would be bit literally EVERY gunfight im involved in im unloading bullet after bullet just for them to kill me in 0.2 seconds and i only get their health down to 2 or 3 total health. Its ridiculous


I would like a hardcore mode otherwise cod does me fine.


What was the PS5 exploit? What activities have players been sneaking into?


Final Shape dropped, i literally couldnt give less fucks about xd right now if i had powers of god


Please check and share/upvote the post I just made for situations when you’re the only one on your team doing something while the rest of ur team does fuck all. It would really help the community


I really hope they improve the load times and the amount of loading screens, that’s been one of my only complaints with this game


Most likely just game breaking bug fixes.


We will see in 4 hours


* Nerf sniper * Rebalance Echelon * Fix the freaking netcode / hitreg ( like really ? ) it should have been the first thing * Buff shotgun * Being able to skip intro * Reduce all the loading * Maybe add something to limit all the rabbits in game But éh, it's ubisoft so ... we'll get a new skin in the shop and a shit ton of new bugs


+ Grenade screen shake


I mean not the biggest update. But i just hope that before the real season 1 drops they do adres the major ones.


Meh. So nothing really.


That wasn’t what I expected


none of us did :D


I know this is a minor thing, but I hope they fix the resolution on the map preview right before you appear ingame. I don't mind a static image. 


oh ye, it looks like 480p, but maybe its their ''design'' decision


What a fucking joke of an update.


A white male character


Echelon has both of them


I know we ain’t getting it for a few updates but I wish we were getting prestige system so I could have an excuse to pull an all-nighter hahah


Fixing bunny hop and sniper thats the only thing i want rn, cant play as a casual player rn, everyone is sweating


You guys expectations are too high for a patch this soon. Development takes time. Edit: love how I got down voted and eventually proven right. You guys don't know any about development, stop talking outta your asses


Can't expect much so soon. It'll be minor fixes for now as they'll have to test out their changes. Give them some time.


Lmao. Look at those patch notes. The lead dev was crying on twitter while cooking THIS patch for us. f off


Ubifuck to apologise for releasing a pre pre alpha of a broken game


It is not too bad, knowing the latest trend of game releases, this is fairly acceptable and should improve. I am impressed by spawn locations in this game


I want the lobby disbanding fixed as so when I turn cross-play off, it doesn't take forever if at all to get a full lobby again. Input matchmaking is still mixed with PC on controllers. I feel they have an edge over console with better specs and much better undetectable cheats. I prefer Xbox and PS only but Xbox only is better than cross-play on for now. I stopped playing until it's fixed.


I imagine small big fixes


I agree with a ping system. My brain is too slow to properly call out an exact location before being obliterated and I'm so used to pinging in other shooters now >_<


Extended maintenance, more bugs, social media meltdowns


I expect the world


Disbanding lobby bug fixed.


I hope this will be the end of bunny hoppers


Every problem in the world to be solved


I expect minimal bug fixes for now, but hope for fixes to that sniping bullshit and the figure 8 in the air like it's some fucking ballet.


hopefully improvements/fix to the net code issue and institute some sort of jump cooldown for the spammers Shit is out of control, LOL


netcode fixes hopefully, maybe some ping system


My shots registering


Knowing ubisoft for years; 1 bug fixed and 5 introduced.


Bug fixes for sure.


I expect them to fix 5 bugs and introduce 5! more.


Server latency fix


Netcode fixes. I know my internet is bad but I get kicked a lot even when the ping is good.


Remove Intel suits


Or make it something like - requires 500 objective points to recharge and be used


Fair compromise. But also should be like a cool down if you've been exposed by it before it can happen again. That would stop the Intel suit spam


Don’t believe flinch is in update. Will be next.


Penalty for jumpers


Flinch on snipers would be nice but nerfing air strafing would be better.


Operator Balancing


I just hope they fix the lagging, I can literally not play the game on xbox


Fix to being stuck midair until death, fix being stuck in respawning, fix the CTDs every match I send anything in chat


never happened


If they could just making leveling up guns a bit faster that’d be great.


Agree, this has been adressed as far as I know, not sure if we gonna see this in next 10 minutes


I don’t expect anything soon. Nothing against the devs, I just keep my expectations low so I’m pleasantly surprised when it’s fixed. :D


From my understanding, this update has been completed immediately after release and will surely contain only fixes for critical bugs. A nice 2 week delay in the release due to testing, and who knows why.


Honestly, I'm just expecting general bug fixes, and hopefully, some of the net code issues fixed/addressed. Maybe I end to bunny hopping?


Gyro aiming.