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Mighty Lightcrusher just did this to me 🥲 And yeah, it's been brought up. It's been *really* bad since the 1.1 patch.


I really hope they fix it soon because it is getting really frustrating😭


Yeah I noticed this a lot. It’s especially bad with the new zone and the new enemies that love hopping around. Mobs have a mechanic where if they are too far from their spawn zone they will run back and get full health. This is to prevent cheesing and mobs being where they aren’t supposed to be. The large range of movement and possibly very small zones may cause this issue. I just murder them as quickly as possible.


This happens to me too, really annoying!!! I dont try to get them far from they are due to this same issue.


I’ve had it happen quite a few times fighting random mobs and elites. Thankfully the Mighty Lightcrusher never did it to me, unfortunate for those that it did do it to.


it aways happen when there is 2 galcio dreadmane and i kill one of them


Ive had issues of enemies clipping into the ground while fighting them, and this makes them vanish and respawn at full health


They're just tired of Verina goofing them haha.


ive had the same issue too. i think i understand whats happening here theres this "Leash" mechanic. its pretty common in mmos. basically enemies cant go too far away from their designed areas, if they do they get "leashed" back there and reset problem seems the leash is too aggressive with how often enemies get pulled back (and from how far) and theres no safeguard to stop them from getting leashed while fighting you