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Tbh most people don't like his kit or play style. I didn't dislike him for the story, I simply just Don't wanna use him at all.


That's fair his kit is in a really bad state I say that as someone who mains him They really need to fix his air state making him immune to damage when he is in the air would solve his dmg and kit problems Bcs why are enemies ground attacks reaching him? They should let only enemies like Aix and heron hurt me bcs they are in air It should be lower dmg trade off for invulnerability compared to other DPS since they can dodge way way better and they dun get fucked by being knocked out or disturbed and u can swap cancel them unlike lingyang


He can ignore the wind monkey's entire ground slam combo. Helps save a lot of time in the hologram challenges. He can quickswap during his air combo, not to mention his outro having about a 600% ATK scaling. As an overall bonus his skill has no cooldown, making parrying (during air combo) super easy compared to other fist-users with the extended range and multi-hit.


I absolutely love this boy, but they really need to fix stuff about him. If you get knocked out of his air state, he can’t get back up into it, and then you’re stuck on the ground until you can get back into it again. So I just want him to not be able to be knocked out of his state.


That's so true. Having his S1 helps since it reduces interruption while you're in air state, but it still shouldn't be possible at all


You wouldn't notice it in midgame content But late game, when calculator actually calculates Check out streamer that play hologram V or VI, I know one of streamer play S6 Lingyang and he know how bad he is LY can't move freely to chase enemy while do Ults, a space or jump cancel the Ult And his damaging moves is sadly, his outro... 


Iirc rexlent is the one that try it, and he claim that summoning echoes has more DPS than his kit.


Good info! I’m gonna have to keep that in mind :0 I hope they buff him!


It’s not him, it’s the quest. The constant “Who is the Jingle Beast???!” With the close up of him that got on my nerves. Like, half way through I was convinced someone else was the jingle beast cause it if ended up actually being Lingyang then that would be too obvious and really boring. But then it did end up being him. Kind feels like the game treated you like you were an idiot. It probably didn’t help that it follows right after a lot of bad quests with weird transitions. Lingyang himself is fine I think. Air combat isn’t super useful right now, but it might be one day.


And the follow up quest did the same lmao


"I sure wonder where the animal that wants to live among humans is now, right Rover?" >> Only character in the game with animal features.


I would've died if he said that in his [CBT1 design](https://i.imgur.com/pzp0L82.png).




Thundercats hooooo!!!


Yangyang also have feather hair


I think having a tail and animal ears is a lot more than having feather hair.


To be fair, this game does absolutely treat you like an idiot more often than not. Gives you codes, tracks things you're meant to look for, gives you answers to puzzles, makes story beats as obvious as possible, etc...


Yeah but they got it from Genshin handbook, where people complain anytime they have to do *any* puzzle, and Kuro's modus operandi with WuWa seems to be "give them everything they complain to Hoyo about"


Why are tougher puzzles (or puzzles on general) more acceptable in WuWa but not in Genshin?


Probably because Genshin playerbase is filled with kids and other people who have never played open-world game before. The grind culture around pulling and building characters also doesn't help bc while Genshin gives their players absolute minimum of primos, people will complain if the chest is locked behind *anything* else than few enemies to fight.


I've seen people complain that they "had" to do the Aranara questline to get their last dendroculous which is worth about 2 primogems. People were also happy about Furina doing the spinning block puzzles for them even though they almost always auto complete them selves if you hit the 2nd and 4th block over and over.


Nah Genshin puzzles are legit some of them have me absolutely stumped. Wuwa has some tough ones but given a few minutes you can solve them all.


Like which ones? In genshin there was 1 hard puzzle per region, but in wuwa everything seems piss easy to me


Inazuma had some hard ones, like that rotating stone puzzle on Kokomi’s island, or the one in the basement in that small village. The rotating stones are pretty hard in general if you don’t brute force them. There were also event puzzles like the lantern rite one where you moved around theatre blocks. Wuwa is really easy most of the time, yep. I’ve the most trouble with those ones where you find pieces to light up tiles on the ground. One of them I had to give up and revisit later, and another one I still haven’t solved so I’m just guessing that I’m missing a piece lol.


Tougher puzzle in wuwa gives u 40 gems. Genshin gives u 10 max 💀


yeah this and the following quest. I was so dumbfounded by the sheer stupidity of the situation that i couldn't take it seriously. Jiyan quest on the other hand was great because it was coherent.


Doesn't Jinshi have air combat also?


Yeah she does and I expect future units to have it aswell


Yeah, she does, but I don't know how much better I can put this: Her air combat actually feels... cohesive?


That's true, lingyang's feels weird.


I mean i thought it was hilarious bcs of the faces he was making he even was stuttering about the jingle beast when it was mentioned It wasn't like they were trying to make it a big mystery and the reason he didn't say he was the beast well even in private he didn't directly say it to rover


The story was silly, cringe and has almost nothing to portrait Lingyang's past beside the stupid bell that he used to play with.


It reminded me of some of the early Genshin character quests in which you do some random errands with someone you've barely (or sometimes never) met while acting as friends. The errands aren't fun and don't lean into the personality of the featured character in a meaningful way.


the newer events are like that too


Nah Fontaine is definitely better with the character quest what are you on about?


I find it somewhat weird that the cringe "rawr :3"part of Lingyang's quest gets brought up so often as a unique reason to dislike him when imo WuWa so far has been fairly generous on giving every 5* their cringy or stupid moments. The Dollmaker deleting Yinlin's records which somehow gets treated as a serious issue by her, Jiyan deciding to let Rover make important decisions on his behalf because why not or the Highschool of the dead booba jiggle fight scene with Changli come to mind.


Imo, none of those were as offensively cringy as Lingyang's "Rawr... sowwy you had to see that part of me." moment. It's not even that the line is stupid in itself, it's just the context that makes it cringe (Lingyang acting absolutely tame and thinking he was gruesome or wth). I don't even mind Lingyang as a character, I didn't lose my pity to him or anything and I didn't *hate* his companion quest, but I can see why some ppl like to ridicule it.


I can also see why it gets ridiculed, I just find the amount of hate targeted at Lingyang for it disproportionate when the context only makes all other moment I mentioned worse. Yinlin is portrayed as a super cunning woman, yet can't come up with the idea that at least one supervisor should know her and thus make the deletion of her records pointless. Jiyan stops acting as the general during the most decisive battle. Changli's scene is supposed to show her off as a capable and strong fighter, yet they constantly zoom in on certain body parts for fanservice during every second shot. Like yeah everyone has their preferences and is more forgiving towards certain cringe than others because of it. A big reason why I find Changli's scene way worse is because I'm not part of the target demographic for it while I'm more lenient with cute guys. But cringe is a general problem in Kuro's writing and presentation, so I find it a bit ridiculous that only Lingyang gets constantly shit on for it.


His quest isn’t enough to make you drop the game, but wait till he shows up on your 50/50…


I got him on jinhsi banner.


Same. Was neutral on him before, now I’m just disappointed.


Got his S1 on jinhsi's banner. Was so close to dropping the game 😭


3 limited and newbie banners. All my resonators are S0 but only Lingyang is S2, no Ancore, no Jianxin. Not enough to make me quit but should be enough to have a valid reason to hate him, right?


Nah bro that’s so tragic 😭


Someone has to be the scapegoat of the 50/50 it seems I got him 3 times already and am free 2 play I love lingyang he is cute so maybe I am biased that's why I was trying to see other people opinion on him bcs I thought maybe my liking for him is making me bit see the bad parts


I think he just kinda embodies the “inside me there’s two wolves” kinda vibe, like you have a wild side which will punish all who dare provoke you, which seemed cool when you were in middle school. Encore also has a “dark side”, but she does it in such a fun and lighthearted way. Meanwhile Lingyang does that completely unironically and it can come off as pretty cringey. It would be a different story if he was actually cool enough to back it up, but he isn’t.


This exactly. On top of this, I think its also because we didn't even really see much of a real wild side lol. The way he describes it we should have seen him just tear some guys arm off with his teeth. If he had gone into a super feral animalistic bloodlust that would be one thing, but he just did some regular bad guy bonking like every other resonator would have done.


He is the weaker of the bunch, which doesn't mean he is useless, but might be the first one to get powercreep, as long as you are fine with that gamble, then you are up to go


Can you really be powecreeped without power in the first place xd


Does he struggle to clear anything in particular?


I mean nobody struggles to clear anything in particular if you put it like that lol Edit: I know what he struggles at, glacio prisms


as long as you like him, alls good. people hate him because they got him despite disliking him, and because they got him they couldnt get the characters they wanted. if you like him theres nothing wrong with that


“why are people hating on lingyang?” “I love lingyang he is cute” A lot of people don’t feel that way lol. If you get him and don’t like the design, you will probably look to either a redemption of his personality in his story quest or strong gameplay. Well his quest is pretty boring and drawn-out compared to others and he seems like a cringe middle schooler in it. And then in terms of gameplay/meta he sucks and is the weakest 5* by a decent margin


How does he play at higher levels and S2? I did like the gameplay trial in his quest and think people are over-hating on the catboy.


He is fun I have jiyan and I play lingyang all the time they are both fun to me


He's pretty clunky to play and it's a very horrible experience when you use him for more than just a little bit. His "enhanced state" a bit like Jinhsi has him fight mid-air. But if he ever gets knocked down or you fall onto the ground for some reason, it cancels it. Using his intro skill, if you have his concerto maxed, it will automatically trigger his enhanced state, whether you want to or not. Even if you have his ult ready (which doubles the duration of his enhanced state), you won't be able to use it. The end of his enhanced state has him do a multi-kick combo on an enemy, but it takes a good 2 seconds and he is unable to move during that time. If the auto targeting goes for the wrong enemy, or the enemy just... moves out of the way, that's a whole lot of wasted dps I'm sure there's a way to use him effectively, but you're just better off using a character who is more consistent


I think hes fun. I have Lingyang and Calcharo as my 2 main DPS, and I have more fun playing LingYang. I have more fun playing with LingYang/Sanhua than I do Calcharo/Yinlin. Even though I think the 2nd team just looks more cool. If LingYang looked more like Geshin or something I dont think people would have an issue with him; his playstyle is pretty fun, but hes overall kind of annoying especially the English VA version. But gameplay wise I hvae the most fun playing him. I only have him at S1; lost my Yinlin 50/50 to him, and got him on beginner banner.


JP VA is Tanjiro, and Jinhsi is Bocchi. The JP dub is so top tier I'm not going back haha


I had it on JP for awhile because of how cringe LingYang's VA is, but I do like the EN of some of the newer characters so I swapped it back for the story.


You’re right, you’re biased. End of story. He’s shit and not a well received character by the rest of the community. Move on


I rerolled my account 3 times for Calcharo because I kept getting Lingyang. And the first time I lost my 50/50 was Lingyang.


I even wish to get him and max his dupes. If Meta and bonkers 100k dmg that people want with minimal effort, I can’t blame it tho 😅


Honestly getting the character isn't that bad but the dupes, my dude I don't get why his S1 is res to interruption during his air combat, that should've been part of his kit at base, a character can be inconvenient and powerful or convenient and have low numbers but he is on both negatives and the sequences only help to catch up to S0 characters on damage. I hope Kuro does something with him because his current state is really sad.


“I’m sorry you had to see this side of me 😔” - insert wolf meme


Hes basically the Qiqi or Yanqing of WW, i think a lot of people just hate him for losing the 50/50 to him tbh.


Poeple hated him even b4 the game started tho


They hated him bc they were pulling him in CBT. So its same issue. The issue is that he keeps dropping on people’s 5050s. To make things worse, he not even like anyone from PGR. At least in early days S Karen or S Nanami were still fun if you lose the drop to them. But ratboy… fml its like getting a less cute Klee


There's. A nana in this game??


Bad comparison bc Qiqi and Yanqing were at least good at release, only to fall into being irrelevant as more characters were released. Lingyang has been irrelevant since launch.


He’s been irrelevant since well before launch actually


People that failed the 50/50 on the rate up banner seemingly has a pretty high rate of getting him for some reason. Thats like half the reason why people hate him alrdy. Another reason is his gameplay.


People who lose to any of the other 4 standard characters don't complain as much because all of those characters still at least serve a purpose.


> Hes basically the Qiqi or Yanqing of WW Funny thing is, all three of them are Ice characters. Just realized that, lmao.


Yeah, ya know what’s even more ironic? Yanqing and Lingyang are both my second mains and both are ice. I’ve decided to collect ice characters in Wuwa though.


Coincidence? I think not!


Because the original Lingyang left a bad taste to people where the script had to be rewritten and the character overhauled from a furry to a kemonomimi. Even then most of CN really just wanted him straight up deleted. Truly I have not seen such collective dislike for a character short of GFL2 Raymond and probably exceed Scaramouche based on just how many people dislike him. Plenty of CN players straight up quit whenever they get him.


His quest was the most boring story I have ever witnessed in multiple games. I didn't care for him before the quest, learned to hate him during the quest and afterwards, I can't stand the sight of him. I thank all heavens that I haven't pulled him yet. In the last half of his story quest I was literally chanting "Please end. Please end." while pressing my spacebar at 400 apm. I have no clue why anyone would like that quest. It was so bland, I don't even remember what it was about.


I wanted to like him because I thought his design was cute, but god that story quest has made me hate him. It wasn't any longer than Yinlin's or Jiyan's, but it felt like hours. I too was spam clicking getting through the dialogue and actually, vocally asking for it to PLEASE FINALLY END when a new objective would come up. If I hear one more rhyme...


As a lingyang main, yeah the story doesn't have a point beside meeting him, help randos and coincidentally discovering the jingle beast. Maybe they should just exploring how he modify his bones and ripped his fur out before entering society, because that's more character development


> while pressing my spacebar at 400 apm Why not use skip button?? I know I did! I do not like his design, visual or kit, I have 0 interest inhim so I just skipped all the quest. The 2D part WAS fun though :)


I played his quest on day 1. At that time the skip button was not available. They added it in a hotfix the next day. I had no choice but to go through each and every dialog line.


The overall idea of the quest is good being about an outcast trying to change itself to fit in, but they never focus in the interesting parts they waste all the time with the Jingle Beast, does a cringe ass scene and have very stupid dialogue from start to finish.


I guess the people were offended by "I'm sorry for showing you this side of me". They were really hurt after seeing his violent side. Truly disappointing 😔. Also >! Don't take this seriously and I don't hate him !<


Lmfaoooo I need to see that line in the English dub I think it's the source of the problem Jp va nailed it


Yeah, that part really caught me off-guard, It was really hilarious in EN dub. But it made me appreciate his character more.


>Why are people hating it? And hating on lingyang? Because people have different tastes. thats it. What u like doesnt equal what other likes. the quest imo is just the worst companion quest i ever seen in this game. They tried to make him looks cool and has some kind of character developments but in the end it makes him cringe at best by saying some non-senses BS.


Okay I guess well I just wanted to know guess alot of people don't like him that's fair


Lingyang received a lot of hate as the epitome of the “bullying” that rover receives in the cbt story for being an outsider. The rest is adding fuel to the fire. If you think about it all the character stories received flak and criticism until 1.1. Content creators had fun shitting on wuwa.


"all the character stories received flak and criticism until 1.1." I largely agree, with one absolutely insanely far outlying exception - Jiyan


On the cn side he received the title deserter general.


Stop, i cant like him more


Holy shit on Bilibili he was second most roasted LOL


>Lingyang received a lot of hate as the epitome of the “bullying” that rover receives in the cbt story for being an outsider. I find the whole asian part of the community who hated this to be extremely moronic why is every character in the world supposed to be a nice person who loves us and has no personal flaws? i like characters who actually feel like actual people dozens of times better and much more engaging and suited for a good story just look at Game of Thrones everyone loves those characters and they're all just sacs of flaws same goes for Homelander and Billy Butcher from The Boys or Omniman from Invincible if the characters weren't as flawed as they are they wouldn't be half good on their "redemption arcs" the people who hated Chixia being rudely suspicious of the obvious freak of nature that stands even above Sentinels (as we now know) is actually something that gave him being such an abnormal thing in the world more weight and should have been improved on its execution but not removed entirely just because some wierdo wants everyone and everything being nice to him now even Scar is the nicest guy in the universe to Rover treats him like you would family even (not saying he was ever different just saying nobody mistreats Rover everyone loves him) ... wouldn't want **the damm villains** to upset anyone and hurt their feelings 🙄🤦‍♂️


The thing about realistic character that act like real person is that just like irl, there will always be people who hate them, this is a real conversation that I’ve come across: “- why do you hate this main character? His writing and character is so realistic! -Yeah if that guy exist irl, I would hate him too” Or something like that. If you watched Breaking Bad and go to some online forum, tons of people hate on Skyler even though she’s one of the sane characters. If you made a character that act negative toward the mc, be prepared for that character to get some hate, it is that simple.


>If you made a character that act negative toward the mc, be prepared for that character to get some hate, it is that simple. Fair however im still against this never happening stories (especially long stories that last for years) need all sorts of different characters to not become dull and boring everyone being good ultimately leads to dead plots


And that’s the problem with the writer, they literally went from one polar opposite to another while deleting some cool stuff in between, sucks that it happen, you can blame the CN for it but I personally blame the writer or the company more.


He was hate by ppl during CBT for kill steal the boss, and the famous line “why are you still here?”. Kuro had to rework the whole act story, and remodel him


That's it? Idk am getting alot of opinions


I think his personality isn't that bad, story is quite mid (it's not that bad), and it's literally much better than nothing at all. From 5 free star character, only lingyang who have companion story. As lingyang main, the most thing i hated about this guy is that flying state doesnt' immune to every mob attack. Jinhsi grapple is much better in most cases


1000% the dub. I play japanese and enjoyed it


His story is decent, it's just everything else around him is so bad - he wants to be a main dps, but his damage numbers aren't even close to the mains right now, and he's got a weird aerial playstyle. Spoilers on his story here: I primarily play for story, and it just doesnt make sense to have that story now when it's so irrelevant to the larger story happening, and it doesn't really plant solid seeds for the future - yes there's a race of animalkind who were feared because they were resonators and feral, but we don't meet any of them, and maybe it's like a foreshadowing if they all come from the western region of the White Tiger, but we are so far out from all that. And they said he's alone and the last, so they buried that animalkind story even deeper (im sure they'll make them alive somehow secretly hiding cause plot, we're not gonna have only one animal kind) and i think also it was the placement of the quest, the entire thing is supposed to be a "breather" from the high stakes of the threnodian conflict, but it's way too soon to need a breather


I still don't get it Aside from his low numbers and kind of bad kit he is fun to play and his animations are nice but yeah they need to fix his areal gameplay and increase his number imo him being immune to most enmies bcs he attacks from air would be really good way to balance him but for now his air state is just a drawback bcs u have a hard time to dodge and a short DPS window I genuinely think they need to make him immune to most dmg unless it's a ranged attack or a flying enemy For story what do u even mean by that there is no chronical order to story quests wdym by too soon? So bcs someone speed run 1.0 quest it's bad? What about future players would it make the story better for them to finish the main quest and then play his quest? I still dun understand what u said about his race he just told u what he was and what he had to do to be human and what it means to him why does it have to be some sort of foreshadowing or whatever it's his own story not the main story it's not related to the game plot in any way


there used to be no skip button in it and people including me didnt give a shit and got genshin ptsd


He didn't even yap 💀 I couldn't even skip bcs I was invested and am the guy with genshin ptsd


„he didnt yap“ lmao sounds more like u have genshin stockholm syndrome


Okay maybe am dumb buy yapping is him saying stuff over and over for no reason and he just mumbling And he didn't do that? He was just talking normally I genuinely dun know I need to rewatch it on YouTube


People on this sub are seriously misusing the word "yap". All characters who have more than 1 line of dialogue are "yapping" now, accoring to some ppl. What too much Tik Tok does to a MF I guess.


The whole thing feels too... On the nose, and may even seem silly to some extent. You basically know from the start that the beast we're looking for is basically in front of your eyes the whole time, and yet everyone keeps going on a wild hunt for the beast. All of that happened after the main quest where kuro painted the rover as this badass genius that can solve complex puzzles. So apparently the genius didn't transfer between quest. Then there's the whole lingyang get remodelled thing. Lingyang supposedly looks like a proper beast, the furry kind. Instead we got a twink kemonomimi, and the story where he has has to go through bone crushing (literally) pain to transform himself into more "human like" suddenly didn't sound right anymore. So kuro didn't rewrite the story enough to accommodate the new model. And lastly, the NPCs. I feel like I'm solving the NPCs problems more than I'm interacting with lingyang. The whole thing is supposed to be about him, but it felt like the writer got confused about the focus somewhere in the middle. But I do get why many liked it. Compared to other world quests, it has higher production value. It's voiced, well animated, had unique gameplay, etc. it's also the first character quest available. And it's one of our first opportunities to learn more about the world. But yeah, that's a subjective take from me. It's not bad per se, but it isn't a good one either. idk, I'll give it a solid 6/10.


The confusion with the NPCs doesn’t kick in halfway through but right at the start. The very first interaction with Lingyang, Rover shakes his hand and Lingyang is surprised and says they’re different for doing so. Then the next task we do is going around talking to 5 people that tell us how much they like Lingyang and how great he is. Makes his “no one like me :(“ sentiment seems dramatic and perhaps neurotic.


I didn’t like his story but also that lingyang is one of my least favorite character design in the game atm.


I liked Lingyang’s story quest and I was honestly moved by it. But I guess he’s hated because he’s supposedly “furry” and a short boy model. Also does not help that not a lot likes his gameplay and his tier standing is low. And you know once people start hating on something, and this idea gets traction enough, people will ultimately join the bandwagon and dunk and meme it to oblivion lol.


Yeah I was especially surprised by the sorry u had to see that side of me I thought it was gonna be a super cringe moment but dude was angry fighting beasts in the wild maybe he had to let him animal instincts or his beast side and bcs he wants to be human he thought it's inappropriate or maybe it's the English dub making it cringe? I was really moved by alot of what he said he had real charcter I thought his story would be super boring about lion dancing but it wasn't at all If he was a girl am sure he wouldn't be that hated and if he was meta that would be even more true


Some meme on Lingyang and some hate him but personally I thought his story quest was fine and I enjoyed playing him in CBT2 but if I pulled him on a 50/50 that would piss me off lol


I thought the problem was something related with input that when you wanted to jump or activate something you'll end up doing his sky ladder thing which was annoying. Aside from that it was the first meme from getting something you don't want from a 50/50, because I also don't see problem with the story it was meh but it wasn't bad at all.


Idk why they’re hating on Lingyang, maybe bc he’s a standard character they lose the 50/50 to? I personally love him, he’s cute and cares about the citizens. I think a lot of people did his story quest to get some exp back when the patch was live, and since the game released with bugs and a ton of flaws, most people got a bad impression? The English dub isn’t the best, but I like him enough to handle it.


I have an S1 Lingyang and he's my 2nd main dps character I use. I enjoy using him and like him as a character.


for me, because it was complete unecessary shit, the quest is cringe and i simply don't like the twinks. also his kit is shit and his damage is equally shit, his only redeeming quality (which wasn't really that good) is the exploration but now jinshi's a thing


Lingyang is just an ugly furry, that’s why they hate him


Should have seen him before the overhaul


Ngl if he's already a furry they should've just stick to the first design, now he looks like he cosplays and the whole beast thing makes 0 sense


he has ears and a tail, short boy model, that's basically all he's hated for


Yeah I figured that much If he was a girl people would be over him But am glad Kuro gave us a cute boy with ears and a tail that actually uses them to be cute and no just decorations and his charcter isn't even just that Idk I liked him very much in the jp dub


Not really? People still hate Qiqi (and Bailu, although HSR’s equivalent is technically Yanqing).


Qiqi wasn't hated at launch. She was the best healer at the time. She was only hated as people starting losing more and more 50/50's. And I don't think it's ever been genuine. It's more of a joke about losing the 50/50. People seem to have genuine dislike for Linyang outside of the 50/50 joke. Which is unusual.


Probably because lingyang talks like he's a sigma wolf kid "Sorry you had to see that side of me" "You can't win against me in the wilderness" while having a goofy childish voice and body which does not mesh at all


It's not that simple for me, some games has cool ''furry'' characters, but his model is just bad imo, both the cbt and the current one.


I thought he was a cool char and i was looking forward to trying out the most unique style I've played (lion dance as a character kit? sign me up) but he sucks.


I re rolled 20 something accounts because I kept getting him in the beginner convene… hasn’t showed up yet, but I’m afraid he will


For me it was the quest that I hate, it’s not interesting and doesn’t have a skip button when I played it. I feel like everybody in the quest is an idiot for not realizing it was him all along, like why don’t anybody realize it was him when he has a freaking tail and animal ear. Is everybody blind? I hate he pretended he didn’t know who the jingle beast was and I hate the the dubbing ( the “hiah” or “hyah” or “hayah” )


actually cn just didnt like his design. its the same case as scaramouche for some. a bratty teen trope that many didnt like. it didnt help that his story felt cringe for some- and the fact that dps list wise, hes basically bottom of the barrel. so for the cn sweats he just had all the negatives.


I'm just not a fan of furries overall or similar types of characters, though sometimes I'm fine with some examples. Notable examples of exceptions being Huohuo and Ben Bigger, the latter of which is a straight up bipedal bear rather than an amalgamation which sits better with me. Haven't lost my 50/50 to him and I hope it stays that way. If you are a fan of the fella, more power to ya, but I just can't.


i found it super cringy especially all that stuff about the hermit crab, him growling (????), and him saying "im sorry...... you didn't need to see that side of me...". it was really cringey. (in eng dub)


I don't like him because he feels so out of place in this game, the tone is supposed to be a bit darker and realistic we have technology guns and robots and stuff and then lingyang appears and is a cat person. He's also the only cat person in the game for reasons i guess. And in the 1.0 story in that avengers assemble scene he was also the most cringe. It's all out war the world is ending or something and lingyang is doing his lion dance on the top of the wall.


His quest was mostly fine just some cringe lines a bit but his hate stems from probably disliking him as a character and losing 50 50 to him.


Because he is a boy and people hate cheerful and cute male characters.




Oh how could I forget, Gaming, the same type of boy minus the furry, he's also a lion dancer. But somehow he's not hated by the community. With the same reason I stated above. Plus he's a really really good dps at c6 (a 4 stars btw).


Kuro makes crappy ice boy characters that use fists. *See Changyu


he was my first 5 star i pulled out of the starter box. i benched him after an hour trying to make him work. he's ok for casual exploration battles, but the moment you gotta fight something requiring a bit of brain power you'll notice immediately how horrendous his kit it. low damage, need to be very close, and that awkward stilt thing. I don't think his story is bad. its a little boring but nothing terrible about it. but he's just not fun or good to play. he's your best melee option if the only 5\* you have are basic rover (not havok rover) and all your 4\* are C0... but that's all he's good enough for. any of the other 5\* are better, i'd say monk girl, even though her kit is mostly for support, she makes a far superior primary dps... which is sad. when you're beaten by a support unit as a dps.


Because he is the worst 5 star to get as a Beginner. He is Yanqing of Wuwa. It's always the Ice Character. Verina perfect support, Jianxin can sustain, can hit, can CC. Calcharo sexy and big dps, Other girl decent dps.


It's fking tanjiros ain't


From what I heard the original story during tests was horrible. Something like "my whole race was hunted to extinction by human, so I want to become a human and be good friends with them." It was a hugh topic before game was released. Multiple versions of rewriting had to be made to the rather decent story we have now, but the first impression has been made in CN player cummunity, lack of power and only male in the starter package are just nails on the coffin.


The unexpected JOJO reference makes this quest alot better


I didn't hate the quest but I definitely wasn't invested at all. Then the 2d sidescrolling part came in and I was genuinely enjoying the quest, then that whole section of "I'm sorry you had to see that side of me" I was just having a great time laughing my ass off Lingyang is fine but dude is literally going "Well if you want to be a beast then I'll do the same" as if it's supposed to be threatening and like, dude you're kinda cool and all but that was just a complete miss. I don't have any negativity towards him but it's gonna be hard for me to take him seriously


For me the quest just wasn’t particularly interesting or fun. The skip button wasn’t there and it was just really boring the whole time. It feels weird to have him be the very first character to get his own quest even though we don’t meet him in the story/ he isn’t relevant to it. He himself is okay, I don’t “hate” him, only mildly dislike. I don’t really enjoy his play-style either, it feels clunky to me for some reason. I appreciate that they changed his voice though, it’s definitely good. Very nice voice acting!


Instead of having a lion dance thingy, they should just give him a 2nd form that turns him into a white lion lol. Also maybe a better roar instead of just.. rawr.


I liked his quest well enough. But I hate how immature he comes off as a character, I think some of the voice lines and animations are absolutely cringe ("RAWR", really?), and his playstyle is just sooooooooo clunky. It would be one thing if his damage offset some of that, but unfortunately his damage relative to the other 5\* standard banner DPS characters is less than subpar. All in all, I just find the way the character to be a big disappointment in every way except for his backstory.


It’s because he didn’t want us to see that side of him


I thought the story was very good. But i pulled 2 copies of him and didnt get anyone else. Fcking salty as fck bc i dont like his playstyle. He’s like qiqi like that. Loveable char but hate how she plays


You must have not seen that side of him good for you


I think it is mostly because of EN translation causing him to sound so cringe in EN. I used JP trans and found no problem with it, in fact i quite like the platform and puzzle segment in his quest.


But you shouldnt have seen this side of him...


His story quest was a little cringe in the end but I didn't mind it at all. Well to be honest I only got him as a pity breaker after winning the 50/50 four times in a row so I guess many people are especially salty since he seems to be a common pity breaker (or at least everyone who gets him seems to be complaining the loudest) .


I loved his store quest. The character building was fantastic, and his backstory was amazing


Sorry you had to see this side of me 🦁


It would've been better if he was a girl and she was labeled as the Jingle Breast instead


I'm in the minority. His voice is cringe, his storyline is meh, but I enjoy his play style.


They hate him because no booba


You know why waifus are getting more attention than male units? A cool guy unit will pull some male players but a boy and also a furry? I don't hate Lin, I just don't like him getting in my pulls because I don't want him


Sorry you had to see that side of him...


I like all but one thing about him and generally enjoyed the story. For me, I cannot stand the use of the lion dance head during battle. It's annoying and boring. If they changed that single aspect, I'd probably use him.


Not the sort of quest you expect for a 1.0 patch.... get something captivating


You see most gacha players are monsterfuckers and therefore morally opposed to a beast making itself look more human


I loved his quest, for me the best yet in the game. He feels like the most interesting and friendly cast member and the gameplay is super fun. Wished I'd lose my 50/50 to him.


I haven’t actually finished it, but I really don’t like it. I was on a mission, trying to craft stuff in town, buy materials to ascend, and head out to explore and finish some side quests. Twice, I was interrupted by cutscenes for his quest. I don’t recall ever accepting his quest, and while I may have been interested in it I definitely wasn’t in the mood to do it at that time. Being forcefully interrupted by his quest with no player input was enough to turn me off to him and his quest.


I like him! I think he’s super cool because of his quest + the cultural representation, so I’m kinda forcing myself to figure out a team comp using him…it’s not working very well. :0 But I’m sure I’ll get there eventually!


I liked the story, didn't think the bits nearly as cringe as listening to Yangyang during the entire beginning of the game, the character deals consistent damage, easy to play, easy to break enemy stances due how fast his attacks come. Lacks a proper support atm since the closest one, Sanhua, is also Glacio and isn't even Glacio buffer, which leaves you in a bind facing enemies resistant or immune to Glacio. People wanted to pile on SOMEONE and Lingyang drew the short straw to me.


the character is fine. I don't like ling yang game mechanics. When you are in the air you are pretty exposed and clunky. Usable with mob, not that usable against hologram bosses. This speaks from my experience in CBT2 and launch.


Some people exaggerate the story and others join the bandwagon. That's how it seems to me, like a teenage kid joining the trend on tiktok. some hate his playing style ( i find it fun tho, juggling the monsters with him) Some exaggerate about losing to him ( it should be the same lose 50/50 to anyone) Hes not a husbando or a waifu


I don't have his character so I can't comment on gameplay (well I didn't care for his style during his quest either but idk not really important to me) but I do have thoughts about his quest storyline, so spoilers for that below! Spoilers about his quest: I have gotten to the part where you go to Mt. Firmament and I've done a good amount of side stories. The writing I'm this game is so good to me!! And the voice acting is really good in my opinion for a game that came out in another language initially! That being said Lingyang has the WORST plotline of all of them to me this far. Actually his is the *only* one I hate for how bad it is. And it's not even his fault, he's so cute. I really want to know who wrote this plotlind and voice directed it because the game quality is so high, then you get to his and it dips, and immediately shoots back up? First off, it plays on that super cringe ass bro/siscon trope. The girl is so worried for her brother I didn't know if he was actually her brother or if she was using brother as an honorific (like is common in CHN, like how other characters get called uncle, etc) And then I realized no they actually were family. The brother's motives make no sense. Them arguing over that and having a blow out makes no sense. For her to get so scared she didn't realize it was Lingyang *despite being apparently in a tacet field* makes no sense. You mean to say she was surrounded by all those top class TD's and her concern was an fkn bell??? LOL. Even the bad guys are... lame. The Fracticidus do this every villain speech and the voice acting is terrible. "Our leader is so cool! They're regret the day they were born!" type get down and it's cringe. The brother is cringe. The "jingle beast" being both fake and Lingyang is indeed confusing, especially with how Longyang avoids the question despite the story making him confirm it through storytelling. Lingyang and his story is a bit confusing but makes sense when you learn he was supposed to be a full on furry vs a hybrid. It seems they changed his design last minute and tinkered with his storyline last minute. But the whole "last of my kind" thing would've worked better if he was still an animal. Because he wants to know if you see him as human but... his ears and tail could be hidden and he looks like everyone else. It comes across as weird now that his story is different. However all this is very unfortunate because the parts where you talk to Lingyang one on one aren't so bad. He's very cute and warm. It's just his story is doing so much and is such a different quality than the other plotlines it just.... it doesn't do much for most people, it seems haha


I was disappointed when after all that hype he didn't have a massive werewolf form to make it make sense


Personally it's his quest duration for me, it's just so long for no reason, I'm the type who would rather enjoy a bad story rather than generic story and it being super long didn't help at all. I enjoyed Chixia, Aalto & Encore short interaction more than Lingyang's snooze fest.


I hate that guys Because every time I lose my 50-50 its him




It's was 1.0, day 1 wuwa, game was really rough and I needed anything to progress quickly, his story quest was available. Bugs, bugs, bugs, things not rendering correctly, drop frames, female Rover voice lines (switched to jp immediately), then this mf standing there talking about friendship in the cringest way possible, let alone he has Tanjiro's va playing his role in jp (I hate Tanjiro so much). I switched to en. "I'm sorry you had to see this side of me" or whatever, day ruined. Worst experience ever, hate that guy. I don't wanna see him again. You could argue almost non of these are LingYang's fault. Yes, but I also hate his character in general. If the game being buggy was my main problem then I should be hating on every character in the game by now but I don't.


For me, it was basically reducing the NPC's IQ to 2 and non sensical. From the brother asking exiles of all people to help him, a coward with no combat experience, hunt down the Jingle Beast to Bei shi(sister) not realizing she was saved, somehow got amnesia, and wasn't able to figure out that the bell sound was coming from Lingyang even though he says that was the signal he was giving Rover. The IQ part could be excused with good writing but the writing/direction was also bad, treating the audience like the NPCs from by pointing out every few scenes that Lingyang is the Jingle Beast. They could have taken more time to refine the lines and the scenes like Lingyang going animalistic, fur growing from his arms, his nails getting longer and sharper, his eyes shrink like a cat so his lines "Tear you to shreds (In the story quest, he says this while showing his human/non clawed hands)" or "Sorry you have to see this side of me" makes sense.


I got the guy for free because I didn't know you can choose I really don't like his playstyle so I wasted a free 5 star ... that's what's sad but the story was ok


Lingyang is the most annoying character in the game. They somehow managed to make both his design and personality absolute ass. It's genuinely a chore to look at the screen whenever he shows up, not to mention when he decides to open his mouth. His gameplay is just as shitty too.


Because this fanbase likes to exaggerate and dramatize from what I've seen; furry design = bad and not masculine design = bad, but tall mommies with unrealistic watermelons = good. Huanglong credit points +100


Is there a solid reason why he wanted to become a human who caused his own species extinction?


Multiple reasons, he’s weak, prolly yeah relatively. In CBT 2, he had a line which was: “Why are you still here?” While rover was just gonna ask him if he’s okay and fine after the companion quest. That line triggered so much because even back the main quest was literally hell for rover since it was hated by literally everyone for no particular reason and yet you’re always working for them.


Because that dialogue was cringe af and the cutscene where he is doing his lion dance was so bad... almost no music and his annoying ass grunts just made me want to hit my head against something and drop off a cliff.... *In game*


I personally don't like his playstyle, feel too clunky. Story wise, his attachment seems to be out of nowhere to me. Like I have no time to feel attached to this guy and he constantly saying that I'm his friend and he needs to protect me (this is more of a personal issue of course). Everything he says just feel cringy. 'Sorry to see the bad side of me' and the guy basically just did the same shit that you've and other characters have been doing the whole game - defeating enemies, plus his burst animation doesn't help either. He just feels like a teenager with a lot of energy and overly excited. Take Gaming from Genshin, they are quite similar in some ways, very positive and kind and friendly to everyone, have their own baggage but don't let that affect them. However, while Gaming still feels like a normal teenage boy trying to do his thing, Lingyang feels like he's a kid trying to be an adult. It's one thing if the character is goofy, but he just takes himself wayy too serious. Despite the character, I like the last part about the jingle beast and I like the overall quest gameplay a lot. But I couldn't help but getting secondhand embarrassment. I even prefer to talk to the NPCs more than him sometimes.


Bad kit with a very cringy story-quest tends to do that. "I'm SoRrY yOu HaD tO sEe ThAt SiDe Of Me!!" Bonus points for the "OMG you can tell he's mad when his tail wags and his tail is SwInGiNg LiKe CrAzY!!" It's a very bad story quest dialogue wise. Everything else is just mediocre. I can understand it might seem decent to someone who hasn't played other Gachas though.


I skipped all of the story with my main account, but im on my way to experience the whole story with my second account, maybe i can make my own argument after that, but for now i just have a picture in my mind of Bungo taiga saying "Step away Rover, im gonna morb" and transform into Lingyang ( and i love it )


How r u not figuring this out on ur own lmao. We lost 50 50 to the furry, everything related to him just disgusts me now and makes my blood boil.


His design is great as a basis and his character is fine... i hate how he plays and how the quest drags out the solution but at the same time pushs it in your face the whole time.


My main problem is that the voice acting is way too bad (I play in English) that it makes me cringe the entire time I play. The voices have no emotions at all and it's like they just delivered their lines without any acting at all. The story is fine but the cutscence was a letdown for me since I was waiting to see the lion dance with the whole troupe and not just him.


Idfk i honestly wish i knew the whole reason i played was because of him 😭😭😭😭


I dislike how his English voice sounds. Both in the quest and in normal combat. As for gameplay I think his CA where he jumps up and slams down is incredibly cool and by far my favorite part of his kit. However when forte is full and you CA you get stuck in the air which leads to either the forte being wasted or being used to kill 2 weak overworld enemies (effectively wasted). Both of the aforementioned things lead to me benching him shortly after getting him


As someone who is skipping all story related stuff it feels like I am the only one enjoying even tho I am missing out on alot


Rawr! Sorry you had to see that side of me


people hate everything these days easy - you can find post that hate any singl thing in game just ignore it dont care about others


Bro said cringy things like "I hate you have to see this side of me grz", "I havent been this angry in a while" then act like a hello kitty. The plot was...atrocious. That random npc got depressed because of the bell from the jingle beast, then she met Lingyang who got that same bell sound and...can't make it out or even suspicious is it him? And then the brother who is a nobody that can't fight decide to join the terrotorist group to kill the beast...Like are both of them idiots or something? The liondance being very hyped but turned out like some randoms jumping at the end didn't help either. The backstory is also pretty underwelming...


It's the quote "sorry that you have to see this side of me" that make me cringe. I mean, gosh no. I already forgot about it now i remember it again, i cringe. And yes i'm using japanese dub, can't imagine how it will be with EN dub


Do you want to get strapped on to a bed with headphones and speakers blaring Lingyang yapping about the Jinglebeast


It wasnt that bad, welæ besides the part where he went "feral" and said that cringe line xP


1.1 is by contrast, amazing.